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Live Video of Styx from the 70's

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Topic: Live Video of Styx from the 70's
Posted By: philipemery
Subject: Live Video of Styx from the 70's
Date Posted: September 20 2018 at 18:02
So I've been working on trying to do a history of Styx video, as one of my all time favorite bands (and yes I consider them prog, deal with it lol).

I'm looking for live recordings of Styx in the 70's. I am well aware of and have already obtained the Winterland recordings, and the "Best Thing" live recording as well.

But I am really wanting to see if there was a live recording of Serpent is Rising and such. I know that Serpent Is Rising (the title song) was done live, because Chuck Lofrano (the lyricist of the song) talked about seeing it live in a few interviews.

I haven't managed to find a live recording though, and am wondering if anyone on here knows of one.

Any other really obscure recordings from the 70's you know of are welcome too.

But the sun is eclipsed by the moon. -- Pink Floyd

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 20 2018 at 18:53
Can't help with your video project, but I enjoy 70s Styx a lot too.  I even like Cornerstone which seems to irritate most classic Styx fans. 

Posted By: AEProgman
Date Posted: September 21 2018 at 07:34
Only suggestion would be to search Youtube to see what exists out there, but I am a Styx fan as well.  Saw them in their prime in the 70s.  Enjoy most all their albums.

I really enjoy the Wooden Nickel Recordings, the first 4 complete albums all in one collection.  I totally enjoy the first 2 albums as well as the rest, plus Equinox.  Good stuff!

It would be awesome to see a video of them in concert during the early years with John Curulewski.


Posted By: Boojieboy
Date Posted: September 21 2018 at 13:02
Originally posted by philipemery philipemery wrote:

So I've been working on trying to do a history of Styx video... I'm looking for live recordings of Styx in the 70's.

But I am really wanting to see if there was a live recording of Serpent is Rising and such. I know that Serpent Is Rising (the title song) was done live, because Chuck Lofrano (the lyricist of the song) talked about seeing it live in a few interviews.
Some bands had better access to video in those earlier days (1970's). I get the impression that Styx wasn't one of them, hence the shortage of material. Or, there exists material, but it is locked away in an obscure location, or the band dislikes the footage and doesn't want it released.

I know Dennis DeYoung has gone on record as saying he absolutely hates "The Serpent is Rising". If they did some of those songs live, it probably didn't last long. It might have even led to Curelewski's ultimate leaving. I think most of the band knew they had to stear away from that direction, which luckily led to better albums such as 'Man of Miracles' and 'Equinox'.

Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: September 21 2018 at 17:14
Styx hailed from the area I grew up in (Chicago suburbs)....I knew of guys who saw them play at our high school dances! 

I saw them in concert about the time of the "Lady" hit single, Univ of Illinois in Urbana....they were excellent! 

Best of luck for your live video project, I wish more videos & films were taken of bands in those days....the technology was not very good, and Super 8 film lacked the sound recording capabilities.  

I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!

Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: September 21 2018 at 17:49
Originally posted by cstack3 cstack3 wrote:

Best of luck for your live video project, I wish more videos & films were taken of bands in those days....the technology was not very good, and Super 8 film lacked the sound recording capabilities.

Sad but true. Years ago, I spoke with Triumph's Mike Levine and he said some Super 8 footage existed of their shows from '77-78 and earlier. But the likelihood of restoring it for release was next to nil. It's a time and money factor. I'm sure there are some early Styx shows out there...somewhere.

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