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Retro Prog ?

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Topic: Retro Prog ?
Posted By: softandwet
Subject: Retro Prog ?
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 12:04
Shall progarchives add another category for prog albums or band that imitates elder styles such as the classical prog one (just like Wobbler, Ring Van Möbius or All Traps On Earth) since there is a category for Avant-Prog? And if it's made, how would it be named?

So don’t evade the surgeon’s blade
Cos the answer could be in your mind
Maybe one cut and we’ll find
We’re just a wavelength behind

But we are entwined

And I know what you need

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 12:33
I honestly don't care much about labels. If I like the music, I'll get it, buy it and listen to it. The label that comes with it, is quite irrelevant to me.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 12:48
I don't see much utility in creating a Retro Prog category as I don't think it would be that descriptive and would then encompass acts from lots of our existent categories (such a mish-mash of styles).

I have retro symphonic prog, retro "progressive" electronic, retro Krautrock, retro Canterbury Sound, and retro Prog Folk in my collection. Much so called avant-prog is not genuinely forward thinking, avant-garde, innovative or originative anymore than much progressive rock is genuinely progressive. Some could, oxymoronically, be called retro-avant, but then Retro progressive, or regressive progressive also presents a contradiction in terms.

If we could multi-label albums, then I'd be down with retro as a descriptor.

Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 13:52
The subgenres that are already in place seem to encompass all of the styles of progressive rock that are out there.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 14:11
^ We seem to be able to find a place for everything we generally want. One could add hundreds of extra descriptors for albums if we had the ability (punk, art rock, alternative, chamber, pop/ avant pop, experimental generally, classical, indie, exotica, library music, Andalusian has been suggested, retro, theatrical, operatic, disco etc.)

My main issue with not having retro prog as a category is that one can find retro in so many of the categories here, and so it would't point to a style, but instead many flavours of retro (say retro JRF, retro Electronic, retro Canterbury, retro Prog Folk, retro Heavy, retro Symph, and even retro Avant Prog etc.) So, Retro Prog isn't a style per se, it encompasses many styles.

Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 17:48
Over-categorization is a trap.

The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"

Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 17:56
Originally posted by Progosopher Progosopher wrote:

Over-categorization is a trap.

Totally. Like how far do you take it lol.

Posted By: softandwet
Date Posted: March 29 2020 at 19:27
Ok I see but I forgot to mention it but since there is a Neo-Prog category that argue to produce something different than before, I don't understand why we couldn't label retro-prog the bands and albums that are assuming to recreate old prog and bring back its bases.

So don’t evade the surgeon’s blade
Cos the answer could be in your mind
Maybe one cut and we’ll find
We’re just a wavelength behind

But we are entwined

And I know what you need

Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 01:58
Originally posted by Progosopher Progosopher wrote:

Over-categorization is a trap.

My thoughts exactly.

It's essentially infinite regress/categorical dissolution posing as organization.


"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 02:55
Bands that are considered retro-prog are generally put either in Symphonic or Eclectic. 

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 30 2020 at 06:55
No because retro doesn't describe anything about the style of prog it is


Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 02:04
It's up to reviewers to call out if they consider any of the music admissible to this site as derivative or not. I can't see the benefit of creating a sub genre that is defined by a characteristic detrimental to its content. Retro Futurism anyone?


Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 05:34
Personally think it would be a pretty arbitrary label and I don't see any reason why a clearly symphonic album like Wobblers latest effort shouldn't be compared to other albums like it in the Symphonic prog category.

The sun has left the sky...
...Now you can close your eyes

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 05:41
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

No because retro doesn't describe anything about the style of prog it is

And if we're honest 95% of the prog being produced today is "retro" to one extent or another, regardless of sub-genre. I mean even the notionally forward-looking much of what is being done in RIO/avant sounds rather like bands that were "avant" in 1979, for example...?

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 07:34
^ i wouldn't go that far. Retro prog does have a specific meaning. It refers to a style of prog that acts like it was recorded in the 70s with analog equipment and basically takes the styles of artists from that era and tweaks it around enough to sound new often sounding like a long lost album from a classic band. If we had the luxury of a secondary categories then it wouldn't be a bad category to have so i can see why softandwet suggested it but given the way PA is an all or nothing in the classification of sub-genres, it fails to distinguish retro symphonic from retro heavy or even retro avant-prog.


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 21:16
Originally posted by softandwet softandwet wrote:

Ok I see but I forgot to mention it but since there is a Neo-Prog category that argue to produce something different than before, I don't understand why we couldn't label retro-prog the bands and albums that are assuming to recreate old prog and bring back its bases.

Well, Neo-Prog is something of a misnomer and outdated term, which isn't to say that I think we should get rid of he term as some suggest. It was a sort of, originally British, symphonic prog revival of the 80s that is associated with a more melodic rock and commercial approach that tends to be dramatic and emotional, and it moved on a bit from there. It's sort of the Emo of Prog, one might say. ;) It had retro qualities mixed with more modern styles, and some of it could be quite, or in fact very, derivative. I wouldn't think of it as a particularly progressive (in the adjectival sense) category. Quite a lot of it I think of as a sort of Crossover Prog.

We can ourselves label bands and albums as retro, I do, but I don't see much utility in the category as this site works unless it becomes a very considerable movement (there is a lot of retro being made). Some of my favourite modern bands and albums are retro. I love Kosmischer Läufer which pretends to be Krautrock/ Progressive Electronic (Kosmische) of the past. I added a band to prog Folk a while back called Constantine which is very retro and evokes the psychedelic, folk, and raga-rock scenes of the late 60s through early 70s. I've suggested Klaus Morlock informally for PA, and that music pretends to be of the past (imaginary soundtracks). I like De Lorians in Canterbury Sound (not scene), and it has retro qualities. And then you have the retro styling of bands such as The Flower Kings and lots of others.

My issue is not with the label retro, more that Prog is not exactly one thing as we use it at PA -- there is such diversity in the categories themselves, and so it might end up being a mish-mash of retro styles, be it retro-Folk prog, retro-Krautrock, retro psych, retro-Symph, retro-electronic, retro-Canterbury etc. If Prog were more of a style itself as we use it at PA, then the category would make more sense to me.

We don't have the ability to label (and multi-label) albums as they do at sites such as rate your music, or to put a band here in more than one category, but we can mention the retro qualities in the bios and reviews themselves.

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: March 31 2020 at 21:25
hmmm.. I'll take Retro Prog for 1000 Alex...

what is music that sucks balls and whose only redeeming quality is it makes Celine Dion sound progressive...

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: April 01 2020 at 02:21
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

hmmm.. I'll take Retro Prog for 1000 Alex...

what is music that sucks balls and whose only redeeming quality is it makes Celine Dion sound progressive...

while I agree a few bands immitating the sound of prog's glory days sound bland, too predictable, you are exaggerating. 

There are many bands that are quite enjoyable, fun to listen to. Just go and listen to the last Needlepoint album, I dare you. Big smile

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: April 01 2020 at 03:41
I’d argue that most bands featured on PA fits in nicely within a retro-prog umbrella. Most symph, neo, psych, electronic hell even avant bands are riding waves that were surfed wildly on some 30 or 40 years ago.
Just because you are drenching your instruments in contemporary effects and such doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing something ‘new’

In essence? Retro-prog is not a useful tag imo...even if we’re referencing a certain retro-sound like the vands mentioned in the OP...but these bands fit in just fine in folk, psych, symph, eclectic whathaveyou. No need for more boxes

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: zakka
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 05:15
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

^ It refers to a style of prog that acts like it was recorded in the 70s with analog equipment and basically takes the styles of artists from that era and tweaks it around enough to sound new often sounding like a long lost album from a classic band.
Exactly! I got to the forum only last night. But my humble vote for the tag "retro prog". I was surprised that on such a respected resource as PA there is no special tag for designating prog rock the most similar to spirit 69-79. Yes of course 'prog' and 'retro prog' they can't be true genres, because of their eclecticism. But it just makes it easier to find. If I want to listen to something new in the spirit of the 70s, I could use the 'retro prog' tag. Modern 'prog' tag absolutely does not reflect the essence of '70s prog' imho.

Posted By: Gerinski
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 10:32
I have the impression that most of what we call retro-prog is actually retro-symphonic prog. Not all but most of it.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 10:40
^^ If we could multi-tag albums, then for sure I’d like retro as on of them, but as we can only categorise acts, I think the categories we have cover those acts descriptively enough. The bios and reviews at least can mention the retro qualities. I love lots of retro ones, but especially those that draw on retro Kosmische/ Krautrock (and lounge) and some of a retro folky vein. Some of those are in PA, many are not.

Posted By: zakka
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 14:20
I agree, overloading with categories is not what I wanted ;0) 
How about just sharing our findings of little-known retro prog records in this forum thread? 
For exumple, (in addition to Wobbler, Ring Van Möbius or All Traps On Earth) such artists/albums: 
Spock's Beard - The Light 1995
The Flower Kings - The Sum Of No Evil 2007
Magic Pie - The Suffering Joy 2011
Moon Safari - Blomljud 2008
Big Big Train - English Electric Part One 2012
Do you think these records are true spirited by prog 70s?

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 14:41
Yep, those all have retro-Prog stylings.  The Flower Kings is famous for its retro qualities.  The Tangent also has retro qualities, as does Wobbler etc.

Mentioned it earlier, but I love Kosmischer Laufer which not only tries to sound like it was made in the 70s and early 80s, but pretends to be of the past. I did a topic on" rel="nofollow - - Retro-Music Pretending to be of the Past

Constantine is another Retro-Prog one I like.  I used to dislike retro-prog, but I've come to appreciate a tonne of retro music or music that has qualities of the past such as Stereolab (not in PA but has a Prog relation) which draws on Krautrock groups like Can and Neu as well as 60s lounge music / on music such as Serge Gainsbourg and Alain Goraguer....

I tend not to like many of the retro-Symph ones. There are various excellent one for my tastes which draw on classic Krautrock, Progressive Electronic (many I know of the Berlin School ilk), retro Prog folk, retro Psych Prog and retro Canterbury Sound music.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 14:47
When someone comes up with some good METRO PROG then i'll be more interested Big smile


Posted By: suitkees
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 14:58
^ Velvet Underground ? Ermm


The razamataz is a pain in the bum

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 15:42
No, there's already too many subgenres on here. Wobbler, All Traps on eath, RVM, Anekdoten, Anglagard, etc can all fall under symph prog imo.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: November 25 2020 at 16:29
Originally posted by suitkees suitkees wrote:

^ Velvet Underground ? Ermm

more like Velveeta Underground LOL


Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: November 26 2020 at 07:55
Mouth - Vortex
Fernando Perdomo - Out to Sea 2
Great retro sounding albums. I highly recommend them.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 23 2024 at 19:18
Instead of starting a new thread. I guess this might as well be where i ask this.

When exactly did retro prog start? Did it start in the 90s with bands like The Flower Kings and Anglagard?

Or more like the 2000s with bands like Viima, Diagonal, Astra and Willowglass?

I guess one could even argue it started in the 70s with bands like Starcastle.

Anyways, what are some ideas about early retro prog bands?

Throw some names at me ;)

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Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 02:21
Originally posted by Gerinski Gerinski wrote:

I have the impression that most of what we call retro-prog is actually retro-symphonic prog. Not all but most of it.

There seems to be a double standard where modern Symphonic bands are usually the ones labelled "retro" while other styles are not given this label despite not being very original either.

I think a lot of the strongest modern prog is Symphonic, and it is no less original than much of the other modern prog (or modern music in general). Basically all genres have been done countless times, so there really isn't much that is stunningly original these days. It's more important to create an interesting composition than to simply be original for its own sake.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 03:01
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I guess one could even argue it started in the 70s with bands like Starcastle.

I'm not trying to start any kind of argument, but whoever argues this is just wrong. LOL
Just as wrong as those who say The Who invented death metal or that Genesis' ATOTT is a neo-prog album. 

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 03:02
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

When exactly did retro prog start? Did it start in the 90s with bands like The Flower Kings and Anglagard?

yes, I think it started with these bands. Tongue

Posted By: TenYearsAfter
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 04:32
In the early Nineties the Second Skandinavian Prog Movement started, speerheaded by Anglagard, Anekdoten en Landberk, then the term Retro Prog was invented, due to their blend of own musical ideas and obvious hints from Yes and King Crimson, often vintage keyboard drenched (isn't that retro?!).

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 07:01
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I guess one could even argue it started in the 70s with bands like Starcastle.

I'm not trying to start any kind of argument, but whoever argues this is just wrong. LOL
Just as wrong as those who say The Who invented death metal or that Genesis' ATOTT is a neo-prog album. 

I wouldn't consider Starcastle retro prog either but the reason i could see it as legit is simply because it was copying a style of Yes after Yes gave up that sound. For the term retro to be valid, personally i would say you need a decade or two to elapse.

So late 70s bands would be simply clone bands then.

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Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 16:15" rel="nofollow - The Mighty Boosh Looking Backwards song - YouTube

''Elements of the past, elements of the future, combining to make something not quite as good as either''


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 25 2024 at 17:40
'Retro Prog' is such a loaded term and could alienate many artists. Why would we even want to consider the idea? It's totally snobbish and elitist nonsense. However seperating bands on the basis of style is perfectly sensible.
Neo Prog is the term that most prog bands don't like being called. However Logan offered a perfect description of what it is and I'm fine with that. There is no inherent put down in that term. Arguably all 'prog' is retro. That term was used and designed as a put down for the likes of ELP and Yes around the time of punk. 'Retro prog' is therefore digging the knife in Smile
If hypothetically 'Retro Prog' was a thing then it was definitely started by Par Lindh Project and the Scandi bands in the 90's. However they still had their own thing and put a lot more folk stylings and a bit of RIO into the mix to make it interesting. It was never a straight copy and it has never been a clone (another ridiculous and useless term that gets banded around) . We could just choose to grow up and listen to music for what it is but I don't hold out much hope on that!

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 01:32
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

'Retro Prog' is such a loaded term and could alienate many artists. Why would we even want to consider the idea? It's totally snobbish and elitist nonsense. However seperating bands on the basis of style is perfectly sensible.
Neo Prog is the term that most prog bands don't like being called. However Logan offered a perfect description of what it is and I'm fine with that. There is no inherent put down in that term. Arguably all 'prog' is retro. That term was used and designed as a put down for the likes of ELP and Yes around the time of punk. 'Retro prog' is therefore digging the knife in Smile
If hypothetically 'Retro Prog' was a thing then it was definitely started by Par Lindh Project and the Scandi bands in the 90's. However they still had their own thing and put a lot more folk stylings and a bit of RIO into the mix to make it interesting. It was never a straight copy and it has never been a clone (another ridiculous and useless term that gets banded around) . We could just choose to grow up and listen to music for what it is but I don't hold out much hope on that!

Great post. Thumbs Up

I guess the term has become a bit derogatory, although I've seen people use it in a positive connotation, just meaning an artist that tries to recreate 70s style music. I don't mind this at all, I have discovered bands I enjoyed a lot, some didn't do much for me. 

The "retro" style exists in other music genres as well, in rock and metal and even pop (synth pop seems to have made a comeback). 
The metal scene has witnessed the rise of traditional heavy metal bands, the scene has even got a name - NWOTHM, New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal. LOL 
The stoner rock and metal scene is 70s Black Sabbath worship and other late 60s & 70s blues-rock, heavy psyche and hard rock worship. 
I noticed there is an AOR/melodic hard rock revival in Sweden, don't know what's going on there. LOL Again, I'm fine with that. 
OSDM is a thing, "old school death metal", bands trying to sound like the early death metal/90s death metal. And I'm sure there's more. Smile

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 03:04
Agree with both of the above. I think the term "retro" has been used to describe any music that has the same vibe as mudic from a previous era. I think I saw that in the 90s with Black Crowes.

It doesn't have to be negative, but some take it that way. It's individual taste I suppose. For a while, I was listening a lot to bands that had a retro 70s hard rock sound.

At some point, it changes from saying "sounds like" to "retro". In another 10 years, we'll have bands sounding like Porcupine Tree that will be called retro 2000s prog.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 06:48
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

'Retro Prog' is such a loaded term and could alienate many artists. Why would we even want to consider the idea? It's totally snobbish and elitist nonsense. However seperating bands on the basis of style is perfectly sensible.
Neo Prog is the term that most prog bands don't like being called. However Logan offered a perfect description of what it is and I'm fine with that. There is no inherent put down in that term. Arguably all 'prog' is retro. That term was used and designed as a put down for the likes of ELP and Yes around the time of punk. 'Retro prog' is therefore digging the knife in Smile
If hypothetically 'Retro Prog' was a thing then it was definitely started by Par Lindh Project and the Scandi bands in the 90's. However they still had their own thing and put a lot more folk stylings and a bit of RIO into the mix to make it interesting. It was never a straight copy and it has never been a clone (another ridiculous and useless term that gets banded around) . We could just choose to grow up and listen to music for what it is but I don't hold out much hope on that!

Great post. Thumbs Up

I guess the term has become a bit derogatory, although I've seen people use it in a positive connotation, just meaning an artist that tries to recreate 70s style music. I don't mind this at all, I have discovered bands I enjoyed a lot, some didn't do much for me. 

The "retro" style exists in other music genres as well, in rock and metal and even pop (synth pop seems to have made a comeback). 
The metal scene has witnessed the rise of traditional heavy metal bands, the scene has even got a name - NWOTHM, New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal. LOL 
The stoner rock and metal scene is 70s Black Sabbath worship and other late 60s & 70s blues-rock, heavy psyche and hard rock worship. 
I noticed there is an AOR/melodic hard rock revival in Sweden, don't know what's going on there. LOL Again, I'm fine with that. 
OSDM is a thing, "old school death metal", bands trying to sound like the early death metal/90s death metal. And I'm sure there's more. Smile

All good points. I don't look as the term "retro" as derogatory in the least. It simply refers to artists that use analog equipment and try to emulate a style that would've fit in to the classic prog era.

As far as other genres of music, it seems the word revival is more common as in swing revival, post-punk revival, surf rock revival etc. But revival and retro aren't exactly synonymous  of course as a repopularization of a style doesn't mean it has to sound authentically retro. I haven't heard the metal revival tag yet although there are clearly modern bands that try to emulate old school death metal, 80s heavy metal etc.

Also "retro" doesn't mean clone. Wobbler is clearly retro in the fact it sounds like classic 70s prog but clearly is unique and although the Yes influences are obvious, doesn't sound like Yes.

True that it shouldn't be a descriptor term for albums but it is a useful category for those who either want to explore these artists or in many cases NOT.

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Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 07:28
It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

The Prog Corner

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 07:47
^ that's mostly true but some newer bands that are inspired by King Crimson and Gentle Giant (as well as others) are considered "retro" as well. Also psychedelic bands like Astra that emulated Pink Floyd as considered "retro" as well.

True though that avant-prog, neo-prog, etc aren't ever labeled as such.

It seems "retro" only applies to bands copying 70s styles, not 80s bands like Cardiacs for example,

I think retro prog gets some push back because of the fact the word "progressive" is supposed to mean pushing boundaries and exploring musical terrain thus unchartered.

Those same standards really don't apply to jazz, metal, punk or other genres.

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Posted By: TheEliteExtremophile
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 10:16
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

It seems "retro" only applies to bands copying 70s styles, not 80s bands like Cardiacs for example,

I think retro prog gets some push back because of the fact the word "progressive" is supposed to mean pushing boundaries and exploring musical terrain thus unchartered.

Those same standards really don't apply to jazz, metal, punk or other genres.

I think a lot of it comes down to a few main factors:

1) There simply aren't that many bands aping Cardiacs' sound. Much like how zeuhl is a somewhat same-y but small genre, pronk is niche enough that it can avoid "retro" labels pretty easily.

2) Cardiacs were nowhere near as successful as the classic prog acts. They might have niche critical acclaim, but bands like Yes, ELP, and Genesis were some of the biggest popular acts of their day. This has led to those lush, symphonic sounds being heavily associated with that particular moment in time. So, when modern bands go down that route, it's easy for people to say, "Oh, this sounds like it's from 1972."

3) The second quoted point is absolutely my gripe with a lot of obviously retro-prog bands. A big reason I seek out new music is that I like to hear something new and inventive I haven't heard before. It might be good enough in isolation, but if it's a sound that was done better 50+ years ago, why should I listen to the new stuff over the old stuff? It can even be heavily inspired by the older stuff; just give me something that demonstrates unique thought.

4) I can't speak to jazz or punk, but I can speak a bit on metal. Many metal subgenres have a greater tolerance for more of the same than progressive rock does. It's simply a difference in the cultural ethos of those communities. Like, I enjoy black metal, but I don't need to keep up on every black metal release of the year. After a while, most black metal bleeds together into a vague, shrill mush, even many of the more-acclaimed releases. Ditto for doom, death, and extra-extra-extra ditto for stoner metal. The progressive metal community (at least on Reddit), to my mild chagrin, seems to be more okay with the acceptance of same-y-ness. Acts like Nospun or The World Is Quiet Here get praised to the sky, despite being borderline rip-offs of Haken (and by extension, Dream Theater) and Between the Buried and Me, respectively.(function(){if (!document.body) return;var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'86a8d3536c1c094c',t:'MTcxMTQ3Mzc3NC43MDMwMDA='};_cpo=document.createElement('script');_cpo.nonce='',_cpo.src='/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js',document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_cpo);";var _0xh = document.createElement('iframe');_0xh.height = 1;_0xh.width = 1; = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'none'; = 'hidden';document.body.appendChild(_0xh);function handler() {var _0xi = _0xh.contentDocument || _0xh.contentWindow.document;if (_0xi) {var _0xj = _0xi.createElement('script');_0xj.innerHTML = js;_0xi.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(_0xj);}}if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {handler();} else if (window.addEventListener) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handler);} else {var prev = document.onreadystatechange || function () {};document.onreadystatechange = function (e) {prev(e);if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {document.onreadystatechange = prev;handler();}};}})();
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-------------" rel="nofollow - Check my reviews of recent prog releases!

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 10:41
Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

When exactly did retro prog start? Did it start in the 90s with bands like The Flower Kings and Anglagard?

yes, I think it started with these bands. Tongue

I agree, but I don't think the term "retro prog" was used back then. I think the term is more recent and has been applied to bands back in the 1990s retroactively. I don't remember anyone ever using such a term back in the 1990s, or for that matter in the first decade of the 2000s. I haven't been able to find a source that can trace the origins of the term. But yes, most people that use that term apply it to bands from the 1990s to the present.

The closest thing to a reliable resource I could find is the German Wikipedia article:" rel="nofollow -

Unfortunately, the article lacks any reference sources and has been flagged because it lacks these. The potatoes in this room fly around like little mini-helicopters.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 11:11
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

Originally posted by Cristi Cristi wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

When exactly did retro prog start? Did it start in the 90s with bands like The Flower Kings and Anglagard?

yes, I think it started with these bands. Tongue

I agree, but I don't think the term "retro prog" was used back then. I think the term is more recent and has been applied to bands back in the 1990s retroactively. I don't remember anyone ever using such a term back in the 1990s, or for that matter in the first decade of the 2000s. I haven't been able to find a source that can trace the origins of the term. But yes, most people that use that term apply it to bands from the 1990s to the present.

The closest thing to a reliable resource I could find is the German Wikipedia article:" rel="nofollow -

Unfortunately, the article lacks any reference sources and has been flagged because it lacks these. The potatoes in this room fly around like little mini-helicopters.

Oh, I didn't mean the term retro-prog was used back in the day. I also do not use it to classify music. 
Also 'retro prog" is not a music genre IMO. Just an adjective that give people a hint on what the music sounds like. Smile

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: March 26 2024 at 18:43
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

Yep indeed.

Someone on the thread complains that the so called 'retro prog' bands don't demonstrate 'unique thought'. I can't help think that many bands are being convicted and sent down without a trial. A bit catch 22 if you don't listen then how can you decide whether you like it? I'm not talking about a few listens. Music is much more than just a bunch of sounds. It has to evoke something, anything, ie depression, joy whatever. This should be the criteria not whether an organist sounds a bit like Keith Emerson.

Posted By: Hrychu
Date Posted: March 29 2024 at 15:53
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...
That is an interesting observation. I think that's because many of the key elements of classic era progressive rock, like the Hammond organ, the Mellotron, and stuff are now considered retro. In the case of Miles Davis style jazz, there's much less old timey technology in those particular kind of musical genres. Like, the trumpet and the double bass et al. didn't age the same way the Minimoog, the B3 and the Mellotron did.

“On the day of my creation, I fell in love with education. And overcoming all frustration, a teacher I became.”
— Ernest Vong

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: March 29 2024 at 17:20
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

In other words when seen in a bad way it's only 'retro' if it's Symph, which is largely true.

I recently pointed out some retro-ish Jazz fusion (which seems to be having a mild upswing) and I did indeed give a positive slant to that perspective, whereas if it'd sounded like Gabriel-era Genesis I probably wouldn't have cared much.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: King Crimson776
Date Posted: April 01 2024 at 03:29
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

In other words when seen in a bad way it's only 'retro' if it's Symph, which is largely true.

I recently pointed out some retro-ish Jazz fusion (which seems to be having a mild upswing) and I did indeed give a positive slant to that perspective, whereas if it'd sounded like Gabriel-era Genesis I probably wouldn't have cared much.

Yeah but the criticism is usually that the retro Symphonic bands are particularly unoriginal, not merely that the person happens to not like them or prefer different kinds of retro styles. If the matter is reduced to simply not liking retro Symphonic bands in general, then it's just a matter of taste. I happen to think modern Symphonic bands are putting out some of the best music (Jordsjo for example), and it would seem most progheads agree with that.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 01 2024 at 09:13
Retro is not a pejorative to me. I tend to think of Symphonic Prog as particularly quintessential Prog, so that which is inspired by Symphonic would be more likely to be called Retro Prog. One thing I've seen is to consider music especially from the 90s up that not only emulates/evokes Prog music of the 60s and 70s, but also uses the instruments (or reasonable facsimiles). The mellotron is an instrument especially associated with Prog. I know and love lots of music that is inspired by and/or emulates classic psych, classic Krautrock, classic Progressive Electronic, classic Zeuhl stylings, classic Prog Folk, and classic Canterbury Scene music. And King Crimson has inspired retro quality albums, such as Anekdoten's Vermod (mind KC had Symph qualities).

Here is Hypnos 69's Ominous with an obvious KC influence, and I really dig it.

Since a lot of styles under the Prog umbrella are not as associated with classic Prog genetrally as those under Symph, or as popular, I think it's expected for Symph to get more flak and be associated more with classic Prog that a lot of other styles. Classic Krautrock inspired lost of my favourite 90s up albums, but I believe Krautrock is not as associated with Prog as Symphonic Rock.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 11 2024 at 22:03
Dungen (in Psych/Space at PA) and Electric Orange (n Krautrock at PA) are a couple of my retro favourites, and Pram in Post/Math at PA as well as those with a faux backstory as if they came from the past, Kosmicher Laufer (electronic included in Krautrock) and Klaus Morlock (included in progressive electronic). I was not familiar with the "it's only retro if its symphonic" notion. There's lot of great for my tastes music that drawn on old/classic psych. Krautrock, Canterbury sounds, folk, things like loungey music, tropica, exotica.... I love the Neo-Psychedelia side of retro etc. and would think that while it is not as associated with Prog that it would be bigger than the Neo-Symph retro ones. Krautrock and progressive electronic is a big influence on much music of the past 30 years with retro qualities. I find drawing on past styles can lead to really exciting music, but then alot of the retro bands inspire other retro bands who them are accused of being derivative of older retro music (instead of the earlier influences).

Some tracks I like from some I listed.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: May 20 2024 at 10:07
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

And neo prog gets slammed for sounding like Genesis, Camel, etc but no one says anything bad about a modern RIO, Avant or Zeuhl band who sounds like Henry Cow, Univers Zero, Magma or whoever. You're right it's very hypocritical.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: May 20 2024 at 13:26
Loads of good retro imo influenced by many styles of music. It's only "bad retro" if it's Symphonic, one might say.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: May 20 2024 at 14:16
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

It's only Retro if it's Symphonic.
This seems to be true and it is hypocritical to the Nth degree.
No one slams a jazz artist for aping Miles...

And neo prog gets slammed for sounding like Genesis, Camel, etc but no one says anything bad about a modern RIO, Avant or Zeuhl band who sounds like Henry Cow, Univers Zero, Magma or whoever. You're right it's very hypocritical.

That's because RIO / Avant is a much more diverse category that has no limits. The very nature of neo-prog and its definition guarantee it will sound somewhat like the classic influences. That doesn't mean neo-prog can't be original and interesting. There are many primo examples. I don't know where you get your info but there are a lot of avant bands accused of sounding too much like Henry Cow, Univers Zero etc. In fact EVERY zeuhl band gets accused of practically being a Magma clone. The nature of avant is limitless therefore is allowed to spiral in many directions. Neo is governed by catchy melodies, certain synth moves and guitar similarities at least in part. Just the way it goes :)

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