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Harmonium, Quella Vecchia Locanda, Celeste, Opus 5

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Topic: Harmonium, Quella Vecchia Locanda, Celeste, Opus 5
Posted By: julienboseti
Subject: Harmonium, Quella Vecchia Locanda, Celeste, Opus 5
Date Posted: May 07 2017 at 19:53
Good evening people

I like the soft, romantic, classical music side of Progressive Rock

Here are my 4 all time favorite from Progressive Rock music:

Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin D'Une Cinquième Saison
Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia
Celeste - Principe Di Un Giorno
Opus 5 - Contre Courant

Would you guys have any suggestions?

Posted By: ClaudeV
Date Posted: May 07 2017 at 20:41

Camel: Snow Goose
Eris Pluvia: Rings of earthly light
Carpe Diem: Cueille le jour
The Enid: In the region of the summer stars
Rennaissance: Scheherazade and other stories

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: May 07 2017 at 21:29
Well, the one I know from your list (and I love it) is Harmonium's, so that's the only one I can take into account.

First, Have you not heard Mike Oldfield yet? in that case, you should check out his 70's output ASAP... and also his latest one, "Return of Ommadawn" (a return to form of sorts). Though in many of his pieces he actually mixes some very soft dreamy music with some rather wilder (and even heavier) parts... but still it is mostly soft and beautiful.

Since "Snow Goose" was recommended, that brings me to mind Anthony Phillips "The Geese and the Ghost", which you might do well to check out. And the new guys "Iamthemorning" are really great too.

Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 06:39
Right on! Those also happen to be four of my prog favourites. Clap

Some other stylistically similar albums that you may enjoy include:
  • Anthony Phillips - Slow Dance
  • Asia Minor - Between Flesh and Divine
  • Bacamarte - Depois Do Fim
  • Bert Jansch - Avocet
  • Continuum - Autumn Grass
  • Gotic - Escenes
  • Holderlin - Holderlins Traum
  • Locanda Delle Fate - Forse le lucciole non si amano più
  • Los Jaivas - Cancion Del Sur
  • Maxophone - Maxophone
  • MIA - Transparencias
  • PFM - Per Un Amico
  • Quarteto 1111 - Onde, Quando, Como, Porque, Cantamos Pessoas Vivas
  • Rayuela - Rayuela
Some of these you may already be familiar with, but I figured that they perfectly match what you're looking for, so I included them anyway.

when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents

Posted By: ClaudeV
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 08:03

Beau Dommage is a Québécois pop/folk band, but they have one glorious prog piece in a smooth melancholic style. parts of it reminds me of Carpe Diem: Cueille le jour.

Posted By: julienboseti
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 08:43
Hello guys - Thanks for the answers! I have a lot to listen to

This song by Beau Dommage is also in my favorite prog of all time - absolutely fantastic. 

If you guys like the Quebecois Prog scene here are a few recommendations:

Les Champignons - Premiere Capsule (especially Guetho Noir)
Cano - Au Nord De Notre Vie ( Especially Mon pays and Spirit of the North)
Maneige - Les Porches
Le Match - Legendes
Contraction - La bourse ou la vie (especially the s/t long piece)
Eclipse - The song "Vision Interieure"

For Harmonium Fans: Michel Normandeau - Jouer

Right now I am listenning to New Trolls Concerto Grosspo and Reale Academia Di Musica s/t - similar to Quella. 

Posted By: ClaudeV
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 09:12

Essential Québécois prog album is Pollen. Lyrics are relatively weak (except "Vivre la Mort" by Raoul Duguay), but the music is awesome.

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 20:34
Perhaps some Moody Blues would do well too. Days of Future Passed should be the obvious starting point.

Posted By: schizoidman
Date Posted: May 08 2017 at 22:31
Afenginn "Opus"

Making the useless useful 24/7.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 03:00
^I just remembered, I've had this album in my collection for a good while now without ever listening to it
Thanks for the heads up.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Raccoon
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 05:02
One of my favorites is Ragnarok from 1976.. Truly a beautiful recording. So inspiring.. Celeste has always been one of my favorites, and in fact your whole list I'm a big fan of. 
I'm a HUGE Anthony Phillips fan, and I own (just about) everything he's ever released (I own over 22 of his albums!!), Seventh Heaven is extremely classically-based and simply beautiful. Soiree is a solo piano album from Phillips, and it also evokes a strong sense of self-discovery and beauty.

Bla Vardag by Atlas may be for you, as well. I'm very lucky to own that album. It flows very romantically, though it may not be completely classical. Certainly extended compositions. 

Most Marcos Valle stuff (from Brazil) is light and airy, though it's rooted more in funk-and-rock. Don't be deterred though, Previsao Do Tempo and Vento Sul are hypnotic. Not classical, really. But I have to recommend the band, it's simply magical. 

Milton Nascimento's self-titled album from 1969 is layered by string, accompanied by Som Imaginario, and Milton's sultry voice. Very slow, very brilliant.

I don't own the album, (I sure wish I did though), Pekka Pohjola's Sinfonia No. 1 is rooted in symphony. Which is quite unlike other Pekka albums, standing alone. An experiment from Pekka that really worked out.. Okay that should be enough recommendations Tongue

Posted By: julienboseti
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 10:17
Thanks a lot guys I have a lot of homework haha

So far I've listened to Rennaissance: Scheherazade and other stories and it's amazing

Posted By: Barbu
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 10:59


Posted By: ClaudeV
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 18:27
Originally posted by julienboseti julienboseti wrote:

Thanks a lot guys I have a lot of homework haha

So far I've listened to Rennaissance: Scheherazade and other stories and it's amazing

If you liked Scheherazade you should also like the albums Turn of cards and Novella.

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: May 09 2017 at 21:14
Originally posted by julienboseti julienboseti wrote:

Thanks a lot guys I have a lot of homework haha

So far I've listened to <span style="line-height: 18.2px; : rgb248, 248, 252;">Rennaissance: Scheherazade and other stories and it's amazing</span>

Indeed Renaissance and Scheherazade are great. Perhaps you would like to check out Live at Carnegie Hall, that one's got my very favourite songs from the band, and I like those versions slightly better than the originals. Another one I just remembered, the song "Catch the Rainbow", by the band Rainbow; the version from On Stage is particularly wonderful.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: May 10 2017 at 04:04
Romantic breezy pork rock?

You got it!

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: May 10 2017 at 11:25
Originally posted by julienboseti julienboseti wrote:

Good evening people

I like the soft, romantic, classical music side of Progressive Rock

Here are my 4 all time favorite from Progressive Rock music:

Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin D'Une Cinquième Saison
Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia
Celeste - Principe Di Un Giorno
Opus 5 - Contre Courant

Would you guys have any suggestions?

I managed to get the Celeste album, awesome.   Harmonium is one of my favourite bands!...Thank you for the heads up

Posted By: noni
Date Posted: May 10 2017 at 17:54
Opus 5 - Contre Courant is good too!...Smile

Posted By: julienboseti
Date Posted: May 10 2017 at 18:47
Glad you like it!

I suggest you listen to the Beau Dommage song as well


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