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Maria Schneider

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Topic: Maria Schneider
Posted By: Alucard
Subject: Maria Schneider
Date Posted: August 02 2006 at 07:37
Maria Schneider is one of the few  female band leaders ( in this case her own Big band 'The Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra'(. I have seen her twice in concert and it's amazing to see her conduct with an enormous amount of force her 'troopers'.
Maria Schneider had studied with Bob Brookmeyer and worked then as arranger and assistant with Gil Evans. Both musicians left traces, but doesn't prevent her to developp her very own style.'Evanescence' (Enja)was released in 1993  and is a good example of her style that alternates quiet and delicate passages with powerful outbursts played by musicians like Rick Margitza, Tim Ries, Tim Hagans,Larry Farrell and Kenny Werner (just to name a few).

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Explain the meaning of this song and share it"

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