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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Can and more, or rather JakiPosted By: Lewian
Subject: Can and more, or rather Jaki
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 06:20
I tried to attach this to a 2017 thread that I had opened on Can and projects of its former members, but I can't do that, it's closed.
Anyway, I just wanted to post this video. It's from 2012 but I only came across it now. Some jamming with Jaki involved, of course unmistakable drumming, otherwise pretty ambient but I like it a lot. There are quite a number of things flying around on the internet with Jaki or Holger or Damo or Irmin or Michael that have not been released regularly.
Replies: Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 08:20
^Amazing! A real treasure. Unreleased, right?
Few seem to care about-or like Jaki&Rosko's Phantom Band very much. Ok so they vere a little uneven, but I think they had a lot of qualities and there's no reason Can-fans shouldn't dig at least some of their tunes (not refferring to you Lewian, who knows and loves a lot more Can-related than myself). From their 1980-debut:
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 08:46
Yes, unreleased. I'm overall not the biggest fan on the Phantomband by the way, but these two are very well chosen!
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 09:07
^Hehe I not a big fan myself but a big enough fan of Can to take great pleasure in even the smallest of related gems I can locate. I guess Nowhere
is my favorite PB-album and the one release by them I consider to be
solid from start to finish. I listened to it earlier today and was
reminded just how much I actually enjoy it...
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 14:06
I love Phantom Band. Their first with Rosko is kind of a spacey-soul-funk hybrid and the other 2 with Sheldon Ancel are nuts - Freedom of Speech is almost punky and Nowhere is spacey. Great band with Jaki.
Posted By: presdoug
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 15:07
I love Jail, a band Jaki appeared in that had one album in 1976 called You Can Help Me, also featuring Roland Schaeffer from Brainstorm and Juergen Fritz and Helmut Koellen from Triumvirat, among others. Their sound is towards the mainstream, but quite nice, and never trite. I am facebook friends with their main guitarist Burkhard Lipps-Thielen, and their manager, Hans-Juergen Ferdinand-Schutte, both quite nice chaps!
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 15:16
Terrific music Lewian I need this !
Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: January 20 2019 at 16:28
Nice...great stuff
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: January 23 2019 at 06:56
Catcher10 wrote:
Nice...great stuff
Time was ... when this was being played like a week after its release ... it's so long ago, I can't even remember how long ago that was, but I sure miss Space Pirate Radio for playing all of these things ... and we just sat there ... wow ...
It was way better than any dope, btw!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 01 2019 at 14:41
Burnt Friedman & Jaki, 2013
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: May 02 2019 at 02:47
The 6 volumes of Irmin Schmidt soundtrack Music are essential in my opinion.
Love this :
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: May 02 2019 at 04:51
Lewian wrote:
Anyway, I just wanted to post this video. It's from 2012 but I only came across it now.
Out of curiosuty: Is it just the video/upload that's from 2012? I would have guessed the recording session itself was from longer ago. But I found out Polonski was born in 1972, so it can't be as old as I first thought.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 02 2019 at 06:55
Saperlipopette! wrote:
Lewian wrote:
Anyway, I just wanted to post this video. It's from 2012 but I only came across it now.
Out of curiosuty: Is it just the video/upload that's from 2012? I would have guessed the recording session itself was from longer ago. But I found out Polonski was born in 1972, so it can't be as old as I first thought.
Hayo Stahl, who posted this, wrote that he couldn't remember precisely anymore who had taken part in the session. So it must be older than 2012. No year is given but it seems to be a spin-off product of Club off Chaos, whose only release is from 1998. Chances are it's around that time.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 02 2019 at 06:58
hellogoodbye wrote:
The 6 volumes of Irmin Schmidt soundtrack Music are essential in my opinion.
Love this :
This is such a wonderful track! Rote Erde was pretty big on German TV in the early eighties, and this was released first in 1983, I think.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: May 02 2019 at 16:03
If a band can survive to the global warming; this is CAN
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 03:44
Jaki is the God of Groove. Been spinning some Can lately (Future Days and Landed). What an AMAZING band. Sadly, only Irmin left......
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 03:46
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jaki is the God of Groove. Been spinning some Can lately (Future Days and Landed). What an AMAZING band. Sadly, only Irmin left......
What? Damo is still alive isn't he?
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 07:29
Saperlipopette! wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jaki is the God of Groove. Been spinning some Can lately (Future Days and Landed). What an AMAZING band. Sadly, only Irmin left......
What? Damo is still alive isn't he?
Yes, and still doing his thing in concert. And FINALLY. some blips and pieces are now showing up of him talking about it all, although he is still not talking about where it came from, being that it has a relation to theater and film.
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 07:37
Saperlipopette! wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jaki is the God of Groove. Been spinning some Can lately (Future Days and Landed). What an AMAZING band. Sadly, only Irmin left......
What? Damo is still alive isn't he?
Very much so. Quite a bit of 2019 live material of him is around on youtube.
I particularly love this, although I don't know when it was recorded.
Actually what he does is still pretty close to early 70s Can. If this is your cup of tea, Damo's live improvisation work is an almost infinite reservoir. Personally I have mixed feelings. I have seen him live a few times and when it all clicks and the sound quality is good (which it isn't always, this is not only a youtube issue), it's great, but it can also be a rather annoying wall of noise at times. As much as I love first half 70s Can, I'm rather with Czukay regarding "always try out something new".
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 14:40
^ Soz - how could I forget Damo - legend. Dunno if Mooney is still around though.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 18:36
Malcolm live 2018. OK I haven't found anything from 2019 but I think he is still (or rather again) active.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: May 03 2019 at 22:20
Another Jaki's fabulous drumming.
Phew - Phew (1981)
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 04 2019 at 00:14
Great to watch Malcolm in action ! Thanks for posting. That Phew album is intoxicating. Great album, excellent production, but it’s too short (32 minutes thereabouts)
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: May 07 2019 at 00:24
Music is a miracle. Holger.
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 07 2019 at 02:02
Quantum Physics is my favourite Can piece. During the late 90’s, I emailed Holger about this track. He replied, (I printed his response but can’t find it now - typical) but he said something like this : “Music is a wonderful thing. Irmin was experimenting with his Alpha 77 synth, Jaki joined in, I don’t quite recall what I was doing and Michael was probably behind the couch with some chick ‘. This is what I can recall.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 07 2019 at 08:58
Here's another "commercial" by Holger, for "Linear City". He had put some material on his webpage and asked whoever was interested to work with it, and he'd finally edit the material into the album. "Linear City" has a pitiful 3.04 rating currently on PA, but it's as adventurous and rich as anything Holger has done. I totally love it.
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: May 07 2019 at 13:55
hellogoodbye wrote:
Another Jaki's fabulous drumming.
Phew - Phew (1981)
Indeed. Hadn't heard Phew actually.
One of my favorite tunes right now. The whole albums got perfect grooves for spring. My kind of power trio:
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: May 07 2019 at 14:29
I might actually prefer Dunkelziffer on their debut, before Damo joined the band. That too is very uneven but In the Night is really nothing to write home about, but the last track on the flipside is pretty excellent.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: May 08 2019 at 17:37
Great stuff. I've only heard a little bit of Dunkelziffer; seems that I have some catching up to do.
Posted By: Saperlipopette!
Date Posted: May 14 2019 at 17:39
^I'm sure you'll discover a couple of more gems - as in selected
tunes, but don't get your expectation too high. I quite enjoy most of
this Karoli/Eltes album from 1984 as well and the two last, longish
tracks are truly wonderful:
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: July 09 2019 at 15:59
Live remix by Holger Czukay of Can's "Oh Yeah". No information provided
but this may have been in the 2000s. I saw him live in 2009 and he did something fairly similar.
Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: August 05 2019 at 08:09
The thread on underappreciated team ups made me search for Holger Czukay
and Brian Eno (I somehow thought they may have done something together) and brought up this probably largely improvised thing:
Posted By: Howard the Duck
Date Posted: August 05 2019 at 09:11
Not really a rarity but I recently discovered "the Photo Song" and I really like it.