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Devin Townsend - Wrong Sub-Genre

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Devin Townsend - Wrong Sub-Genre
Posted By: ssmarcus
Subject: Devin Townsend - Wrong Sub-Genre
Date Posted: May 21 2020 at 06:50
I hate being that guy but Devin's work really needs to be moved to the Progressive Metal sub-genre. I get how, initially some of his wall of sound and  eclectic "The Death of Music" style of metal could have been lumped in with a group like Neurosis but at this point the connection just doesn't hold. From Terria  and onward, all of Devin's albums have been riff-based metal with symphonic and keyboard accompaniment right in line Dream Theater and Opeth of the time. 

How do we make this happen?! 

Posted By: SuperVoc7
Date Posted: May 23 2020 at 17:03
Seconded.  I don’t recall ever seeing Devy labelled post-metal elsewhere.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 06:47
Originally posted by ssmarcus ssmarcus wrote:

I hate being that guy 

yeah I'd hate being that guy as well. The site is absolutely littered with bands and artists one could one quibble about their placement.  If you want to be that guy I might suggest asking why ELP is in symphonic prog as a starter.

unlike Sympho though which has long been under the tyrannical iron fist of the master of blue font LOLHeart .. you might have better luck. I'd just PM some members of the team and lay out your reasons why you disagree and see if you can get ... some satisfaction man.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: ssmarcus
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 12:10
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by ssmarcus ssmarcus wrote:

I hate being that guy 

yeah I'd hate being that guy as well. The site is absolutely littered with bands and artists one could one quibble about their placement.  If you want to be that guy I might suggest asking why ELP is in symphonic prog as a starter.

unlike Sympho though which has long been under the tyrannical iron fist of the master of blue font LOLHeart .. you might have better luck. I'd just PM some members of the team and lay out your reasons why you disagree and see if you can get ... some satisfaction man.

Thanks for the advice on how to proceed! Wasnt sure private messaging was acceptable.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 12:27
Beer one thing to consider though.. why we have so few of 'those guys' here.  Do remember, thinking of that genre placement here never really has been a attempt to definitely categorize.. or pigeonhole an artist.  These artists are so varied.. often from album to album and short of having hundreds of sub-genres (and many think we have too many as it is) one can never really accurately place them.

the point of placing was often of a mind to discovery .. a flow if you will from the genre standard bearers.. if you like the music of x.. you will probably next want to explore the music of y.  Discovery and exposure.. that is what drove many of us in the genre teams.. not trying to jam round artists into square holes.

also I might add... the better and more detailed your reasoning might be.. the better chance it will be taken seriously.  Good luck!

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 12:31
I'm not sure exactly which subforum(maybe corrections or band suggestions)but I did disagree once with a genre category but nothing came of it. I suggested the band echolyn be changed from symphonic to crossover(others agreed with me)but I was turned down. So, good luck. You never know.

Posted By: Bonnek
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 12:37

Before we all hate being ourselves, please take a moment to read through the definition of exp/post metal" rel="nofollow -

Devin is listed as an important artist within the mildest category of experimental acts: dubbed 'art metal' here (though of course that is a descriprive tag, there's no such thing as an art metal genre)

And yes, of course he is not post metal, that you would have known had you checked this page before.

I can understand the confusion though, the 'experimental' and 'post metal' artists are very different breeds but they are lumped into one category, while tech/extreme for instance has a more coherent idea behind it.

Posted By: ssmarcus
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 13:14
I suppose I should clarify what was bothering me. I don't care about the label for it's own sake. But when I'm trying to discover more records like Devin, I'm being directed to these atmospheric black metal bands that seem a far cry from that.

I'm only making the suggestion because I feel it will aid the discovery process. At the end of the day, with Spotify, theres no risk in buying the wrong kind of album so its not a big deal at the end of the day.

Thanks for everyone's input.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 13:51
ahhh.. that does makes things more clear. Unfortunately  you hit on the biggest structural weakness of the site..   tagging by album. As it was the teams did the best they could as I mentioned before with only so subgenres.  It is an imperfect set up here but it is what we are stuck with. The site is simply too far gone.. a relic if you were on cruise control until it runs out of gas or drives off a cliff .. and isn't able to do that now. The owner only cares about the check he gets from visitor hits..and only keeps it up and running and the manpower and motivation to accomplish such a monstrous task likely isn't there anymore. Most have moved on.. or simply retired.

what the site does have though.. it is a bunch of people who do love the music. I might suggest the best thing to do is ask. Ask directly in a thread, most here are longtimers and saw this thread title and tuned out thinking it was another disgruntled user who didn't like an artists placement. 

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: May 24 2020 at 13:51
Well, these are the categories he is listed under on the rate your music site:" rel="nofollow - Progressive Metal" rel="nofollow - Ambient" rel="nofollow - Avant-Garde Metal" rel="nofollow - Alternative Metal" rel="nofollow - Progressive Rock" rel="nofollow - New Age

Posted By: SuperVoc7
Date Posted: May 25 2020 at 10:39
So Devin Townsend is filed under post metal because he’s art metal which is a type of experimental metal although nobody calls it that.

Glad you could clear that up.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 25 2020 at 11:38
He is not filed under Post Metal, but under Experimental Metal in the Experimental AND Post Metal category.

Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: May 26 2020 at 07:09
He's in his own little tiny brilliant subsubsubgenre, called Hevy...

Posted By: Jeffro
Date Posted: May 26 2020 at 07:33
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

yeah I'd hate being that guy as well. The site is absolutely littered with bands and artists one could one quibble about their placement.  If you want to be that guy I might suggest asking why ELP is in symphonic prog as a starter.

This. Do we really need to go down the rabbit hole of making all square pegs fit into round holes? So many bands and artists fit into different categories that span their entire discography. 

A better way to do it might be to use multiple categories for bands/artists who have changed over their musical lifespan but that's its own brand of rabbit hole. 

We all dwell in an amber subdomain, amber subdomain, amber subdomain.

My face IS a maserati

Posted By: SuperVoc7
Date Posted: May 26 2020 at 08:36
A tag cloud for each album selected from a controlled metadata set of standard genre terms, then aggregated to generate a cloud for the artist would have been the standard methodology for managing a dataset like this.

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