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Commerciality in Prog

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Topic: Commerciality in Prog
Posted By: sbrushfan
Subject: Commerciality in Prog
Date Posted: March 06 2006 at 19:40

I'm the type who believes that a band can create a masterpiece many times over, given:

A/They put enough thought into the songwriting, and

B/They put enough time and effort into the recording and production.

NOW...I've seen a lot of records here get slammed because "it's not prog enough" or "it's pop".  Yet I've also seen these same reviewers blast albums by the same group(s) simply because "it's too complicated", or some crazy sh*t like that.  I'm inclined to think that blending pop into their typical music is a way to make things a trifle more accessible. 

The point is this:  Should we denegrate bands and artists for adding in pop elements to their music, or is there any room for commerciality in progressive music? 


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Posted By: helofloki
Date Posted: March 06 2006 at 19:48
I think there's plenty of room for it and I'm cool with it. What matters most is that it sounds good, and I think interesting music sounds good. If it's pop mixed with prog, then that's a lot more interesting and enjoyable to listen to than pop by itself (usually). Either way it's not about technicality, it's about sounding good. I think the best musicians are those who can have an accessible quality, but at the same time impress fans who no more about the technical aspects of music.

Posted By: sbrushfan
Date Posted: March 06 2006 at 20:16
Thank you, Helofloki.  You're one of the more open-minded people I've seen here.  You're has to sound good; and it helps if it's accessible.  For example: I happen to ADORE "90125", yet it gets trashed constantly.  Why?  Because it's pop?  Accessible?  Mind you: those two terms don't always go hand-in-hand.

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