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Did heavy metal derived from classical music

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Topic: Did heavy metal derived from classical music
Posted By: fatcat
Subject: Did heavy metal derived from classical music
Date Posted: July 02 2017 at 01:47
Or the Blues? i know that heavy metal origin is from Blues music

I cant imagine classical music being bluesy.

I heard that metal bands love classical musicians such as beethoven but i cannot imagine a heavy metal band being inspired by claude debussy and especially Erik Satie.

I believed erik satie is a grandfather of Ambient music

Posted By: Thatfabulousalien
Date Posted: July 02 2017 at 04:56
Did it? 

Classical music isn't dead, it's more alive than it's ever been. It's just not on MTV.

Posted By: Thatfabulousalien
Date Posted: July 02 2017 at 05:02
You want a short and comprehensive answer? 

ALL 20th century popular genres took something from classical but none of them IS classical. 
The classical genre and tradition has continued on to this day, still an active and thriving genre (perhaps not as prominent in the mainstream). It is a genre that keeps on evolving through time and shows no signs of slowing down.

Now that is out of the way, is Beethoven metal? of course not. Have some bands been influenced by Beethoven? yes, of course. Does Beethoven sound like metal? you've got to be kidding me, there is no resemblance. Can a metal band cover Beethoven? yes, they can do what they bloody well like. 

There are plenty of avant garde bands that have completely broke the borders between these genres, it's possible but metal as you likely know it, is....metal.


Classical music isn't dead, it's more alive than it's ever been. It's just not on MTV.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: July 02 2017 at 05:22
I know Luc Lemay (GORGUTS) loves listening to Classical music. He has structured music in a similar way to Classical works. But in the end, Metal will always be heavy

Posted By: Tillerman88
Date Posted: July 02 2017 at 05:36
Tonny Iommi, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward were classical fans, the intro to War Pigs was inspired by the Waltz rhythm......Iommi once said that his compositions for BS were pretty much inspired by the dynamic structure of the classical pieces he was fan of, otherwise he would feel them sometimes too repetitive...

The overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis restrains people from rewinding the news record archives to refresh their memories...

Posted By: Blaqua
Date Posted: July 09 2017 at 12:40

It derived from hard / psychedelic rock and rock n roll. And although some metal bands, such as Accept, Maiden, Manowar, Savatage, have composed songs that are reminiscent of classic music or have covered "classical" compositions, there is not a direct bond between metal and classic music. 

Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: July 09 2017 at 13:29
Originally posted by fatcat fatcat wrote:

Or the Blues? i know that heavy metal origin is from Blues music

I cant imagine classical music being bluesy.

I heard that metal bands love classical musicians such as beethoven but i cannot imagine a heavy metal band being inspired by claude debussy and especially Erik Satie.

I believed erik satie is a grandfather of Ambient music

Welcome to PA!  We've discussed the roots of music many times.  

The long-ago roots for the blues seem to be from the African call & response singing that was imported to the USA because of the curse of slavery.  Slaves would sing in the fields as a way of bolstering their spirits, and both the blues and modern jazz came from this tradition. 

Heavy Metal is interesting, it took the invention of the modern electric guitar and the overdriven amp (augmented with devices like fuzz & wah-wah later) to drive this music form.  A "power chord" on an electric guitar (I prefer a Gibson Les Paul), through an overdriven tube amp, is pure ecstasy to the ears of fans!!  The rich harmonics can evoke the complex tones of an a power chord on electric to acoustic.  

Metal then borrowed many classical element musical styles such as Bach's fugues.  It was all very additive, we are raised on this stuff from TV shows and cartoons to film.....the sound of a movie's soundtrack orchestra strings on a small, cheap TV set evokes the richness of the Mellotron (Tony Banks mentioned this & it stuck with me).  Lots of drama, strategic use of major & minor chords etc.  

As my buddy Sam Speed says, "It's all good!" Clap

Posted By: PrognosticMind
Date Posted: July 20 2017 at 02:24
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

I know Luc Lemay (GORGUTS) loves listening to Classical music. He has structured music in a similar way to Classical works. But in the end, Metal will always be heavy  

It's good to see Luc and Co. mentioned here! 100% agreed. Even back in the early 90's, Luc was using classical as a template for his unique riffing style. Obscura was a real experiment in abstraction; classical influences abound on that one.

"A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me?"

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 20 2017 at 03:59
Originally posted by Tom Ozric Tom Ozric wrote:

I know Luc Lemay (GORGUTS) loves listening to Classical music. He has structured music in a similar way to Classical works. But in the end, Metal will always be heavy

I think you mean ... LOUD ... heavy is not true, specially if you unplug the instruments! Now let's try some classical music unplugged and see which can stand up? Shall we begin?

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: July 20 2017 at 04:04
Well, if it didn't, Richie Blackmore did his best, at times, to put classical back into hard rock and early metal in Deep Purple.
Btw, blues and it's offspring derived from African musical forms. Not from Beethoven.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: July 20 2017 at 08:37
Originally posted by SteveG SteveG wrote:

Btw, blues and it's offspring derived from African musical forms. Not from Beethoven.

Well, we could go back to Albinoni and others. Agagio in G fits in with blues really well, I thought!

I'm not (still!) convinced that many folks that listen to metal, know enough classical music to even consider the option, but maybe I need to listen to more metal ... if they unplug it!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: July 20 2017 at 13:59
^Only by coincidence.

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: Thatfabulousalien
Date Posted: August 02 2017 at 22:20
INDIAN classical music is FAR MORE INFLUENTIAL than western classical music.

But standard metal as it is, is just blues 

Classical music isn't dead, it's more alive than it's ever been. It's just not on MTV.

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: August 03 2017 at 09:44

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Junges
Date Posted: August 03 2017 at 21:39
Yes and no. Not directly. But other genres that were the base for heavy metal certainly had classical influences.


Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: August 03 2017 at 21:49
No. It didn't initially evolve from classical. It evolved from blues and heavy psych from the 60s. The classical elements were introduced in the early first generation by Deep Purple which was the first true split between the darker Black Sabbath type of metal. Randy Rhoads and Yngwie Malmsteen made it clear that a branch of metal that infused classical elements was never going to go away. So no it didn't but yes classical did enter the scene shortly thereafter and created a distinct biforcation from the doom / black / thrash side of the genre (but even they would cross-pollinate later)


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: August 06 2017 at 09:49
Originally posted by Thatfabulousalien Thatfabulousalien wrote:

Did it? 

You know how easy this can be done on a synthesizer these days, right?

And even more!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

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