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Flaming Row's The Pure Shine is Glorious

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Flaming Row's The Pure Shine is Glorious
Posted By: foregonillusions
Subject: Flaming Row's The Pure Shine is Glorious
Date Posted: June 16 2020 at 21:01
There are many fantastic albums that are overlooked, or not given due recognition, for one reason or another. The first and only album that I've written a review for is one of these. Thankfully, Flaming Row's latest offering isn't as marginalized. Still, I think many more people should listen to it as it's breathtaking and a great example of progressive rock. The folk sensibilities and instruments alone make this album intriguing, but it's the melodies, vocal performances, (Check out the end of the first track!) and instrumentation that make The Pure Shine "shine." (Sorry.) Really, when a 73 minute beast is perceived to be dramatically shorter than its true runtime, you know you listened to something special. The only critique I can give is that I wish there were more instrumental movements, but since this album is trying to adapt a story of a book series, it's understandable." rel="nofollow - Please, please, give this album a listen.

Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: June 19 2020 at 03:05
I really like Flaming Row, I've got all their albums. For me, they are at the top of progressive metal/rock opera (with Ayreon, Majestic (USA) and Pictorial Wand). Clap  

Posted By: foregonillusions
Date Posted: June 23 2020 at 13:28
Originally posted by PhideauxFan PhideauxFan wrote:

Majestic (USA) and Pictorial Wand

I haven't heard of these two, so thank you for mentioning them!

Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: June 28 2020 at 02:56
In metal operas, I also like the two first albums of Avantasia (with Tobias Sammet from Edguy) (Germany). 

Posted By: projeKct
Date Posted: June 28 2020 at 12:58
Very good album, but I still prefer 2014's" rel="nofollow - Mirage - A Portrayal Of Figures . Thumbs Up

Posted By: foregonillusions
Date Posted: June 30 2020 at 08:57
Originally posted by PhideauxFan PhideauxFan wrote:

In metal operas, I also like the two first albums of Avantasia (with Tobias Sammet from Edguy) (Germany). 

They sound good too, but I think would have benefited from more musical diversity. Still, I'll certainly be adding them to my rotation. Thanks!

Originally posted by projeKct projeKct wrote:

Very good album, but I still prefer 2014's" rel="nofollow - Mirage - A Portrayal Of Figures . Thumbs Up

I started listening to that one, and it's also really good. Martin Schnella is amazing.

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