PANTA RHEI (HUN) errors!!
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Topic: PANTA RHEI (HUN) errors!!
Posted By: Tony R
Subject: PANTA RHEI (HUN) errors!!
Date Posted: August 10 2006 at 16:12
Via Email:
There are a few errors with the PANTA RHEI (HUN) in the archives:
The official link is no longer works, the new link is here:
Also the band picture is wrong, it is the different PANTA RHEI, the same picture is also used for the PANTA RHEI (GER) band.
The compilation "Misc Recordings (1975-79)" was actually titled "Pop Songs (1975-79)" and was released in 1979 not 1998. Although the official site says Misc Recordings (1975-79), other sources say it is "Pop Songs (1975-79)"
"Panta Rhei" Studio Album, 1980 has incorrect track listings, the actual listings are:
1. Ut a varosba (Road to town)
2. Mozaik (Mosaic)
3. Illuzio (Illusion)
4. Feregdal (Bug Song)
5. Emlek (Souvenier)
6. Tel (Winter)
7. Tavasz (Spring)
8. Nyar (Summer)
9. Osz (Autumn)
10. Teli dal (Winter Song)
Posted By: Jimbo
Date Posted: August 14 2006 at 12:21
Tony R wrote:
Via Email:
The compilation "Misc Recordings (1975-79)" was actually titled "Pop Songs (1975-79)" and was released in 1979 not 1998. Although the official site says Misc Recordings (1975-79), other sources say it is "Pop Songs (1975-79)"
In cases like this one, I think it's better to believe what the official website says. 
Tony R wrote:
"Panta Rhei" Studio Album, 1980 has incorrect track listings, the actual listings are:
1. Ut a varosba (Road to town)
2. Mozaik (Mosaic)
3. Illuzio (Illusion)
4. Feregdal (Bug Song)
5. Emlek (Souvenier)
6. Tel (Winter)
7. Tavasz (Spring)
8. Nyar (Summer)
9. Osz (Autumn)
10. Teli dal (Winter Song)