Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & Me
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Topic: Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & MePosted By: siLLy puPPy
Subject: Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & Me
Date Posted: February 07 2018 at 18:59
Hey all! Since that thread that emerged complaining about women not getting a fair shake in the prog world, it got me wondering how many bands throughout history have had women involved. So i started a list on Rate Your Music titled:
Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & Metal
I want it to be as complete as possible and would appreciate any suggestions for addition or any corrections. Also this thread could be a place to discuss women's roles in prog music in general. It was a fun experience. I started it more for my own educational purposes and then sort of got carried away. Found almost 400 artists but i'm sure there are many more. Please do check to see if it's already on the list before you start suggesting away. The obvious suspects like Renaissance, Comus, Art Bears etc are well represented already. Thanks! :}
Hopefully the link works!
https://rateyourmusic.com/list/siLLy_puPPy/goddess-prog-women-in-progressive-folk-rock-and-metal/" rel="nofollow - Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & Metal - Rate Your Music
Replies: Posted By: omphaloskepsis
Date Posted: February 07 2018 at 19:53
Oh my God... Oh my Goddess! What a humungous list. Hats off to you Silly Puppy. The A's are impressive all by themselves.
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 07 2018 at 21:10
Fantastic work on that list so far!
One that I'm a little surprised you missed is Bubu with Cecilia Tenconi on flute. You could also include Alas if you wanted to be a completionist about it, since Cecilia contributes some flute parts to their second album Pinta Tu Aldea. And while we're in Argentina, MIA is also worth including for Liliana Vitale, who contributed vocals, flute, drums, percussion, bass, and recorder over the course of their 3 studio albums!
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 07 2018 at 21:30
^ Thanks! Both for the kind words AND for the suggestions. I knew i would miss some obvious ones as well as ones i've never heard. Even though i actually own all those albums, i actually didn't know about the Alas and MIA ones :o
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: February 07 2018 at 23:58
An excellent list! Many old favourites, but loads of new names as well. Well done, siLLy puPPy - prog needs its goddesses!
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 01:04
Some additions from Finland:
Auli Lattunen: Vocals in Haikara (1973-1976)
Saara Hedlund: Vocals in Haikara (2001)
Pia-Maria Noponen: Vocals, Flute, Synthesizer and Grand Piano in Scapa Flow (1980)
Pihasoittajat are not in PA, although they should be, just because Fairport Convention is. Anyway in their most proggy album "Kontaten Kotia" Arja Karlsson does very great vocals, also in their earlier "Hattukauppiaan aamu"-album.
You could add Jane Relf also to Renaissance, because he sings in their first two albums.
Also, Judy Dyble has short, but great band Trader Horne and she has made also quite great solos later.
I really hope you will put P.J Harvey there, because there are also Bush and Björk. Listen her "Is This Desire?", "Dance Hall at Louse Point" and/or "White Chalk" so you will notice she is as much prog-related than those other lovely ladies.
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 01:30
Kosmos Lindsay Cooper Tirill Anekdoten
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 02:19
Stellar list and project, OP!
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 04:27
A great list !!!
You can add:
-Lesoir (Netherlands),
-leDimanche (Netherlands),
-Monnaie De Singe (France),
-Delusion Squared (France).
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 05:37
A stellar list indeed, Pup. I have six more suggestions right now:
Anima Mundi (Symph, Cuba, Virginia Peraza on keys)
Carmen (Prog Folk, UK, Angela Allen on keys and vocals now and then)
The Emerald Dawn (Neo-prog, UK, Tree Stewart on keys and vocals)
Il Tempio delle Clessidre (RPI, Italy, Elisa Montaldo on keys)
Unreal City (RPI, Italy, Francesca Zanetta on guitar)
The Violet Hour (Neo-Prog, UK, Doris Brendel on vocals and flute)
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 06:46
Thanks for all the suggestions!
@Tom Ozric & Someone else.... ALL ADDED!
@Mortte.... poor Jane, how could i forget to add her for Renaissance?!!! All others added except i'll have to think about PJ Harvey. I own several albums and have never considered her prog but it's been a while since i've given her a spin so i'll check her out.
@PhildeauxFan... Lesoir is listed under alternative rock and not on PA so i'll give them a skip. Monnaie de Sange has no listing and isn't on PA so i'll check them out a bit more unless you convince me :) Others added.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 06:49
This is a wonderful project! A few additions to your already very expansive list:
Arpia (Italy, RPI) Paola Feraiorni (vocals) Eccentric Orbit (USA, Symph Prog) - Madeleine Noland (keyboards, synths) Ut Gret (USA, Avant Prog) - Jackie Royce (bassoon), Cheyenne Mize (vocals) Jack O' the Clock (USA, Avant Prog) - Emily Packard (violin, melodica), Thea Kelley (vocals), Kate McLoughlin (bassoon, flute) Kultivator/Nomads of Hope (Sweden, Eclectic Prog) - Ingemo Rylander (vocals) Schooltree (USA, Crossover Prog) - Lainey Schooltree (vocals, keyboards)
More to come! Lots of talented ladies on today's prog scene.
Edit: All the bands of the "Cardiacs family" have great women musicians in their ranks: Knifeworld, Chrome Hoof, North Sea Radio Orchestra, William D. Drake - and of course the Cardiacs themselves.
Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 07:30
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Thanks for all the suggestions!
@PhildeauxFan... Lesoir is listed under alternative rock and not on PA so i'll give them a skip. Monnaie de Sange has no listing and isn't on PA so i'll check them out a bit more unless you convince me :) Others added.
Keep em coming!
Hi !
I know that I often mention bands which are not on Prog Archives.
But I think that they could be included on this site.
Another band with a female singer: Ciccada (Greece).
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 07:44
^ wow! Great list. I certainly have missed some obvious ones. Cardiacs and Kultivator are two of my favorites! You opened a can of worms with the Cardiacs family. I added all the rest but will have to get back to the extended family later when i have the chance to sift through. Thanks!!!
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 07:47
Vashti Bunyan....?
Trees- Celia Humphris
Steeleye Span- Maddy Prior
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 07:53
PhideauxFan wrote:
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Thanks for all the suggestions!
@PhildeauxFan... Lesoir is listed under alternative rock and not on PA so i'll give them a skip. Monnaie de Sange has no listing and isn't on PA so i'll check them out a bit more unless you convince me :) Others added.
Keep em coming!
Hi !
I know that I often mention bands which are not on Prog Archives.
But I think that they could be included on this site.
Another band with a female singer: Ciccada (Greece).
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 07:56
dr wu23 wrote:
Vashti Bunyan....?
Trees- Celia Humphris
Steeleye Span- Maddy Prior
Vashti, probably not. Trees, just added! Thanks. Haven't heard either and Trees has been on my list for quite some time now. Steeleye span may be on PA but i don't consider them progressiive, just really good English folk
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:07
Trees are no more 'progressive' than Steeleye or Fairport for that matter...imho they are all in the same boat.
btw..I'm glad you didn't forget Earth and Fire and Julians' Treatment.....2 early prog bands I like.
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:12
How I forgot Jambinai! Two beautiful & excellent woman musicians in it!
Also, Pentangle is not in the list.
This is great project!
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:16
And of course.....Espers with Meg Baird.....and Circulus with Lo Polidoro
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:18
^Jacqui McShee from Pentangle
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:28
Probably a stretch and not quite what you have in mind, but Aimee Mann appeared on Rush's Time Stand Still.
Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 08:40
And last but not least Mellow Candle with both Alison Williams and Clodagh Simonds.
------------- One does nothing yet nothing is left undone. Haquin
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 09:31
Banda do Casaco (Portugal, Prog Folk):
- Helena Afonso / vocals
- Judi Brennan / vocals
- Mena Amaro / violin, bells, vocals
- Cândida Soares / vocals
- Gabriela Schaff / vocals
- Né Ladeiras / vocals
- Concha / vocals
I'm not counting backing vocalists.
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 09:53
you missed Maia Burchard of Embryo (keyboards, vibes, trombone) who after the recent death of her father Christian now is at the helm of Embryo
and you missed Mireille Bauer of Gong (all kinds of tuned percussion instruments).
I did not look further than Gong so far, so there may be more
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 10:32
Hey! Great list.
Your Bondage Fruit listing has the 2 vocalists from the first 2 albums but is missing insanely talented percussionist /vibraphonist, Takara Kumiko, who is a staple on all 6 albums.
Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 10:46
dr wu23 wrote:
And last but not least Mellow Candle with both Alison Williams and Clodagh Simonds.
------------- This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 11:39
Guru Guru - Lisa Fitz (vocals and bass guitar)
Henry Cow - Georgie Born (cello and bass)
Hawkwind - Bridget Wishart and Samantha Fox (vocals), Stacia Blake (ok, no musician, but a Hawkwind legend)
Ash Ra Tempel - Rosi Müller (vocals)
Hatfield and the North - Sophia Domancich (keyboards)
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 11:45
Magma - Himiko Paganotti (daughter of Bernard Paganotti) - vocals
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 12:11
October Equus - Amanda Pazos Cosse - bass
Rasputina: Melora Creager / cello, vocals Julia Kent / cello Carpella Parvo / cello Julia Kent / cello Agnieszka Rybska / cello K. Cowperthwaite / cello, backing vocals Nana Bornant / cello, backing vocals Zoë Keating / cello, vocals Sarah Bowman / background vocals Catie D'Amica / drums, percussion, djembe, ankle bells
Not all at once!
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to. http://bandcamp.com/jpillbox" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 14:27
dr wu23 wrote:
Trees are no more 'progressive' than Steeleye or Fairport for that matter...imho they are all in the same boat.
btw..I'm glad you didn't forget Earth and Fire and Julians' Treatment.....2 early prog bands I like.
I figured why not. I'll error on the side of inclusion. Also added Esper and the others you suggested :)
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 14:28
rushfan4 wrote:
Probably a stretch and not quite what you have in mind, but Aimee Mann appeared on Rush's Time Stand Still.
Nope. Two things. I'm only adding members of a group. I might make an exception for guests that play serious roles such as in the case of Deluge Grander but one song on an album that isn't progressive isn't good enough. But thanks for the suggestion :)
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 16:58
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Carol Grimes and Delivery ?
She's already on there :)
I should’ve known......sorry mate. The list is extensive, I missed that one. Bloody good project though Oh, did you get the Hillage/Giraudy team ?? Also on Nik Turner’s album ?
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 17:43
^ thanks. Did not get the Hillage team. Is that on a solo album or a bona fide project of some sort? Trying not to do mere guest appearances unless it's ridiculously vital. Oh! Just remembered Swans with Jarboe!
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 08 2018 at 18:29
Turner’s first solo Xitintoday (1978) is fantastic. Miquette and Steve are part of the ‘band’ he assembled for the album, though it could be considered as ‘guest’. She has vocals on a couple of tunes. Check it out an decide anyway. I’m sure it’s an album you’d love.
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 02:13
Tom Ozric wrote:
Turner’s first solo Xitintoday (1978) is fantastic. Miquette and Steve are part of the ‘band’ he assembled for the album, though it could be considered as ‘guest’. She has vocals on a couple of tunes. Check it out an decide anyway. I’m sure it’s an album you’d love.
Be wary though. Turner made two versions of this album; the second one in 1993 on the Cleopatra label. The only thing that remained the same are the lyrics. The music is totally different. Not just the same compositions newly recorded, no, totally different compositions. The second album is not bad, but the first version is in my opinion much better. I'd give 5 stars to the first version and 3.5 to the second.
BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: Tapfret
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 03:05
I'm shocked that a Bay Area resident would have forgotten Carla Kihlstadt of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and Charming Hostess. The latter ensemble is full of prog goddesses.
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 04:20
BaldFriede wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Turner’s first solo Xitintoday (1978) is fantastic. Miquette and Steve are part of the ‘band’ he assembled for the album, though it could be considered as ‘guest’. She has vocals on a couple of tunes. Check it out an decide anyway. I’m sure it’s an album you’d love.
Be wary though. Turner made two versions of this album; the second one in 1993 on the Cleopatra label. The only thing that remained the same are the lyrics. The music is totally different. Not just the same compositions newly recorded, no, totally different compositions. The second album is not bad, but the first version is in my opinion much better. I'd give 5 stars to the first version and 3.5 to the second.
Uhhh that second version is horrendous compared to the original imho. The production in particular kills it for me. Plastic everywhere....on a record so set on ancient Egyptian mythology is just...wrong. The Conchita Würst of Nik's oevre.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 06:03
Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick
Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 06:29
Curved Air - Sonja Kristina.
BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 06:34
Some more goodies - all bands that I had the pleasure of seeing on stage in the past few years:
Alec K Redfearn and the Eyesores (Avant Prog, USA) - Lots of different ladies have been part of this great band (see their PA entry for details). I think Ann Schattle (horn in F) is a steady band member. Forgas Band Phenomena (JR/F, France) - Karolina Mlodecka (violin) Moraine/Zhongyu (Eclectic Prog, USA) - Alicia DeJoie (violin) Travis Larson Band (not on PA - guitar-based fusion, USA) - Jennifer Young (bass)
Posted By: PhideauxFan
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 06:51
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:00
Tom Ozric wrote:
Turner’s first solo Xitintoday (1978) is fantastic. Miquette and Steve are part of the ‘band’ he assembled for the album, though it could be considered as ‘guest’. She has vocals on a couple of tunes. Check it out an decide anyway. I’m sure it’s an album you’d love.
Thanks for the suggestion but that's a guest role. I have not heard this album so thanks for putting it on my radar. As hard as i try i can't listen to everything
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:03
Tapfret wrote:
I'm shocked that a Bay Area resident would have forgotten Carla Kihlstadt of Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and Charming Hostess. The latter ensemble is full of prog goddesses.
And what about Diamanda Galas?
I'm shocked too. I'm a baaaaaaaaaaad dog. They are one of my favorite bands. I did included Faun Fables and then got sidetracked i guess. Both of those added. Thanks!
Diamanda Galas isn't prog to me. I've seen her live. Own a few albums and find her experimental and weird as hell. I know she's on here but i don't hear it. If someone can point out one of her albums that is truly prog then i'll add her otherwise, i don't wanna scare aware the viewers
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:06
Raff wrote:
Some more goodies - all bands that I had the pleasure of seeing on stage in the past few years:
Alec K Redfearn and the Eyesores (Avant Prog, USA) - Lots of different ladies have been part of this great band (see their PA entry for details). I think Ann Schattle (horn in F) is a steady band member. Forgas Band Phenomena (JR/F, France) - Karolina Mlodecka (violin) Moraine/Zhongyu (Eclectic Prog, USA) - Alicia DeJoie (violin) Travis Larson Band (not on PA - guitar-based fusion, USA) - Jennifer Young (bass)
All excellent suggestions and ALL added! Even Travis. This is MY list and doesn't need any team to vote on it
Travis Larson is listed as progressive rock on all his albums. Wonder if anyone has suggested it here yet.
It was a last minute decision to start this thread to see if i missed anything. OMG, this list has become so much better than what i found myself! Thanks, everyone
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:07
siLLy puPPy wrote:
rushfan4 wrote:
Probably a stretch and not quite what you have in mind, but Aimee Mann appeared on Rush's Time Stand Still.
Nope. Two things. I'm only adding members of a group. I might make an exception for guests that play serious roles such as in the case of Deluge Grander but one song on an album that isn't progressive isn't good enough. But thanks for the suggestion :)
I suspected as much, but figured what the heck to throw it out there.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 07:09
I think this list is demonstrating that women are hardly a stranger to progressive music and much more prevelent than i had realized. Yay! You go, girls!
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:01
^You should probably pm Marissa
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:03
I didn't see Pascale Son of Cos (Belgium), who provides vocals and oboe . It's the first name I looked for as I adore the Queen of Cos.
Another Belgian band, the RIO Aranis, if you think applicable (it would be to me), has various female members including: Linde de Groof (violin), Liesbeth Lambrecht (violin), Marjolein Cools (accordion), Axelle Kennes (piano) and Jana Arns (flute).
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:14
Let's also add the estimable female members of Wapassou:
Karin Nickerl / vocals, acoustic guitar
Eurydice / vocals
Veronique Nickerl / vocals
Nobody really seems to give a damn about Wapassou but I think they were great.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to. http://bandcamp.com/jpillbox" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:15
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry, but Jefferson Airplane for prog is like having marshmallow rice krispies treats for Christmas dinner I'm not covering early psych and proto on this one :)
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:29
How about Dee Palmer in Jethro Tull. :)
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:34
Art Zoyd - Patricia Dallio - keyboard
Decemberists - Jenny Conlee - keyboard
Koenjihyakkei - Nami Sagara - vocals
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 08:49
Hang on, what about solo progressive artist Laurence Vanay, aka Jacqueline Thibault?
She was also one of the players on husband Laurent Thibault's classic Mais On Ne Peut Pas Rêver Tout Le Temps.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to. http://bandcamp.com/jpillbox" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 09:00
^ Yep, I have the album Galaxies.
------------- “The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
- Douglas Adams
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 09:21
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry, but Jefferson Airplane for prog is like having marshmallow rice krispies treats for Christmas dinner I'm not covering early psych and proto on this one :)
you should listen to the first solo album of Grace Slick. in my opinion definitely a prog album. there even is a 15 minute epic on it, the title track "Manhole"
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: BaldJean
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 11:49
Tangerine Dream has Linda Spa on saxophone, flute and keyboards and Iris Camaa on percussion and v-drums
A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 11:58
Guldbamsen wrote:
^ Yep, I have the album Galaxies.
I have Evening Colours but not Galaxies. Keep meaning to pick it up.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to. http://bandcamp.com/jpillbox" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 13:01
And here's more !
Corima (Zeuhl, USA) - Andrea Calderon (violin, vocals) Big Hogg (Canterbury Scene, UK) - Sophie Sexon (vocals, flute) Factor Burzaco (Avant Prog, Argentina) - Carolina Restuccia (vocals) Galactic Cowboy Orchestra (Crossover Prog, USA) - Lisi Wright (vocals, violin) Inner Ear Brigade (Avant Prog, USA) - Melody Ferris (vocals) Five-Storey Ensemble (unfortunately not on PA - very much like modern chamber music, Belarus) - Olga Podgaiskaja (piano, keyboards, vocals), Nadia Christia
Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 13:23
I don't think that Eskaton has been mentioned yet, which is a particular favourite of mine and I didn't see in the list.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:06
BaldJean wrote:
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry, but Jefferson Airplane for prog is like having marshmallow rice krispies treats for Christmas dinner I'm not covering early psych and proto on this one :)
you should listen to the first solo album of Grace Slick. in my opinion definitely a prog album. there even is a 15 minute epic on it, the title track "Manhole"
That's not a bad album at all. Probably one of her best. I like the Paul Kantnor collabs as well. Somehow i just put Grace Slick in the same category as Nico. Art rock / psychedelic folk and the like but not really progressive enough for inclusion into the club. Sorry :(
However, you did remind me about Julie Slick! Totally unrelated to Grace but definately prog!!!
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:11
BaldJean wrote:
Tangerine Dream has Linda Spa on saxophone, flute and keyboards and Iris Camaa on percussion and v-drums
Yes indeed! Wow! I'm surprised how many women performed in some of the most popular prog acts and i never knew about it, however i haven't kept up with TG's newer releases. Added! Thanks :)
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:23
Let's not forget Frequency Drift, a German prog outfit with quite a few women in their ranks during the years: Antje Auer, Isa Fallenbacher, Melanie Mau and - last but not least - Nerissa Schwarz, a.o.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:24
Raff wrote:
And here's more !
Corima (Zeuhl, USA) - Andrea Calderon (violin, vocals) Big Hogg (Canterbury Scene, UK) - Sophie Sexon (vocals, flute) Factor Burzaco (Avant Prog, Argentina) - Carolina Restuccia (vocals) Galactic Cowboy Orchestra (Crossover Prog, USA) - Lisi Wright (vocals, violin) Inner Ear Brigade (Avant Prog, USA) - Melody Ferris (vocals) Five-Storey Ensemble (unfortunately not on PA - very much like modern chamber music, Belarus) - Olga Podgaiskaja (piano, keyboards, vocals), Nadia Christia
All excellent suggestions and ALL added. Even found more female musicians than you listed ;)
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:34
Barbu wrote:
Malicorne - Marie Yacoub (dulcimer, bouzouki, hurdy gurdy, chant)
Contraction - Christiane Robichaud (chant)
Harmonium - Monique Fauteux (keyboards, chant)
Et Cetera - Marie Bernard Pagé (keyboards, chant)
CANO - Rachel Paiement (acoustic guitar, chant)
Godspeed - Sophie Trudeau (violin)
Great list however most of these were already there. I did neglect Godspeed, Harmonium and Malicorne, so thanks!
BTW in Godspeed someone is named Norsola. Is that a female name? One of the challenges of this list is that i find gender names in Japanese, Finnish and other non-Indo-European languages to be somewhat of a challenge!
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:38
someone_else wrote:
Let's not forget Frequency Drift, a German prog outfit with quite a few women in their ranks during the years: Antje Auer, Isa Fallenbacher, Melanie Mau and - last but not least - Nerissa Schwarz, a.o.
Added. Good beaver! You can chew on my trees if you please
Didn't check if you already had this gang on yet...trippy, shoegazy psychedelic prog rock.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:43
rushfan4 wrote:
How about Dee Palmer in Jethro Tull. :)
Wow! I didn't know JT had female behind the scenes. Of course i don't know half of the musicians even though i love the music! She was definately "IN" the band, so bravo! Great find, matie!
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:54
rogerthat wrote:
Art Zoyd - Patricia Dallio - keyboard
Decemberists - Jenny Conlee - keyboard
Koenjihyakkei - Nami Sagara - vocals
Added. Except Decemberists. I know they're on here and i own most of their albums but WHY are they considered progressive? I don't find them to be at all. What am i missing? Thanks for suggestions!
Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:56
Great project, thumbs up !!
Annette Peacock (you can file her under Bruford, if you will)
Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:57
siLLy puPPy wrote:
rushfan4 wrote:
How about Dee Palmer in Jethro Tull. :)
Wow! I didn't know JT had female behind the scenes. Of course i don't know half of the musicians even though i love the music! She was definately "IN" the band, so bravo! Great find, matie!
She was still known as David Palmer (her birth name) when she was part of JT. Her name change came much later - in 1998, according to Wikipedia.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 15:57
Mascodagama wrote:
Let's also add the estimable female members of Wapassou:
Karin Nickerl / vocals, acoustic guitar
Eurydice / vocals
Veronique Nickerl / vocals
Nobody really seems to give a damn about Wapassou but I think they were great.
Maybe people don't like them because the name sounds like WHOP A SOW!
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 16:00
Raff wrote:
siLLy puPPy wrote:
rushfan4 wrote:
How about Dee Palmer in Jethro Tull. :)
Wow! I didn't know JT had female behind the scenes. Of course i don't know half of the musicians even though i love the music! She was definately "IN" the band, so bravo! Great find, matie!
She was still known as David Palmer (her birth name) when she was part of JT. Her name change came much later - in 1998, according to Wikipedia.
You mean a transexual? I'm not sure that counts. I mean i have friends who are trans but when it comes down to it, one cannot change their chromosomes no matter how much snippy snippy one makes. What does everyone else thing about this? To me trans is a third category. No disrespect or anything but some sort of middle ground. Mostly because she was still influenced by the male hormones in development, something a person can never divorce from totally.
Didn't check if you already had this gang on yet...trippy, shoegazy psychedelic prog rock.
Great finds! Japanese women are some of the most daring and bold on the scene. Love their feistiness! All great and added. Paranoid Void definately belongs on this site!
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 16:20
Logan wrote:
I didn't see Pascale Son of Cos (Belgium), who provides vocals and oboe . It's the first name I looked for as I adore the Queen of Cos.
Another Belgian band, the RIO Aranis, if you think applicable (it would be to me), has various female members including: Linde de Groof (violin), Liesbeth Lambrecht (violin), Marjolein Cools (accordion), Axelle Kennes (piano) and Jana Arns (flute).
I missed Cos and never would've thought of Aranis but perfectly acceptable. Both added. Thanks!
Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 16:26
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Raff wrote:
siLLy puPPy wrote:
rushfan4 wrote:
How about Dee Palmer in Jethro Tull. :)
Wow! I didn't know JT had female behind the scenes. Of course i don't know half of the musicians even though i love the music! She was definately "IN" the band, so bravo! Great find, matie!
She was still known as David Palmer (her birth name) when she was part of JT. Her name change came much later - in 1998, according to Wikipedia.
You mean a transexual? I'm not sure that counts. I mean i have friends who are trans but when it comes down to it, one cannot change their chromosomes no matter how much snippy snippy one makes. What does everyone else thing about this? To me trans is a third category. No disrespect or anything but some sort of middle ground. Mostly because she was still influenced by the male hormones in development, something a person can never divorce from totally.
I was being a bit of a silly puppy myself with that suggestion, but on the other hand, I figured it was a subject worth breaching, as apparently she did believe that she should have been born a woman.
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 16:28
^ i already added it, so let's see if anyone ever challenges it!
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 19:10
Did you get the female fronted Sandrose ??
Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 19:16
^yep. Guess i'll repost the link on every reply so y'all can check the list before suggesting.
https://rateyourmusic.com/list/siLLy_puPPy/goddess-prog-women-in-progressive-folk-rock-and-metal/" rel="nofollow - Goddess Prog: Women in Progressive Folk, Rock & Metal - Rate Your Music
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 22:22
Seeems there’s a truckload of female talent in the Prog-World. Still, there has to be more........especially in the Tech-Extreme zone
Posted By: Prog Sothoth
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 23:16
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Great finds! Japanese women are some of the most daring and bold on the scene. Love their feistiness! All great and added. Paranoid Void definitely belongs on this site!
Oh, I hear you there! Hell, arguably my current favorite guitarist is Hanako from Octaviagrace, but unfortunately their style is probably just a little too power metal for "prog" standards (man is she great though).
Here's a couple of more individual Japanese wunderkinds that need serious consideration though:
Starless: Yoshiko Miyamoto (vocals)
Named after the KC album, their Silver Wings album is one of the best Japanese heavy prog albums of the '80s. Seriously classic stuff.
Although you might kick yourself for not catching this one considering their regal status in the E/T prog metal scene...
Sigh: Dr. Mikannibal (alto saxophone, vocals)
aah Japanese women proggers...
Posted By: mathman0806
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 23:33
Tif Chang, bass, of Taiwanese math rock band Elephant Gym.
Mayuko Wada, bass, of Japanese math rock band How to count one to ten.
Yvette Young, guitar, of American math rock band Covet.
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 09 2018 at 23:39
siLLy puPPy wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Jefferson Airplane - Grace Slick
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry, but Jefferson Airplane for prog is like having marshmallow rice krispies treats for Christmas dinner I'm not covering early psych and proto on this one :)
What about another list females in psych and prote? Too large?
Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: February 10 2018 at 00:10
@ silly puppy: No idea about Decemberists! Just mentioned it because it's listed here and because it used to be very popular among the forum members at one point of time.