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"fixing" polls

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Topic: "fixing" polls
Posted By: The Miracle
Subject: "fixing" polls
Date Posted: December 29 2005 at 22:30

I just experimented and saw for myself that you can vote an endless amount of times in any poll, if you log out and then relogin Is there any way to prevent that?

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Posted By: Ricochet
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 01:25
don't think there a matter of cleaning cache,I think...but it is strange,on other forums I get just one vote and that's all,even if I try again...


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 03:53

It depends how the poll has been set up. Some allow multiple votes.

I think the check on whether you have already voted checks the IP address. Some ISPs assign a different IP address each time you log on, which might trick the poll.

At the end of the day, polls are just for fun anyway. Anyone who manipulates them clearly has too much time on their hands.Confused

Posted By: The Miracle
Date Posted: December 30 2005 at 17:11

The problem is that it works on polls that were not set up for multiple votes. And there are some saddoes that do manipulate those polls Like the CTTE vs. Supper's Ready poll and NC, Foxtrot or SEBTP.

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