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Cigarettes After Sex, dream pop recommendation

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Topic: Cigarettes After Sex, dream pop recommendation
Posted By: Zeph
Subject: Cigarettes After Sex, dream pop recommendation
Date Posted: February 02 2021 at 07:07
I watched a http://" rel="nofollow - video on Youtube where David Lynch was asked questions sent in by fans (from Jun. 2020). One question was if he had been inspired by a piece of music recently. He mentioned the song Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex.

I checked it out and then the entire album. Never heard of the band before, but this music is sublime to my ears. Wikipedia calls it dream pop, which I can get with. It has some undeniable Twin Peaks vibes.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 02 2021 at 12:10
I actually enjoyed that more than much of the Roadhouse music. I like that a lot and it would fit very well in Twin Peaks. Of course Julee Cruise was very much doing dream pop, and music performed by the Chromatics in season 3, The Return is also of a dream pop nature. Cigarettes After Sex is also reminding me of Slowdive.

Just to note that that Lynch questions video is not working as an extra http:/ has become inserted into the address. Try this" rel="nofollow -

By the way, the album I have most been listening to recently is Xiu Xiu - Plays the Music of Twin Peaks, which is a pretty experimental take on music used in Twin Peaks. I've mentioned it another couple of topics recently, but some might find this to be of interest:" rel="nofollow - . I wouldn't expect it to be to most tastes, but I've been digging it very much..

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