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PEKKA POHJOLA's double pack

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Topic: PEKKA POHJOLA's double pack
Posted By: Eetu Pellonpaa
Subject: PEKKA POHJOLA's double pack
Date Posted: September 26 2006 at 06:17 -


There's a small error in the track list, as 4 and 5 are joined as one track. Here's the coorect list with times from the liner notes, which I verified from the CD tha they match with their time data:



Track listing


"Pihkasilmä Kaarnakorva" 1972


1. Metsonpeliä (10:38)
2. Virtojen kiharat (5:32)
3. Armoton idylli (3:49)
4. Nipistys / Valittaja (12:55)


"Harakka Bialoipokku" aka "B The Magpie" 1974

5. Alku (2:11)
6. Ensimmäinen aamu (5:31)
7. Huono sää / Se tanssii... (6:49)
8. ...ja näkee unta (4:33)
9. Hereilläkin uni jatkuu (5:42)
10. Sekoilu seestyy (4:17)
11. Elämä jatkuu (7:47)



Line-up could be also more clearer, if divided for each album, also some track data have to be changed, as one track is dropped out:





"Pihkasilmä Kaarnakorva" tracks 1-4


- Pekka Pohjola / bass, piano, violins, final organ
- Risto Pensola / clarinet

- Pekka Pöyry / soprano flute
- Reino Laine / drums
- Jukka Gustavson / organ, piano (4)


"Harakka Bialoipokku" aka "B The Magpie" tracks 5-11


- Pekka Pohjola / bass, piano, electric piano
- Tomi Parkkonen / drums, percussion
- Eero Koivistoinen / soprano, sopranino and tenor saxophone

- Pekka Pöyry / soprano and alto saxophone

- Paroni Paakkunainen / alto and baritone saxophone, piccolo flute
- Bertil Löfgren / trumpet
- Coste Apetrea / guitar (10)


I changed the album as compilation, as I have talked with bob about these album packets and he agreed that "compilation" stands better for them than "studio album".



Posted By: Jimbo
Date Posted: September 28 2006 at 15:35
Done. Thanks, Eetu!


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