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Time zones

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Category: Other music related lounges
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Topic: Time zones
Posted By: JesusBetancourt
Subject: Time zones
Date Posted: October 16 2005 at 03:32

Has anybody everheard this album by Richard teitelbaum ans Anthony Braxton?

It is a mix of RIO and electronica....I found it for $1.99 at a doller store. It contains two 24 Min tracks recorded in 1976 and quite frankly is the weirdest thing I have ever heard

"He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"
              John 7:38

Posted By: JesusBetancourt
Date Posted: October 16 2005 at 03:35
Oh my goodness!!!! It is fully improvised!!!!! I dont know what to feel right now.....Im scared

"He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"
              John 7:38

Posted By: Dick Heath
Date Posted: October 16 2005 at 10:34
Not RIO, it's avante free improv jazz - Anthony Braxton has been renown for this type of music in the jazz world for over 30 years - most of the tunes' titles seem to be in the form of mathematical equations.............! Now please don't go and  tell the world you think Ornette Coleman or Cecil Taylor are RIO, .

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