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pere ubu and other live stuff

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Topic: pere ubu and other live stuff
Posted By: daeve69
Subject: pere ubu and other live stuff
Date Posted: September 20 2005 at 15:46

I am going to see Pere Ubu toorrow night in Dublin. I haven't seen them before but have heard they are amazing live. I saw Mudhoney play the same venue last week and they were great (back in the subpop era I got to see Nirvana and Tad, but did not catch Mudhoney-now I have seen all three).

I just thougt i'd share this news with everybody..

rock on rokin gys'n'girls...

Posted By: kingofbizzare
Date Posted: September 20 2005 at 22:03
I just heard of Pere Ubu this weekend from a guy I just met (with whom I had a several hour discussion about music). I'd love to see them live, but it doesn't look like they'll be playing around here for a while.


Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: September 22 2005 at 10:29
Pere Ubu are one of the most remarkable bands to have emerged from the new wave/punk era (though they were never really part of either movement). If you like Beefheart then the chances are that you'll go for Ubu as well. David Thomas (lead vocalist) recorded a series of solo albums in the 80s featuring contributions from Chris Cutler, Lindsay Cooper, Richard Thompson and assorted other avant rock luminaries which are well worth checking out, and he still runs a parallel career as DT and 2 Pale Boys/DT and Foriegners - not so interesting from a prog perspective but still worth checking out. 

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

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