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Meal Ticket

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Topic: Meal Ticket
Posted By: crimson thing
Subject: Meal Ticket
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 03:47
Back in my student days (late 70s) I was an addict of the bargain bin cassettes, and built up quite an eccentric collection of the good, the bad & the downright weird.( I'm pretty sure that in those days there was a much wider range of music avilable. Cry )
Anyway, one tape I picked up for a few pennies became a "cult classic" among me & my cool mates Cool, in the so-bad-it's-almost-good way, and we would listen to it after our termly (semesterly ?) boozy dining club "do", accompanied by knowing guffaws (did I mention we were cool ? Cool ) However, to this day, the name of our dining club fills me with deep shame & I ain't repeating it here.
The band's name was "Meal Ticket", the name of the album is long gone, but they played a sort of country style, but with even more depressing lyrics & toons than normal. Our "favourite" song had lyrics including "..never play cards with a guy named Doc, never eat (?) at a joint called Mom's..". They were also reputed to be a hot live band.
Every now & again one gets a hankering to relisten to the music of one's youth, even the bad stuff, but I can't find info, let alone CDs, of Meal Ticket anywhere. If anyone can help with info, I'd be grateful. Smile
(And apologies to those who might list MT amongst their all-time faves - this is just my subjective opinion - and that of my cool mates Cool )

Posted By: crimson thing
Date Posted: May 15 2006 at 10:06
Ha! Well, I found the name of the song (Code of the Road), and some of the lyrics seem to be based on a famous aphorism by Nelson Allgren, whose name I may have misspelled.
Partial Lyrics here: -
However, that's all Ive managed to discover, so still welcome input on that band...

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