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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
Forum Description: Discuss and create polls about all types of music
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 05:34
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Topic: Cursive
Posted By: mecca
Subject: Cursive
Date Posted: September 10 2006 at 02:18
I kind of expect some prog fans to enjoy Happy Hollow from Cursive.  It's like of like prog mixed with punk, it's actaully a really good album.  Wondering if any of you guys liked them or their music.  They have around 21 instruments on Happy Hollow, some of them obscure to me (I may just not know many), but the ones that play a huge role in the album are the horns.  Horns are in every single song on the album with an exception of two.  Most of the songs on the album are under the 3 minute mark, so they're really concise, but nonetheless, explosive and very enjoyable to listen to.  Entire album is filled with anti-religious lyrics (I like considering I'm an ex-Catholic), from priests molesting children to just asking God to disappear from society once and for all so we can evolve.  I enjoy this album more than The Ugly Organ, and probably on par with Domestica.  Again, every song on the album is just all-out fun and it never, NEVER gets boring.  If you haven't tried Happy Hollow out yet, I suggest you do.

Posted By: moreitsythanyou
Date Posted: September 10 2006 at 13:50
I haven't heard happy hollow yet, but I do enjoy The Ugly Organ
I'll keep Happy Hollow in mind Wink

<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]

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