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Time for prog

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Music Lounge
Forum Description: General progressive music discussions
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Topic: Time for prog
Posted By: Jzrk
Subject: Time for prog
Date Posted: June 04 2018 at 19:32
Outside of the collaborators I wonder how listening to prog fits in with your life schedule? Work and or families and other obligations can stop the best of us from relaxing and enjoying an album.
For me I am in the car a lot so it allows for some longer listening.
So anyone here who is on top of the prog scene must set aside time for it as unlike other forms of music it lends itself best for full album listening sessions.
It is much easier to digest more traditional rock music with generally shorter songs.If you listen to music while exercising so you listen to prog? I myself tend to not listen to prog to work out to For what ever reason I need more punchy music for it.
I bring this upnbecause this site is a sea of info on bands to check out but time is not always available to me.

Posted By: genbanks
Date Posted: June 04 2018 at 19:41
First I agree with you about CAR...maybe my main place to listen prog music. But I listen too with earphones, or when Im doing some other activities. I dont listen music as I swimm, know, prog universe is so wide...I like much Jean Michel Jarre for example (not so prog maybe but related), and use to listen him when I do another kind of excercise, or something, not only him, many more out there. Music is integral part of my life for one side, for another, mainstream music is on this times (in general terms) something so empty... 

Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: June 04 2018 at 22:16
The car for me too, though at home, I always use my I-Pod (yes, I still have one of those, since all my music does not fit in my phone), with my Bose noise cancelling headphones for a better experience. When I'm alone at home, I play the music on the main stereo, but when my wife is at home, the headphones will do, to avoid her comments and her interrupting my listening experience. Curiously enough, my daughter likes a lot of my music, so we rock to some good prog together once in a while. I also have a "gym music" list full of prog songs for when I go to exercise.

Posted By: Cag71
Date Posted: June 05 2018 at 09:47
I work at home and have my own space, so when I'm not working, I'm listening to music and/or researching music. Daily life is a distraction, though, it can sometimes be hard to listen to a whole album without being interrupted or distracted.

Posted By: genbanks
Date Posted: June 05 2018 at 20:04
Originally posted by Manuel Manuel wrote:

Curiously enough, my daughter likes a lot of my music, so we rock to some good prog together once in a while.

Nice! My son is proggy too, and we share listening and playing music together.

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 04:35
I'm semi retired (I still tend to small business ventures) so there is a lot more time for me to listen to music but I can't say that I've come across anything musically that expands my listening. I still like much of the older stuff I've listen to years ago but have expanded a little bit on those artists but that's all.

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Posted By: Vompatti
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 05:04
I've recently gotten into listening music while sleeping.

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 05:10
Mostly at home, sometimes with homework (I can concentrate listen music and wash dishes same time although I am a man), sometimes I just lay down to listen.

Posted By: I prophesy disaster
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 05:41
Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

I can concentrate listen music and wash dishes same time although I am a man
I can do mathematics in my head and play music in my head simultaneously. I attribute this ability to the maths and music being in different hemispheres of the brain.

No, I know how to behave in the restaurant now, I don't tear at the meat with my hands. If I've become a man of the world somehow, that's not necessarily to say I'm a worldly man.

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 06:23
It's a problem. I'd like to have much more time just for listening than I have. Too often I hear music while also doing other things like reading for work, homework etc. Also I'm not running around in the streets with earphones; I want to have open ears for what's around.

Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 06:38
Not enough time, here. Neighborhood too close ... etc. But I'm a writer and by chance I have no problem to write and to listen to music at the same time.

Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 07:10
I work from home. If I don't have any web meetings or phone calls, I usually have music on. Not always listening intently, but I can enjoy music while working. I can't work with silence. Way back when I was a student, I couldn't go to the library to study and preferred coffee shops for the background chatter.

Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 07:44
I am listening to prog music only when I am stoned.


Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 07:52
I mostly listen at work. We have an extensive music library where work so I set up play lists consisting of prog, classic rock & some other music ( 80's, 90's..) Either that or we listen to Spotify at the office.

Posted By: maryes
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 09:55
I work alone in my guitar repair studio, so I can hear prog rock in that place. Home is another good place for this ! I avoid listening  music when  I'm driving !

Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 11:28
Originally posted by I prophesy disaster I prophesy disaster wrote:

Originally posted by Mortte Mortte wrote:

I can concentrate listen music and wash dishes same time although I am a man
I can do mathematics in my head and play music in my head simultaneously. I attribute this ability to the maths and music being in different hemispheres of the brain.
Not me at all!

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 13:32
My kids can now feed themselves and tie their own shoes, I don't have to take them to the toilet and make sure they don't miss or wipe properly.

So....I have all my spare time to myself and go downstairs and can 100% listen with all my senses and immerse myself into the music. I am 98% vinyl so it kinda makes you sit and listen, you can't really do any chores with records.
So when I have an album that needs patience, I can devote the needed time.


Posted By: Dopeydoc
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 14:30
I used to spend a lot of time listeining prog on my stereo in the 70s (I was a studient and a junior engineer). Then I lost sight of prog, because nothing new happened in prog and my job kept me so busy...
But five years ago, getting closer to retirement, I wanted to update my knowledge of prog. Big surprise; there were so many groups in so many countries with excellent prog (IQ, Pendragon, Unitopia, RPWL,...). Now I have built a 2000 album collection, CDs and vinyls, and I enjoy prog everyday. Back to my 20s!

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 15:45
IPod Classic and CDs in the car on the half-hour commute to work (and then back) usually accounts for a full album during the week - with the ability to play it at a decent volume without the wife complaining! Lesson planning and marking periods, lunch etc. normally allow me to listen to some more or trawl the latest releases on YouTube or to see if there is anything worth buying.

Back home, if I'm working evenings or weekends on the PC, trawling through my iTunes library for old favourites or new finds always makes the work go easier (currently doing on-line GCSE marking and tonight it worked really well with classic Renaissance and King Crimson!). However, sitting in the lounge - feet up with a decent glass of wine or IPA on a Friday night - listening to some classic prog on the headphones is the best way by far!

Throw in the odd concert now and then, and I've no complaints.

So much good little time, though!

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 16:05
The motor-car for me as well, although I cannot stand listening to grand prog epics whilst driving in Chicago's perky-jerky traffic!  

I was just on the open road, and enjoyed, well, "Genesis Live" (1973), TFTO, The Yes Album, Classic Yes, and a few other titles that I cherish.  

At home, I listen to almost no prog, as my wife disapproves.  Pity, she's even met Rick Wakeman.  She calls it "guy music."  (sigh)  


I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: June 06 2018 at 16:23
'guy music!' -

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: June 09 2018 at 12:09
For me, music listening was mostly done during my 30+ minute commute to/from work, but now I'm retired.  Since then, I put a 200GB SD card in my phone and loaded it with 420 albums (320kbps MP3s, mostly) and it's only 25% full!  Now I Bluetooth my music to the car stereo, to my home stereo, and to over-the-ear headphones.  I'm not tied down to any spot.  I can move around, do my projects, and my music is with me everywhere.  Sometimes at night I sleep with noise blocking ear canal earbuds (Klipsch) and listen to prog all night to drown out the significant-other's snoring!

Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: June 09 2018 at 16:57
I don't have a daily commute; I just step outside my door and i'm at work..though I did listen to a lot of music in the car when I did (and occasionally still do) have to drive long distance. In recent years, the larger tractor (which I sadly don't get to use too often) has a CD player but the smaller kit or working on my own relies on my 'internal I Pod' (my brain) and I used to set myself the task of 'playing' my favourite music, particularly Tubular bells (any of the first 3 MO lps) or Suppers ready all the way through. Its a good discipline and i'm lucky to have lots of time when I can get on with a task uninterrupted. But I have noticed a tendency to either loose the thread a little or get distracted more easily.. sadly, I put this down to age.. but also I do find that I like to just listen to the birdsong etc    


Posted By: scruffydragon
Date Posted: June 10 2018 at 04:16
I wish I had more time to listen to music, especially progressive or related. I live in a busy house so I may only get a little time to myself here and there, and even then people can be so demanding. The best time for me to have good music time is on the way to work and back home with my MP3 player. Often it can be a good thing if the train is late as I get to hear more good music. Apart from that I may get a few odd tracks in whilst checking my E-Mails. I prefer the sound of my CD player to my MP3 or Computer. But using the CD player is a real rarity and treat.
At work it is demanded of us all to listen like robots to a single station which plays little music I like and mostly talks useless gibberish which I try to escape most days by wearing ear plugs or hiding the noise by heavy machine noise. But if I am really lucky I may hear the odd track from Kansas or Focus. Always the same tracks and always cut short before anything exciting happens in the music. DJ's like that should be either sacked or shot on sight.

Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: June 10 2018 at 21:55
Originally posted by Squonk19 Squonk19 wrote:

'guy music!' -

You've met my wife, then?  

I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: June 11 2018 at 00:28
Most of my music is progressive!...  Lots of various band around the world make excellent music!.... Smile

Symphonic /Folk / Jazz/ Crossover/Blues, etc!.....

Though others include Sweet, 10cc, Godley & Creme, Supertramp ( Progressive yes! ) Enya and Kate Bush


Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: June 11 2018 at 15:34
Originally posted by cstack3 cstack3 wrote:

Originally posted by Squonk19 Squonk19 wrote:

'guy music!' -

You've met my wife, then?  

My wife is a little more prog-friendly and I've been able to drag her along to the more melodic prog concerts in the past as well as ones coming up - like Steve Hackett, Rick Wakeman, Mostly Autumn, BJH, Camel, Pink Floyd and Genesis tribute bands (I.e. Brit Floyd, Los Endos, The Musical Box) - even last Summer's Keith Emerson tribute concert. However, she needs a comfy seat and a glass of wine at the interval!
But if the music gets a bit more progressive and discordant, or the guitar or keyboard solos get a touch busy or loud, then she's usually asking for it to be turned down or for me to put my headphones on. I was playing the wonderful 'Starless' the other day and she comes into the studio asking what that racket is! C'est La Vie!

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: June 11 2018 at 17:06
I have a fairly long commute four days a week. Train time is music time. I have about 220GB of music on my iPad Pro, so a fair selection to choose from which is regularly added to - though the damn thing is getting full.

The big rig at home doesn't get a workout nearly as often as I'd like.

Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: June 12 2018 at 05:41
In the car and late nights with headphones!!!
No sleep for Prog fans, I'm afraid.

Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: June 12 2018 at 12:14
Originally posted by Jzrk Jzrk wrote:

Outside of the collaborators I wonder how listening to prog fits in with your life schedule? Work and or families and other obligations can stop the best of us from relaxing and enjoying an album...

Just to clarify...
Does this mean you believe collaborators live on Mount Progmore where we are free of jobs and families and gym workouts so we can listen to Prog 24/7?

Or did you just specifically not want to hear from us on the matter? Which is totally ok.

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