Immediate Ruination of New Music?
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Topic: Immediate Ruination of New Music?
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Subject: Immediate Ruination of New Music?
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 07:47
Imagine you've just read a review of a band you've never heard before.
The description sounds intriguing, and you have every reason to believe
that you will like it. So you cruise on over to YouTube, Bandcamp,
Amazon, CD Baby, or the band's website to listen to some samples. The
first piece you listen to starts off well, and you're getting into it.
"This is great stuff!" you think. Then something happens that makes you
go "Ugh!, they just ruined it for me!". What was that? What is your
big turn-off that makes you immediately reject new music?
For me,
it's the appearance of gratuitous, mediocre vocals. If a piece starts
off with nice proggy instrumentation, then all of a sudden, someone
decides they have to open their mouths and sing, as if it is "required",
and their vocals are just ho-hum, mediocre (even thought the singer
thinks they are the greatest vocalist in the history of the universe).
are other characteristics in music that I don't care for, but the
appearance of those dad-blasted unnecessary vocals will send me reaching
for the reject button faster than anything else! Immediate ruination!
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 08:31
I find this strange. Mostly because something of the nature that you speak, is not about the "art" of it all, the band and the individuals, but about your "likes" and "dislikes".
It does not matter who the artist is, let's say Picasso, with 1001 paintings, and you and I both will say that that one is crap, and that one ... you call that a painting? ... and so on, but in the end, IN ITS TOTALITY, you can sit there, and eventually say ... got to admit, not my preference, but one heck of an artist and he did a lot.
I think, sometimes, that we are too far apart from the music and these bands, and we do not understand them. You should have heard the wording about Gentle Giant in 1972, 1973 and such, when around my roomate and friend, there were people saying things like ... that's horrible vocals ... because they wanted to hear rock'n'roll lyrics and not some supposedly Rabelais'ian piece with modern school vocals that rock STILL has not used or worked with well enough for people to get more familiar with extremely different things in music. And rock music is the simplest form, and the one that has expanded the least from a point of view of possibilities and comparatively speaking to other arts!
I'm sure that many people did the same thing to Stravinsky. Or Bartok. Or Orff (specially his lyrics for Carmina Burana ... go check those out! That's why your symphony, or rock band, will never do it, btw!
Of the 2K CD's I have, and still 1500 LP's and going back to the beginning of my psychedelic/weird/off kilter/crazy/weird/experimental collection, there are a lot of things that you can shake your head at, be it Roy Harper standing there on the loo, or Kevin Ayers throwing up in the kitchen, or RW/RG doing their song, but all in all, for me, it is just a part of life and the one thing that no one got in the White Album when John and Paul just walked down the street with the microphone turned on, and every one thought it was just crap!
It wasn't crap ... it was life!
Now, lyrics I might agree with you, since I'm not exactly one to like vapid and vacuous rock music lyrics that supposedly mean something and in the end, they don't. I won't even discuss LZ because they are everyone's lyrical darling and best example of what "lyrics" are supposed to be like ... but I like the differences and the wild ones. AD2 is wild with lyrics. Banco's singing is an acquired taste that eventually just melts in your heart. Ange in their early days (up to Tome VI), was the same and very theatrical, something that only Peter Hammill can do well, and everyone else wonders how can he do that? It's not about the doing that ... it's the context that it is set next to that specifies the strength of the whole thing.
But really, since you and I are not doing it, why are we being critical about someone else doing it? Would you enjoy that comment?
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 08:45
I have heard some new prog bands where I haven't liked the vocals but then what you consider to be "ho-hum" vocals may be brilliant to someone else. You can't expect a band not to post their music just in case someone doesn't like the vocals.
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 09:26
chopper wrote:
I have heard some new prog bands where I haven't liked the vocals but then what you consider to be "ho-hum" vocals may be brilliant to someone else. You can't expect a band not to post their music just in case someone doesn't like the vocals. |
I never said that. All I am saying is there is music I like, and music I dislike. And I pointed out one of the main reasons why I dislike something. I made NO comment about whether the music was good, bad, or otherwise. Simply that "I" dislike it. You may love it. Great! Buy it and listen to it.
Aren't there features of music that you dislike? And upon hearing them in something new, you quickly dismiss it move on to something else? Or do you force yourself to keep listening, even though it is grating on your nerves?
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 09:39
moshkito wrote:
really, since you and I are not doing it, why are we being critical
about someone else doing it? Would you enjoy that comment?
Being a practitioner of an art is not a requirement for liking or disliking someone else's output.
Posted By: hieronymous
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 10:15
I try to be positive rather than negative, but I actually think this is interesting and I appreciate that you recognize that this is about subjective like/dislike vs. the objective good/bad that is so common.
I'm with you - mediocre vocals/lyrics definitely ruin some music for me. In my experience it's been with '70s jazz/rock fusion. For instance, post-Al Di Meola Return to Forever, or some of the solo albums of the classic fusion musicians.
But I try not to limit myself to my first impression - it can take a few listens to get used to.
Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 10:15
As I've grown older, things like this don't bother me as much as they used to. If there is something good in the song, I can overlook a sub-par vocal performance or sub-par lyrics (which I'm certain I'm guilty of in my own music). I will admit that I'm still having a hard time with growling vocals, though I did like how they were done in Ayreon's song Cosmic Fusion off of the Into the Electric Castle album.
------------- ---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 10:16
Criticism can be useful for the critiqued if they are open to it, but this is about personal experience when it comes to music. I have experienced that "ruination" when I was expecting good things, it stated off to my liking, then it turned into something not to my tastes. Has been no big deal I just moved on as it's hardly ever happened with music that I've purchased -- more with youtube, myspace, soundcloud, bandcamp etc. After a promising and intriguing beginning, often the song has shifted and settled into AORish territory with this slower, more drawn-out part that I found off-putting -- commonly in the vocals and also commonly with a type of smooth, melodic electric guitar style. I think a lot of melodic proggy rock bands might start out with something that sounds more classically and frenetically Prog, then move into this ballady, commercial sounding section. In some of those cases, I'd rather they drop the proggy flourishes and pretensions and just do melodic rock. I sometimes feel with such music that it's trying to be Prog whereas it's heart is in melodic "AOR" rock. Usually with those kinds of bands, I don't like how they start either, but it has happened that I was fooled by what I thought an interesting instrumental intro before it morphed into a style that I don't like. I do value eclecticism in music, so often a part that I don't automatically like and takes me out of the music I will accept and move through, but I often accept it more easily when I get the sense that they will be experimental.
Also, I've heard some quite amateur bands that seemed to me to start off really well, but then the vocalist I found so pitchy and cringe-worthy that I would just feel embarrassed for him or her (mostly hims), especially when seen live at some bar or outdoors event. ^ And also, growls coming in have ruined some music for me too.
Posted By: Manuel
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 12:24
Bad vocals, or mediocre, will indeed ruin a piece of music for me, so are the metal riffs and monotone guitar solos.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 13:42
Sterilized production.
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 13:45
I grow up listening to American folk so duff vocals don't bother me. What does? A song that just doesn't move me.
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Posted By: MortSahlFan
Date Posted: March 22 2018 at 14:30
I'm just not moved, and it's not just music of "today" but since my birth (1982), horrible production, bad vocals, etc etc... The thing is, I've always tried to find something "new" just so I could look forward to a new album, or a concert.
Even when I find a song on here that I like, when I finally look into it, it's always from the 60s and 70s, and when I heard stuff I don't like, they seem to have been made in the last 30 years.
Just the way it is.. Fortunately, because of YouTube, I can stay away from that junk... I almost feel as strongly about music and comedy.
Posted By: TerLJack
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 06:11
Cookie Monster Vocals. Can't stand 'em. The rest of the work has to be stellar for me to overlook them.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 10:01
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
moshkito wrote:
really, since you and I are not doing it, why are we being critical
about someone else doing it? Would you enjoy that comment?
Being a practitioner of an art is not a requirement for liking or disliking someone else's output. |
For an artist, IT IS!
You will never be anyone that matters, other than collecting a few dollars here and there, if all you do is pay attention to everyone else's output. First of all, none of it agrees with anything. Second of all, these comments would be so far apart and weird that you could not possibly understand them. Third of all, you will be OK today, and tomorrow you will be sh*t because they now like someone else.
NOT being a practitioner of the art, does NOT make you qualified to judge it. You can choose not to buy it, but just sitting up and stating that it is bad, and then saying that someone else is better, because you like it, is not quite a very good objective concept or idea about the music that you are discussing.
And the majority of the history of the arts, is about people that went against the grain, because they were told they could not do it, and weren't good enough ... you really ought to read some of the early stuff about the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks and the shakers and movers that helped bring all of the music that we listen to today. From "you call that music?" to "they will never amount to anything", to "just another kitchen band", to "how can anyone enjoy that loud crap?", even going so far as to having Elvis legs never show on a TV spot whatsoever, because it was suggestive and this and that and this and that at the time.
The internet, has destroyed the "ruination of new music", and my hope is that the artists that do it, get stronger and stronger and better for it, regardless of what you and I like, or think! Or any board out there says. You can not be FAUST and goof around with toys and special effects that is so appreciated 20/30 years later, because at the time the ears were not tuned to it, and its potential. The late 60's were full of artists experimenting with voice in theater and film, to the point that rock music finally took it on ... but no one wants to even take a look at the experimental theater at the time to realize this.
It didn't ruin anything new ... much of it disappeared ... few today have any idea of what THE LIVING THEATER was really all about, and how it affected so much music and arts out there ... but its soul and source did not disappear ... it is alive and well in so much music yesterday and today, and in other arts. It was experimentation in theater in the 50's that gave us the American greats and the British greats, and the same thing happened in music ... it did not get ruined. The black music may have died a bit, but by the middle and late 60's it has exploded and when you saw Michael Jackson 10 years later, you saw a 50/50 mix in the audience, STILL the only such mix these days!
Either that, or we are back to ... what was it ... schlagger ... or something like it? I hope that never happens to our beloved "progressive music" because it is not something that "we" like, or "dislike". Or worse, that the government thinks it does not represent the will ... errrrr .... are you ready? ... of the people!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 10:31
moshkito wrote:
NOT being a practitioner of the art, does NOT make you qualified to judge it. (Rest of the rant deleted)
re-read my post, dude! I said "like" or "dislike". That is everyone's
prerogative. I made no judgement about anything. You definitely
missed the point of my post.
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 10:43
Pedro likes coming on and making comments about what it means to be an artist.
Except he doesn't play.
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 11:05
Someone may have have their own agenda irregardless of your point/ intent and seem to lack reading comprehension. It can be very frustrating.
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: March 23 2018 at 11:10
^ Thank you Davesax1965 and Logan for pointing out to me what's going on behind the rhetoric!
Posted By: HemispheresOfXanadu
Date Posted: March 27 2018 at 11:29
Definitely the vocals are a huge deciding factor for me. I'd describe it as disliking clones though--I dislike people trying, or even managing, to sound like other people. Not a big fan of Tesseract, the newest vocalist of Intronaut, early Marillion and others for this reason. Hell, I'd be happy with poorly done vocals so long as the singer sounds unique.
-------------" rel="nofollow - @ProgFollower on Twitter. Tweet me muzak.
Posted By: M27Barney
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 05:24
I am not so fussy over singing style or singing voice, though certain lyrical contents can irk me - If the music is strong enough you can ignore the voice and let it blend into the track. Phil Collins with Genesis is an example of this - though "More Fool Me" is fecking awful....
------------- Play me my song.....Here it comes again.......
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 05:43
Some electro elements in new music are the kind of I don´t want to listen it again. Mostly it´s some kind of beat that really starts to irritate me, specially those "scratching" beats that seem to be quite common in new music.
Vocals are important to me, so my interest can go away when there is mediocre or too clean vocals, that is also quite common in new music.
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 07:48
Davesax1965 wrote:
Pedro likes coming on and making comments about what it means to be an artist.
Except he doesn't play. |
He writes, he directs, and films. He doesn't require a musician to tell him what is artistic or not.
The rest is not worth discussing!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: Larkstongue41
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 08:01
^ And quite frankly, practicing an art has nothing to do with understanding/appreciating art. It might give you a better understanding of the technical aspects of the said art form and enhance your appreciation and understanding as a result but nothing more.
------------- "Larks' tongues. Wrens' livers. Chaffinch brains. Jaguars' earlobes. Wolf nipple chips. Get 'em while they're hot. They're lovely. Dromedary pretzels, only half a denar."
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 12:40
I've lately commented a very similar situation (" rel="nofollow - there ...)
So what happened ?... During 32 seconds there's some spicy harmony coming from church bell rich sound, not quite in tune (but that's makes it exciting) and the rythm section... I was in soundscape, contemplation-please-do-not-disturb mode, expecting some more drama and tension. Then all of a sudden there's a guy singing, the rythm section is the same but everything becomes "correct" and less mysterious. I guess the 32 first seconds are called awkward, just enough for the sung part to be felt as a deliverance "Ah they nail it, they're in control".
So it's really a matter of how we connect to each other...
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Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: March 28 2018 at 20:55
TerLJack wrote:
Cookie Monster Vocals. Can't stand 'em. The rest of the work has to be stellar for me to overlook them. |
Aye. Same here.
------------- I am not a Robot, I'm a FREE MAN!!
Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 01:56
Frenetic Zetetic wrote:
Sterilized production. |
80's aesthetics and production values (gated drums, cheap synths,
etc...) and 00's remaster conditions (loudness wars). I like my rock
(and prog and jazz) to be somewhat dirty (as opposed to pristine
Whiny neo-prog/Hogarth styled vocals are also a big turn-off
Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 05:28
Sean Trane wrote:
Frenetic Zetetic wrote:
Sterilized production. |
80's aesthetics and production values (gated drums, cheap synths,
etc...) and 00's remaster conditions (loudness wars). I like my rock
(and prog and jazz) to be somewhat dirty (as opposed to pristine
Whiny neo-prog/Hogarth styled vocals are also a big turn-off |
wholeheartedly. There are rock albums containing much fine music that I find
almost impossible to listen to all the way through because of the
wanton overuse of compression which only serves to suck the life and
dynamics out of otherwise admirable playing. Can't name too many examples from Prog but one case in point: The Construcktion of Light by King Crimson
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 07:42
jayem wrote:
I've lately commented a very similar situation (" rel="nofollow - there ...)
what happened ?... During 32 seconds there's some spicy harmony coming
from church bell rich sound, not quite in tune (but that's makes it
exciting) and the rythm section... I was in soundscape,
contemplation-please-do-not-disturb mode, expecting some more dram and
tension. Then all of a sudden there's a guy singing, the rythm section
is the same but everything becomes "correct" and less mysterious. I
guess the 32 first seconds are called awkward, just enough for the sung
part to be felt as a deliverance "Ah they nail it, they're in control".
So it's really a matter of how we connect to each other... |
I listened to that piece, and had the same reaction. Immediate ruination at the 32 sec mark!
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 09:39
ExittheLemming wrote:
Sean Trane wrote:
Frenetic Zetetic wrote:
Sterilized production. |
And 80's aesthetics and production values (gated drums, cheap synths, etc...) and 00's remaster conditions (loudness wars). I like my rock (and prog and jazz) to be somewhat dirty (as opposed to pristine production)
Whiny neo-prog/Hogarth styled vocals are also a big turn-off |
Agree wholeheartedly. There are rock albums containing much fine music that I find almost impossible to listen to all the way through because of the wanton overuse of compression which only serves to suck the life and dynamics out of otherwise admirable playing. Can't name too many examples from Prog but one case in point:The Construcktion of Light by King Crimson |
Right on. I tend to enjoy "warm" sounding recordings. I'm getting better at mixing and running my own stuff for my projects, and it creates a whole new level of appreciation/disdain for certain records.
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 10:41
I wonder if more prog artists burped or farted in the middle of a song, would that cause an immediate ruination? I think I'd laugh and enjoy it more.
------------- ---------- i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag that's a happy bag of lettuce this car smells like cartilage nothing beats a good video about fractions
Posted By: RoeDent
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 12:07
It hasn't happened to me yet.
Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 16:21
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
For me, it's the appearance of gratuitous, mediocre vocals.
| You mean like those of Area? You are correct, sir.
------------- "It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno
Posted By: Jaketejas
Date Posted: March 29 2018 at 22:14
I always try to appreciate a song for what it is, or what it might have been. Composition is what I dig. A lot of new prog bands don't have the $ to get the perfect sound. But, you can still appreciate the attempt. It's easy to criticize, but people who give it a go are to be commended. There is much beauty to be found in home brewed prog.
Posted By: Progaholic3
Date Posted: March 30 2018 at 05:32
Often a stirring and melodic instrumental opening is followed by the blandest verse-chorus song, as if nobody will notice compositional inability if it's done in style.
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: March 30 2018 at 11:01
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
I listened to that piece, and had the same reaction. Immediate ruination at the 32 sec mark! |
Maybe this is due to such a coincidental meeting of unorthodox minds, that it defies all probability laws ...BUT some hints in the thread suggest it could also be that a whole roaring crowd might one day hold a protest and demand a major editing !!
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Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: March 30 2018 at 11:56
Rednight wrote:
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
For me, it's the appearance of gratuitous, mediocre vocals.
| You mean like those of Area? You are correct, sir.
| You could apply a lot of adjectives to Demetrio Stratos' vocals, and obviously nobody is obliged to like them, but “mediocre”? Not hardly.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: March 31 2018 at 06:04
Agreed, like someone who can't swim describing the Mediterranean Sea as 'moist'
Posted By: progoma
Date Posted: April 23 2018 at 07:23
Interesting topic. I agree that vocals can make or break a song/band for me. Also the use of humor and general silliness can be really off-putting to me. I think this is the reason I can't fully enjoy some of Genesis. But as others have mentioned above, it's just a subjective thing.
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 23 2018 at 11:48
'Immediate ruination of new music'...? I'm not sure what that even means, but I will agree that vocals can 'ruin' the accessibility of a new band for me. This is one of the reasons why I have always had trouble with VDGG. I recall first listening to their albums in college (Pawn Hearts and then later Godbluff...)but not liking the vocals by Hammill. While I have come to accept his vocals on most of their tracks...vocals in general can really bother me if they seem annoying. I'm far less picky about production or recording values if the music is good.
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: April 23 2018 at 12:59
There are no singer or guitarist that can ruin a music for me. Only composers and lyricists.
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 23 2018 at 17:30
I am a bit more careful about calling vocals "bad". yes, there often is some unusual singing and you go "wtf?" at first. this even happened to me with VdGG (the first album I heard of them was "Godbluff", and I went "wtf?" about the rasp whispering at the beginning), but this is nothing that will deter me forever; I just have to get used to this unusual vocal delivery (you should hear what strange things BaldFriede does with her voice; it would probably make many people dislike the two albums of the Bald Angels immediately)
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: April 24 2018 at 07:36
BaldJean wrote:
...but this is nothing that will deter me forever; I just have to get used to this unusual vocal delivery
Why would you try to get used to something that doesn't please you? There is SO much music out there. The "New Prog Releases" blog alone lists 1000-1500 new prog albums every year. If an album doesn't capture my attention and sound pleasing to me from the onset, I move on. There is lots more to choose from.
Posted By: ExittheLemming
Date Posted: April 24 2018 at 09:15
I didn't like Indian and Mexican food on first acquaintance (in Glasgow, Scotland) but now I love them both (burp). How can a person's musical appreciation grow unless they are exposed to an external stimulus that is initially foreign to them BUT which will clearly take take time to be assimilated? Have you heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? If what does not please you on first acquaintance you consider BAD then you are clearly a myopic self righteous cretin.
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: April 24 2018 at 09:17
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: April 24 2018 at 10:02
BaldJean wrote:
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
BaldJean wrote:
...but this is nothing
that will deter me forever; I just have to get used to this unusual
vocal delivery
Why would you try to get used to
something that doesn't please you? There is SO much music out there.
The "New Prog Releases" blog alone lists 1000-1500 new prog albums every
year. If an album doesn't capture my attention and sound pleasing to
me from the onset, I move on. There is lots more to choose from.
you misunderstand me. these unusual vocal styles don't really displease me, they merely irritate me, like anything that is new.
your approach you would have to reject anything new if it doesn't
immediately please you. if you are used to a certain can opener and get a
new one that looks and works quite differently you would be irritated
too. but would you really reject this new can opener for this reason? I
doubt it. so why do it with a new vocal style?
peace. If I "might" like something, especially something completely
new, I certainly do give it a chance. I listen to new music almost
daily. If, when I listen to it, I know that I absolutely don't like it,
I move on. I don't like thrash metal... not matter how many times I'm
exposed to it, and I'm not going to subject myself to that irritation in
the hopes that I might like it some day. It's not about something
being new (or bad, as ExittheLemming thinks I am implying)... it's about
disliking something, and being certain about it, and moving on.
Certain things trigger that "absolute dislike" button of mine.
Posted By: jayem
Date Posted: April 24 2018 at 11:39
BaldJean wrote:
(you should hear what strange things BaldFriede does with her voice; it would probably make many people dislike the two albums of the Bald Angels immediately)
Where can we listen to those albums ? Regarding the global atmosphere and dynamics I expect them to not be my cup of tea, but given your great ears ( by the way," rel="nofollow - beat my super score there , and then next step you'll be ready to train and challenge Dylan Beato at speed-naming piano bunch of notes ![Wink Wink]( ![Wink Wink]( ) it's unlikely the Muses would refuse you at least some moments by very gifted musicians' standards...
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