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Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: TormatoPosted By: Ghost Whistler
Subject: Tormato
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 11:13
Clearly not their best work (Yes, in case you don't know). But I quite like it's quirkiness.
But, it's not the new age lyrics about Boy Child Solomon or occupants of interplanetary craft, or the seventh age.
It's not Rick Wakeman doing the only lick he knows over Yes attempting a punk anthem (those classical trills)
It's not eco awareness.
It's not even the toffee apples
It's that someone didn't tell Chris that using Bootsy's mutron/wah wah bass effect was completely over the top. Honestly, almost every track is completely overpowered by his playing. :D
Don't get me wrong, it is all brilliant, but that tone on Future Times is just completely crazy. No wonder they were unproducable at that point (to quote Rick).
This is a far more daring album than any old punk bollocks that got released at the time
Replies: Posted By: Boboulo
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 11:34
A huge fan of "Tormato" here. My favourite song is "On the Silent Wings of Freedom", but I love the other songs as well.My second fave is "Arriving UFO".As a big fan of UFO reports, sometimes while listening to that song, I catch myself dreaming that a music like Yes' "Arriving UFO" plays in flying saucers.
A wonderful video made by a fan:
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 11:40
Boboulo wrote:
A huge fan of "Tormato" here. My favourite song is "On the Silent Wings of Freedom", but I love the other songs as well.My second fave is "Arriving UFO".As a big fan of UFO reports, sometimes while listening to that song, I catch myself dreaming that a music like Yes' "Arriving UFO" plays in flying saucers.
I do not understand why you post Yes videos, do you think people don't know 70s Yes?
Can you please slow down with the videos, especially obvious, famous bands like Yes.
Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 12:03
I’ve always had a deep fondness for Tormato, and it is a shame that this was the last album from that particular lineup for many a year.
Unlike a lot of others, I rather love Circus of Heaven, and the Future Times opening suite still gives me a thrill of pleasure to listen to 41 years after the event.
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Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 15:16
I enjoy it a lot. But it suffers in comparison
I think they stuggled to find an identity
Posted By: Earl of Mar
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 15:22
I played tormato for the first time in years this morning whilst running on the treadmill. It is a perfectly fine album, not as good as its predecessor GFTO but it has a fine song in silent wings of freedom. Arriving UFO, madrigal and release, release are good too. I feel this album gets slated because of the final 30 seconds or so to circus of heaven. So it's not CTTTE but it does get a bum rap for reasons I find difficult to understand.
Posted By: Epignosis
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 19:51
I like it.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 19:56
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 09 2020 at 23:42
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time.
it's time?! for what?
I've never understood people appreciating Arriving UFO, Madrigal and Circus of Heaven. For me these are the worst songs Yes did in the 70s.
Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 02:38
I never took to this album. There's some awful, and truly substandard music on it, certainly compared to its predecessor and successor.
I took the Circus of Heaven to be a joke track, no?
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Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 02:42
Cristi wrote:
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time.
it's time?! for what?
I've never understood people appreciating Arriving UFO, Madrigal and Circus of Heaven. For me these are the worst songs Yes did in the 70s.
Actually I think it was right on the times. the age of Aquarius vibe/close encounters etc. I don't think you could get away with that now or before.
Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 02:53
Arriving UFO is meh but Madrigal is one of the best 70s Yes songs IMHO.
------------- “On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.” — Ernest Vong
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 06:13
Cristi wrote:
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of its time.
I've never understood people appreciating Arriving UFO, Madrigal and Circus of Heaven. For me these are the worst songs Yes did in the 70s.
actually, I prefer the flipside as opposed to the A-side, where only Whales is OK, but the songwriting was already quite poor on GFTO (stooooopid title again) if you take Awaken out.
As for the artwork, it's probably of one Hypgnosis' worst ideas and concept ever.
Blacksword wrote:
I never took to this album. There's some awful, and truly substandard music on it, certainly compared to its predecessor and successor.
I took the Circus of Heaven to be a joke track, no?
more than ther poor songwriting, the production of those two albums (GFTO as well) is pretty annoying, especially in ther high-end spectrum. Jon's voice is often painful to the eardum, and Howe's guitar parts and tones are really grating my feathers the wrong way.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 06:37
I have a sealed copy of it right here on my shelf! Snagged in over a month ago and actually forgot I had it. Thanks for the reminder; I'll play it today!
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Spacegod87
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 22:06
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time
I agree. Arriving UFO is just so incredibly odd, and interesting to listen to.
Like or hate the song, people have to at least admit that it is unique and doesn't really sound like anything else. I personally think that's a good thing, but I know others will disagree.
So fair enough, but I still get a kick out of listening to it. It's a song you never get bored of.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 22:36
lazland wrote:
I’ve always had a deep fondness for Tormato, and it is a shame that this was the last album from that particular lineup for many a year.
Unlike a lot of others, I rather love Circus of Heaven, and the Future Times opening suite still gives me a thrill of pleasure to listen to 41 years after the event.
Me too! I’d like to add “DKTW
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Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: September 10 2020 at 23:57
I found that many of the songs from Tormato were much improved in concert!
I rather hated "Don't Kill the Whale" when I first heard it on the LP, but the live performance has great energy. Has anyone else had this experience?
Here, dig it!
------------- I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: September 11 2020 at 00:29
It depends how much of a fan you are of drumming. White is having a whale of a time (see what I did there ) and it might be my favourite album for his playing. On The Silent Wings of Freedom is only any good because of the bass drum work and recalls that other famous link up track Ann Of Cleeves from Rick's Six Wives album. Just wonderfull. But also the way Alan hits the snare with so much on venom on Arriving UFO and rides the snare brilliantly on Future Times. Release Release is also superb.
Admittedly Howe is mostly pointless on this album and Rick is in and out. Squire is okay though and Anderson is off on his usual cosmic travels. Its a messy album but it's not bad at all.
Posted By: Steve Wyzard
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 12:46
It's not a bad album, it's just not a great album.
It's worth a listen every now and again, and fits comfortably into the Yes mythology, but I'd much rather play Going for the One or Drama.
Posted By: A Crimson Mellotron
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 13:27
Not terrible but not so good either. I would still take 'Tormato' over anything Yes put out in the 80s and 90s (excluding, of course, the amazing 'Drama' and 'Keystudio' because the tracks were written in the 90s)
Posted By: Nomadic
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 14:06
Ghost Whistler wrote:
It's that someone didn't tell Chris that using Bootsy's mutron/wah wah bass effect was completely over the top. Honestly, almost every track is completely overpowered by his playing. :D
As it should be. I love the Mu Tron. I don't love the weird, deep chorus effect he got with the harmonizer, but it's not terrible.
I like Tormato. It was one of my earliest Yes albums as I started digging in to their catalog around 1979. It was always in the cutout bins, so I got it cheap. So there's some nostalgia there. It resonates with me more than Oceans, Relayer, or GFTO. Definitely some "Hmm..." moments, but Future Times, Silent Wings, and DKTW are worth the price of admission for me.
Posted By: Todd
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 17:07
I love the album personally, never occurred to me that it wasn't any good whether from production or writing. Probably hearkens back to my formative years when for me Yes could do no wrong!
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Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 18:47
Decent album with a few really good songs. But that album cover! Where was Roger Dean? On vacation?
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Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 20:14
SteveG wrote:
Decent album with a few really good songs. But that album cover! Where was Roger Dean? On vacation?
I'm not sure which one is worse Tormato or Going for the one. At least Tormato doesn't have a dude's butt on it.
Posted By: iluvmarillion
Date Posted: November 05 2020 at 21:06
Cristi wrote:
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time.
it's time?! for what?
I've never understood people appreciating Arriving UFO, Madrigal and Circus of Heaven. For me these are the worst songs Yes did in the 70s.
Even Silent Wings of Freedom is underworked. Very unpleasant time for the band in the recording studio and it shows. Sometimes tension can produce great albums. Not in this case.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 00:34
Spacegod87 wrote:
AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:
I like it too. Arriving UFO was ahead of it's time
I agree. Arriving UFO is just so incredibly odd, and interesting to listen to.
Like or hate the song, people have to at least admit that it is unique and doesn't really sound like anything else. I personally think that's a good thing, but I know others will disagree.
So fair enough, but I still get a kick out of listening to it. It's a song you never get bored of.
what really impresses me about that track is the attempt by White to bore a hole in his snare drum. I love it. White is on fire on that album. Snare and bass drum work is the best I've ever heard. He also carried that onto Drama which was a much tighter and better album. Tormato has it's moments but its just all over the place ideas wise and that in itself creates a bad impression.
Posted By: grantman
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 06:07
Very first album i had from yes ON THE SILENT WINGS OF FREEDOM best song overall one fantastic album.Agateway album for me into the world of yes. [:*:]
Posted By: DamoXt7942
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 08:08
In "On The Silent Wings Of Freedom" Rick's keyboard should be the most craziest, my love.
Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 14:36
I just have a soft spot for this album. It's so quirky. Their take on punk is suitably ridiculous. Onward is nice and sweet. Arriving UFO makes Karen Carpenter seem reasonable.
Posted By: Steve Wyzard
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 15:21
"Calling occupants of interplanetary craft!"
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 06 2020 at 17:26
Ghost Whistler wrote:
I just have a soft spot for this album. It's so quirky. Their take on punk is suitably ridiculous. Onward is nice and sweet. Arriving UFO makes Karen Carpenter seem reasonable.
Punk? The only thing that's kind of punk on it is "release release" which to me is actually more like Yes's take on regular rock n roll. I don't really hear much punk in it.
Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: November 07 2020 at 03:05
I really quite like Tormato. I like the cover art, too. Going For The One has far worse cover art (and music, too, but I realise not many will agree with me there....)
My personal top five would be:
1. Tales
2. Relayer
3. Drama
4. Close
5. Tormato
So, there you go. We all like different things.
Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: November 07 2020 at 05:15
Yeah the cover for Gft1 is rubbish.
That album has Yes at their best and worst. Not a fan of the title track.
Tormato is just a fun listen.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: November 07 2020 at 09:40
richardh wrote:
It depends how much of a fan you are of drumming. White is having a whale of a time (see what I did there ) and it might be my favourite album for his playing. On The Silent Wings of Freedom is only any good because of the bass drum work and recalls that other famous link up track Ann Of Cleeves from Rick's Six Wives album. Just wonderfull. But also the way Alan hits the snare with so much on venom on Arriving UFO and rides the snare brilliantly on Future Times. Release Release is also superb.
Admittedly Howe is mostly pointless on this album and Rick is in and out. Squire is okay though and Anderson is off on his usual cosmic travels. Its a messy album but it's not bad at all.
Excellently put...
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
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Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: November 07 2020 at 14:11
I must say, Howe isn't mostly pointless at all. His presence is central to every track.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: November 09 2020 at 02:52
^ he's playing in the spaces a lot , certainly not central though.
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: November 09 2020 at 03:20
Not necessarily a bad thing, Howe is a bit over the top at time.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: November 12 2020 at 13:19
It's among my least favourites from the band. I guess if they were able to do greater stuff after this one, there may yet be hope for them to do something good after Heaven and Earth.
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: November 12 2020 at 14:03
I'm due to add Tormato to my YouTube album playlists tomorrow, so maybe I'll gain a new appreciation for the album if I can find some good videos to go with the songs. Then again, maybe I won't.
Posted By: geekfreak
Date Posted: November 22 2020 at 10:17
Psychedelic Paul wrote:
I'm due to add Tormato to my YouTube album playlists tomorrow, so maybe I'll gain a new appreciation for the album if I can find some good videos to go with the songs. Then again, maybe I won't.
Only just adding wow
------------- Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music, life would be a mistake."
Music Is Live
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.
Keep Calm And Listen To The Music… <
Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: November 27 2020 at 11:28
Just who is Dantalion?
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: November 28 2020 at 09:34
^ Not sure what that has to do with Tormato but Dantalion was a demon mentioned in old occult lore like the 'Lesser Key Of Solomon'...I used to read occult lore many years ago when a young man.
There was also a band called Dantalions Chariot in 1967 psych pop rock...Andy Summers (The Police)was in the band .
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