Before the End: Searching for Jim Morrison - 1/10
(I just pasted my IMDB review onto here.. I'll add only that I was going
to avoid leaving an IMDB review because I plan on uploading it, and
don't want the 2nd comment on IMDB to be a 1/10 with the following
critique.. If you are an expert, check it out, otherwise, you'll not
only be wasting money, but some of that disinformation will stick to
your memory)
I hate giving anything related to Jim Morrison a bad score, because I
want people to be reminded more of Jim Morrison, and hopefully look
things up, but I've seen what ollie stone's movie did to ruin his image.
When people say things and spread them (sometimes to millions if they
have enough followers - perfect term) then they become part of you, in
your head. When someone mentions Jim Morrison, I'm guessing most aren't
thinking of the source - which magazine they read it from. Especially
nothing in text - our minds remember video (which also includes audio,
text and juxtaposed with music for effect). Don't make my word for it,
Jim Morrison said "Movies are the most authoritative of all the arts".
All the allegations in this movie will stick, especially since it's new -
recency bias. Instead of focusing on facets of Jim Morrison that have
been neglected (his sense of humor, as one of many examples) with
previous documentaries and writing, he asks NOTHING of value to Andy
Morrison. I'm guessing he told the director he'd give him 20 minutes of
his time, and then the "director" cut them up into 20 parts and spread
them throughout the "documentary" with this AWFUL noise. I can't call it
music, because there isn't a single musical instrument used. Nope just
"apps", "drum-machines", and other computer generated AI nonsense...
I've been a collector of Jim Morrison since the 90s. The only guy I'm
more interested in is Mort Sahl, so I did see this. Just listen to the
audio interviews, or the many magazines from the 60s/70s. This is a way
to exploit Jim Morrison for money. This thing makes stone's movie look
like a documentary. Avoid it. Go on YouTube and look up actual
documentaries. There are Patreon dedicated to uploading things you can't
on YouTube for copyright issues, or because they're interviews in
magazine PDF formats. There are something amazing REAL things - don't be
lazy and watch anything fictional and suspect documentaries unless it's
coming from Jim's sister (despite them sugarcoating and leaving out the
craziest stuff which is understandable) or a member of The Doors, but
also remember people forget things after 50 years, or jumble things, and
you can actually do research for yourself. If you are interested in the
truth, find a way to contact me. I have a YT channel and a message
board dedicated to proving all the lies about him with truth. If you
have any questions, I'll gladly give you first-hand sources, not some
silly hearsay by a groupie... I've been waiting for this for 8 years,
and have seen this guy launch gof***me campaigns everywhere to finance
this, which is why it took so long I'm sure - waiting for Mary to die? I
hope Jim's siblings say something, but they're the most silent people
of any rock star I've ever witnessed.
And this trend of making every dead man a homosexual is another pejorative.