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BBC trailer - help with music

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Topic: BBC trailer - help with music
Posted By: VanderGraafKommandöh
Subject: BBC trailer - help with music
Date Posted: December 10 2005 at 13:41
I keep seeing on BBC television, a trailer for an upcoming program (I forget what it is, but it's going to be on soon) and the music in the background sounds very much like something Keef Hartley Band would play.  I don't know if it is Keef Hartley Band though, but it certainly sounds like them.  If somebody knows what I am on about (I am being vague I realise), then I'd be appreciative.

It starts with a Gary Thain-esque bass and the drums come in.  Then just before the trailer finished, trumpets come in.  If it isn't Keef Hartley Band, then I'd like to know who it is, so I can try and see if the rest of the track is as good as the intro.

I hope somebody can help me.


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