The Swedish Gods of Metal: Opeth
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Topic: The Swedish Gods of Metal: Opeth
Posted By: Ozric_Gnome
Subject: The Swedish Gods of Metal: Opeth
Date Posted: January 29 2020 at 11:19
I've noticed that this site has a significant lack of Opeth. This thread is for any discussion or appreciation revolving around Opeth.
Posted By: Foxprog
Date Posted: January 29 2020 at 11:36
Just saw them live...
The best gig I have ever seen hands down! Ending of "Allting tar slut" was just magical
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 00:16
In the last 10 years there are probably few bands that have been as consistent and creative. Good on them.
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 01:33
Opeth is the only progmetal band that I like. Saw them once live, it was great gig! I am glad they don´t do growl vocals anymore. Their latest album has grown with more listening, my favourite still is Damnation, Sorceress come also close.
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 04:16
They're not a metal band now, but I'm a definite fan, love the last album.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 04:24
The Swedish metal gods are Entombed me some Orchid. Funny how that goes. Most on here jumped on the bandwagon, when Opeth started to incorporate prog into the mix...even more so when they ditched the growls, yet that was the point I lost interest in the band. But yeah that debut of theirs is just brilliant. I still spin it from time to time to clear out the old sinuses
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 05:50
I like Damnnation and Blackwater Park. Their newer albums are meh for me. My favorite Swedish Gods of Metal are Freak Kitchen.
Posted By: hugo1995
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 14:15
I love Opeth. Saw them live when they came down here. I was heartbroken they didn't play Blackwater Park.
I don't know if you guys understand. You can't really compare it to a 70s band.
Blackwater Park isn't just their magnum opus, it is the magnum opus of the entire Progressive Death Metal genre. In my opinion that is not debatable.
If you don't like metal but you're a prog fan, you'll still like this. Pure 10/10:" rel="nofollow -
------------- interests: Moon Safari, Gilgamesh, Egg, ELP, Soft Machine, Gong, Opeth (Everything pre watershed), Brighteye Brison, The Flower Kings
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 19:52
I do like some Opeth a good bit. However, they have been somewhat frustrating, since I do love metal (and prog metal), but hardly like growls. So they did a few metal songs without growls, but whenever they have done their albums without growls altogether, they are hardly metal at all. I still have to listen to the new one, which sounds a bit heavier than their later ones... and being in swedish sounds really interesting. However, my overall favourite song from them is indeed the only one I like with growls, which is The Drapery Falls (live version from Lamentations).
Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 20:07
Becoming one of my favorite bands...
Guess who is buying a ticket to see them live tomorrow :)
Love al eras of Opeth, ICV is one of their best albums
------------- The sun has left the sky... ...Now you can close your eyes
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 20:34
Entombed kicked off the Swedish metal scene for sure!
My favorite Opeth album is Orchid. After that i love the prog but the drumming style rubs me the wrong way.
Other worthy metal gods from Sweden include Candlemass, Bathory, Pain of Salvation, Therion and Meshuggah. All pioneers in their own ways.
Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: January 30 2020 at 20:38
My copy of Still Life on vinyl came yesterday and it sounds incredible, ghost reveries should be here tomorrow!
------------- The sun has left the sky... ...Now you can close your eyes
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: January 31 2020 at 01:56
Dellinger wrote:
I do like some Opeth a good bit. However, they have been somewhat frustrating, since I do love metal (and prog metal), but hardly like growls. So they did a few metal songs without growls, but whenever they have done their albums without growls altogether, they are hardly metal at all. I still have to listen to the new one, which sounds a bit heavier than their later ones... and being in swedish sounds really interesting. However, my overall favourite song from them is indeed the only one I like with growls, which is The Drapery Falls (live version from Lamentations). | I think there is metal also in Sorceress, but maybe it sounds just metal into me, maybe it´s not metal enough to metal fans (drowning in metal).
Posted By: tamijo_II
Date Posted: January 31 2020 at 07:46
Opeth have
always been strange experience to me, love Orchid there is something very fresh
about that album and I re-listen from time to time, but never got too much into
the next 7 albums, ok’ish for a heavy playlist but did not really get me
boiling as albums.
Then came
Watershed and I was hooked again for a while, but was very indifferent towards Heritage
and Pale Communion , albums I found to be for the most part uninteresting (just
as Wilson solo albums often was to me) to the point where I never bothered with
Sorceress and to this day haven’t heard. Then did check out In Cauda Venenum
and liked it, in my opinion some of the worst prog cliché is now gone and we
are getting what to me is a better more clean rock output with its own unique thing
– yet far from the Metal animal Opeth once was.
------------- Same person as this profile:" rel="nofollow - Tamijo
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: January 31 2020 at 13:30
Mortte wrote:
Dellinger wrote:
I do like some Opeth a good bit. However, they have been somewhat frustrating, since I do love metal (and prog metal), but hardly like growls. So they did a few metal songs without growls, but whenever they have done their albums without growls altogether, they are hardly metal at all. I still have to listen to the new one, which sounds a bit heavier than their later ones... and being in swedish sounds really interesting. However, my overall favourite song from them is indeed the only one I like with growls, which is The Drapery Falls (live version from Lamentations). | I think there is metal also in Sorceress, but maybe it sounds just metal into me, maybe it´s not metal enough to metal fans (drowning in metal). |
Yeah, Sorceress has some nice heavy moments, and is actually my favourite album from them so far. I just heard a few songs from the new one, and it seems it's got some even heavier moments... I do hope so.
Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: January 31 2020 at 21:52
Ghost Reveries came in the mail and I gotta say, its one of my favorite albums ever made, leaving a review sunday :D
------------- The sun has left the sky... ...Now you can close your eyes
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: January 31 2020 at 23:00
Dellinger wrote:
Mortte wrote:
Dellinger wrote:
I do like some Opeth a good bit. However, they have been somewhat frustrating, since I do love metal (and prog metal), but hardly like growls. So they did a few metal songs without growls, but whenever they have done their albums without growls altogether, they are hardly metal at all. I still have to listen to the new one, which sounds a bit heavier than their later ones... and being in swedish sounds really interesting. However, my overall favourite song from them is indeed the only one I like with growls, which is The Drapery Falls (live version from Lamentations). | I think there is metal also in Sorceress, but maybe it sounds just metal into me, maybe it´s not metal enough to metal fans (drowning in metal). |
Yeah, Sorceress has some nice heavy moments, and is actually my favourite album from them so far. I just heard a few songs from the new one, and it seems it's got some even heavier moments... I do hope so. | Well, I think as much as in Sorceress. But at the moment I like Sorceress more than the new one, although it´s good too. I think I´ll listen Pale Communion this weekend, because I have listened it least from the Opeth albums I´ve heard.
Posted By: fracturematt
Date Posted: February 03 2020 at 14:21
The Swedish gods of metal are obviously Meshuggah. However, Opeth takes a close 2nd. :)
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 03 2020 at 15:27
fracturematt wrote:
The Swedish gods of metal are obviously Meshuggah. However, Opeth takes a close 2nd. :)
Before Opeth and Meshuggah, there was Candlemass. 
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: February 12 2020 at 17:27
It will surprise you to know that in Sweden Opeth aren't even close to being considered the Swedish Gods of Metal. Swedish metalheads gave up on them many years ago. Unlike most countries Sweden has dozens of great metal bands of all genres in the first division, there isn't one metal band that Swedes consider to be above all others. The old school Holy Trinity here is still considered to be Candlemass, Bathory and Entombed. But nowadays, the top five would be Mesuggah, At the Gates, In Flames, Amon Amarth and Sabaton. Not to mention all the great new retro, doom, fuzz,drone,stoner bands that are now rising quickly in these post-Hipster years.
Posted By: Ozric_Gnome
Date Posted: February 12 2020 at 19:40
Okay Boomer There are many great bands, especially metal, from Sweden. I realize that Opeth is no longer very metal and probably not praised much anymore in Sweden but my referring to them as Gods of Metal is merely an opinion that you disagree with. This thread is just for people who are fans of Opeth, like myself, to discuss and appreciate their art. There's of course nothing wrong with disagreeing but please realize the difference between fact and opinion.
Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: February 12 2020 at 20:18
^ I don’t think he said anything rude enough to warrant that response. Opeth is one of my favorites, metal or not
------------- The sun has left the sky... ...Now you can close your eyes
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 02:23
What is a boomer? And who are you addressing? I Will reply anyway.Yes, there is a big difference between fact and opinion,most people know that. Your thread title is just your opinion. The fact is that the metal community here in Sweden disowned Opeth many years ago. Why do you think the stadium was two thirds empty when they were support band for Iron Maiden many years ago. But when In Flames supported Judas Priest here the stadium was almost full from the beginning. I must assume that boomer is something rude and that you are just a rude person. But just because you think your opinion is right doesn't make it fact. Also, this is just music, so calm down and chill out boomer.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 02:34
As someone that's been personally involved with and played and recorded in the progressive, technical, and avant metal scene for years...
...Opeth bores me to tears. Give me Edge of Sanity over Opeth any day of the week.
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 02:34
LAM-SGC wrote:
What is a boomer? And who are you addressing? I Will reply anyway.Yes, there is a big difference between fact and opinion,most people know that. Your thread title is just your opinion. The fact is that the metal community here in Sweden disowned Opeth many years ago. Why do you think the stadium was two thirds empty when they were support band for Iron Maiden many years ago. But when In Flames supported Judas Priset here the stadium was almost full from the beginning. I must assume that boomer is something rude and that you are just a rude person. But just because you think your opinion is right doesn't make it fact. Also, this is just music, so calm down and chill out boomer. |
How is In Flames doing in Sweden? Are they popular? More respected than Opeth?
Because In Flames has definitely lost identity, even worse than Opeth, they went so far away from what they once were, they're unrecognizable now.
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 03:23
Cristi wrote:
LAM-SGC wrote:
What is a boomer? And who are you addressing? I Will reply anyway.Yes, there is a big difference between fact and opinion,most people know that. Your thread title is just your opinion. The fact is that the metal community here in Sweden disowned Opeth many years ago. Why do you think the stadium was two thirds empty when they were support band for Iron Maiden many years ago. But when In Flames supported Judas Priset here the stadium was almost full from the beginning. I must assume that boomer is something rude and that you are just a rude person. But just because you think your opinion is right doesn't make it fact. Also, this is just music, so calm down and chill out boomer. |
How is In Flames doing in Sweden? Are they popular? More respected than Opeth?
Because In Flames has definitely lost identity, even worse than Opeth, they went so far away from what they once were, they're unrecognizable now.
Still very popular, but obviously not as much as years ago. I saw them a couple of times between 2004-2006,and they were great. then again once in about 2012-2014, and they were awful. The ressurgence of Swedish power metal again in recent years is really interesting, Sabaton, Ghost, Lancer, Anaranthe, Wolf.That said, power metal in Sweden has never gone away but it dipped a lot about ten years ago. Fewer gigs, fewer bands.But Sabaton and Ghost gave it the injection it needed. Of course the extreme, HC, black and death metal styles all have massive followings with hundreds of bands and loads of gigs every week,Incarnit are great,another band with two of my friends in it. They did a USA tour last year, and now they are in Poland.
But recently, the most interesting stuff, in my opinion is the new wave of retro, doom,stoner, fuzz, drone, acid, 60s & 70s-hard rock styles with bands like Avatarium, Lykantropi, Deerslayer, Truckfighters, Hällas, Nattramn (No not the 90s Nattramn - I asked my friend Rickard, singer in Nattramn having a drink at our metal club after the gig on Saturday, what he says to people who criticize him for using that band name and he lifted his long finger and said, "I say fvk them" ;) )
And of course the old school of 60s, 70s retro in Sweden with bands like Abramis Brama, Graveyard, Horisont. Also, lots of goth, synth and industrial metal bands are still really popular, my favourites for years are Draconian (goth, death) and Deathstars (goth, synth).
Posted By: dougmcauliffe
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 06:34
How does everyone rank the newest album in their discography? For me it goes something like this
Ghost Reveries Still Life BWP My arms your herse In Cauda Venenum Damnation Watershed Pale
Not familiar enough with the rest but I think all the above albums are really good
I just thought the new one was really solid, especiallly love heart in hand
------------- The sun has left the sky... ...Now you can close your eyes
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 13 2020 at 06:52
^ Damnation is rather low in your list one of my favorite albums