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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Yes
Posted By: condor
Subject: Yes
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 18:22
I've become a Yes fan, listening to them as much as King Crimson. I've listened to Fragile, CTTE, TFTO, Relayer and Going for the One
What album after Going for the One should I listen to next?
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 18:26
The Yes Album, their best.
Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 18:30
Barbu wrote:
The Yes Album |
That one for sure.. and then at some point definitely listen to Time and a Word, and also 90125. You won't be sorry.
Posted By: condor
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 18:40
Barbu wrote:
The Yes Album, their best. |
It's certainly they're most experimental. 
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 18:46
Barbu wrote:
The Yes Album, their best. |
One of the finest rock albums ever, prog or otherwise ~
------------- "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." -- John F. Kennedy
Posted By: Frankh
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 19:34
I remember back when I was at a similar phase in my Yesploration. I distinctly remember thinking there was no way these guys could play this material live.
Now, I agree that The Yes Album is your next step. Always considered it the band's mission statement.
But if there's one way that this band is still underrated it is, it was as a live concern. Sure, like anyone else they had off nights. But when they were on...
So make sure you listen to Yessongs, too.
One of the great joys of my life was discovering just how wrong I was in thinking they couldn't play their own material in concert. I was very wrong.
------------- Perhaps finding the happy medium is harder than we know.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 20:31
condor wrote:
I've become a Yes fan, listening to them as much as King Crimson. I've listened to Fragile, CTTE, TFTO, Relayer and Going for the One
What album after Going for the One should I listen to next?
The Yes Album
After that Drama (out of the ones you haven't listed yet). There's no Jon Anderson on Drama though. The singer on that is Trevor Horn who later worked with them as a producer.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 21:47
I would say go for a live album. I usually find it great to get live albums from artists early on my discovering phase to get a good overview of their career. I would say go for Keys to Ascension (unfortunatley it's sold in two parts with studio material on each one... but there's a few good songs anyway), and with the Symphonic Live album too. Both have the option of DVD too (and the DVD version of Keys is only the concert, without studio material). Many of my favourite versions of their songs come from these two live albums. Now, if we are talking Yes related, don't forget to check out Rick Wakeman solo... There are actually more 5 star albums in my book from him solo than from Yes.
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 19 2017 at 21:53
Drama and Topographic. Two albums that are 99 % perfect. If I ever had to ditch my Yes collection for whatever reason, these 2 will never go.
Posted By: condor
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 11:52
I've listened to The Yes Album and Time and a Word. Only Drama to go.
Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 12:12
^Drama has some great stuff on it. One of Chris Squires best albums. Great bass lines throughout.
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 12:55
Tom Ozric wrote:
Drama and Topographic. Two albums that are 99 % perfect. If I ever had to ditch my Yes collection for whatever reason, these 2 will never go. |
Drama is flat-out amazing. Even the lone "okay" interlude that is "White Car" is very, very brief. The rest of the album is balls-to-the-wall!
-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 13:37
^ I agree with you for the most part but I'm actually not that crazy about "run through the light." It just doesn't really seem to go anywhere. I suppose it's still ok but it pales compared to the rest of the album(including "white car").
Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 14:42
Don't forgot some of the solo lps; 'Fish out of water' by Chris Squire is a lovely record along with Steve Howe's 'Beginnings' and Jon Anderson's 'Olias of Sunhillow'.. And of course Rick Wakemans early lps. Do listen to the first Yes lp, it may be embryonic but its got great youth and energy and all the promise of the more complex lps to come.
Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 15:28
condor wrote:
I've listened to The Yes Album and Time and a Word. Only Drama to go. |
Great but don't sleep on 90125. It really is good. You can listen to it and like.. secretly like it but just don't tell anyone on here lol. Same with the self-titled Genesis album(shapes), it's great but just don't mention that you love it on here and you'll be fine.
Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 15:46
90125 is effectively very good.
Posted By: The.Crimson.King
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 15:48
I'd go for Yessongs. I love the live versions of the songs from The Yes Album much better and live Close to the Edge is almost a new song with Alan White on drums 
-------------" rel="nofollow - Mutiny in Jonestown : Progressive Rock Since 1987
Posted By: condor
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 17:12
YESESIS wrote:
condor wrote:
I've listened to The Yes Album and Time and a Word. Only Drama to go. |
Great but don't sleep on 90125. It really is good. You can listen to it and like.. secretly like it but just don't tell anyone on here lol. Same with the self-titled Genesis album(shapes), it's great but just don't mention that you love it on here and you'll be fine. |
90125 is epic!?
Posted By: YESESIS
Date Posted: October 20 2017 at 17:41
condor wrote:
90125 is epic!? |
I'm not sure if I'd rate it as epic exactly, but it is very good and I definitely think that you would like it.
Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 21 2017 at 02:08
Tormato in nowhere near as bad as people like to make out so I wouldn't skip that one at all (juts a couple of 'iffy' tracks Circus Of Heaven and Madrigal) Drama is indeed one of Yes best releases. I only like CTTE, Fragile and The Yes Album ahead of it. Relayer has Gates which is better than anything else Yes ever did imo but the other tracks are hard to compare with anything else either. Not a great fan of 90125 . It's okay but I actually prefer Talk from the Trevor Rabin era. DVD wise please check out 'Yes Symphonic' , one of the best prog DVD's there is.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: October 21 2017 at 21:07
richardh wrote:
Tormato in nowhere near as bad as people like to make out so I wouldn't skip that one at all (juts a couple of 'iffy' tracks Circus Of Heaven and Madrigal) Drama is indeed one of Yes best releases. I only like CTTE, Fragile and The Yes Album ahead of it. Relayer has Gates which is better than anything else Yes ever did imo but the other tracks are hard to compare with anything else either. Not a great fan of 90125 . It's okay but I actually prefer Talk from the Trevor Rabin era. DVD wise please check out 'Yes Symphonic' , one of the best prog DVD's there is. |
And Symphonic live has the best version of Gates of Delirium
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 21 2017 at 22:02
90125 is good but aside from maybe Open Your Eyes it's probably the most blatantly pop oriented album they ever did partly because initially it wasn't going to be a Yes record. Still, I don't think it deserves the bad reputation that many of the long time Yes purists seem to bestow upon it. Same thing with Big Generator which is one of their most under rated albums imo(especially these days).
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 00:14
I don’t see what all the fuss is about Tormato. Never did understand that. Great album, sure it’s streamlined but still pretty awesome. I guess the difference is that I discovered the album after-the-fact (‘87). It was never a jarring experience to hear it. Same with Genesis (ATTWT) and ELP (LB). Sure they are not on the same level as earlier offerings but still very good albums.
Posted By: PrognosticMind
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 03:48
The Yes Album.
Then, work your way on from there!
------------- "A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?"
Posted By: verslibre
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 11:37
Tom Ozric wrote:
I don’t see what all the fuss is about Tormato. Never did understand that. Great album, sure it’s streamlined but still pretty awesome. I guess the difference is that I discovered the album after-the-fact (‘87). It was never a jarring experience to hear it. Same with Genesis (ATTWT) and ELP (LB). Sure they are not on the same level as earlier offerings but still very good albums. |
I don't get why Tormato gets dumped on, either. It's prime-era Yes!
-------------" rel="nofollow - eBay
Posted By: dbeckton89
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 11:52
Just listen to them all, ...or until you've had enough of Jon Anderson.
Posted By: condor
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 12:09
dbeckton89 wrote:
Just listen to them all, ...or until you've had enough of Jon Anderson. |
Yes, but in which order?
Posted By: dbeckton89
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 12:20
Well you've already listened to the essentials by the looks of things so it doesn't really matter does it?
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 12:23
Tom Ozric wrote:
I don’t see what all the fuss is about Tormato. Never did understand that. Great album, sure it’s streamlined but still pretty awesome. I guess the difference is that I discovered the album after-the-fact (‘87). It was never a jarring experience to hear it. Same with Genesis (ATTWT) and ELP (LB). Sure they are not on the same level as earlier offerings but still very good albums. |
Yeah me neither. I also heard it a bit later (mid to late eighties or so) so maybe that might also explain my tolerance for it (yes even circus of heaven which I quite like). While I wouldn't put it in the same boat as relayer, TYA, Fragile, CTTE or even Tales it still is very solid imo and doesn't deserve the poor reputation it gets. I'd say it's maybe a step down from GFTO but at the same time there's a certain vibe it has that GFTO seems to be lacking.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: October 22 2017 at 12:27
condor wrote:
dbeckton89 wrote:
Just listen to them all, ...or until you've had enough of Jon Anderson. |
Yes, but in which order? |
Well you don't necessarily need every Yes album. You can certainly do that if you want but it depends on your attitude towards less pure prog. If you are ok with stuff that maybe isn't 100 pure prog then dig into their eighties albums and go chronologically. If you want to stick with stuff that is pure prog or as close to it as possible then I would say definitely get Drama(and probably Tormato too at some point)but then skip the eighties except for ABWH which you might like and get the Keys to Ascension albums and then eventually the Ladder and Magnification. You can skip the rest(at least for now). This of course is all my opinion(as a long time big fan).
Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: October 25 2017 at 14:23
The Yes Album Drama The Ladder Magnification
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: October 25 2017 at 17:13
Magnification - despite the lack of a keyboardist. The orchestral backing of these songs works very well. Some really strong compositions are hidden in there.
I actually thought Fly From Here was a good attempt at capturing the original spirit of Yes - without Mr Anderson. Better than their latest one for sure, sadly.
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: October 25 2017 at 17:26
Always quite liked Tormato. Production was a bit tinny and while there is the odd below par track - most of it holds up well! Not in the same league as even GFTO, but not one to avoid either.
Avoid Union as a whole (great tour though!) but if you can pick out Lift Me Up and The Miracle of Life from it, you have two quality songs amongst the production dross elsewhere. Still love Rick Wakeman's quote - "I call it Onion, because it always makes me cry!"
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: October 25 2017 at 21:28
Squonk19 wrote:
Magnification - despite the lack of a keyboardist. The orchestral backing of these songs works very well. Some really strong compositions are hidden in there.
I actually thought Fly From Here was a good attempt at capturing the original spirit of Yes - without Mr Anderson. Better than their latest one for sure, sadly.
Yeah, Magnification is great. With some really strong songs. And indeed mostly it doesn't miss a keyboardist... except perhaps on "In the Presence of", after hearing live versions with Wakeman, that piano intro is really improved with him on keyboards... it would be really great to have an orchestrated version with him on the band. I also did like Fly from here well enough... specially the 3 tracks rescued from the 80's were great, and I believe they should have been used on Drama, and Benoit really showed how beautifully he could sing without having to strain himself trying to reach Anderson's original singing on their live shows. They really should have kept him in the band (as well as Oliver, whom I think was doing a better job - at least live - than Downes).
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: October 25 2017 at 21:35
Squonk19 wrote:
Always quite liked Tormato. Production was a bit tinny and while there is the odd below par track - most of it holds up well! Not in the same league as even GFTO, but not one to avoid either.
Avoid Union as a whole (great tour though!) but if you can pick out Lift Me Up and The Miracle of Life from it, you have two quality songs amongst the production dross elsewhere. Still love Rick Wakeman's quote - "I call it Onion, because it always makes me cry!"  |
I actually could do without Tormato... I don't really care about tinny production or whatever... I just don't really like the songs. I do like "Onward", but the version on Keys to Ascension, with the added acoustic guitar intro, is much better. And acutally, I do like "Don't Kill the Whale" too, but once again, I like better the live version at Yesshows, so I don't really need the studio album. As for Union, indeed the album is not great, and the stories about session musicians coming in to do the parts that should have been done by the band are just disappointing, however, I do love "I would have waited forever", "Shock to the System", and "The More we Live, let go", so I really wouldn't do without this album.
Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: October 26 2017 at 13:36
Dellinger wrote:
I actually could do without Tormato... I don't really care about tinny production or whatever... I just don't really like the songs. I do like "Onward", but the version on Keys to Ascension, with the added acoustic guitar intro, is much better. And acutally, I do like "Don't Kill the Whale" too, but once again, I like better the live version at Yesshows, so I don't really need the studio album. As for Union, indeed the album is not great, and the stories about session musicians coming in to do the parts that should have been done by the band are just disappointing, however, I do love "I would have waited forever", "Shock to the System", and "The More we Live, let go", so I really wouldn't do without this album. |
I agree that many of the newer (or comparatively newer) songs do benefit from live embellishments or a different emphasis. I'm a sucker for On the Silent Wings of Freedom though - went straight to that track when I heard the sad news about Chris Squire. Great opening bass line and that church bell later on! 😀
I might have another dive into Union and check out those other songs you mentioned - I remember the first two and a bit of re-evaluation of them after all these years might be worthwhile. Might even go into uncharted waters with a few others - just in case there is the odd pearl I missed all those years back.
------------- “Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”
Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: October 26 2017 at 14:37
After GFTO? That would have to be Tormato, woulden'int.
------------- "It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno
Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: October 27 2017 at 05:23
I love most Yes albums and especially all their live albums are treasures. Yessongs is epic and so is Live at Montreux and Live Tsongas as well as the latest live albums with concerts from the 70s.
Posted By: Quinino
Date Posted: October 27 2017 at 05:47
richardh wrote:
DVD wise please check out 'Yes Symphonic' , one of the best prog DVD's there is. |
Absolutely !!!
Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: November 21 2017 at 08:39
I am so jealous of the person just now discovering Yes. What a beautiful journey.
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 04:15
I don't get it why their first two albums, the ones with Peter Banks get so little appreciation. Even Tormato, the UNEVEN Tormato gets more love.
Drama is one of my favorite from Yes, the album is worth purchasing just for Machine Messiah alone.
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 04:39
I like much more their two first albums than Tormato. Specially in Time and a Word they´ve already become that same great band that´s in the Yes Album and Fragile. But there are really great songs (and really great playing) in first album, for example Beyond and Before, Harold Land and Survival. Their versions of I See You and Every Little Thing are just great. Also "Looking Around" have long been one of my favourite Yes songs.
Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 07:10
Dellinger wrote:
richardh wrote:
Tormato in nowhere near as bad as people like to make out so I wouldn't skip that one at all (juts a couple of 'iffy' tracks Circus Of Heaven and Madrigal) Drama is indeed one of Yes best releases. I only like CTTE, Fragile and The Yes Album ahead of it. Relayer has Gates which is better than anything else Yes ever did imo but the other tracks are hard to compare with anything else either. Not a great fan of 90125 . It's okay but I actually prefer Talk from the Trevor Rabin era. DVD wise please check out 'Yes Symphonic' , one of the best prog DVD's there is. |
And Symphonic live has the best version of Gates of Delirium |
Gate of Delirium tops my list as the best prog rock composition of all time. Hands down. None better. It makes me all bleary-eyed and choked up. (Wait, maybe that's due to something else...) Anyway, here's a link to the Symponic Live performance on Daily Motion..." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 08:50
wiz_d_kidd wrote:
Dellinger wrote:
richardh wrote:
Tormato in nowhere near as bad as people like to make out so I wouldn't skip that one at all (juts a couple of 'iffy' tracks Circus Of Heaven and Madrigal) Drama is indeed one of Yes best releases. I only like CTTE, Fragile and The Yes Album ahead of it. Relayer has Gates which is better than anything else Yes ever did imo but the other tracks are hard to compare with anything else either. Not a great fan of 90125 . It's okay but I actually prefer Talk from the Trevor Rabin era. DVD wise please check out 'Yes Symphonic' , one of the best prog DVD's there is. |
And Symphonic live has the best version of Gates of Delirium |
Gate of Delirium tops my list as the best prog rock composition of all time. Hands down. None better. It makes me all bleary-eyed and choked up. (Wait, maybe that's due to something else...) Anyway, here's a link to the Symponic Live performance on Daily Motion..." rel="nofollow -
I'm inclined to agree.
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 21:24
Mortte wrote:
I like much more their two first albums than Tormato. Specially in Time and a Word they´ve already become that same great band that´s in the Yes Album and Fragile. But there are really great songs (and really great playing) in first album, for example Beyond and Before, Harold Land and Survival. Their versions of I See You and Every Little Thing are just great. Also "Looking Around" have long been one of my favourite Yes songs. |
I'm not sure if I would say I like the first two albums better than Tormato... but they would be at least at the same level. From the songs with that line-up, the one I like the best, easily, is Harold Land... and yeah, I guess that's enough to make the first album better than Tormato... and indeed Time and a Word might be enough to make the second one better too... though I like that song much better on the Keys to Ascension version.
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 20 2018 at 23:07
^Never really get into Tormato, I think even Drama is better. Also 90125, Big Generator, Magnification and Fly From Here. If I remeber correct, all those other albums have had mentions here, but not Big Generator. I think it´s really good Yes album, even better than 90125.
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 02:01
The.Crimson.King wrote:
I'd go for Yessongs. I love the live versions of the songs from The Yes Album much better and live Close to the Edge is almost a new song with Alan White on drums 
Bit of a health warning on the sound quality, though. Progeny sounds much better to my ears.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 02:03
Mortte wrote:
I like much more their two first albums than Tormato. Specially in Time and a Word they´ve already become that same great band that´s in the Yes Album and Fragile. But there are really great songs (and really great playing) in first album, for example Beyond and Before, Harold Land and Survival. Their versions of I See You and Every Little Thing are just great. Also "Looking Around" have long been one of my favourite Yes songs. |
I'm also a fan of the first album - lovely jazzy prog pop.
------------- Soldato of the Pan Head Mafia. We'll make you an offer you can't listen to." rel="nofollow - Bandcamp Profile
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 02:23
I've given Tormato so, so so many just doesn't "click" for me.
I can listen to Drama and 90125 all day, in comparison (mostly the former though).
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 02:34
Mascodagama wrote:
The.Crimson.King wrote:
I'd go for Yessongs. I love the live versions of the songs from The Yes Album much better and live Close to the Edge is almost a new song with Alan White on drums 
Bit of a health warning on the sound quality, though. Progeny sounds much better to my ears. | Backwards to me, to my ears Yessongs sounds better than Progeny, I have only vinyls from both. I believe they did something in the studio in Yessongs and Progeny is honestly live, because you hear mistakes there.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 21:34
Mortte wrote:
^Never really get into Tormato, I think even Drama is better. Also 90125, Big Generator, Magnification and Fly From Here. If I remeber correct, all those other albums have had mentions here, but not Big Generator. I think it´s really good Yes album, even better than 90125. |
Actually, Tormato must be among the lesser Yes albums for me. I do think Drama is better (it's got Machine Messiah, and that is enough), as well as 20125, Magnification, and Fly from Here. But not Big Generator, for me that one is another of the lesser albums (along with Open you Eyes, The Ladder, and Heaven and Earth).
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 21 2018 at 22:53
^Why? I think Big Generator is better, more proggier version of 90125.
Posted By: dr prog
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 02:11
Yes album is the best. Each album gets slightly weaker after that
------------- All I like is prog related bands beginning late 60's/early 70's. Their music from 1968 - 83 has the composition and sound which will never be beaten. Perfect blend of jazz, classical, folk and rock.
Posted By: Frenetic Zetetic
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 02:16
Mortte wrote:
^Why? I think Big Generator is better, more proggier version of 90125. |
I share the guy above's opinion; I just can't get into BG for some reason. 90125 always does it just fine, but never BE. I'll need to revisit. Perhaps my ears have evolved? 
"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 02:25
I like Big Generator, but I don't find it as enjoyable as 90125.
Final Eyes and I'm Running are worth checking out, love these two songs.
Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 21:03
Mortte wrote:
^Why? I think Big Generator is better, more proggier version of 90125. |
In general, I guess the Trevor Rabin era songs are weak... or just not my cup of tea. Except for a few exceptions. And those exceptions happen to be on 90125. It's mostly Owner of a Lonely Heart and Hold On. There's also Cinema. From Big Generator, I do like Shoot High and Holy Lamb, though, and I guess Shoot High is indeed the proggier of the songs from both albums, and Holy Lamb, I guess is not particularly proggy, but I do love the vocals on that one. Still, neither of those songs is quiet as good for me as the ones I like on 90125. Most of the other songs from the Rabin era are mostly pop, and I just get tired of them, even if they are not particularly ugly. Still, vor me, the best song from the Rabin era is Endless Dream... there they went fully into prog mode again.
Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 21:41
I admit 90125 is more consistent than BG but I prefer BG because it has more of the old yes vibe to it imo(which means among other things more longer tracks).
Posted By: Mortte
Date Posted: February 22 2018 at 23:11
Dellinger wrote:
Mortte wrote:
^Why? I think Big Generator is better, more proggier version of 90125. |
In general, I guess the Trevor Rabin era songs are weak... or just not my cup of tea. Except for a few exceptions. And those exceptions happen to be on 90125. It's mostly Owner of a Lonely Heart and Hold On. There's also Cinema. From Big Generator, I do like Shoot High and Holy Lamb, though, and I guess Shoot High is indeed the proggier of the songs from both albums, and Holy Lamb, I guess is not particularly proggy, but I do love the vocals on that one. Still, neither of those songs is quiet as good for me as the ones I like on 90125. Most of the other songs from the Rabin era are mostly pop, and I just get tired of them, even if they are not particularly ugly. Still, vor me, the best song from the Rabin era is Endless Dream... there they went fully into prog mode again. | I think you haven´t listened it a long time because I´m Running is the most prog song of those albums, also has really great melodies. I like really much all the songs in Big Generator, but so in 90125. Like both albums, but Big Generator is little better.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 23 2018 at 00:14
I have a special feeling for Time and a Word.