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Category: Site News, Newbies, Help and Improvements
Forum Name: Report abuse here
Forum Description: Let us know about inappropriate reviews, posts, PMs, etc.
Printed Date: February 22 2025 at 06:18
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Topic: Trolling?
Posted By: bhikkhu
Subject: Trolling?
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 04:51
    I am curious about this one. This member, jj1414, obviously is not a prog fan, and seems to just want to antagonise those that are. - Thread topic, Overrated

I sent a private message, asking why this person would do this, and in her reply she stated she wanted to discuss her dislike of Prog Rock and its "snotty fans".

- Moderator note,please do not post exact copies of PMs.These are Private Messages and should remain private.

   Now, I'm pretty new here, and not that familliar with all of the rules, but do we really need to tolerate this kind of behavior? We're not doing this person any favors by encouraging it.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 04:54
I noticed his behaviour and I thought about reporting it, then decided against it. However, I don't know whether the Mods can take action on the basis of a PM. In this case, they probably should, because the guy is a self-confessed troll...Confused

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 06:29
I'm uncertain as "snotty fan" blood shouts of course to be kicked out...still I guess he is saying his opinion...even though a sharped one...



Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 07:15
Why would someone bother to join a forum about something he doesn't like? If we all did that, we spend our entire lives on forums. He needs to get a life.

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 07:25
Whatever floats your boat, I guess. It's not my fault I have a cold.

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 08:57
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Why would someone bother to join a forum about something he doesn't like?

Now this is the other extreme I he not entitled to a negative impression over a musical long as he doesn't become very agressive about that,he is part of this forum...


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 09:35
If you go and have a look at that thread again, you'll find the explanation. It seems that he is a she whose boyfriend (who apparently dumped her) is a forum member. This is her way to get back at him. She thought she was the only female here, but I quickly disabused her of such a notion.Wink

Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 09:38
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

If you go and have a look at that thread again, you'll find the explanation. It seems that he is a she whose boyfriend (who apparently dumped her) is a forum member. This is her way to get back at him. She thought she was the only female here, but I quickly disabused her of such a notion.Wink

Oh....then that explains everything...LOL

(1. a boyfriend in love with prog
2. a usual...detesting the prog
3. a conflict of which is more important
4. a dump in favor of justified pleasant thing in life Wink
5. MAD REVENGE!! Angry)
6. Dead)


Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 09:39
Hm. Lamp Anti-Prog revenge! Mellotron vengeance!
We should film a progressive drama someday. LOL
 -- Ivan


Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 09:45
Originally posted by ivansfr0st ivansfr0st wrote:

Hm. Lamp Anti-Prog revenge! Mellotron vengeance!
We should film a progressive drama someday. LOL
 -- Ivan




Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 10:02

That's priceless, guys! Thumbs Up You really made my day!

Posted By: TheProgtologist
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 10:19
I can't really find any instances where this member broke any forum rules or guidelines.


Posted By: crimson thing
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 11:54
Sincerely, that's one really good thing about this forum. You really have to try hard to be banned. Other sites I've been on, people only have to sneeze to be ejected - the mods must be on commission, like traffic, the mods even pass the time of day with the (alleged; potential; )'s refreshing.......Clap.......and grown-up.........

"Every man over forty is a scoundrel." GBS

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 14:00
    I'm not really offended, just concerned. If you look at the thread, I guessed what her problem was before she admitted it. I just don't think it is good for her to encourage this kind of unhealthy behavior.

I also have a good talk show idea. How about Jerry Springer, "Prog fans, and the women who love them."

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: June 18 2006 at 16:48
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Why would someone bother to join a forum about something he doesn't like?

Now this is the other extreme I he not entitled to a negative impression over a musical long as he doesn't become very agressive about that,he is part of this forum...

He or she is certainly entitled to have a negative view about prog (or anything else). I just wondered why anyone would bother to join a forum about it.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 12:49
There is a reason why they're called "private messages."  Fishing for a response, to which he took the time to respond,  and then sharing it thusly without his permission is bad netiquette unless he said you could.  The fact that he's made his views pretty  clear publicly does not excuse sharing his PM that merely reiterates his feelings, unless, of course, you asked if you could share it (but you have not indicated that you asked first).

I haven't read the PM policy at this site, but sharing "private messages" in any form and making them public in a forum is generally considered abusive except in exceptional circumstances, or if one has the party's permission to do so (which may be true in this case).  I have never told anyone what other's have PMed me about unless they made it clear they wanted me to share it (and that includes places where I've been a moderator).

Even in the mod forums at the other sites I frequent this is not done (it would be if illegal activity was being discussed though this has never cropped up).

What is the policy here on sharing private messages?  I've always felt there should be an element of trust there (sometimes one must breach the PM's privacy of course, but not in this case as I see it).

Anyway, I don't know that he's been abusive, though his motivations are odd.  I find it hard to imagine any real rock fan being so totally dismissive of progressive rock since prog covers such wide territory.  I imagine his tastes must be very narrow if he really dislikes all prog -- I imagine he's not very familiar with much of it (and probably not a classic rock fan since a lot of prog is popular amongst classic rock fans).

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 12:58
He is a she.

Speaking as a forum member I find it incredible that someone thinks they would be allowed to come on a Prog Rock forum and start denigrating Prog Rock.
If that aint trolling I dont know what is!
This is a Prog Rock Forum designed for lovers of Prog Rock to discuss there favourite music.
If you went on a forum that was for fans of Manchester Utd and declared that you hated Man Utd and its fans were all snotty you would be ejected imediately. If this forum was a general music forum then this girl would be within here right,but it isnt.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 13:18
You're right, actually it is abusive since the intent is not just to discuss what SHE (apologies for the gender misclassification) dislikes about prog (healthy debate is good but...), but to denigrate prog fans... Not only is this misguided, but this is abusive.

Still, obviously we prog fans are in the majority, so there is nothing really threatening about it.  It's all rather pathetic, and I do wonder why the chip on the shoulder.

If someone came in saying sci-fi sucks at a site I frequent, I wouldn't value that person's opinion... If they publicly stated that sci-fi fans suck (and it wasn't in jest) I would offer a warning.

And apologies for what I wrote before if sharing PMs at this site is considered acceptable under such circumstances.  Every board has its own way of dealing with things and its the responsibility of the poster to adapt when necessary, or face the consequences -- such as being extinguished.

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 13:22
Off-topic comments are generally abusive. Sometimes they work and lead to a constructive discussion ... sometimes they totally destroy a thread (see the Opeth thread with my devastating Jon Bon Jovi/genius theory).

I guess that we could outlaw off topic posts - some forums do that, and it's quite effective. But it takes away much of the fun ...

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

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Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 13:57
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Off-topic comments are generally abusive. Sometimes they work and lead to a constructive discussion ... sometimes they totally destroy a thread (see the Opeth thread with my devastating Jon Bon Jovi/genius theory).

I guess that we could outlaw off topic posts - some forums do that, and it's quite effective. But it takes away much of the fun ...

True indeed! Clap I remember a discussion board I used to frequent a couple of years ago (it was not about music, though). At the beginning it was all very friendly and relaxed, then they gradually introduced a very strict form of moderation. Nowadays it resembles a concentration camp. I wonder what kind of fun people can have there!

BTW, I've seen very few threads go OT on this forum. On another board that I used to frequent, what the people did was to change the object of the post, when the thread had gone OT. I don't know, though, whether it would work here.

Posted By: crimson thing
Date Posted: June 19 2006 at 14:34
I wouldn't like it if, having started a conversation on (say) footie with a guy in a pub, he then went on to slap me in the face with a wet fish if I had the audacity to mention golf, or Dream Theater, or sex........conversations evolve; so, within reason, can, and should, threads.

"Every man over forty is a scoundrel." GBS

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:03
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

Off-topic comments are generally abusive. Sometimes they work and lead to a constructive discussion ... sometimes they totally destroy a thread (see the Opeth thread with my devastating Jon Bon Jovi/genius theory).

I guess that we could outlaw off topic posts - some forums do that, and it's quite effective. But it takes away much of the fun ...
involving JBJ with genius in the same sentence could've only destroyed a thread or make it a comedy thread
What where you thinking of Mike? JBJ represents everything I hate in radio friendly glam metal!!
check this link out: the essay is a bit anal, but I happen to agree with most of the results -

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:05
Can there be no geniuses in "radio friendly glam metal"? And I didn't even say that he's a musical genius in an artistic way ... he simply writes awesome songs which are near 100% effective.

And for the record: I did not introduce JBJ to that thread ... LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

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Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:08
C'est la vie, Hugues!Cry
I mean, c'est ma vie! (oh no, a JBJ reference, don't hurt me! LOL)
 -- Ivan


Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:08
wow, you are quick on the respônse I did not even get time to fetch the link I updated my post with, so here you are
Worst band in rock history  > first press on the march Of The Mellotrons link than click on the apropriate link
check this link out: the essay is a bit anal, but I happen to agree with most of the results -

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:15
^ ok, one member of Bon Jovi dated Cher ... that's right out.LOL

BTW: I strongly dislike Dire Straits ... there's no accounting for taste.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

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Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:17
lol ... the article sucks big time, because they chose Mötley Crüe as the "suckiest" metal band and didn't even consider Poison!LOL

Oh - they did consider Poison - but they decided that Quiet Riot sucks more than them.ShockedWink

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

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Posted By: Trickster F.
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:25
I'd take a Hair band over Linkin Park any day.
 -- Ivan


Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 09:32
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

^ ok, one member of Bon Jovi dated Cher ... that's right out.LOL
Yuckkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! this means this guy went with her after Greg AllmanDead


BTW: I strongly dislike Dire Straits ... there's no accounting for taste.

Ever heard Love Over Gold from DS? Good album and proggish too!

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: bhikkhu
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 11:17
     I just wanted to do a little follow up on the topic I started. I am sorry if I was out of line sharing a private message. It was from my bx, so I was considering it as sharing my mail. I live my life without secrets, so I am naturally open. I also wouldn't have done it if it had contained anything truly sensitive.
     Further posts on the original thread show that she may have come around. She was hurting, because of a failed romance, and lashed out. A few of us called her out, in a compassionate way, and forced her to take a look at what she was doing. If she was sincere, she saw the folly of her actions. I haven't seen any more posts from jj1414.
     I wasn't crying foul because she was attacking prog. I can handle that. In fact, we're all probably used to it. She was doing herself harm, and I don't like to enable that.

a.k.a. H.T." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 15:55
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

    I am curious about this one. This member, jj1414, obviously is not a prog fan, and seems to just want to antagonise those that are. - Thread topic, Overrated

I sent a private message, asking why this person would do this, and in her reply she stated she wanted to discuss her dislike of Prog Rock and its "snotty fans".

- Moderator note,please do not post exact copies of PMs.These are Private Messages and should remain private.

   Now, I'm pretty new here, and not that familliar with all of the rules, but do we really need to tolerate this kind of behavior? We're not doing this person any favors by encouraging it.
Having been member of several forums before (and some Spanish ones during my membership in Prog Archives), I do worry for this kind of people. We had the advantage of a team of Administrators who knew how to control and ban trolls, but most of the forums I been in have vanished due to the trolls.
A troll by definition is a person who is not interested in the issue on debate and posts only to attack the others, well a person who joins a Progressive Rock thread without liking Prog or trying to learn about Prog is a book case of TROLL.
Last year some of us wrote posts against our own members who irrupted in a Punk forum to attack Punk music (one of this members was later banned for other reasons), being that we considered that it was a non provoked attack because what Punks say against Prog IN THEIR OWN FORUM is not our business and it's not worst than what some of us say about Punk, Rap, Disco or Boys/girls bands inside Prog Archives.
If I say I hate Rap in Prog Archives, it's my taste and I'm allowed to but if I join a Rap forum to attack them or The Phil Collins Paradise to say this guy's music is crap.....I WOULD TURN INTO A TROLL.
There's something called self preservation, we come here to talk mainly about Prog not to be attaclked by a Prog hater or being insulted, somnetimes there are arguments between us, but that's a natural consequence of loving Prog, but a guy/woman who hates Prog and still joins Prog Archives is necesarilly a troll trying to cause problems.
If a doctor finds a cancer cell, he surgical removes it, doesn't wait untils it has speard, I believe we're entitled to do the same with people who join PA just bexcause they hate the main reason for what this forum was created.
That's my 2 cents.


Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 21:15
Noted, Iván... and thanks!Lamp



Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: June 21 2006 at 21:26
Thought I'd share, since I participated (unfortunately) in her thread.

Truth is, I shared culpability by feeding the troll.  Too often, these unsubtle flame threads or posts are just too hard to resist, and that's where the problems can start.

To be honest, I actually got some amusement out of that whole exchange (Snowie was great).  Just as soon as she arrived, she was gone.  Once I read here what her story was, I even felt a little bit bad.  Looks like a case of misplaced anger and frustration at a failed romance.  A more consistent troll would be more cause for concern, but if it got out of hand I'm confident the admins will handle it.

Everyone, keep reminding yourself:  Don't feed the trolls!  Smile

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: June 22 2006 at 02:59
Originally posted by NaturalScience NaturalScience wrote:

Thought I'd share, since I participated (unfortunately) in her thread.

Truth is, I shared culpability by feeding the troll.  Too often, these unsubtle flame threads or posts are just too hard to resist, and that's where the problems can start.

To be honest, I actually got some amusement out of that whole exchange (Snowie was great).  Just as soon as she arrived, she was gone.  Once I read here what her story was, I even felt a little bit bad.  Looks like a case of misplaced anger and frustration at a failed romance.  A more consistent troll would be more cause for concern, but if it got out of hand I'm confident the admins will handle it.

Everyone, keep reminding yourself:  Don't feed the trolls!  Smile
It's very easy to fall in a Trollbait:

Taking the bait: Refers to someone who responds to the original message regardless of whether they are aware the original message was intended to provoke a response. Often when someone takes the bait, others will point out to them YHBT for "You have been trolled". (Source Wikipedia) -  
Please do not feed the trolls


Posted By: Ghandi 2
Date Posted: July 10 2006 at 01:09
Originally posted by MikeEnRegalia MikeEnRegalia wrote:

And for the record: I did not introduce JBJ to that thread ... LOL
I have that honor. :-P But I'm glad I did: we unmasked your true colors! ;-)
Pointless story: The reason I mentioned JBJ is because I read somewhere that the JBJ box set is called "One Million Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong," and the writer snarkily pointed out that, actually, they could.
Back on topic: I think it's ok for the mods to be lenient on trolls; it's the duty of the members not to get too involved and angry. This is a very loose forum anyway. Stuff like The Velvet Room would never fly on any of the other boards I frequent.

"Never forget that the human race with technology is like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine."
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: Because in their hearts, everyone secretly loves the Unabomber.

Posted By: jj1414
Date Posted: July 11 2006 at 03:25
Lordy! I was never a troll. I was starting a discusion topic because I was bored on a Friday afternoon! I hardly ever come here! Oh well, water under the bridge, I googled this SN since I use it for another board and stumbled across this thread! Haha.. wow. Oh well...

Posted By: jj1414
Date Posted: July 11 2006 at 03:41
Originally posted by Ricochet Ricochet wrote:

Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

If you go and have a look at that thread again, you'll find the explanation. It seems that he is a she whose boyfriend (who apparently dumped her) is a forum member. This is her way to get back at him. She thought she was the only female here, but I quickly disabused her of such a notion.Wink

Oh....then that explains everything...LOL

(1. a boyfriend in love with prog
2. a usual...detesting the prog
3. a conflict of which is more important
4. a dump in favor of justified pleasant thing in life Wink
5. MAD REVENGE!! Angry)
6. Dead)
He wasn't my boyfriend exactly...he was sort of, I had a crush on him. It's not a case of him choosing prog music over me, it's a case of prog reminding me of him. Unhappy

Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 15:52
More trolling, please sort this out! -



Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: July 12 2006 at 16:53
Looks like it's been dealt with

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