Moto Perpetuo began life in
1996 in" rel="nofollow - Gallarate , a town in the province of Varese, Lombardia. They
were mainly inspired by artists such as Chuck Corea, Pat Metheney,
Yellowjackests or Weather Report and the name of the band refers to
their ever changing attitude in mixing jazz, rock and classical music
with their own creativity and sensitivity. After many years of live
activity on the local scene and two self released works that went
almost unnoticed, in 2023 they self-released an excellent album
entitled Untitled with a consolidated line up featuring
Alessandro Lualdi (piano, keyboards), Orazio Martino (guitars),
Costantino Corbetta (bass) and Roberto Ragazzo (drums) plus the guest
Matilde Lualdi (violin). According to the band, this is a
small point of arrival and restart, a book with a
question mark on the cover whose content is left to the imagination
of those who will listen to...
album:" rel="nofollow -
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-------------" rel="nofollow - ITALIAN PROG MAP - A journey through the Italian Progressive Rock