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The Hawkwind Trip

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Topic: The Hawkwind Trip
Posted By: BaldJean
Subject: The Hawkwind Trip
Date Posted: July 12 2019 at 08:42
Friede and I are going on a risky journey: we will listen through the complete Hawkwind discography. this means official releases only, including EPs and singles (the latter only if they contain material that does not exist on an album or EP), studio and live. we will listen in chronological order (release date, not recording date). we have all their stuff, so in theory this is no problem.

this journey will however take quite a while; we estimated the listening time to be somewhere between 60 and 70 hours. since we won't do more than about 5 hours per day it will probably take about 2 weeks. we expect our minds to be strangely warped afterwards


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: July 12 2019 at 08:59
Mind warp-age set to high!  Danger, danger Will Robinson!

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Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 12 2019 at 09:54
this will of course include the albums "25 Years On" and "White Zone", which were published under the names Hawklords and Psychedelic Warriors respectively.

we also decided to include the solo releases of at least Dave Brock, Robert Calvert and Nik Turner


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: July 12 2019 at 10:30
Al I can say is "Great journey"; I'm sure you'll have some memorable moments while doing this. 

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: July 12 2019 at 11:11
Great idea. Some bands' discographies simply command this sort of venture, e.g. Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream, Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult...!

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Posted By: Neu!mann
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 04:37
...Into the void we have to travel,
To find a clue which will unravel...

"we can change the world without anyone noticing the difference" - Franco Falsini

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 08:12

HAWKWIND, is probably one of my car favorites. The other is GURU GURU.

So, with some credit to the ladies, on my next trip I will start with the first album, and go (at least) through SPACE RITUAL, which still is one of my favorite albums!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 08:22
Hawkwind are definitely great for car rides.

We did "Hawkwind", "In Search of Space", "Doremi Fasol Latido", the single "Urban Guerilla / Brainbox Pollution", "Silver Machine", "Space Ritual" and "Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters" (including the later recorded "The Widow's Song"; we included that one because it should have been on Calvert's solo album, but he couldn't get Nico to sing it, so it was left out and years later recorded with Calvert's wife as a singer) so far. We still feel normal. What was that strange noise and that reflection in the mirror right now?


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 08:24
Cool, into the void you go StarStar.

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: Progosopher
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 11:24
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

We still feel normal.
LOL I am sure this won't last long. Happy journey!

The world of sound is certainly capable of infinite variety and, were our sense developed, of infinite extensions. -- George Santayana, "The Sense of Beauty"

Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: July 13 2019 at 18:51
Ok, now does anyone want to tackle Phrozenlight's discography?  You should be finished by 2099.

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Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 14 2019 at 04:57
day 1 had as highlights "Space Ritual" and "Captain Lockheed & the Starfighters", both 5 star albums in my book, I'd deal out ratings on a scale from 1 to 10 like this (remark we made our own editions of these albums, leaving only bonus tracks that in our opinion add to the album; a policy we generally follow when dealing with bonus tracks):

"Hawkwind" (incl. "Bring it on Home" and "Kiss of the Velvet Whip") 7
"X in Search of Space" (incl. "Seven by Seven" and "Silver Machine") 8
"Doremi Fasol Latido" ( incl. "Urban Guerilla" and "Brainbox Pollution") - 8
"Hall of the Mountain Grill" (incl. "It's so Easy") 9
"Space Ritual" 10
"Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters" (incl. "The Widow's Song", though this was recorded much later. but it was meant to be a part of the album) 10

so 52 out of 60 possible points, or an average of 8.67. not bad at all!

day 2 had us listening to "Warrior on the Edge of Time" (incl. "Motorhead"), "Lucky Leif and the Longships", "Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music" (incl. "Honky Dorky", "Back on the Streets" and "The Dream of Isis"), "Quark, Strangeness and Charm" (no bonus tracks chosen from this one), "25 Years On" (again no bonus tracks; those that matter are on the "Sonic Assassins" EP which will follow later), "Xitintoday", (bonus track omitted) and "PXR 5" (again no bonus tracks). the highlights were "Warrior on the Edge of Time" and "Xitintoday", but the other albums were close behind. this was a series of great albums!

"Warrior on the Edge of Time" 10
"Lucky Leif and the Longships" 8
"Astounding Sounds, Amazing Music" 9
"Quark, Strangeness and Charm" 9
"25 Years On" 8
"Xitintoday" 10
"PXR 5" 8

64 out of 70 or an average of 9.14. wow! this was a great series of albums. a total of 116 out of 130 with an average of 8.92 so far. again wow!

we notice small objects, such as ornaments, oscillating


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 14 2019 at 05:54
I just updated my review of "Xitintoday", by the way. the rating has remained, but I changed it substantially. here it is:

5 stars This is one of the forgotten gems of prog. Of Nik Turner, sax and flute player of Hawkwind, one would expect something on the heavy side, but this wonderful album is very quiet and spacey (though not completely without rhythm, and in the last track it even rocks a little - but don't expect anything like Hawkwind). With half of Gong - Steve Hillage, Mike Howlett, Tim Blake, Miquette Giraudy and Harry Williamson (who did not play with Gong but later became an important member of Mother Gong) - plus former Hawkwind drummer Alan Powell and Morris Pert of Brand X on percussion the lineup is exquisite.

But the biggest surprise is Nik Turner himself. His flute clearly dominates the album, and one really feels the ancient Egyptian Gods evoked by it. The music makes a lot of use of vocoder, which adds to the feeling that supernatural beings are around. This is not an album to play in the background; listen to it late at night by candle light, and then the Gods will come to you. Sometimes they will be scary, as is the habit of Gods. But when Isis and Nephthys appear they will seduce you. In my opinion clearly the best album of 1978.

Warning: The 1994 CD of Nik Turner named "Sphynx" only has the lyrics in common with this album. The music of that release is completely different though, not even the same compositions. It is not a bad album itself, but no competition for this masterpiece. So stick to the original. And then "Hommage to Thee, oh Ra, in Thy Rising".

this is an album you should most definitely listen to. and if it doesn't click with you immediately give it another try. and another. and another


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 14 2019 at 08:27

There are 3 other albums I enjoy playing back to back also ... 

Space Bandits
Electric Tepee
It is the business of the future ...

ELECTRIC TEPEE, still is, for me, the ultimate ambient acid rock, and it is huge. And must be played loud on a really good stereo system for it to shine. The massive nature of the album does not come out as good on mopbroom3 quality (my word for mp3!) ... and the whole album gets kinda left behind. And of course, few people understand or get it on the very last bit in the album ... HAWKWIND is nothing but just another powow band ... and a really good one at that! I think this explains the band for me really well, because each time I listen to HAWKWIND, it has to be 25 to 30 minutes ... never just a song ... I hate "songs" ... and I can live through the album really well ... a sort of fantastic story to live through ... I even see Stacia dancing, as I did on the Space Ritual tour in Santa Monica!

The next album is a really nice trip ... although I do not like the Rolling Stones song in the CD, mostly because the trip nature of the album was more far out and the RS song is a really sad and horrible come down from the tripping in the album. I understand that it was a donation of some sort and this and that ... but it really tore up the rest of the album for me. I make a point of excluding that song!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: July 14 2019 at 15:03
Space Bandits is awesome. The opener, "Images," blows you away, but the album really works best as a whole. I won't listen to it unless I can play it uninterrupted.

Tepee's not Space Bandits II, but it's pretty good.

Business disappointed me. It doesn't hold up as well as other albums.

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Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 05:31
the third day took us to "Levitation" (incl. "Nuclear Toy"), "Live 79", "Sonic Attack" (incl. "Transdimensional Man"), Robert Calvert's solo album "Hype", "Church of Hawkwind" (incl. "Joker at the Gate", "Light Specific Data" and "The Last Messiah"),  "Choose Your Masques" (of which we made our own edition, in which we replaced "Silver Machine" with the full version bonus track and added "Psychedelic Warlords", "Candle Burning" and "Radio Telepathy") and the EP "The Earth Ritual Preview".

the highlights were "Levitation" and "Live 79".

"Levitation" 9
"Live 79" 9
"Sonic Attack" 8
"Hype" 7
"Church of Hawkwind" 7
"Choose Your Masques" 8
"The Earth Ritual Preview" 8

56 points out of 70, or an average of 8. a total of 172 of 200 so far, or an average of 8.6 out of 10. we are obviously big fans of the band.

we hear a distant hissing in our ears


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 05:37
Enjoy the journey

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 06:18
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Great idea. Some bands' discographies simply command this sort of venture, e.g. Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream, Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult...!

I haven't done this with TD since discovering they recorded something worthwhile after 1986 but it's now time to return to it. I only have 70 or so albums but they're well spread in time apart from just having a couple of tracks each from compilations for a certain run of 7 studio albums and I could add half a dozen of Edgar's solo albums under his own name Wink.

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 06:34
It would be nice to coordinate with somebody else, to see how far can you go together, who finishes first, how long you keep the same schedules, etc. I think I'll start a King Crimson marathon myself, with all the Projekts and live material. 

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 10:31
If you are taking this 'Hawkwind Trip'...then I would say your minds are already 'strangely warped'.


One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 14:32
Originally posted by 2dogs 2dogs wrote:

Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Great idea. Some bands' discographies simply command this sort of venture, e.g. Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream, Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult...!

I haven't done this with TD since discovering they recorded something worthwhile after 1986 but it's now time to return to it. I only have 70 or so albums but they're well spread in time apart from just having a couple of tracks each from compilations for a certain run of 7 studio albums and I could add half a dozen of Edgar's solo albums under his own name Wink.

All of Edgar's, yes, including Dalinetopia (underrated), plus Peter's excellent Romance '76 and Transharmonic Nights, and as many of Johannes' as you can collect, with Wuivend Reit and Songs No Words at a minimum. 

As for Chris, The London Concert and stop there. 

And since the new grandiose box set In Search of Hades finally makes Michael Hoenig's brief involvement official, his solo albums Departure from the Northern Wasteland and Xcept One demand inclusion!

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Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 17:27
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Originally posted by 2dogs 2dogs wrote:

[QUOTE=verslibre]Great idea. Some bands' discographies simply command this sort of venture, e.g. Hawkwind, Tangerine Dream, Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult...!

I haven't done this with TD since discovering they recorded something worthwhile after 1986 but it's now time to return to it. I only have 70 or so albums but they're well spread in time apart from just having a couple of tracks each from compilations for a certain run of 7 studio albums and I could add half a dozen of Edgar's solo albums under his own name Wink.

All of Edgar's, yes, including Dalinetopia (underrated), plus Peter's excellent Romance '76 and Transharmonic Nights, and as many of Johannes' as you can collect, with Wuivend Reit and Songs No Words at a minimum. 

As for Chris, The London Concert and stop there. 

And since the new grandiose box set In Search of Hades finally makes Michael Hoenig's brief involvement official, his solo albums Departure from the Northern Wasteland and Xcept One demand inclusion!

I especially love the second side of "Romance '76". absolutely brilliant music. my inner eye sees a romantic couple on horseback (two on one horse) on the run from a foe, an evil king with his army; the romantic couple are his wife and her lover. they arrive at an abyss and are stopped. a magical glass bridge appears over which they slowly ride. the foe and his army do not dare to follow, and rightly so; the glass bridge would collapse below them


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 17:44
I heard something pretty good by them the other day in my car while listening to an independent college radio station(someone requested them). It was from their second album "in search of space." It was probably at least ten minutes long. I haven't heard anything bad by them even though I've only heard a few albums.

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 18:22
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I heard something pretty good by them the other day in my car while listening to an independent college radio station(someone requested them). It was from their second album "in search of space." It was probably at least ten minutes long. I haven't heard anything bad by them even though I've only heard a few albums.

probably "You Shouldn't Do That"; the track is almost 16 minutes long


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 18:34
^ Yeah, probably. Anyway, have fun with your Hawkwind journey. I actually saw them one year at Nearfest. I was standing right near Dave Brock but didn't say anything to him. I'm sure others did though since he was right in the middle of a  crowd. Then again I saw Peter Hammill at the same festival in a crowd and no one appeared to talk to him so I talked to him briefly. Not all prog musicians will bit your head off but you never really know who will and who won't. Lol.

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: July 15 2019 at 23:11
Re the TD discussion which my attempt to quote has messed up completely, I was thinking of Edgar’s solo albums as a number of later “Tangerine Dream” albums only had him on them. You could expand the trip a lot though with those plus Klaus Schulze, Conrad Schnitzler, Steve Joliffe, even Florian Fricke (Popol Vuh) was on “Zeit”.

Sorry Jean, I’d talk more about Hawkwind. I have loved the albums up to “Warrior On The Edge Of Time” but not so much the next ones and gave up after “Levitation”.

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 04:46
since we have arrived at the time of the sad demise of Robert Calvert here a nice excerpt of Amon Düül 2 playing a benefit concert for his family after his death. note that one of the drummers is Guy Evans of VdGG who also was the drummer of the British Amon Düül. "Fool Moon" by them is probably the last album Robert Calvert can be heard of. he recites a German text about sensory perception there (with a heavy accent)


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 05:46
The Calvert era Hawkwind is the only version of the band I can really stomach all told. A deeply troubled but profoundly gifted writer who was years ahead of his time and probably never got the kudos he deserves. My favourite Calvert story epitomizes the man:

A former (unnamed) Hawkwind band member, came up to him back stage and said with great annoyance
'why are you telling everyone that I'm a c*nt?'.
Bob looked over to him briefly, and then said he was sorry,
'I didn't realise it was supposed to be a secret'.
Punches were exchanged. LOL


Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 06:07
the fourth day was filled with Dave Brock's solo album "Earthed to the Ground", Robert Calvert's "Freq", "The Chronicle of the Black Sword" (incl. "Arioch"), "Live Chronicles", Robert Calvert's "Test-Tube Conceived" and "The Xenon Codex". highlights were "The Chronicle of the Black Sword" and "Live Chronicles".

"Earthed to the Ground" 7
"Freq" 7
"The Chronicle of the Black Sword" 10
"Live Chronicles" 10
"Test-Tube Conceived" 7
"The Xenon Codex" 7

48 out of 60; an average of 8

we feel dizzy


A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 07:26
Two 10s and four 7s sounds pretty good, worth a bit of dizziness Big smile.

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 07:29
Originally posted by ExittheLemming ExittheLemming wrote:

The Calvert era Hawkwind is the only version of the band I can really stomach all told. A deeply troubled but profoundly gifted writer who was years ahead of his time and probably never got the kudos he deserves. My favourite Calvert story epitomizes the man:

A former (unnamed) Hawkwind band member, came up to him back stage and said with great annoyance
'why are you telling everyone that I'm a c*nt?'.
Bob looked over to him briefly, and then said he was sorry,
'I didn't realise it was supposed to be a secret'.
Punches were exchanged. LOL

I bet Lemmy threw the first punch. LOL

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 07:33
I like Lemmy era Hawkwind. Despite not knowing the correct way to play the bass sometimes he's the only one really driving the tunes forward Star.

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: July 16 2019 at 18:28
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

the fourth day was filled with Dave Brock's solo album "Earthed to the Ground", Robert Calvert's "Freq", "The Chronicle of the Black Sword" (incl. "Arioch"), "Live Chronicles", Robert Calvert's "Test-Tube Conceived" and "The Xenon Codex". highlights were "The Chronicle of the Black Sword" and "Live Chronicles".

"Earthed to the Ground" 7
"Freq" 7
"The Chronicle of the Black Sword" 10
"Live Chronicles" 10
"Test-Tube Conceived" 7
"The Xenon Codex" 7

48 out of 60; an average of 8

we feel dizzy

LOVE those albums...LOVE 'em!

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