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Marillion earliest footage

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Topic: Marillion earliest footage
Posted By: MarketSquareHero
Subject: Marillion earliest footage
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 14:19
So the earliest video that I found of Marillion was on Guilford University, on early November 1982
I've come to a post on this forum where someone stated to have earlier dated tapes, but the guy didn't upload it tought
I would be glad if someone helped me out :D

Posted By: TheH
Date Posted: February 25 2018 at 07:00
Are you looking for filmed stuff only?
Otherwise there is a lot of older audio only stuff (from '79 onwards) on YT.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 25 2018 at 07:07
earliest footage? I don't know.
I have the Recital for the Script DVD and it's great. Worth every penny. 

Posted By: TheH
Date Posted: February 25 2018 at 07:16
Oldest stuff that was recorded somehow would be from '78/'79.
That would be including performances with Pointer/Irvine/Jenner/Cockel.
According to Pointer Doug Irvine took the only tape that exists of that with him
as he left the band.
The oldest footage known to the public would be demos with Doug on vocals and bass from '79 and '80

Posted By: MarketSquareHero
Date Posted: March 10 2018 at 15:53
I mean filmed stuff really

Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: March 10 2018 at 17:48
I could find the concert mentioned, however from 1982.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: March 10 2018 at 22:46
I think their first footage is from 1982. I mean they just put together a steady line-up and released their first EP, were playing small audiences still. 

Posted By: The Shrubbery
Date Posted: March 30 2018 at 11:34
Don't know if any of you got to see the impromptu show on the YES CTTE cruise. But... Edison's Children did a quick little show of Marillion's Incubus live. 

Edison's Children regulars Pete Trewavas (Edison's Children / Marillion / Transatlantic) was on bass; Lisa Wetton (John's wife) was on drums and Rick Armstrong (Neil Armstrong's son ... 1st man on the moon) was on guitar. David Hussey (not EC) filled in on lead vox. 

While I couldn't find out any information about a new album, I did find out that Neil Armstrong's son is now part of Pete's "Sci-Fi" based Haunted Prog band Edison's Children. Their haunting dark sound combined with producers John Mitchell and Jakko (lead singer of King Crimson) have always caught my attention but i'm hoping that the addition of Rick Armstrong sends the band back to their 1st album, which had a really cool "alien-space" theme. It reminded me of the early themes from Saga like Images at Twilight but with a more Pink Floyd like feel to it. 

Let's make Prog a family again. Tired of Snobbery and trolling. We all have a right to love what and who we love so lets respect and appreciate all who care about the finest music in the world... prog

Posted By: MarketSquareHero
Date Posted: April 15 2018 at 10:31
Do you know when was it?

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