Hawkwind raritiies
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Topic: Hawkwind raritiies
Posted By: slim tim slide
Subject: Hawkwind raritiies
Date Posted: April 27 2016 at 22:20
Howdy folks - I was lucky enough to see Hawkwind for the first time in 72 when they were about the release their 3rd album, Do Remi Fasol ati do, in a field outside Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment. I saw them more times than I can recall after that, all through the 70s and onward into the present day... I still think the line up in 72 was about as good as it ever got, and many consider it the classic line up... It was the same line up that went on to do the Space Ritual Tour.
At the time of the Space Ritual Tour the band put out a promotional poster, a photograph of themselves on stage - similar images appeared on the sleeve of the subsequent album. There is currently one of these in mint condition on a sale on e-bay at http:// %20www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301937154047?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649" rel="nofollow - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301937154047?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Posted By: Flight123
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 06:12
That must have been some first gig to see the Hawks. Mine didn't come until 1977 with the Quark tour, which I guess explains my fondness for the Calvert era. My treasured piece of related merchandise came a year later with the weirdly wonderful 'Hawklords' tour programme...
Posted By: slim tim slide
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 07:35
Calvert was at the gig in 72, though I hadn't expected him to be, and I don't think I knew who he was at that point. I remember that Idi Amin was causing havoc in Uganda and Calvert made up a poem about him between songs, something silly about "Id dat Idi id. amin?" Steve Took, ex of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and one of the founders of the Pink Fairies was on the bill too - he was great, although most people didn't really like his set. I'd gone along in the vague hope that the 'Fairies would turn up too, but they didn't.
Posted By: Flight123
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 07:46
Ah, the Fairies - didn't get to see them until much much later - in 87 at Hawkwind's 'Acid Daze' in Finsbury Park.
Posted By: slim tim slide
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 08:29
There is a recording of that gig, and of the second acid daze in leeds too. At Finsbury Park bass player Sandy was unable to play and Big George Webley stood in. I'm a long time Fairies fan; I ended up in a late line up of The Deviants with them all plus Mick Farren, we did Glastonbury together, and sundry other gigs - good times! Larry Wallis' solo album is fantastic!
Posted By: Flight123
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 08:34
...er, I can't follow that. I was in a band that once appeared on the same bill as Wilco Johnson...
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 09:32
Space Ritual Tour ... Santa Monica Civic (LA) ... a bit loud, but it was a fantastic show ... and I got the foldout album immediately!
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Posted By: Intruder
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 10:59
I saw Nic Turner's Hawkwind in a small café in downtown San Antonio, Texas a month or so back.....a surprisingly good show. Turner dug up a gang of Neanderthals to bang away behind him while he blew madness on his sax. My first Hawkwind show was in the mid-80s at an amusement park in upstate New York.....crazy time. There were families with children eating cotton candy and doing all those things a family does to enjoy their day out......and then the unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed hordes descended upon the park. You could imagine the looks we got.
------------- I like to feel the suspense when you're certain you know I am there.....
Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 11:59
Never saw the band live, but I feel the four or five CDs' worth of music a friend burned for me are all "rarities" as I have to be in that right frame of mind to listen to them, which isn't often, I'm afraid. Not that I'm a non-fan (which I'm not). It's just that Hawkwind occupies this special place in my sensibilities that doesn't exactly find a comfortable fit in the rest of my prog longings. A once-in-a-blue-moon listening is what I find satisfactory, and I look forward to each.
------------- "It just has none of the qualities of your work that I find interesting. Abandon [?] it." - Eno
Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: May 02 2016 at 16:34
My first job after I left school was working backstage at a local Odeon theatre; one of the first bands that came after I started was Hawkwind on their Levitation tour. I had already seen them in 1979 and was excited about working with them. However, Ginger Bakers dog bit me and he threw a drumstick at me (it hit me on the head!). Once i'd done my shift, i kept out of the way.. actually the catering crew sent me out to track down some tins of 'Nutlene' (a type of 1970's/80's vegetarian luncheon meat!) for someone in the band! Through this contact i found that Hawkwind were based locally (in Devon) so saw them loads over the subsequent years in small local (many, word of mouth) gigs around the south west which were truly fantastic!! The most recent was 'Hawkeaster' festival this March in the tiny Deveon Seaside town of Seaton premiering their new lp 'The Machine stops'
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 02 2016 at 16:54
^ Cool
Posted By: dennis1077
Date Posted: May 03 2016 at 07:53
I'm infinitely jealous. Can't imagine seeing this live.
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Posted By: Cosmiclawnmower
Date Posted: May 04 2016 at 17:22
Headlining Glastonbury festival on the main stage on Saturday night in 1981!! Those were the days.. I remember that the Police closed down the gig about thirds in as they had gone on late (after New Order's first gig severely over-ran). Later the same year on a tiny stage in a tiny field just outside Barnstaple, Devon with 'Mother Gong' supporting! Ive got a tape of the Glastonbury gig but have not yet come across a tape of the 'Snapper Fayre'/ 'Yeotown Revel' ( the local press said: 'Locals fear 'drugs, sex and nudity' at a pop festival to be
held at Snapper'!) but I expect Dave Brock has got one stashed somewhere!
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 06:54
Lets just shut this thread down coz Hawkwind are a sh*tty drug band........... I try hard. Get shot down in flames, and that's it...... Everyone can get f**ked.... I try ..........and fail......... Oh well...................... good luck all.........
Posted By: Aussie-Byrd-Brother
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 06:57
Ummm.....have we been drinking, Tom?
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 07:05
Tom is very specific about his likes and dislikes. ;-)
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 07:08
And he's correct. Hawkwind were a sh*tty drugs band, and that's great. Been a fan since about 77, I only like the early output. I've seen them many times, met them several and have been on the official Hawkwind forum for years. My albums are all Hawkwind / TD influenced and at one point, some "ex Hawkwind members" were going to play on them, but I canned the idea for.... political reasons.
I've released a free compilation album done by musicians on the Hawkwind forum and will shortly be releasing another one. All good clean fun. ;-)
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 07:09
Aussie-Byrd-Brother wrote:
Ummm.....have we been drinking, Tom?  | ......sh*t, I didn't think you know me that well.................(...........and.......yes............................)........
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 08:45
Dad annihilated me in some rounds of Chess - 4:1............. ..........proving that I am out-for-the-count.............. No music in the background..............just silence............. Now, in true loser fashion, contemplating another. I march in anger to my turntable and plonk on something I haven't decided on yet coz I'm out the back having a durry...........
Posted By: Davesax1965
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 11:07
Cheer up, Tom, you're a good bloke, you know, we all like you. Even though you don't like Hawkwind, mate. ;-)
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: May 06 2016 at 14:51
^ Dude, now in 'sobering up' obscure clarity, I love the Hawks - got 35 LP's of theirs - including Electric Tepee (my ultimate favourite), and Business Of The Future, Business Trip, Undisclosed Files (white label test-pressing), a beautiful fold-out Space Ritual etc. etc. Last album I received as a gift was the clear vinyl of Blood Of The Earth - with the very cool Dibs on bass. Saw them in 2010 with Aussie Byrd and had a ball. Can't wait to get the latest release. Nik T's latest is a f**king BEAUTY. Miss his singing on this one though.