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Here's a New One:

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Category: Other music related lounges
Forum Name: General Music Discussions
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Printed Date: March 04 2025 at 06:34
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Topic: Here's a New One:
Posted By: GPFR
Subject: Here's a New One:
Date Posted: May 05 2006 at 17:44

Not prog, or prog related, but I thing their getting there.
A couple of years ago I listened to their album all the way through, loved it, and never touched it again. I don't know how too put them in a genre, so I'll go with Alternative. Intresting vocals/lyrics. The lyrics are really good at points, but really crappy at others. The Guitar and bass are good for what there used for, no ultra super Fripp-esque, stuff, sorry. The Drummer I think is really good though.
There single "Pencil fight" is not a good place too start with them, BTW.

Anyone ever listen to them?


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