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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
Printed Date: March 11 2025 at 11:59
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Topic: Subsignal
Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Subject: Subsignal
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 04:17
Just acquired their ouevre (all 4 albums).

Took me a while to appreciate as they are, to the untrained observer, a rather commercial sounding affair. But their music is like a mix of clannad and Rush.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 04:40
Clannad? Really?

Subsignal emerged from the ashes of Sieges Even; vocalist Arno Menses and guitarist Markus Steffen are the creators of Subsignal. They basically continued with sound of Sieges Even's last two albums - The Art of Navigating by the stars and Paramount. Their sound is quite unique I dare say, although the influences are visible (if I may say so): there's Rush plus some hints of metal and neo-prog. But all together quite nicely done.


Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 05:10
It's the harmonies.

They aren't terribly heavy and are quite ballad oriented.

Each to their own. I read their history on Spotify (boo hiss), but not really listened much to Sieges Even.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 05:24
^ ballad oriented I wouldn't say, they know how to blend soft passages with heavier ones.
They're not that heavy, I agree, they're under neo-prog on PA, but I say they're more progreesive metal than neo-prog.

Posted By: POTA
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 09:26
Beautiful & Monstrous is one of the most solid albums of the last 10 years in my opinion. I discovered it nearly a year ago, and it's already been listened start to finish at least a hundred times. My favorite track by them is Paradigm. Beautiful harmonies.

Posted By: Ghost Whistler
Date Posted: August 23 2016 at 16:27
Yes, Paradigm is a great track.

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