Genesis songs rating 1970-1977
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Topic: Genesis songs rating 1970-1977
Posted By: A Bard
Subject: Genesis songs rating 1970-1977
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 19:10
This tier list is just my opinion and I'm probably wrong. S= Masterpiece, A= Very Good, B= Good, C= Average, D= kinda Bad, E= Bad, F= trash. Feel free to tell what I got wrong
S- The Knife, The Musical Box, The Fountain of Salmacis, Watcher of The Skies, Get ‘Em Out By Friday, Can-Utility and Coastliners, Supper’s Ready, Dancing With The Moonlit Knight, I Know what I Like ( Seconds Out version), Firth Of Fifth, The Cinema Show, In The Cage, Counting Out Time ( Just Because of the lyrics and the guitar solo), Carpet Crawlers, The Lamia, The Colony of Slippermen, Dance On a Volcano, Los Endos, One for The Vine, Afterglow A- Looking for someone, Stagnation, The Return of The Giant Hogweed, Time Table, I Know What I Like, The Battle of Epping Forest, After the Ordeal, Aisle of Plenty, The Lamb lies Down on Broadway, Fly On a Windshield, Broadway Melody of 1974, Cuckoo Cocoon, Anyway, The Light Dies Down Broadway, It, Mad Man Moon, Ripples, A Trick of The Tail, Eleventh Earl of Mar, Wot Gorilla, In That Quiet Earth
B- White Mountain, Seven Stone, Harold The Barrel, Horizons, More Fool Me, The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, Back In N.Y.C, Hairless Heart, Here Comes The Supernatural Anesthetist, Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats, Squonk, Robbery Assault and Battery, Blood On The Rooftops, Unquiet Slumber for the Sleepers,
C- Visions of Angles, Dusk, For Absent Friends, Harlequin, Lillywhite Lilith, Ravine, Riding The Scree, In the Rapids, Entangled,
D- The Chamber of 32 Doors, All In a Mouse’s Night,
E- The Waiting Room, You Have Own Special Way,
Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 19:56
It seems you have a very good taste. I would change a few, but that would be my opinion. Over all, a nice way to organize them.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 01:39
Awww Chamber of 32 Doors is a great track!
I'm genuinely more impressed you took the time to sort this list, OP! Bravo! 
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 02:10
I'd love to put together a list, but I can't think of any Genesis songs that belong in the C, D, E & F categories during the classic 1970-1977 era. I CAN think of many Genesis songs that belong in those categories after the 1970-1977 era though.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 02:23
Because you put Epping Forest in the second tier I'm prepared to go along with it to some extent although the term 'masterpeice' is hard to apply to any single track off Lamb apart from In The Cage IMO.
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 05:43
A Bard wrote:
C- Visions of Angels, Dusk, For Absent Friends, Harlequin, Lillywhite Lilith, Ravine, Riding The Scree, In the Rapids, Entangled,
D- The Chamber of 32 Doors, All In a Mouse’s Night,
E- The Waiting Room, You Have Own Special Way,
F- |
You're kidding, right??  
Those are for sure top echellons (possibly S or A ... ok, B for Mouse)
I suggest you relisten to all four of them... Other than that, I find your other tracks in the lower echellons make sense, though I'd place YOSW as a F or Z, along with More Fool Me.
For the upper echellons, I'm not going to discuss what should go up or down. But Lifeless Packaging is definitely worthy of more, IMHO 
Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 06:18
Nice list as you have plenty of time on your hands like the rest of us. But why does S = masterpiece? M wasn't available? 
------------- This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
Posted By: A Bard
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 06:36
Frenetic Zetetic wrote:
Awww Chamber of 32 Doors is a great track!
I'm genuinely more impressed you took the time to sort this list, OP! Bravo!  |
It was a Sunday and it only took about 45 minutes to do.
Posted By: dr prog
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 15:42
Very good-stagnation, hogweed, watcher, timetable, epping, anyway, slipper, volcano, entangled, robbery, wot gorilla, match of the day, the lady lies, the day the lights went out, dukes end
------------- All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 18:12
For me the Masterpieces are The Knife (preferably the live version), The Musical Box, Supper's Ready, Dancing with the Moonlit Knight, Firth of Fifth, Cinema Show (preferably together with Aile of Plenty), and In the Cage.
Posted By: Green Shield Stamp
Date Posted: April 10 2020 at 02:55
F. Who Dunnit.
------------- Haiku
Writing a poem
With seventeen syllables
Is very diffic....
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: April 10 2020 at 06:34
S- the Fountain Of Salmacis, Get Em Out by Friday, Can-Utility & the Coastliners, Supper´s Ready, Dancing With the Moonlight Knight, Firth Of Fifth, After the Ordeal, the Cinema Show, Aisle Of Plenty, the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, Fly On a Windshield, Broadway Melody Of 1974, Cuckoo Cocoon, In the Cage, Back In N.Y.C, Hairless Heart, Counting Out Time, the Carpet Crawlers, the Chamber Of 32 Doors, Lilywhite Lilith, Anyway, the Colony Of Slippermen, Ravine, the Light Dies Down On Broadway, Riding the Scree, In the Rapids, It, One For the VineA- Looking For Someone, White Mountain, Visions Of Angels, Stagnation, Dusk, the Knife, the Musical Box, For Absent Friends, the Return Of Giant Hogweed, Seven Stones, Harold the Barrel, Harlequin, Watcher Of the Skies, Timetable, Horizon´s, I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrope), the Battle Of Epping Forest, the Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaking, the Waiting Room, Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist, the Lamia, Silent Sorrow Of Empty Boats, Dance On Volcano, Entangled, Squonk, Mad Man Moon, Los Endos, Eleventh Earl Of Mar, Wot Gorilla?, All In a Mouses Night, Blood On the Rooftops, Afterglow
B- More Fool Me, Robbery, Assault & Battery, A Trick Of the Tail, Your Own Special Way, Unquiet Slumbers For the Sleepers..., ...In that Quiet Earth
C- Ripples...
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: April 10 2020 at 08:10
S: The Knife, The Musical Box, Watcher of the Skies, Can-Utility and the Coastliners, Supper's Ready, Dancing with the Moonlit Knight, Firth of Fifth, The Cinema Show/Aisle of Plenty, In the Cage, The Colony of Slippermen, Riding the Scree, Dance on a Volcano, Mad Man Moon, Eleventh Earl of Mar, Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers ... In That Quiet Earth
A: Stagnation, Dusk, The Return of the Giant Hogweed, The Fountain of Salmacis, Horizons, I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe), The Battle of Epping Forest, Fly on a Windshield, Back in NYC, The Chamber of 32 Doors, Lilywhite Lilith, The Supernatural Anaesthesist, Entangled, Squonk, Robbery Assault and Battery, One for the Vine, All in a Mouse's Night, Blood on the Rooftops, Afterglow
B: For Absent Friends, Seven Stones, Harold the Barrel, Harlequin, Time Table, Get 'em Out by Friday, After the Ordeal, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Broadway Melody of 1974, The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging, Counting out Time, The Carpet Crawlers, The Waiting Room, Anyway, The Lamia, Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats, The Light Dies Down on Broadway, In the Rapids, A Trick of the Tail, Los Endos, Wot Gorilla?
C: Looking for Someone, White Mountain, Visions of Angels, Cuckoo Cocoon, Hairless Heart, Ravine, Ripples
D: More Fool Me, It, Your Own Special Way
E: not found in the specified period
F: not found in the specified period
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 10 2020 at 08:40
While I think that everyone has the right to post these things, in general, I'm against them.
If you were a songwriter, a painter or a writer, seeing your material exposed like that, sometimes, hurts, and it tends to create a safe mechanism that is overseeing the next project and it will hurt its flow and creativity.
I see that it is all but a preference, but if we are going to elevate this whole thing past "just another song", our constructive criticism and ideas need to do a lot better. All we're showing is that we're just kids naming our favorite lollipop and candy bar! This is PROGRESSIVE music ... not top ten ... and you don't go around rating Mozart concertos ... !!! The day you do, I'll take your exercise a bit more seriously, although I disagree with stuff from TLLDOB rated so low, in such a fabulous album and work, that should have been made into a film ... not be wasted on a rock audience that doesn't like artistic works!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: April 10 2020 at 12:05
moshkito wrote:
While I think that everyone has the right to post these things, in general, I'm against them.
If you were a songwriter, a painter or a writer, seeing your material exposed like that, sometimes, hurts, and it tends to create a safe mechanism that is overseeing the next project and it will hurt its flow and creativity.
I see that it is all but a preference, but if we are going to elevate this whole thing past "just another song", our constructive criticism and ideas need to do a lot better. All we're showing is that we're just kids naming our favorite lollipop and candy bar! This is PROGRESSIVE music ... not top ten ... and you don't go around rating Mozart concertos ... !!! The day you do, I'll take your exercise a bit more seriously, although I disagree with stuff from TLLDOB rated so low, in such a fabulous album and work, that should have been made into a film ... not be wasted on a rock audience that doesn't like artistic works!
But, Mosh! Preferences are what keep the brain spry! I am more likely to listen to my favorite songs, concerti, movie soundtracks, podcasts, motivational speeches, or radio show hosts, (etc.) than I am to those that repel me or that I find that I do not prefer. The lists are simply physical manifestations of those mental categories we naturally and automatically create. I would argue that a significant part of the reason language exists is to share our personal preferences.
As to the hurt feelings one can incur upon reading or hearing about criticism of one's creative gift to the world, I would argue that 1) a gift should never be given with "strings attached" i.e. once it is given, it should be free to be done with as the recipient would like to. (Plus, expectations only lead to disappointment.) 2) when all is said and done, any artistic contribution to public consumption is fair game for personal reactions--and this includes forming preferences--otherwise the artist should consider never publishing/publicizing/making available that piece of his/her own creativity.
In the end, I would hope that part of our journey as humans would allow us to learn to be able to climb above victimhood, to better our ability to recognize the "goodness" inherent in the lessons offered us by each and every moment of life in these bodies. I strive for this each and every day just as I wish for each and every one of you, my lovely co-creators of Earth reality.
Come on, people! We can do this! (And have fun doing it!)
------------- Drew Fisher
Posted By: Sacro_Porgo
Date Posted: April 11 2020 at 01:59
It would be far easier to list the Genesis songs I don't love than rank the ones I do.
Genesis songs I don't love: all of the debut, all of Calling All Stations, most of And Then There Were Three, half of We Can't Dance (most of the ballads), and The Brazilian.
Everything else is a B at worst to me, and most are much higher.
------------- Porg for short. My love of music doesn't end with prog! Feel free to discuss all sorts of music with me. Odds are I'll give it a chance if I haven't already! :)
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 11 2020 at 02:16
^ that's a lot of Genesis loving
Posted By: Earl of Mar
Date Posted: June 03 2020 at 07:28
For this period of genesis I honestly can think of a handful if that of tracks I dont particularly like. Perhaps side 4 of TLLDOB is a bit mediocre. I am no fan of more fool me. Also on WAW I think wot gorilla is light.If you lost You're own special way and wot gorilla from WAW and put inside and out on it instead the album would be much improved.
Posted By: M27Barney
Date Posted: June 03 2020 at 09:42
Psychedelic Paul wrote:
I'd love to put together a list, but I can't think of any Genesis songs that belong in the C, D, E & F categories during the classic 1970-1977 era. I CAN think of many Genesis songs that belong in those categories after the 1970-1977 era though.  | This is correct...I wouldn't bother with any album where I was forced to press SKIP for most of the tracks...😎
------------- Play me my song.....Here it comes again.......
Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 08:27
"Riding The Scree" and "In The Rapids" are merely good. We disagree here.
------------- The Prog Corner
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 10:29
Entangled and Chamber Of 32 Doors are among my absolute favourite Genesis tracks...just goes to show how differently we hear music
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 11:22
A Bard wrote:
D- The Chamber of 32 Doors, All In a Mouse’s Night,
Oh, you are DEFINITELY a town man.
-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 16:09
Nice one - I can't argue too much with your choices, the only one that doesn't fit for me is Entangled, which is wonderful and at least B and probably an A.
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 16:53
Green Shield Stamp wrote:
F. Who Dunnit. |
That's not from 1970-1977 though. Anyway, that's the kind of song that you have to do a funny little dance to in order to make it fun. It wasn't intended to be a serious song anyway(kind of like "I think I'm going bald" by Rush).
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: June 09 2020 at 17:59
Green Shield Stamp wrote:
F. Who Dunnit. | Yes, the time frame is key here..... I had a quick review and reckon about 70% of what followed would fit into F! However, even I'd admit some tracks would still get into A and B - despite my distaste for Genesis-Lite.
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: Spacegod87
Date Posted: June 11 2020 at 08:33
I agree with a lot of this, but damn, why'd you have to put Entangled so low...And Epping Forest so high... Switch those two around and it would be a more harmonious rating of Genesis songs.
------------- Levitating downwards, atomic feedback scream.
Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: June 11 2020 at 20:51
Afterglow is a masterpiece, Blood on the Rooftops is merely good, Entangled is average, The Waiting Room is bad? I disagree with all of these. And others.
------------- A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
Posted By: A Bard
Date Posted: June 12 2020 at 14:04
The thing that people are most mad about in the ranking is putting the Chamber of 32 doors in D tier . I put it so low because In my opinion that the lowest part of the lamb if you listen to it the whole way through. I think this because my favorite thing about the lamb is it verity of sound and styles. If you like prog epics them the Colony of Slipperman, In the Cave and the Lamia and and if like harder songs you have It, Fly on Wind Shield, the ending of the waiting room and Anyway. So when I get to the Chamber I'm a bit tried of the Pop songs so that why I don't enjoy the chamber. It not that the song is bad is that It just got placed at the wrong place of the album. I would put it in C trier if I could remake the list