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King Crimson on Spotify from 10th of June

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: King Crimson on Spotify from 10th of June
Posted By: Icarium
Subject: King Crimson on Spotify from 10th of June
Date Posted: May 20 2019 at 11:10
How excieting is that!!! According to internet and sources it is now time for King Crimson to launch all their Studio-albums on the Swedish streeming service. Becouse of its 50   years aniversay they probably feel its in due time to go outside the comfort zone.

So im on the excietment scale from 0 - 10, on abouy 11.


Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 20 2019 at 11:17
I'm not cause I have all of their albums already. Why don't you go out and buy them?Tongue

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: May 20 2019 at 11:37
I pay for Spotify, i have bought 6 of their albums but some of their CDs are priced to high for me to bother byuing them.


Posted By: King of Loss
Date Posted: May 20 2019 at 11:39
Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:

I pay for Spotify, i have bought 6 of their albums but some of their CDs are priced to high for me to bother byuing them.

Fair enough. There are KC albums that I don't particularly care for. Beat is an example.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 21 2019 at 00:29
Personally I like to own the CD's and also be able to stream them. However I feel a bit tied into Amazon's laughably titled ' Unlimited' streaming service as currently I own 3 Alexa's and also have a substantial music library with Amazon. However their decision to only put up a selection of tracks from the recent Big Big Train album is extremely annoying. I know it is possible to stream Spotify through Alexa so this news could make me 'jump ship' at least cancelling the £7.99 I pay a month to Amazon and go for Spotify instead. 

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 21 2019 at 01:07
I thought Fripp didn't stream his music on services like Spotify out of principle?

Spotify barely pays the artists anything. I use Spotify, but I only download albums I've actually bought on a different format. It's a good service to the end user, IMO, but I understand why some artists hate it.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 21 2019 at 06:37
Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:

How excieting is that!!! According to internet and sources it is now time for King Crimson to launch all their Studio-albums on the Swedish streeming service. Becouse of its 50   years aniversay they probably feel its in due time to go outside the comfort zone.

KC's "comfort zone" was created by RF to help re-gain, and RETAIN, the rights to all of their music, much of which was well known to have been taken away for a long time.

Now that they have almost all of it (AFAIK), there is no reason not to share some more, as long as there is a good accounting of the numbers and the sales ... which is one of the issues with SPOTIFY and many other folks ... and it would not surprise me, if KC would audit the numbers at Spotify to ensure that they are not cheating ... there are STILL many more musicians getting out of there, than there are musicians joining in that place, which ought to say something.

For all intents and purposes, KC does NOT NEED this ... they have a strong Internet presence and have done well selling and providing material through there, however, it is my feeling that RF is probably looking to slow down and start to enjoy smelling the roses and having a nice retired time with his wife. And for this to happen, a lot of little things have to happen, and continued 24/7 control of everything in his own company, is probably one of the factors preventing his relaxing, is my bet.

With that all said, it matters none whatsoever if KC is on SPOTIFY or not ... I will still buy the stuff from his website ... and I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety! I could be wrong, but in the end, the music itself is more important than it being on Spotify ... and this is not what the poster made clear!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: May 21 2019 at 07:39
^ well said that is sort of what i meant but im not so well refined in my writing.


Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: May 21 2019 at 11:03
I have never had any interest in 'streaming' anything...and I own all of the studio lps and the box sets and many of the live things...some on original vinyl and many on cd.
So...I guess it's no big thing for me.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 22 2019 at 00:21
Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:

^ well said that is sort of what i meant but im not so well refined in my writing.

not really imo

Streaming a variety of tracks is perfectly valid. I wish I had 'unlimited' time to play a bunch of albums and keep up with music that way but it's totally impracticable for reasons of work and being knackered most of the time.
I also like to occasionally listen to a variety of tracks by a particular artist which streaming is brilliant for. I expect Moshkito will now claim I have ADD or something. Streaming is a great modern innovation for listening to music no question.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 22 2019 at 07:26
Originally posted by richardh richardh wrote:

Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:

^ well said that is sort of what i meant but im not so well refined in my writing.

not really imo

Streaming a variety of tracks is perfectly valid. I wish I had 'unlimited' time to play a bunch of albums and keep up with music that way but it's totally impracticable for reasons of work and being knackered most of the time.
I also like to occasionally listen to a variety of tracks by a particular artist which streaming is brilliant for. I expect Moshkito will now claim I have ADD or something. Streaming is a great modern innovation for listening to music no question.

I came up in the time of no streaming, and you even bought albums by the cover ... and its art ... thus, you ended up with a "surprise factor" that is HUGE in helping appreciate the music.

I do NOT criticize streaming, and although I have only bought a couple of things off streaming (DGM's KC Live, Rachel Flowers album ... the only two I can remember!), in general, I STILL only buy the albums by deciding I want to listen to it or not.

PART OF THE BEAUTY, AND EXCLUSIVITY OF LISTENING, is being surprised and that is something that in some ways, the streaming takes out, because the next cut, is a different band, or something like it. It takes away a certain "CONTINUITY" that really helps "meet" the artist, instead of the usual streaming nowadays, that folks go for a "style" (nothing weirder and more bizarre than that!!!!), and never listen to anything else ... and then come around thinking they are music experts, and have opinions that are more centered on a top ten design, than they are on the music itself, AND ITS HISTORY!

As an example, streaming destroyed my appreciation of Spock's Beard, and then what's his name follow up materials ... they just don't seem to stand up, and want to be counted ... they try to make you feel bad because they have the judicial/spiritual truth, and you don't ... maybe, in the end, the band's message, just was not impressive, and I should have seen the empty plate asking for donations up front ... but I didn't, because of the many comments, and respect and such ... in the end, I end up thinking that both the band and its follow ups, are all second rate "progressive" music ... in fact, I do not think they are progressive at all ... way too formulaic for my tastes!

That is NEVER EVER to say that streaming can not do the same thing ... but I have a problem with the database influence in many of those streaming websites, not respecting the music, and treating ALL OF IT, as another top ten song ... to the point that at least one major well known symphony has 5 songs in it! It's not even a "movement" anymore!

That kind of bullmerde is hurting the knowledge and understanding of what an art is ... something created by a geek thinking that he knows more, and loves music, better than you or I do, because he created a website that has something you don't. AND I, do not like to see that same person, be the one indicating what I should like and know. That is just plain wrong!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 22 2019 at 08:16
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety!
This is a bit of an assumption! I use Spotify and there are times when I might want to listen to "Easy Money" (for example) but not the whole album that it comes from. I appreciate albums but sometimes it's nice to listen to a playlist to get a variety of different tracks/artists.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 23 2019 at 07:46
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety!
This is a bit of an assumption! I use Spotify and there are times when I might want to listen to "Easy Money" (for example) but not the whole album that it comes from. I appreciate albums but sometimes it's nice to listen to a playlist to get a variety of different tracks/artists.

It's not quite a "presumption". 

I do not listen to the 3rd symphony by Mahler or Beethoven, and then go out and claim that I know they are progressive or this and that ... the WHOLE ALBUM IS ABOUT THAT PARTICULAR VERSION OF THE KC BAND .... not just one song, despite you wanting to just hear that.

In the end, we're back to not giving a damn about the "composers" and the "true musicians" in the business ... we like one song, and sheep dip on the rest .... 

KC is great for its complete catalog ... not one song, even if I only want to hear "Epitaph". They are, and deserve that description, some of the best and "purest" composers in rock music, and we got them in our lifetimes!

A lot of people never saw a Maria Callas, a Nureyev with Fonteyn, a Misha, a Pavarotti ... a Bernstein ... and all most folks here know is a few rock bands ... that they think are the ___________ (whatever), and they are not willing to look at it in a larger/wider perspective. "Easy Money" is not a better composition than anything in the first album or vice versa ... it is all a part of one of the greatest groups in rock music!

I only wish that we would define "progressive" for what it really is ... instead of it being represented by one song and the rest of the band is crap ... which is about one quarter of the material listed and discussed here!

Thinking of listening to KC for one song, is sad ... and a terrible feeling for a bunch of people that took such an incredible amount of time and dedication to putting together material that is so well done, and perfect in so many ways ... but to many here ... it's just another song!

GET THE ALBUM .... forget the song. There is other excellent material in that album ... that no one here will ever discuss or appreciate ... how sad ... it's like saying the 9th is sh*t ... except for the added on chorale in the end! 

All many folks are saying is that they never listened to the rest of it! They were too stuck on a "song" .... and you, here on PA ... are not doing a whole lot to help "Progressive Music" when all you are doing is treating it just like another song. 

Progressive Music, for the last 50 years, has not been about a song ... look at the top 5 or 10 ... it's a whole album ... but no ... you're after a "song".

Weird ... I won't "blame" you, as the market is the problem ... but then, I could easily say that you have not been paying attention for 50 years ... our love for this started because the folks that did it were wanting to do something different, and new, and not a top ten song ... and here you are ... looking for a song. How progressive is that?

Sorry that I am so conceptual ... but it's been 50 years, and I'm kinda tired of teeny boppers that have grown up and are still chewing bubble gum and cigarettes, thinking they are smarter and bolder and older and all that! The VALUE of the music and the albums ... is very important to me ... it's like saying MOBY DICK is a horrible novel ... except for 5 pages! Or any other work of art!

We need to better our appreciation and help the young ones understand ... what it is about this that makes it special ... look, dude ... it was not a "hit" or a "song" ... it was an album! KC's first made noise with a bombastic opener, but it was also hymn about the senseless couple of wars at the time, that added the value of "Epitaph", and even things like "I Talk To The Wind" ... which was about the time and place ... people saying good and great things, and the populace and the media making fun of it, and saying that it was cheap philosophy ... and back to the commerciality of it all we went ... and we continue to do that ... !

Are you progressive, or is that just another word for going to the bathroom?

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: May 23 2019 at 08:33
nothing wrong with going with what you like while still respecting or appreciating the overall work of an artist IMO.  In fact, I am very much looking forward to liistening to non crackly versions of "Cadence and Cascade", "In the Wake of Poseidon", "Cirkus", "Prince Rupert Awakes", "Islands", "The Night Watch", and "Exiles", because for me that's the post ITCOCK KC that I enjoy.  Life's too short for the stuff I don't.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: May 23 2019 at 23:56
I really don't think that streaming music devalues the work of a composer or artist. In fact an 'album' is just a 21st century commercial constraint and is a merely a convenience. Before recorded music it was all about songs and these were carried on down. Familiar tunes were pinched by classical composers and then evolved into something bigger perhaps. Progressive music is as much about a song (or a piece of music ) as it is about albums. Albums are just an artificial constraint. Mike Oldfield had the right idea with Amarok. That is the most progressive piece of music ever.

Posted By: Blacksword
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 02:28
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety!
This is a bit of an assumption! I use Spotify and there are times when I might want to listen to "Easy Money" (for example) but not the whole album that it comes from. I appreciate albums but sometimes it's nice to listen to a playlist to get a variety of different tracks/artists.

It's not quite a "presumption". 

I do not listen to the 3rd symphony by Mahler or Beethoven, and then go out and claim that I know they are progressive or this and that ... the WHOLE ALBUM IS ABOUT THAT PARTICULAR VERSION OF THE KC BAND .... not just one song, despite you wanting to just hear that.

In the end, we're back to not giving a damn about the "composers" and the "true musicians" in the business ... we like one song, and sheep dip on the rest .... 

KC is great for its complete catalog ... not one song, even if I only want to hear "Epitaph". They are, and deserve that description, some of the best and "purest" composers in rock music, and we got them in our lifetimes!

A lot of people never saw a Maria Callas, a Nureyev with Fonteyn, a Misha, a Pavarotti ... a Bernstein ... and all most folks here know is a few rock bands ... that they think are the ___________ (whatever), and they are not willing to look at it in a larger/wider perspective. "Easy Money" is not a better composition than anything in the first album or vice versa ... it is all a part of one of the greatest groups in rock music!

I only wish that we would define "progressive" for what it really is ... instead of it being represented by one song and the rest of the band is crap ... which is about one quarter of the material listed and discussed here!

Thinking of listening to KC for one song, is sad ... and a terrible feeling for a bunch of people that took such an incredible amount of time and dedication to putting together material that is so well done, and perfect in so many ways ... but to many here ... it's just another song!

GET THE ALBUM .... forget the song. There is other excellent material in that album ... that no one here will ever discuss or appreciate ... how sad ... it's like saying the 9th is sh*t ... except for the added on chorale in the end! 

All many folks are saying is that they never listened to the rest of it! They were too stuck on a "song" .... and you, here on PA ... are not doing a whole lot to help "Progressive Music" when all you are doing is treating it just like another song. 

Progressive Music, for the last 50 years, has not been about a song ... look at the top 5 or 10 ... it's a whole album ... but no ... you're after a "song".

Weird ... I won't "blame" you, as the market is the problem ... but then, I could easily say that you have not been paying attention for 50 years ... our love for this started because the folks that did it were wanting to do something different, and new, and not a top ten song ... and here you are ... looking for a song. How progressive is that?

Sorry that I am so conceptual ... but it's been 50 years, and I'm kinda tired of teeny boppers that have grown up and are still chewing bubble gum and cigarettes, thinking they are smarter and bolder and older and all that! The VALUE of the music and the albums ... is very important to me ... it's like saying MOBY DICK is a horrible novel ... except for 5 pages! Or any other work of art!

We need to better our appreciation and help the young ones understand ... what it is about this that makes it special ... look, dude ... it was not a "hit" or a "song" ... it was an album! KC's first made noise with a bombastic opener, but it was also hymn about the senseless couple of wars at the time, that added the value of "Epitaph", and even things like "I Talk To The Wind" ... which was about the time and place ... people saying good and great things, and the populace and the media making fun of it, and saying that it was cheap philosophy ... and back to the commerciality of it all we went ... and we continue to do that ... !

Are you progressive, or is that just another word for going to the bathroom?

Did you never make compilation tapes of different artists when you were young?

Mixing it up, and cherry picking songs from different artists/albums is not a new thing, and it's not a crime against art, and to suggest it is, is really quite pompous.

Listening to a whole album can obviously be a great experience, and any artist worth their salt, thinks carefully about the impact of the whole package on the listener, and the juxtaposition of the songs etc. An album is a package representing the artist as they were at the time, as writers and musicians.

However, there are times when you don't have 43 minutes to listen to the whole of DSOTM, but you DO have 3.5 minutes to listen to Time, and maybe that's the song you want to hear, because you happen to be in an appropriate state of mind to enjoy that song. Maybe, listening to the bouncy 7/4 bitterness of Money doesn't appeal to you at the time, so you select.

It's not complex, and it's not a big deal.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 04:42
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety!
This is a bit of an assumption! I use Spotify and there are times when I might want to listen to "Easy Money" (for example) but not the whole album that it comes from. I appreciate albums but sometimes it's nice to listen to a playlist to get a variety of different tracks/artists.

It's not quite a "presumption". 

Are you progressive, or is that just another word for going to the bathroom?
I've no idea what most of that post means so I've removed it. All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with listening to individual tracks and you're coming across as condescending by suggesting that it's somehow wrong. I listen to Karn Evil 9 a lot but I really don't care if I never hear Benny The Bouncer again, so I just listen to the one track. Sometimes I listen to the whole album, but as Andy says sometimes I don't have time for the whole thing.
And I buy albums! - the only time I buy and download an individual song is to learn it for my band, so don't accuse me of not helping progressive music.

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 04:45
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

[QUOTE=moshkito]I do not listen to "trax" ... I go for the whole album, and this is the major issue I have with the poster above ... I am not too sure that he can listen to a single album in its entirety!
This is a bit of an assumption! I use Spotify and there are times when I might want to listen to "Easy Money" (for example) but not the whole album that it comes from. I appreciate albums but sometimes it's nice to listen to a playlist to get a variety of different tracks/artists.

It's not quite a "presumption". 

Are you progressive, or is that just another word for going to the bathroom?
All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with listening to individual tracks and you're coming across as condescending by suggesting that it's somehow wrong. I listen to Karn Evil 9 a lot but I really don't care if I never hear Benny The Bouncer again, so I just listen to the one track. Sometimes I play the whole of LTIA, sometimes I don't.
And I buy albums! - the only time I buy and download an individual song is to learn it for my band, so don't accuse me of not helping progressive music.
And it's not "weird" to listen to a track and not the whole album. Let's say for example I really like CTTE (the track) and Siberian Khatru but I don't like And You and I - do I sit through the whole album and spend 10 minutes listening to a song I don't like just because it's a whole album, or do I just skip it?

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 21:20
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

And it's not "weird" to listen to a track and not the whole album. Let's say for example I really like CTTE (the track) and Siberian Khatru but I don't like And You and I - do I sit through the whole album and spend 10 minutes listening to a song I don't like just because it's a whole album, or do I just skip it?

I'm inclined to believe that you are taking this to a point that is not what I meant. You, and I and everyone else, are always glad to listen to one/any cut, and my only point was TO ADD TO THAT ... even if it did not seem like it.

Nowadays, we only listen to "one thing" (so to speak) and it is easy to make an assumption that nothing else is heard ... but if you go back 50 years, and I KNOW THAT MANY OF YOU CAN'T DO THAT ... nothing personal in that at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those days you many times got the album, and no one else KNEW ANYTHING about the rest of the album anyway, so you listened ... yes, I prefer CTTE than the rest of the album, but I also heard the other two and found they were supper nice, and that one piece was not better than the other ... the whole album was truly magnificent!

And that is my only important point ... if you go to that album for one song, your perception of the rest of the album gets twisted some ... and look ... read what many folks here are writing ... they don't know the rest of the album many times, and don't like it because it isn't as proggy as the other cut, or this and that ... and that is my point ... it diminishes the incredible quality and amazing music in that album, that is not a part of "Easy Money" ... which most folks like because of John Wetton, not because of KC, many years later, but in those days, we did not think of it in those terms!

Please take stock in some of the things I am saying ... I'm trying to ELEVATE all this music, not just one song, and the only thing you folks can come back with is a reason to listen to one song, not the album, because the rest of the album is not as good as the song you like! 

It's coming ... you wait ... pretty soon, many of these folks will go around that only the 3rd song in Mahler's 5th Symphony is any good and the rest is just filler!  All you are seeing, then, is the lack of ability to listen to a composition, of which "Easy Money" could be a part. 

Is all you can do to make a comment on me putting down one song? I did not put down any song ... I tried to elevate the listening to a different level, and a couple of you ignored that totally!

Are you "in" for the music, all the music!, or just one song? How "progressive" are you? 

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 22:20
I'm old(ish)so cds for me.

Posted By: 2dogs
Date Posted: May 24 2019 at 22:24
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

And it's not "weird" to listen to a track and not the whole album. Let's say for example I really like CTTE (the track) and Siberian Khatru but I don't like And You and I - do I sit through the whole album and spend 10 minutes listening to a song I don't like just because it's a whole album, or do I just skip it?


I'm inclined to believe that you are taking this to a point that is not what I meant. You, and I and everyone else, are always glad to listen to one/any cut, and my only point was TO ADD TO THAT ... even if it did not seem like it.

Nowadays, we only listen to "one thing" (so to speak) and it is easy to make an assumption that nothing else is heard ... but if you go back 50 years, and I KNOW THAT MANY OF YOU CAN'T DO THAT ... nothing personal in that at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those days you many times got the album, and no one else KNEW ANYTHING about the rest of the album anyway, so you listened ... yes, I prefer CTTE than the rest of the album, but I also heard the other two and found they were supper nice, and that one piece was not better than the other ... the whole album was truly magnificent!

And that is my only important point ... if you go to that album for one song, your perception of the rest of the album gets twisted some ... and look ... read what many folks here are writing ... they don't know the rest of the album many times, and don't like it because it isn't as proggy as the other cut, or this and that ... and that is my point ... it diminishes the incredible quality and amazing music in that album, that is not a part of "Easy Money" ... which most folks like because of John Wetton, not because of KC, many years later, but in those days, we did not think of it in those terms!

Please take stock in some of the things I am saying ... I'm trying to ELEVATE all this music, not just one song, and the only thing you folks can come back with is a reason to listen to one song, not the album, because the rest of the album is not as good as the song you like! 

It's coming ... you wait ... pretty soon, many of these folks will go around that only the 3rd song in Mahler's 5th Symphony is any good and the rest is just filler!  All you are seeing, then, is the lack of ability to listen to a composition, of which "Easy Money" could be a part. 

Is all you can do to make a comment on me putting down one song? I did not put down any song ... I tried to elevate the listening to a different level, and a couple of you ignored that totally!

Are you "in" for the music, all the music!, or just one song? How "progressive" are you? 

Before we had an internet radio Mrs 2dogs would often listen to a classical station that was forever selecting from their listeners top 100 so we often got Vivaldi’s One Season or Holst’s The Planet .

"There is nothing new except what has been forgotten" - Marie Antoinette

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: May 28 2019 at 06:46
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

And it's not "weird" to listen to a track and not the whole album. Let's say for example I really like CTTE (the track) and Siberian Khatru but I don't like And You and I - do I sit through the whole album and spend 10 minutes listening to a song I don't like just because it's a whole album, or do I just skip it?

I'm inclined to believe that you are taking this to a point that is not what I meant. You, and I and everyone else, are always glad to listen to one/any cut, and my only point was TO ADD TO THAT ... even if it did not seem like it.

Nowadays, we only listen to "one thing" (so to speak) and it is easy to make an assumption that nothing else is heard ... but if you go back 50 years, and I KNOW THAT MANY OF YOU CAN'T DO THAT ... nothing personal in that at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those days you many times got the album, and no one else KNEW ANYTHING about the rest of the album anyway, so you listened ... yes, I prefer CTTE than the rest of the album, but I also heard the other two and found they were supper nice, and that one piece was not better than the other ... the whole album was truly magnificent!

And that is my only important point ... if you go to that album for one song, your perception of the rest of the album gets twisted some ... and look ... read what many folks here are writing ... they don't know the rest of the album many times, and don't like it because it isn't as proggy as the other cut, or this and that ... and that is my point ... it diminishes the incredible quality and amazing music in that album, that is not a part of "Easy Money" ... which most folks like because of John Wetton, not because of KC, many years later, but in those days, we did not think of it in those terms!

Please take stock in some of the things I am saying ... I'm trying to ELEVATE all this music, not just one song, and the only thing you folks can come back with is a reason to listen to one song, not the album, because the rest of the album is not as good as the song you like! 

It's coming ... you wait ... pretty soon, many of these folks will go around that only the 3rd song in Mahler's 5th Symphony is any good and the rest is just filler!  All you are seeing, then, is the lack of ability to listen to a composition, of which "Easy Money" could be a part. 

Is all you can do to make a comment on me putting down one song? I did not put down any song ... I tried to elevate the listening to a different level, and a couple of you ignored that totally!

Are you "in" for the music, all the music!, or just one song? How "progressive" are you? 
All I will say is that I may have understood your point but if I did, it's because your posts are long and fairly impenetrable, and certain points come across as condescending whether intentional or not. 
The point I'm trying to make is that it's not "weird" or damaging to prog to listen to one song from an album, as you seem to be suggesting.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 29 2019 at 07:52
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

...All I will say is that I may have understood your point but if I did, it's because your posts are long and fairly impenetrable, and certain points come across as condescending whether intentional or not. 
The point I'm trying to make is that it's not "weird" or damaging to prog to listen to one song from an album, as you seem to be suggesting.

I'm not too sure about that ... too many questions and comments are about a song ... not an album.

Even KC's first is a problem ... and no one is willing/capable of discussing it with its quiet socio/political commentary done with poetry ... something that RF, probably thought that he wanted to tone it down to mere poetry and stories to prevent people from discussing politics and this and that.

KC's first is the biggest, best, and most important SCREENSHOT, of the place, time, and what was going on, from all the different things, which even the Beatles talked about and made sure they let everyone know they did not care what we thought, and neither would they comment on it, other than simply write a song about something else. KC's album takes on Idi Amin, the "hippie ideal" movement, the (supposed) mystical and spiritual, and ended with an incredible epitaph to many folks that lost their lives in senseless wars and extermination, that is still alive  and well today, and everyone hides behind their "prog" definition instead, being about some superfluous and stupid childish story, or fantasy!

My biggest concern, is for someone to ask about a song, completely out of context from the album ... and Easy Money fits the bill, although in Santa Barbara at the time, no one played the album, only my roomate would show off several things from it on his weekend shows ... you even got to hear John Wetton in at least 4 bands, and we are talking 1974/1975 ... not today.

The "history" of it has been killed, because it is a "song" ... and that makes an album stupid and worthless. The discussion ends up about the meaning of Godot and Nothing ... except of something of value that the album obviously has ... but no one can figure it out, because the lyrics don't spell it out for you in 3rd grade style that Jane had a gun!

Today, the media does its best to ensure that you are confused about a party and its politics, so that you and all others and I do not have any idea of how we feel, and what the situation is really about ... and this is the worst scenario possible ... it allows a government to do anything they want, because we don't know any better, and worse ... we really don't care!

The song is more important than the band/composer!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Icarium
Date Posted: June 11 2019 at 14:58


Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: June 15 2019 at 02:41
and also on Amazon as well if you have the 'Unlimited Streaming' subscription.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: June 15 2019 at 06:32
Originally posted by Icarium Icarium wrote:


I'm wondering if the streaming side of it, helps ease up the burden of the volume in DGM/RF's website and this this need. I'm not sure that RF or anyone in KC will ever get a decent check for all this stuff played and heard ... specially when so much of it will be only heard halfway and dropped for something else ... what do you do? Split the nickel?

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: June 17 2019 at 00:08
the artist has to be paid somehow otherwise music will cease to be (unless music played by robots becomes a thing)

CD sales are falling and the trend is towards streaming. Perhaps it will make bands do more live gigs. The ticket price for King Crimson was certainly not cheap when I saw then but it was totally worth it and I would pay it again in a heartbeat.

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