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Flash streamming again...

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Topic: Flash streamming again...
Posted By: cuncuna
Subject: Flash streamming again...
Date Posted: January 02 2006 at 11:23
Hi there. Recently, I posted something about this very same subject. The playlist of the flash streamming thing does not show the full information of the tracks, wich is a bit anoying. The streamming is very usefull, but I have heard a lot of great tunes that I can't relate to any artist, wich is a bit of a problem when it comes to identify the song, in roder to search for the right album. As I said before, if someone is already working on this, ignore the message. but if not, please consider to fix it; rioght now, I think it is only "half - working". WE NEED THE INFOOOO !!!

ĦBeware of the Bee!

Posted By: Tristan Mulders
Date Posted: January 02 2006 at 17:08

I know exactly what you mean and I also think this has to be worked on!

Also, as I've asked before, is there a possibility of a crossfader between two tracks on the playlist, so that the files not abruptly end when they are linked together on their individual albums.

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Posted By: cuncuna
Date Posted: January 03 2006 at 11:42
Crossfade is something that has never worked, no matter wich software you are using. There's must be a way, off course, but I don't know if action script can handle that kind of event for streamming. As far as I know, winamp can't do this with mp3 file; the crossfade always make something weird, like overlaping the last and first seconds of each file, etc. As for the flash stream on this site, I think it is intended to be used like a guide, in order for some of us (maniacs) to have something to "taste" music before the run to the music shop.

ĦBeware of the Bee!

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