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Deceased Progarchives reviewers

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Topic: Deceased Progarchives reviewers
Posted By: Hrychu
Subject: Deceased Progarchives reviewers
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 03:43
Might be an awkward question I dunno. I've noticed there are a lot of RED BADGE Progarchives Collaborator reviewers who don't post reviews here anymore. So I thought that some of them might even be dead by now. So, my question goes: can anybody who's more familiar with the Progarchives community than me, make a list of which PA Reviewers aren't alive anymore?

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: Frets N Worries
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 06:47
I was wondering this as well, glad someone asked the question.

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 07:02
I'm not sure anyone knows that question. There are many reviewers here who stopped well over a decade ago and disappeared and then suddenly pop up in a thread to say hi.

There are also many reviewers, collaborators and even admins who have just simply disappeared never to be heard from again.

I do not believe anybody has the ability to verify who's alive and who's not.

The drawback of the anonymity of the internet is that if we don't participate actively then it's a mystery as to what happened unless someone happens to be in contact and reports such a thing as a death.

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Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 07:46
Some reviewers may have lost interest.  I know one major reviewer got into a deep relationship with a woman.  Others may have migrated to Prog-Ears.  

It's not just reviews.  There aren't as many ratings.Wink

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 07:59
The only two that I know of are Slartibartfast and Febus, as they are memorialized with Forum topic titles. 


Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 08:16
Does anybody know if Greenback is still alive? Their last visit was in 2013 and their last review is from 2007.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 11:00
I no longer post reviews here, but according to the face in the mirror I examined this morning, I am still alive, but it was a close run thing.

The best known of the deceased is the Co-founder of the site, but he is a persona non gratis regrettably.

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Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 17:17
Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Easy Money
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 18:08
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.
Phil left after being insulted by one of PA's better known loose cannons. He still appears occasionally, but not in a while.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 18:09
^ What happened?   I'm a "better-known loose cannon" myself --

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 18:41
Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.
Phil left after being insulted by one of PA's better known loose cannons. He still appears occasionally, but not in a while.

Phil left after we added a team member to the JF team. He was outvoted in the decision to add another member and apparently had a tantrum and left.

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Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: March 27 2024 at 04:06
I'm still alive but I never have been a big reviewer.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 27 2024 at 16:09
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.
Phil left after being insulted by one of PA's better known loose cannons. He still appears occasionally, but not in a while.

Phil left after we added a team member to the JF team. He was outvoted in the decision to add another member and apparently had a tantrum and left.

Nope, you insulted him by calling him a lagger and accused him of not voting for an artist you suggested, but he did.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: March 27 2024 at 16:41
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.
Phil left after being insulted by one of PA's better known loose cannons. He still appears occasionally, but not in a while.

Phil left after we added a team member to the JF team. He was outvoted in the decision to add another member and apparently had a tantrum and left.

Nope, you insulted him by calling him a lagger and accused him of not voting for an artist you suggested, but he did.
Shame. I miss his wit.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 27 2024 at 17:02
^ he was a lagger

I requested several times that he vote on artists and he just wouldn’t do what he said he would

I did question him about his judgment on a certain artist

He’s seriously so weak minded that he can’t believe someone would disagree with him?

We didn’t ask him to leave we just wanted another team member because he wasn’t doing his job

I discussed it with team members and admins before I suggested a new team member and got the green light

If he can’t tolerate being asked to do his job then honestly we’re better off without him but of course we’d welcome him back with open arms if he was serious about being on the team

Every single day he was responding to every nonsensical thread in the forum and lagged on every single vote

EVERY artist

Calling someone out on their lack of participation is not an insult


Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 28 2024 at 04:58
^I think you're full of crap. Any collaborator can visit your team's thread and see that he was an active member up until you insulted him (follow pages 1 through 97). Oddly enough you apologized to him after you realized he actually did vote on a bunch of artists (page 98). By then, he was already gone.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 28 2024 at 07:14
^ yeah after i discovered there were TWO different places to vote.
Someone started a secondary place for the votes and we found out we were voting on different charts.
So i made a mistake. Both he and Maciej were laggers and i called them out on it.
All Phil had to do was vote regularly and participate in the team.
Since he failed to do i called him out on it.
If that's too much for his fragile little ego to take then he has the maturity of a grade schooler.
Maciej on the other hand was even worse. He just disappeared with no announcement.
I'm friends with him on RYM. I contacted him and he admitted he was a lagger.
So here's the difference. Maciej realized i was right and admitted it and we still chat on RYM.
Phil can obviously do no wrong and had a tantrum.
BTW everybody i chatted with personally AGREED WITH ME.
So maybe you need to read the entire team chat up to the present day and discover where it became known that somehow someone started voting on the cleared section (i believe) and two different voting charts existed.
This obviously created a lot of confusion.
Despite all that Phil STILL did not perform on a timely duty and didn't vote on every artist.

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Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: March 28 2024 at 10:35
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

^ What happened?   I'm a "better-known loose cannon" myself --
Oh, come on David. You're a pussycat. Wink

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: Frets N Worries
Date Posted: March 28 2024 at 16:49
Users with very high point count that haven't been seen in a while: 

Snow Dog

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...

Posted By: Frets N Worries
Date Posted: March 28 2024 at 16:51
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Haven't seen Phil [ManWithHat] in over a year.   I miss him and hope he's okay, but he really dropped off the radar.

The only PA user with over 100k points, 166,178 to be exact. 

The Wheel of Time Turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time...

Posted By: Valdez1
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 10:46
I was active here in 2006-2011 and did a few reviews.  They are long gone. If I suddenly pass away, I don't think anyone here will be any the wiser.LOL

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 12:41
Originally posted by Valdez1 Valdez1 wrote:

I was active here in 2006-2011 and did a few reviews.  They are long gone. If I suddenly pass away, I don't think anyone here will be any the wiser.LOL
So after a certain time frame reviews are deleted?

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 12:42
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Originally posted by Valdez1 Valdez1 wrote:

I was active here in 2006-2011 and did a few reviews.  They are long gone. If I suddenly pass away, I don't think anyone here will be any the wiser.LOL
So after a certain time frame reviews are deleted?

No, they're not. 

Posted By: Valdez1
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 16:16
I may have had a different handle (Name) then...  I can't remember. It's been a long time.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 16:21
Here is a link to your old reviews in case you are interested in reviewing your reviews." rel="nofollow -


Posted By: Valdez1
Date Posted: April 03 2024 at 16:28
Oh Wow!   Thanks, Rushfan!  Looks like I must have added a 1 to my Valdez.  Much Appreciated!

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: January 31 2025 at 12:13
Originally posted by Frets N Worries Frets N Worries wrote:

Users with very high point count that haven't been seen in a while: 

Snow Dog

I can confirm that Dean is alive and well.

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: January 31 2025 at 12:23
I haven't seen Geek Freak on here for a long time either, having been a regular daily visitor in the past. Confused

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: January 31 2025 at 13:55
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by Frets N Worries Frets N Worries wrote:

Users with very high point count that haven't been seen in a while: 

Snow Dog

I can confirm that Dean is alive and well.

Snow Dog frequents a few Fb Prog pages these days...

Music has always been a matter of energy to me. On some nights I believe that a car with the needle on empty can run 50 more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio. Hunter S Thompson

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