Best/Worst of Frank Zappa
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Topic: Best/Worst of Frank Zappa
Posted By: TCat
Subject: Best/Worst of Frank Zappa
Date Posted: November 15 2018 at 14:42
Frank Zappa has a huge disc-ography. (careful how you read that) List your most favorite and your least favorite. Go ahead and put runners up too if you want. Let's keep bootlegs and official bootlegs out of this one. My most favorite is hard to decide, but I would have to say that all around is probably "Lather". Close contenders are "The Grand Wazoo", "Hot Rats" and "Bongo Fury" Least favorite is "Francesco Zappa". It's so hard to sit through. "Thing Fish" comes close though.
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Posted By: Fischman
Date Posted: November 15 2018 at 19:40
Yes his discography is huge. As such, I can't claim to be hugely familiar with all of it. I'm pretty sure I've got a grip on the best, but may not have heard the worst if it lies among his more obscure outings.
For me the Best are: Apostrophe Hot Rats Sheik Yerbouti Waka/Jawaka We're only in it for the Money The Grand Wazoo One Size Fits All Freak Out (sorry... really hard to narrow down better than that. All of those are classics)
Among what I know, least favorite would probably be: Francesco Zappa or The Man from Utopia
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 15 2018 at 20:25
My favorite remains Sheik Yerbouti. It strikes the perfect balance of tunesmithing and ferocity where playing is concerned. And the lyrics are Cheech & Chong-level hilarious. An all-around great time.
Least fave is probably Civilization Phaze III. The curio factor wore off quickly for me.
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Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: November 15 2018 at 21:05
Best: Shut Up ‘N’ Play Yer Guitar (all three discs). Worst: Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch.
------------- A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
Posted By: Walkscore
Date Posted: November 15 2018 at 21:55
My favourite Zappa album is Roxy and Elsewhere.
Worst...well I don't think Zappa has any bad albums, but I can name individual songs I can't listen to: - Find Her Finer (Zoot Allures) - The Jazz Discharge Party Hats (Man From Utopia) - Fine Girl (Tinseltown Rebellion)
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 02:15
Best: too many to count (OSFA, Waka/Jawaka, Grand Wazoo, Hot Rats, etc.) Worst: too little to count
Zappa rules!
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 02:39
I've of most of what Zappa's done until the Ships Arriving From Utopia era I've heard a few of them afterwards, but found nothing worth owning So my faves are the Hot Rats (including Jaka, Wazoo, Sleep Dirt)  my least faves arte generally the early Mothers Of Invention albums, because I really am annoyed by the overwhelming satire and dumb humour... out of those , only Burnt Weasel Flesh Sandwich find grace to my ears. (yeah, even the Kong suite doesn't do much for me)... But hands down, Ruben and the Jets is his worse (I dislike his humorous Doo-Wopidiocy.
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 08:15
My favorite Zappa albums are the mid 70's trio (One size Fits all , Over-nite Sensation, Apostrophe)
I don't really want to say worst (Mostly because I know I'll get a beating  ) but I have a hard time getting in to some of the early stuff (WOIIFTM, Etc..) Also I don't love Hot Rats as much as a lot of people do.
Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 10:18
I liked it when Zappa made instrumental music. The social satire lyrics not so much.
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Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 14:21
verslibre wrote:
My favorite remains Sheik Yerbouti. It strikes the perfect balance of tunesmithing and ferocity where playing is concerned. And the lyrics are Cheech & Chong-level hilarious. An all-around great time.
I agree with Sheik Yerbouti as being an all around excellent album and it was the one that got me interested in Frank Zappa in the first place. It gives examples of almost all of the different styles that Zappa had and is organized perfectly as far as the track listing goes. I said "Lather" was my favorite for the same reason, but it even gives you an even wider view of FZ's music. That was the only reason I picked "Lather" over "Sheik". It was FZ's intention to release this 4 album set, which had the original versions of many of the tracks from "Sheik Yerbouti", "Studio Tan", "Sleep Dirt", "Orchestral Favorites" and "Zappa in New York". Instead, Warner Brothers released them as all individual albums against Frank's wishes.
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Posted By: The.Crimson.King
Date Posted: November 16 2018 at 16:32
I have over 40 FZ albums so a lot to choose from...
Best: Studio Tan, We're Only in it for the Money, YCDTOSA Vol 2 The Helsinki Concert, Laether, The Crux of the Biscuit
Worst: Thing Fish (by a big margin  ), Waka Jawaka, Hot Rats
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Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: November 17 2018 at 06:11
Oh yeah! = One Size Fits All, The Grand Wazoo, Waka/Jawaka, Weasels Ripped My Flesh, Lumpy Gravy, Sleep Dirt (instrumental version), Apostrophe, Overnite Sensation
Oh no (I don't believe it) = We're Only In it For the Money and much of the 80's stuff.
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Posted By: ForestFriend
Date Posted: November 17 2018 at 11:07
My favorite is Inca Roads.
As for least favorite... Well I haven't really given a good listen to all his billion and one albums, but I would say Zoot Allures probably had the worst impression on me. Most of the songs seemed to be focused on the lyrics, but the humour fell flat for me. The instrumentals are great, though... that's the problem with looking at Zappa album by album, sometimes he'll have total crap next to gold.
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Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: November 17 2018 at 13:59
Best: One Size Fits All (Runners up: The Grand Wazoo, The Best Band You've Never...)
Worse: Cruisin With Ruben & The Jets (Runners up: The Man From Utopia, Francisco Zappa)
------------- Dig me...But don't...Bury me I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: November 17 2018 at 15:17
TCat wrote:
verslibre wrote:
My favorite remains Sheik Yerbouti. It strikes the perfect balance of tunesmithing and ferocity where playing is concerned. And the lyrics are Cheech & Chong-level hilarious. An all-around great time.
I agree with Sheik Yerbouti as being an all around excellent album and it was the one that got me interested in Frank Zappa in the first place. It gives examples of almost all of the different styles that Zappa had and is organized perfectly as far as the track listing goes. I said "Lather" was my favorite for the same reason, but it even gives you an even wider view of FZ's music. That was the only reason I picked "Lather" over "Sheik". It was FZ's intention to release this 4 album set, which had the original versions of many of the tracks from "Sheik Yerbouti", "Studio Tan", "Sleep Dirt", "Orchestral Favorites" and "Zappa in New York". Instead, Warner Brothers released them as all individual albums against Frank's wishes. |
That's interesting. The thing is, Sheik Yerbouti is so great as a standalone album, to jam into a box set would probably not be the best showcase for it. It doesn't mesh well with those other albums, either.
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Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: December 14 2018 at 19:51
The.Crimson.King wrote:
I have over 40 FZ albums so a lot to choose from...
Best: Studio Tan, We're Only in it for the Money, YCDTOSA Vol 2 The Helsinki Concert, Laether, The Crux of the Biscuit
Worst: Thing Fish (by a big margin ), Waka Jawaka, Hot Rats |
Absolutely agree about Thing Fish, but.. but.. how are Waka/Jawaka and Hot Rats on the worst list? Those are both great, jazzy albums man.
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: December 14 2018 at 20:49
Best - most of his output.... Worst - 200 Motels (just can’t ‘nail’ that one) and You Are What You Is...... I pretty much have the LP’s from Absolutely Free to Them or Us (36 in total). Love most of them dearly.
Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: December 15 2018 at 01:00
I find it easier to break up things a bit. Yer not gonna get much from a 20 golden hits best of ...
'60s Mothers: Best -Uncle Meat Worst - 60s FZ : Best - Hot Rats Zappa jazz fusion. This and the Waka Jawaka Grand Wazoo sets...
Worst - 70s Mothers: Best - Roxy (both original and box set) Worst -
Mid 70s FZ: Best - Once Size Fits All, Zoot Allures
Worst -
Late 70s FZ: Best - Lather Covers a lot of ground here and saves having to pick 1 of the originals
Worst -
80s FZ: Best - Thingfish (yes, I think this and Man From Utopia are terrific) Make A Jazz Noise Here.
Worst - Francesco and Civilization.
Best of the Guitar albums: Best - Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar 1 -3 Worst -
Best Orchestral Work: Best - Yellow Shark Worst -
Posted By: Wraxallman
Date Posted: January 28 2019 at 15:10
Huge Zappa fan here. Ever since the late 70s, when I heard Joe's Garage over the PA at a Motörhead gig. Never looked back.Favourite Zappa - that's easy: Joe's Garage Vols 1,2 and 3, probably it's because it was my first Zappa experience. So many great albums bobbing around for 2nd place (Apostrophe, One Size Fits All, Tinseltown Rebellion, Waka/Jawaka, Hot Rats, Overnite Sensation, Zappa In New York....the list is almost endless (110 releases later...)
Probably the albums I listen and relate to the least are the neo-classical works like London Symphony Orchestra or The Perfect Stranger. That said, I quite like The Yellow Shark but largely due to the boundless energy projected by the orchestra Zappa was playing with, the Ensemble Moderne. Even so, if the Zappa Family Trust releases them, like the sucker that I am I will buy them.
Posted By: LAM-SGC
Date Posted: January 28 2019 at 15:37
Favourites: 1. Burnt Weeny Sandwich 2. Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger 3. The Yellow Shark 4. The Man From Utopia 5. LSO, Vols. I & II 6. Francesco Zappa 7. Orchestral Favorites
Least favourite: Loads.
Posted By: ezrahound
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 04:45
Best: Joe's Garage We're only in it... Make a Jazz noise here Waka Jawaka
Worst: Individual songs, like Teenage Prostitute or Valley Girl (both from the same album, actually, which they share with great yet weird songs like Ship Arriving Too Late, the title track). I used to dislike ThingFish until I finally understood the social commentary in between the madness.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 06:29
For me, to decide if your life was "best" when you were 23 instead of when you were 32 is a bit scary ... the only thing that is clear in a Frank Zappa story is that his earlier material kept much of the energy and fun, all the way to the end, even if some of it ended up being in the lyrics.
To me, it's sad to think that this album, or that album is better than something else. It's the same ARTIST ... and that artist's EXPRESSION, and we don't go around saying the same thing ... like ... you look stupid with that pink shirt on, and great with that green shirt on ... it could be Halloween and it's fun to break up the norms and such!
200 MOTELS is NOT the worst ... and if any of you have a chance to listen to the orchestra version done before Gail passed away, you will find that the classical musicians enjoyed playing it ... and did so magnificently and that choir in the last 20 minutes is insanely amazing ... but all anyone can say is ... not my favorite.
What you will find in those moments with that choir is likely this ... a bunch of stuff that every choir has always wanted to do and couldn't and put together in a way that makes sense and makes a lot of "compositions" sound pretentious, stupid and over bearing. The choir performing this is undoubtedly excited about doing something different and original, that no one else has EVER done (maybe -- kinda close ... only PDQ Bach - this board thinks he didn't exist, btw!) ... and it ought to tell you how valuable and important that is all around.
Frank deserves the credit for being one of America's greatest composers ... not a guitar God ... and just so you remember he flipped the finger on that one ... when a fan was being stupid ... he put the guitar down and conducted the rest of the concert ... I would have done the same, rather than feed the BS that comes with fan-doom and that kind of non-sense!
Maybe PA'rs will learn the difference between "music" and just another "song" with the same, TIRED solo, in exactly the same spot as just about every other song out there ...
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 11:01
The worse is probably The Fish for me. The best ? I love most of his work. Right now my fav albums are : meets the mothers of prevention and jazz from hell.
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 12:07
I love "Freak Out" and "Absolutely Free" and hate the "Joe's Garage" trilogy.

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 14:39
I don't usually do favorites list and Zappa's list is extraordinarily difficult because it all depends on the mood i'm in so answers may vary.
One pet peeve i have is that the albums that were released by The Mothers of Invention ALWAYS seem to get thrown into the overall Zappa canon. THOSE ARE NOT ZAPPA ALBUMS!!!!! Why don't we just throw all Jethro Tull albums into the Ian Anderson solo page?
-!" rel="nofollow - Freak Out! (1966)
-" rel="nofollow - Absolutely Free (1967)
-" rel="nofollow - We're Only in It for the Money (1968)
-" rel="nofollow - Cruising with Ruben & the Jets (1968)
-" rel="nofollow - Uncle Meat (1969)
-" rel="nofollow - Burnt Weeny Sandwich (1970)
-" rel="nofollow - Weasels Ripped My Flesh (1970)
-" rel="nofollow - The Grand Wazoo (1972)
-" rel="nofollow - Over-Nite Sensation (1973)
-" rel="nofollow - One Size Fits All (1975)
-" rel="nofollow - Bongo Fury (1975)
| - Other albums
-" rel="nofollow - Mothermania (1969)
-" rel="nofollow - Fillmore East - June 1971 (1971)
-" rel="nofollow - 200 Motels (1971)
-" rel="nofollow - Just Another Band from L.A. (1972)
-" rel="nofollow - Roxy & Elsewhere (1974)
-" rel="nofollow - Playground Psychotics (1992, recorded 1970-71)
-" rel="nofollow - Ahead of Their Time (1993, recorded 1968)
-" rel="nofollow - Carnegie Hall (2011, recorded 1971)
I pretty much like all Zappa albums and love Thing-Fish, Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch and many 80s released oft loathed by prog snobs. Who wants to hear jazz-fusion all the friggin time even though i love One Size Fits All, Hot Rats and the rest. The only albums that don't float my boat are some of the orchestral ones as well as Shut Up N Play Yer Guitar. They are fairly boring due to overweening lengthiness. The Yellow Shark is great though.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: April 17 2019 at 14:41
BaldFriede wrote:
I love "Freak Out" and "Absolutely Free" and hate the "Joe's Garage" trilogy.
I've never been big on the Joe's Garage series either. It's ok but i rarely want to hear them. Freak Out is probably at the top of the list though.
Posted By: lostrom
Date Posted: April 18 2019 at 12:37
Apostrophe and Sheik Yerbouti are my favourites.
------------- lostrom
Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: April 18 2019 at 18:35
siLLy puPPy wrote:
One pet peeve i have is that the albums that were released by The Mothers of Invention ALWAYS seem to get thrown into the overall Zappa canon. THOSE ARE NOT ZAPPA ALBUMS!!!!! Why don't we just throw all Jethro Tull albums into the Ian Anderson solo page? |
Well, neither case employed the principles of democracy.
------------- A curse upon the heads of those who seek their fortunes in a lie. The truth is always waiting when there's nothing left to try. - Colin Henson, Jade Warrior (Now)
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: April 18 2019 at 19:17
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 12:59
The Mothers were salaried workers playing the music of Frank Zappa, Frank was the boss and the one who was paying.
and when was the last time you saw a mere employee get recognition for his work?
Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 18:04
Favorites: 200 Motels, All the 60s albums, One Size Fits All, Civilization Phaze III
Least favorites : Joe’s Garage (hate the flange effect on the guitar solos!), Man from Utopia, Them or Us
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It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.
-Kehlog Albran
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 18:56
Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 21:58
Glad to see all of the love for "Sleepdirt!"
FZ's guitar playing progressed and improved over the years, he really was under-appreciated for his instrumental skills.
The live "Roxy And Elsewhere" is a personal favorite of mine.
I was fortunate to see FZ live (twice) in the 1970s, his show was not to be missed!
------------- I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!
Posted By: Whamdaddy
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 23:46
Nothing better than the early mothers, although his mid 70's jazz fusion period is very good as well
------------- The Wham Daddy
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 19 2019 at 23:52
OK here's a chronological sort of all I have in my collection. I obviously cant evaluate anything I haven't heard. My first encounter wit Zappa was the late '70's. I am pretty sure I only knew him by reputation when I bought Bongo Fury but I distinctly remember buying that one at a mall record store. And I must admit it was a bit much at first but I really came to like it. Probably not one of my favorites though but here's the list - Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention FREAK OUT! 1966 Dec. 1196 8/27/05 86 Zappa, Frank & The Mothers of Invention Absolutely Free 1966 Nov. 1497 9/10/11 28 Zappa, Frank Lumpy Gravy 1967 Feb. 697 8/12/00 58 Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention We're Only In It for the Money 1967 Mar.-Aug. 1300 8/15/06 57 Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention Uncle Meat 1967 1968 Sep.-Sep. 498 1/1/97 Zappa, Frank/The Mothers of Invention Burnt Weeny Sandwich 1967 1969 Aug.-Jul. 499 1/1/97 Zappa, Frank & The Mothers of Invention Weasels Ripped My Flesh 1967 1969 Dec.,Aug. 599 4/10/00 22 Zappa, Frank Hot Rats 1969 Jul.-Aug. 699 8/12/00 59 Zappa, Frank Wazoo 1972 Sep. 400 9/10/11 19 Zappa, Frank Over-nite Sensation 1973 May 899 8/11/02 70 Zappa, Frank Roxy The Movie 1973 Dec. 1590 12/26/15 14 46 Zappa, Frank Apostrophe (') 1974 Sep. 699 1/1/82 Zappa, Frank & The Mothers of Invention One Size Fits All 1974- 1975 Aug.-Apr. 100 12/20/0 Zappa, Frank/Captain Beefheart/Mothers Bongo Fury 1975 May 1400 8/15/08 44 Zappa, Frank Zoot Allures 1976 Feb.-Jun. 300 12/20/07 Zappa, Frank Studio Tan 1978 599 1/1/88 Zappa, Frank Joe's Garage Acts I, II & III 1979 Apr. 1197 8/27/05 87 Zappa, Frank Sheik Yerbouti (Remaster) 1979 Aug. 1199 8/27/05 88 Zappa, Frank You Are What You Is 1981 May 799 3/25/02 32 Zappa, Frank Tinseltown Rebellion 1981 Jun. 1198 8/27/05 89 Zappa, Frank Thing-Fish 1984 800 3/4/02 21 Zappa, Frank Jazz From Hell 1986 600 8/12/00 60 Zappa, Frank Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life, The 1988 700 8/12/00 61 Zappa, Frank Broadway the Hardway 1988 900 11/9/02 76 Zappa, Frank Dance Me This 1993 1584 8/11/15 8 52
I can't say there is anything that I hate here or would toss back. There is certainly a few that fit into the difficult listening music category. These are sorted chronolgically but I am already seeing some mistakes. For now I will give it a rest and get back to y'all later. I really love his political songs and if you've ever seen him in an interview, he had strong political opinions that are pretty much in sync with my own. Just looking at this list there are a couple of stand outs that were bookends of his career - Trouble Everyday and When The Lie's So Big.
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 20 2019 at 11:43
OK favorite is Sheik Yerbouti. Least is Dance Me This. But they are all closely clustered together.
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: April 20 2019 at 12:39
For my personal taste most of the best stuff is in the period up to and including 1974. Not really much after that, apart from orchestral stuff, that I can get on with.
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Posted By: TCat
Date Posted: April 20 2019 at 14:11
Slartibartfast wrote:
OK favorite is Sheik Yerbouti. Least is Dance Me This. But they are all closely clustered together. |
Love Sheik Yerbouti. That was my introduction to FZ as it played over the PA system at a Van Halen concert way back when. I have never heard "Dance Me This" for some reason, I guess I missed out on it when it was released a few years ago, but there have been a lot of posthumous albums I never added to my collection.
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Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 20 2019 at 14:36
Dance Me This is a late release that was made late in his life. If you like his Synclavier stuff you mike like this one better than others in my list.
------------- Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...