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"Baker Street" vs "Stuck in the Middle With You"

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Topic: "Baker Street" vs "Stuck in the Middle With You"
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: "Baker Street" vs "Stuck in the Middle With You"
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 14:01
Two huge songs, not just on the chart but bouth have reached time-less classic lable, corner stones of songwriting. Curriculum in tune-smithing.

Baker Street is a HUUUGE song, it is so vast, poigenant, dark, yet with hope - a steam punk feel and urban.

Stuck in the Middle is almost as Huge, time-less and just perfecr songwriting.


Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 14:07
not a big fan of either to tell the truth.  Both sound tired and unenthusiastic, and the melodies seem bland.
Going with Stealer's Wheel.  I preferred Rafferty's "Right Down the Line", which was a lesser hit

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 15:16
Totally love Baker Street!

Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 15:30
Baker Street has a really cool, iconic intro... But the rest of the song never really grabbed my attention. I'm voting for Stuck just for consistency. Not my favorite song in the world, but it's decently catchy.

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Posted By: BrufordFreak
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 17:47
Always loved both--love hearing them both on the radio. To this day I'll turn the radio up LOUD and play each song through to the end if & when I hear them in the car. BUT, "Stuck in the Middle with You" is, to me, so iconic, such an odd earworm, that I had to vote for it.

Drew Fisher

Posted By: patrickq
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 18:22
My son (now 17) for some reason has been a “Stuck in the Middle With You” fan for a couple of years. Go figure, I always thought of it as no more than average. But “Right Down the Line” is a really good one - - and “Baker Street” has always been a favorite of mine..

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 18:28
I own Barker Street but Stuck in the Middle is too fun!

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: September 17 2019 at 23:45
Both are overplayed, but definitely Baker Street. 

I love Gerry Rafferty; so many other great songs. 

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Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: September 18 2019 at 09:32
I saw a docu about Gerry and about hes crafting these songs and it was humbleing, also he is/was quite humble about it himself also.


Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: September 18 2019 at 09:50
Rafferty certainly had a knack.  It was pretty rare for British Isles "folkies" to manage a hit in US, but he did it a couple of times under different guises.  Another guy who succeeded with this a few times was Iain Matthews, originally with Fairport Convention.  He did it with Matthews Southern Comfort in the early 1970s and again solo (song called "Shake It") in 1979

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: September 19 2019 at 03:29
Has to be Baker Street with its Bob Holness sax riff, but I prefer Get It Right Next Time.

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