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Topic: XTC?
Posted By: miamiscot
Subject: XTC?
Date Posted: April 13 2016 at 18:07
If Talking Heads are a PA band, why not XTC. If it's because of Brian Eno and Adrian Belew's involvement with the band at various times then what about Colin Moulding's work with Days Between Stations and, of course, Dave Gregory's with Tin Spirits and Big Big Train? Makes no sense...Sensing Working Overtime trying to figure this out!!!
Either way, I love PA and, for the most part, do an incredible job. An indispensable resource.  

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: April 13 2016 at 18:15" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: April 14 2016 at 03:52
They've been discussed a number of times as Raff has pointed out. One of my favourite bands but not a prog one and I'm not sure that what you've quoted is enough for them to qualify. Prog-related at best.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 14 2016 at 05:40
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Sensing Working Overtime trying to figure this out!!!
The World is Full of Angry Young Men but Sgt. Rock is going to help...

This is an Everyday Story of Smalltown: It is a very safe bet that in the 12 years that this site has been in existence we have discussed every possible high-profile, well known band that anyone can think of that could possibly be added to the site in the Prog Related and Proto Prog categories. Day In, Day Out you can add to this a probably greater number of less well known and even down-right obscure ones that people thought should be here (This is Pop?) but didn't fit comfortably into one of the Prog sub-genres. In a Crowded Room we have deliberated, cogitated and digested all the relevant facts and even some irrelevant ones until there is No Language In Our Lungs; along the Ridgeway Path from the Towers of London to the Statue of Liberty and all ports in between we've listened, argued and carefully considered each suggestion on its own merits and from the perspective of the site as a whole. We've passed these up (and down) the Chain of Command of Generals & Majors for their advice and adjudication, and they in turn have even gone to the Mayor of Simpleton himself for his opinion when needed. Suffice to say, for all the popular not-quite-prog bands, we've done our War Dance around The Wheel & The Maypole and Sacrificial Bonfire so often that the English Roundabout resembles a Spinning Top... Some were added but many were not, so if The Affiliated didn't believe it was right to add them in all that time, and after all that History of Rock & Roll debate, then it is unlikely they'll be added at all.

Sorry, but That Is The Way

Me and The Wind.


Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: April 14 2016 at 07:44
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Sensing Working Overtime trying to figure this out!!!
The World is Full of Angry Young Men but Sgt. Rock is going to help...

This is an Everyday Story of Smalltown: It is a very safe bet that in the 12 years that this site has been in existence we have discussed every possible high-profile, well known band that anyone can think of that could possibly be added to the site in the Prog Related and Proto Prog categories. Day In, Day Out you can add to this a probably greater number of less well known and even down-right obscure ones that people thought should be here (This is Pop?) but didn't fit comfortably into one of the Prog sub-genres. In a Crowded Room we have deliberated, cogitated and digested all the relevant facts and even some irrelevant ones until there is No Language In Our Lungs; along the Ridgeway Path from the Towers of London to the Statue of Liberty and all ports in between we've listened, argued and carefully considered each suggestion on its own merits and from the perspective of the site as a whole. We've passed these up (and down) the Chain of Command of Generals & Majors for their advice and adjudication, and they in turn have even gone to the Mayor of Simpleton himself for his opinion when needed. Suffice to say, for all the popular not-quite-prog bands, we've done our War Dance around The Wheel & The Maypole and Sacrificial Bonfire so often that the English Roundabout resembles a Spinning Top... Some were added but many were not, so if The Affiliated didn't believe it was right to add them in all that time, and after all that History of Rock & Roll debate, then it is unlikely they'll be added at all.

Sorry, but That Is The Way

Me and The Wind.


Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: April 14 2016 at 18:20
Sorry!!! Yeah, this has been discussed a few time already...
I'll check next time I start a thread. Oops.
That said, XTC should be a part of PA.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 14 2016 at 21:52

NP: This World Over

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 00:41
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

That said, XTC should be a part of PA.



Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 02:08
Just a few thoughts on this:

I’d love to see XTC included here but, I have to admit, mainly because they’re one of my favourite bands, but they’re not what I would normally describe as prog. But even so, there are other factors to consider:

Indulge me for a moment. Their example brings me to one of my favourite bug bears: there is a common argument often voiced here, saying that if artists Z is included, why not artist Y? This question is inevitably shot down stating that this is an invalid argument. Now, to my way of thinking it most definitely IS valid, and cancelling it out by platitude still doesn’t make it invalid. Apart from being intimidating by arrogance and over handed, that’s just a lazy way out of an uncomfortable discussion that probably couldn’t really be won otherwise.

Back to XTC. As I said, their music is not what the most of us would describe as prog, but there is another angle: while they existed, at least in their middle and late phases, there was no one who sounded quite like them. They were pretty unique. Since then, their style has been copied by multiple other artists, a number of them present here on PA. So they’ve been hugely influential, which should somehow qualify them, in a weird kind of way. XTC are unique in that they simultaneously should and shouldn’t be included here, which somehow should almost automatically see them included. Sort of circular logic.

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 04:06
All I know is that 12345 Senses working over time, and Generals And Majors, and though I really like G&M, the only band I can think remotely similar in style is Todd R's Utopia, during the same 80's time frame.
.......and I am stoked that Dave Gregory contributes to Big Big Train.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 08:51
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

That said, XTC should be a part of PA.


Far be it for me to disagree, and I don't wish to. I trust the votes and the choices made here and the reasons why and why not. I might not agree, but then life is not all wine and roses, and sometimes you even bang your head! (Ask Shirley MacLaine!)

I do think that there are times, when a band is so un-conventional, and different, and does express itself in very unique ways, that it could have a better chance at being in the Prog Archives lists.

The main concern that I have, is that there are a lot of examples of bands that sound the same for each album, and that makes them more progressive, than a very unusual and very "personal" styled band, like XTC, whose work, at times, borders on the crazy, silly ... and what? 

To me, this is sort of like saying Van Der Graaf Generator is progressive, but Peter Hammill isn't ... and that's just an odd distinction ... being that the difference between the two is illusory at best for all of us! It's the same person! Or as I like it better, KC is progressive and Robert Fripp on his  own is not, and he is far more experimental on his own than otherwise. 

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 12:30
Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

Just a few thoughts on this:

I’d love to see XTC included here but, I have to admit, mainly because they’re one of my favourite bands, but they’re not what I would normally describe as prog. But even so, there are other factors to consider:

Indulge me for a moment. Their example brings me to one of my favourite bug bears: there is a common argument often voiced here, saying that if artists Z is included, why not artist Y? This question is inevitably shot down stating that this is an invalid argument. Now, to my way of thinking it most definitely IS valid, and cancelling it out by platitude still doesn’t make it invalid. Apart from being intimidating by arrogance and over handed, that’s just a lazy way out of an uncomfortable discussion that probably couldn’t really be won otherwise.

The "If X then Y" argument is a lazy non-argument that has no redeeming points other than the recognition that band Y is a little bit like band X. It is rightfully shot-down in flames not because the counter-argument couldn't be won (and if you doubt that, then try me - one thing I can never be accused of is backing away from an uncomfortable discussion), but because it is presented as a conclusion (Band Y should be here) devoid of any justification or reasoning. 

Bands are judged on their own merits, not on the merits of another band that is vaguely reminiscent of them.

Perhaps a less offensive [less platitudinous, less clichéd, less intimidating, less arrogant, less over-handed/heavy-handed?] rebuff would be: If band X wasn't here what would your argument for band Y be?

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

Back to XTC. As I said, their music is not what the most of us would describe as prog, but there is another angle: while they existed, at least in their middle and late phases, there was no one who sounded quite like them. They were pretty unique. Since then, their style has been copied by multiple other artists, a number of them present here on PA. So they’ve been hugely influential, which should somehow qualify them, in a weird kind of way. XTC are unique in that they simultaneously should and shouldn’t be included here, which somehow should almost automatically see them included. Sort of circular logic.

Unfortunately being unique doesn't qualify a band for inclusion here. Being influential ON prog requires their influence to have made a contribution to the history of Prog music development... and that is tenuous to say the least.


Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 14:35
@ Dean: Let’s take an example, just for the sake of argument: Talking Heads and XTC aren’t all that similar, but they do have one important thing in common: to my mind their both about equally far away from what I see as prog or even prog related. But both were unique, influential, and have been widely copied in the past.

Now, Talking Heads are included, and I would argue that if they are, so should XTC be, because in spite of the musical differences, there are still a lot of similarities. I think that’s a valid argument, but if I use that, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I you would have to argue against XTC so much as you might feel obligated to defend the inclusion of Talking Heads.

That could open a pretty ugly can of worms and it’s understandable should you attempt to avoid the issue by playing the non-argument dismissal card. At the same time, please ask yourself honestly if this isn’t just an easy way of avoiding an unpleasant discussion. It's very much on the lines of "we've always done it that way."

To be clear, though, it isn’t just here that I have a gripe with that argument, but I’ve come across it in so many places that it annoys me that people tend to use it as such an easy way out. It's management talk. I’m really not bothered whether XTC are included here or not (although I wouldn’t mind); my major issue is with that argument. I still maintain that it’s arrogant, overbearing, and lazy.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 21:04
Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

@ Dean: Let’s take an example, just for the sake of argument: Talking Heads and XTC aren’t all that similar, but they do have one important thing in common: to my mind their both about equally far away from what I see as prog or even prog related. But both were unique, influential, and have been widely copied in the past.
And you could make the same observation about Parliament-Funkadelic, or any number of other bands... 

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

Now, Talking Heads are included, and I would argue that if they are, so should XTC be, because in spite of the musical differences, there are still a lot of similarities. I think that’s a valid argument, but if I use that, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I you would have to argue against XTC so much as you might feel obligated to defend the inclusion of Talking Heads.

Aside from the immutable fact that once added a band cannot be removed so defending a band that is already here is both unnecessary and pointless, I never defend an inclusion here and have no obligation to do so. I will defend the team that added them whether I agree with their decision to add them or not. But that isn't the same thing. 

To be able to defend an addition I would have to know the precise justification that was used to add them in the first place. Since it is unlikely that I would know the rationale and thought processes used by every voting member of the team involved then all I can do is give my best guess at why a band was added. So unless I was privy to every part of the evaluation discussions I cannot actually say why a band was added therefore I cannot defend the addition itself.  

Following on from that, for me to agree with adding Band Y because Band X is here requires me not only know the precise justification why Band X were added, I also have to recognise that Band Y meets all same criteria in every detail. 

Now the problem with 'If Band X then Band Y' is that the parameters that makes the two bands similar are not necessarily the same parameters that were used to include Band X. 

Consider: 'IF The Moody Blues are here THEN XTC should be here'. Without further explanation or clarification people may either be scratching their heads trying to work out what the similarity between those two bands is, or they are coming up with an inventive list of possible similarities. But that is irrelevant. Even though there is common similarity between them, it doesn't matter what it is because it isn't one of the reasons why The Moody Blues were added here so I don't have to defend The Moody Blues addition. 

Now, by coincidence Supertramp shares the same 'trait', so the conditional statement can be expressed even more forcefully: 'IF The Moody Blues AND Supertramp are here THEN XTC should be here', making the 'argument' look even stronger and even more valid. But it isn't one of the reasons why Supertramp were added either so I also don't have to defend their addition.

Of course the giggle here is I know the criteria used to add Talking Heads because I was on the Admin Team at the time and approved their addition. So while I am not permitted to divulge anything that was discussed in private and can tell you that being "unique, influential, and have been widely copied in the past" was definitely not part of the decision process.  

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

That could open a pretty ugly can of worms and it’s understandable should you attempt to avoid the issue by playing the non-argument dismissal card.

If a can of worms exists then it was opened when Band X was originally suggested, evaluated and discussed. Band X has already survived the ordeal by imaginary worms.

I have compulsion to avoid the issue, I just see it as wholly irrelevant... 

By calling the addition of Band X an 'ugly can of worms' you are effectively saying the "IF...THEN..." argument implies that if Band Y are not added then Band X should be removed. And I don't accept that line of reasoning.

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

At the same time, please ask yourself honestly if this isn’t just an easy way of avoiding an unpleasant discussion.

Truthfully. No it isn't. Discussing why so-called controversial bands are here is a pointless exercise that goes nowhere because the Admins do not have the ability to delete a band even if they wanted to, but it's not something that I avoid because it is unpleasant. However, I'll probably not be overly enthusiastic about it because, frankly I don't get motivated that much about things I cannot change.

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

It's management talk.  It's very much on the lines of "we've always done it that way."

No it very much isn't. (To be pedantic it is closer to "we've never done it that way, nor ever will we.")

In management talk the "IF <conditional> THEN <consequence>" argument is invariably used as an argument against the conditional not as an argument in-favour of the consequence. And it has been used in that form here too as an argument against adding a band, and this too has been dismissed as a lazy non-argument.

In that form the argument would go: "IF we add XTC THEN we must add Squeeze" where the threat of having to add Squeeze should be enough to prevent the addition of XTC, which is dumb. There is no more reason to add Squeeze that is justified by the addition of XTC than there was to exclude Talking Heads because six years later someone would try to use their addition to justify the addition of XTC. 

When the IF...THEN argument is invalid in one form it is equally invalid in the opposite form.

Originally posted by npjnpj npjnpj wrote:

To be clear, though, it isn’t just here that I have a gripe with that argument, but I’ve come across it in so many places that it annoys me that people tend to use it as such an easy way out. It's management talk. I’m really not bothered whether XTC are included here or not (although I wouldn’t mind); my major issue is with that argument. I still maintain that it’s arrogant, overbearing, and lazy.

If you have a problem with the argument then you should avoid it in the first place. If it always gets the same response then repeating it isn't going to get you different one no matter how lazy or overbearing you find it to be. The "IF X THEN Y" argument can be summarily dismissed without discussing why either X or Y should or should not be here, and that is the fault of the initial premise/argument, and not the people involved in the discussion. Make a better case by not using it, present a better argument that provokes a better discussion and give reasons that cannot be off-handedly dismissed, and best of all - do it on the merits of the band you would like to see added.


Posted By: hefdaddy42
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 21:27
Actually, Dean, you hit the points spot on. I couldn't find anything wrong with your statement at all.

Originally posted by DEAN DEAN wrote:

If you have a problem with the argument then you should avoid it in the first place. If it always gets the same response then repeating it isn't going to get you different one no matter how lazy or overbearing you find it to be.


Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: April 15 2016 at 22:55
@Dean: Thanks for explaining your viewpoint in such detail , and I have to admit that it makes a lot of sense, so I stand corrected.

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 04:35
The irony of artists and musicians, who created new sounds by breaking the rules, only now to be subjected to them.  Wink

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 05:43
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

The irony of artists and musicians, who created new sounds by breaking the rules, only now to be subjected to them.  Wink
Sure, but unless you have a means of rejecting certain artists PA dilutes one if its main functions, i.e. for people who like certain music broadly within the 'prog' spectrum to find related or similar music that they may also like. If the policy was "any band that anyone thinks should be added will be added" then before long becomes becomes and ultimately  And then someone would add the Pistols.
In less apocalyptic terms the site would become not so much of a specialised resource for people who want information about broadly-defined 'prog' and more of a general music site.  I'm not privy to the reasons why PA was set up, but I don't think it's a big leap to infer that it was intended to be a specialised resource about prog. Given the site's persistence that appears to be a niche that enough people think ought to be filled.

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 10:14
Of course, you are right.  how silly it is of me to be ironic or satiric.
When I proposed my radio show SPACE PIRATE RADIO to the commercial stations in 1973, they wisely told me rock n' roll was the Eagles and Loggins and Messina and Jackson Browne:  not this Pink Floyd inspired space crap, like Tangerine Dream or Amon Duul II.  They wouldn't touch Genesis or Roxy Music, because it didn't fit the 'rules of criteria.' 
Of course, I should have listened to them.  They had the wisdom and made the decisions in their music consulting Star Chambers.  Foolish of me.  But I didn't.  I was young and arrogant and believed in the universality of this music.  So I persisted.  With my Camel and Soft Machine and Magma and Ash Ra Tempel
and Aphrodites's Child and Yes and Le Orme and Ange, etc.  Despite wiser, more professional media types who
said the future of music is not this "foreign noise' but good old fashioned rock n' roll, like ZZ Top.
What a mistake.  How wrong I was to try and redefine the borders of what music was and could be included in the playlist and what could not.  What a Fool, what a total Ass I was (and still am, obviously).  I could be very, very comfortable today, if I had only adapted like the shape shifting souls of media I dealt with for nearly a half a century.  Big media types.  In the know.  How lucky I was to cower in their shadow.
But not...  I wonder if keeping the broadcasts alive had any effect?  Probably not.
You cats and kittens, really, do your thing.  I have no argument with your board, your place of worship.  I really exalt in conversation and sharing of ideas.  It's called Communication.  I did it on the Wireless.  For years.  Made a lot of friends, some enemies, and dug every new musical discovery.
It's very Utopian.  I applaud you.  But I think this word "Prog" has gotten to be a problem for you.  In 1973,
when I described SPACE PIRATE RADIO as a "Progressive" radio show to the suits; import, foreign, heavy on the electronics and Freeform, the word PROGRESSIVE was bigger than it seems today.  All inclusive.  I think the word "Prog" has become like the word "God."  It means different things to different people.
It's probably unrealistic, but I would try and lose the labels.  The art doesn't seem to grow as much when it's been categorized.
Thanks for the good bits.  With love, I take my leave.  Got some work to do.  Smile

Posted By: Mascodagama
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 10:58
^ I certainly didn't want to denigrate your approach.  I think a radio show where you can tune in and hear music without any regard for genre or category is a great thing.  The best music broadcaster we've ever had in the UK, John Peel, had a show like that for more than 30 years. The only requirement for what he'd play was that it was new and exciting to him.  He turned me and countless others on to a lot of bands and artists we'd otherwise never have heard. He was much loved and he's much missed.
My point above was just that PA is doing a different job, but one that I think is also useful. It's about that part of the music lover's quest that's about "that was awesome; what's like it?". Which to me is the only function of genres at all, as a practical means of exploring particular areas of music. For my tastes a lot of the best music is that which is most resistant to neatly being slotted into a genre, but that doesn't mean genre doesn't have its place as a (limited) tool.

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 12:44
Maybe we should just dump the whole prog related category since it seems like those bands are here for bogus reasons based on a few of the 'erudite' posts regarding XTC's inclusion.


One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: npjnpj
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 16:56
Over time I've watched the discussions concerning XTC here, I've even become involved in them now and again, although I have no particularly strong views about their in- or exclusion.

But in general I have found the tone of these discussions strange. Let's face it, there are quite a number of weirder inclusions here, and I have the distinct impression that XTC's inclusion in particular is being blocked with a vehemence that almost seems personal.

Just my subjective impression, of course, but I can't help but wonder whether one or several people have some sort of personal gripe against them. Then again, I might be wrong.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 16 2016 at 23:14
Maybe you are wrong.

I've never seen any negativity towards XTC. Many of us who do not think they belong here either like them or are fans of the band.


Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 03:26
I think he's wrong. Most folks I know on here absolutely adore XTC, yet very few of them feel the band belongs on a prog site is all.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 10:11
Originally posted by Mascodagama Mascodagama wrote:

My point above was just that PA is doing a different job, but one that I think is also useful. It's about that part of the music lover's quest that's about "that was awesome; what's like it?". Which to me is the only function of genres at all, as a practical means of exploring particular areas of music. For my tastes a lot of the best music is that which is most resistant to neatly being slotted into a genre, but that doesn't mean genre doesn't have its place as a (limited) tool.

And this is exactly what Guy was fighting at the time ... you could not "play" something else ... but in the end, you could, but most folks didn't because they only had ears for what "they knew" ... not what they DID NOT KNOW ... or have any interest in KNOWING!

Change, is about "change" ... and one wonders where the line on the sand is ... and when something new comes around, it won't have a chance ... can you imagine a XTC today, instead of 35 years ago? Everyone here will say ... what a bunch of weird folks !!! You call that music? 

Change, for me, almost means ... anything totally different, that does not have the same feel, or style as everything else. AGAIN, there are far too many bands listed in many places, that sound the same in every album, and people call them progressive, but a band like XTC that is very different in many albums ... does not get a proper listen, because most "songs" do not have any "recognizable" riffs and song construction, so we can call them "progressive" .

If you would like to read more about Guy, you can catch the Space Pirate Radio thread elsewhere, when some fans and listeners, still talk about what Guy did for more than 25 years, and I was there for only 7 of those (the first 7). You just do not have anything these days, that is as free form as that ... which breaks all rules, and allows you a chance to see/feel/understand the need for something that actually provides you with a perspective on the arts, and their abilities and work.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 11:47
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Change, for me, almost means ... anything totally different, that does not have the same feel, or style as everything else. AGAIN, there are far too many bands listed in many places, that sound the same in every album, and people call them progressive, but a band like XTC that is very different in many albums ... does not get a proper listen, because most "songs" do not have any "recognizable" riffs and song construction, so we can call them "progressive" .

That really, really, really ... Ermm ...really, really isn't what "progressive" means. 


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 12:07
Progressive has a few definitions: moving forward, proceeding step-by-step, and in politics favouring rapid progress or social reform (OED).

I think that progressive rock draws on all of those ideas. I like to think of it in part as rock music that breaks or deviates from canonical rock parameters, or is non-generic rock. It can be synonymous with experimental rock or with rock-fusion.

Progressive jazz is defined as "an experimental, nonmelodic, and often free-flowing style of modern jazz, especially in the form of highly dissonant, rhythmically complex orchestral arrangements"

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 12:27
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

Progressive has a few definitions: moving forward, proceeding step-by-step, and in politics favouring rapid progress or social reform (OED).

I think that progressive rock draws on all of those ideas. I like to think of it in part as rock music that breaks or deviates from canonical rock parameters, or is non-generic rock. It can be synonymous with experimental rock or with rock-fusion.

Progressive jazz is defined as "an experimental, nonmelodic, and often free-flowing style of modern jazz, especially in the form of highly dissonant, rhythmically complex orchestral arrangements"
Absolutely. However, if you consider your explanations of what Progressive Rock and Progressive Jazz are defined as, and then pick the OED connotation that best describes those definitions ... none of them actually fit. And that's a puzzle and that's why people get confused by this word "progressive". 

Yet, if we remove the recursive self-reference from the third definition it  can be rephrased as "favouring a modern, liberal or experimental approach". Now Progressive Rock, Progressive Folk, Progressive Jazz and even Progressive Dance can all be defined by this rephrased definition of the word "progressive". 

"favouring a modern, liberal or experimental approach results in rock music that breaks or deviates from canonical rock parameters, or is non-generic rock. It can be synonymous with experimental rock or with rock-fusion."

"favouring a modern, liberal or experimental approach results in an experimental, nonmelodic, and often free-flowing style of modern jazz, especially in the form of highly dissonant, rhythmically complex orchestral arrangements"

What is of note here is this is a figurative use whereas "moving forward" and "proceeding step-by-step" are both literal. Because it is figurative it means that the music produced does not have to literally progress.


Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 14:17
Interesting discussion going on here.
I just find XTC to be more "progressive" than most of the metal bands included on PA.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 14:27
I won't quote because I get a lot of code that needs cleaning up when I quote, but that makes sense, Dean.   

I will say that for me progressive (adjective) rock is not necessarily quite the same as Progressive Rock (noun). The latter is more of a style in and of itself, rather than an approach that seeks to if not break free from the rock tradition, free itself of the constraints of the rock tradition..

In progressive rock the music does not literally have to progress, but I tend to see it a progression away from the rock lexicon/ expectations of the rock genre (music that moved away from generic rock formulas by adopting the traits of other genres commonly). What also gets confusing is that modern Prog often emulates past Prog, so Progressive Rock may seem to have ceased to progress (retro Prog) from its roots. It is "Prog" generic. Most Prog today,I would think, is no less rock than it was in 70s, so there has not been a steady progression away from rock since its classic days, incidentally.

Anyway, to understand the meaning of the word progressive does not mean that one will understand the meaning of Progressive Rock or, of course, Progressive Jazz, but sheds more light on progressive music generally, I think.

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 14:32
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Interesting discussion going on here. I just find XTC to be more "progressive" than most of the metal bands included on PA.

Perhaps XTC is less formulaic than most of the metal bands. I actually don't know XTC well, or much metal.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 17 2016 at 15:15
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Interesting discussion going on here.
I just find XTC to be more "progressive" than most of the metal bands included on PA.
I suspect the reason why XTC haven't been added to Prog Metal is because most metal bands included on the PA are more metal than XTC. 


Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 02:54
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

If Talking Heads are a PA band, why not XTC. If it's because of Brian Eno and Adrian Belew's involvement with the band at various times then what about Colin Moulding's work with Days Between Stations and, of course, Dave Gregory's with Tin Spirits and Big Big Train? Makes no sense...Sensing Working Overtime trying to figure this out!!!
Either way, I love PA and, for the most part, do an incredible job. An indispensable resource.  

I think neither of these two are prog bands. Talking Heads is a New Wave band and a bit less prog related than XTC in my humble opinion. David Byrne's The Catherine Wheel is probably the only album out of this entourage that may be more or less regarded as prog.
A band should be included in PA, I think, because of its own work, not because of collaborations with other bands or artists.

I don't want to meddle in the discussion if XTC should be included or not. I only want to add one more album to your list of collaborations with others." rel="nofollow - This album  might be something for you.


Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 04:46
Pardon me, humble folks.  But you know the subtext of this discussion is slightly bigger than should XTC be allowed the Grace of getting a mention here.  Where should they be filed?  Really, who cares?  Either the music
moves you, enriches you, is important to you.  Or not  That is progressive on a personal sense.  Forget the cliff notes, unless you are writing a term paper.
"Dr. Wu-hu steps into the re-Tardis and the Big Blue Box lands in the Abbey Road recording studio for ATOM HEART MOTHER.  "I hope we don't do anything too Avant-Garde," says keyboardist Rick Wright.  "I wouldn't want to lose the Seven Levels of Criteria for Being Progressive." "You mean we wouldn't be included in the all important classification of what defines our art?" asks Nick Mason, thumbing through the latest issue of Auto Weekly.  David Gilmour considers the question, while checking his bank statement.  Roger Waters contributes his thoughts with a vivid hand gesture.

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 12:29
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Pardon me, humble folks.  But you know the subtext of this discussion is slightly bigger than should XTC be allowed the Grace of getting a mention here.  Where should they be filed?  Really, who cares?  Either the music
moves you, enriches you, is important to you.  Or not  That is progressive on a personal sense.  Forget the cliff notes, unless you are writing a term paper.
There is no subtext. This is a web archive of Progressive Rock, not a repository for whatever subjectively moves you. If that concerns you then there are other web resources you may find a lot more suitable to your personal senses, such as Rate Your Music.

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 13:00
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

The irony of artists and musicians, who created new sounds by breaking the rules, only now to be subjected to them.  Wink

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

"Dr. Wu-hu steps into the re-Tardis and the Big Blue Box lands in the Abbey Road recording studio for ATOM HEART MOTHER.  "I hope we don't do anything too Avant-Garde," says keyboardist Rick Wright.  "I wouldn't want to lose the Seven Levels of Criteria for Being Progressive." "You mean we wouldn't be included in the all important classification of what defines our art?" asks Nick Mason, thumbing through the latest issue of Auto Weekly.  David Gilmour considers the question, while checking his bank statement.  Roger Waters contributes his thoughts with a vivid hand gesture.
Yet Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor...

What you have presented is a straw man argument, and not a particularly good one. 



Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 13:07
The classic Chewbacca defence." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 19:15
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

[QUOTE=Guy Guden]

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 
Now, now you don't have to be insulting.  Pedro has admitted he listened to my show for 7 years.  I shouldn't be blamed for my listeners; no more than you should be blamed for your readers.  Smile

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 19:35
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

There is no subtext. This is a web archive of Progressive Rock, not a repository for whatever subjectively moves you.  
Isn't this a contradiction?  Considering how many threads include what Forum Members are listening to ( Gentle Giant, Bon Jovi or Miles Davis ), What Are You Watching? etc. etc.  Seems to me, I see a lot of individuality on this board.  And a sharing of ideas and opinions that appear, on occasion, to not exactly mirror your own.
I find it disheartening to have to say to an Administrator, "let's keep it civil and constructive and friendly, please."  And if, on occasion, one loses perspective... at least try and not lose your sense of humour.  Smile

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 19:50
^ What we talk about {as the examples you cite} and what is added to the database {what this thread is about} are two different things.   I believe Dean was pointing that out and not that there shouldn't be a discussion (even about adding them) or appreciation of a given band.   His response was concise and terse, but not uncivil or unfriendly.   And he's an ex-admin so don't expect your diplomatic pleasantries.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 19:52
The forums (board) can act as a repository for whatever subjectively moves any of us (pretty much), we can share our opinions on any music etc. on the board, but the database does not serve the same purpose. I can talk about any music I like in the appropriate forums, but I can't add any band or artist that I want to. We have teams to decide whether they think that band should be included in a category.

EDIT: I have been ninja'd.

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 20:36
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

^ What we talk about {as the examples you cite} and what is added to the database {what this thread is about} are two different things.   I believe Dean was pointing that out and not that there shouldn't be a discussion (even about adding them) or appreciation of a given band.   His response was concise and terse, but not uncivil or unfriendly.   And he's an ex-admin so don't expect your diplomatic pleasantries.

Thank you for pointing out that distinction.  I have not used your Database, only Discussion, so you cleared up why the debate is heated about membership in the club.  You have given me clear information and without an air of entitlement or authority.  And thank you for pointing out Mister Dean's role in this.  Perhaps I was giving too much respect.  You know, "Once a General, always a General."  That may explain the tone and sometimes pathological responses.  I'll try and not be hypocritical and criticize the sarcasm.  I am guilty of its use.
I would recommend, however. that good manners not be misinterpreted as weakness.
Thank you again.

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 20:37
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

The forums (board) can act as a repository for whatever subjectively moves any of us (pretty much), we can share our opinions on any music etc. on the board, but the database does not serve the same purpose. I can talk about any music I like in the appropriate forums, but I can't add any band or artist that I want to. We have teams to decide whether they think that band should be included in a category.

EDIT: I have been ninja'd.
And likewise, thank you Logan for that explanation.

Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: April 18 2016 at 20:39
In my case it would be "Once an assh*le, always an assh*le".  

Respect?   There are a handful of people here who deserve what I think of as true respect.   Dean is one, but you'd have no way of knowing that which is what makes human communication so tricky.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 01:45
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

[QUOTE=Guy Guden]

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 
Now, now you don't have to be insulting.  Pedro has admitted he listened to my show for 7 years.  I shouldn't be blamed for my listeners; no more than you should be blamed for your readers.  Smile
No insult intended, just an observation - You present the same opinion as Pedro in the same vocabulary and do it in a not dissimilar condescending and patronising tone, the only slight difference is the quality of sarcasm involved. The 'Cliff notes' quip is a perfect example of that.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 01:46
Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

In my case it would be "Once an assh*le, always an assh*le".  

I'm always an arsehole.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 03:56
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

There is no subtext. This is a web archive of Progressive Rock, not a repository for whatever subjectively moves you.  
Isn't this a contradiction?  Considering how many threads include what Forum Members are listening to ( Gentle Giant, Bon Jovi or Miles Davis ), What Are You Watching? etc. etc.  Seems to me, I see a lot of individuality on this board.  And a sharing of ideas and opinions that appear, on occasion, to not exactly mirror your own.
I find it disheartening to have to say to an Administrator, "let's keep it civil and constructive and friendly, please."  And if, on occasion, one loses perspective... at least try and not lose your sense of humour.  Smile
Okay, now we've gotten past the misunderstanding that a] this thread is talking about formal addition of XTC to the PA Archive (database) and not informal discussion of XTC in the PA Forum (board); b] you can discuss whatever you like in the Forum as long as it's in the appropriate sub-forum (lounge); c] I'm not an Admin any more (that's what Retired means); and d] I was being no less friendly to you personally than your posts in this thread were to the "PA" members in general ("re-Tardis"... how dumb do you think we are?); then there is no subtext here and my response was not contradictory. 

What you possibly don't know is: a] I have a propensity to be verbose when responding to the opinion of others; b] If I am terse then I am purposely trying to avoid going off on a pointless diatribe; c] I have tendency to respond in kind; d] when I am being offensive I pull my punches; e] My sense of humour is drier than the Atacama Desert on a particularly warm day; f] I like sarcasm as much, if not more, than the next man;  g] I defend the PA Archive (database) and the Collaborators who maintain it at the slightest provocation; h] I am less defensive about what happens in the PA Forum (board) as long as people who post there are respectful of [g]; i] I regard respect as something that is an immutable right, not something to be earnt, (see [c]); j] I expect everyone to be treated as equals, regardless of their age, rank or the "badge" they wear; k] I believe that people who have "lost the respect of others" should still be treated with respect (see [d]); l] I never demand or expect that people of higher "rank" should be held to a higher standard than everyone else; m] I know the difference between subjectivity and objectivity; n] I know a fallacious argument when I see one; o] I am a pedant when I need to be; p] I am an opinionated arsehole; q] I never assume that I know more than others; r] I never presume to be better than anyone else; s] I am long passed redemption; t] I am not that interested in classifying music to the nth degree; u] I try not to look at things from a single perspective but prefer the wider view; v] However, I do not believe that classifying music after the event can affect the creativity of the artiste; w] As a consequence I see the complaint against "pigeon-holing" as a whine about perceived commercialism, not as a restrictive on creativity; x] I do not regard Progressive Rock as a general catch-all umbrella term for all music that is progressive; y] I do not hold 'progressive' as a qualitative term; and z) I really like XTC and the Dukes of the Stratosphere. Wacko

What you appeared to have done here was criticised the exhibits in the British Museum after a 5-minute peruse of its Gift Shop. 

Exhibit #454921 - "Tin Mug" c. 21st Century,
Enamelware, origin unknown, probably China.

...and now I know that the mistake was yours and yours alone then I can forgive the content of your posts and now I have set-out my 26-point agenda  I can even see past the manner in which they were conveyed so I apologise for the terseness in my subsequent response. Smile


Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 05:59
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

There is no subtext. This is a web archive of Progressive Rock, not a repository for whatever subjectively moves you.  
Isn't this a contradiction?  Considering how many threads include what Forum Members are listening to ( Gentle Giant, Bon Jovi or Miles Davis ), What Are You Watching? etc. etc.  Seems to me, I see a lot of individuality on this board.  And a sharing of ideas and opinions that appear, on occasion, to not exactly mirror your own.
I find it disheartening to have to say to an Administrator, "let's keep it civil and constructive and friendly, please."  And if, on occasion, one loses perspective... at least try and not lose your sense of humour.  Smile
 I was being no less friendly to you personally than your posts in this thread were to the "PA" members in general ("re-Tardis"... how dumb do you think we are?);


  Well the word choice "dumb" was yours; but I'll be diplomatic and say "uninformed."  FYI, the reference to Doctor Wu-hu and the re-Tardis is from a long running bit on SPACE PIRATE RADIO and familiar only to listeners (as we have discussed in previous posts on freeform radio). It is a parody, with a Celestial Time Lord, rather Goonish in humour. almost as rude as Cook & Moore. and I say (humbly) funny.  I am slightly offended that you in your wisdom would consider this an insult to PA members, of which I have the highest respect for, and not be just a catchphrase to any members of the Fan Base who might be reading this.  Big smile
So that answer to "how dumb do you think we are?" might better be applied in the singular, personal possessive. 

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 06:35
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

[QUOTE=Guy Guden]

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 
Now, now you don't have to be insulting.  Pedro has admitted he listened to my show for 7 years.  I shouldn't be blamed for my listeners; no more than you should be blamed for your readers.  Smile
No insult intended, just an observation - You present the same opinion as Pedro in the same vocabulary and do it in a not dissimilar condescending and patronising tone, the only slight difference is the quality of sarcasm involved. The 'Cliff notes' quip is a perfect example of that.
You haven't grasped that the reverse might be the case?  You can criticize me however much it pleases you, but bury the Pedro comparisons.  Have you forgotten that the major reason for joining PA was to dispel the 'misinformation' that was written here by my former friend and drama class member.  Initially, if you can recall, I was rather perversely pleased that many people here liked to call Pedro out on his "opinions in the abstract."  This confirmed my conflicting opinions.  Now before Pedro goes into seizure reading this, let me say he was a good friend in the early '70s and a (discreetly saying) major irritant by that decade's end. 
If I wrote a thesis like you do Dean, point by point contradicting what's been written here, my dance card would be full till June.  I didn't want to spend the time in wasted confrontation mode.  But if I am forced to defend my work in experimental radio from 1968 (my first radio gig) through the creation of SPACE PIRATE RADIO in 1973, actively till 2003, I will. 
I'm an old man and forgiveness is in my soul.  Please don't make me reconsider my position. Wink
I have been hopefully positive in contributing my experiences in the trenches of this marvelous art form.  It
has been marvelous, far more marvelous then these energy consuming defenses.  In all my years in radio, I made so many friends and shared some incredible moments.  Why do some of you cats want to turn this wonderful thing into a bad rerun of "Cross Fire?"
As Burt Lancaster says in the film LOCAL HERO, "We can do good things here!"  Smile

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 06:53
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

There is no subtext. This is a web archive of Progressive Rock, not a repository for whatever subjectively moves you.  
Isn't this a contradiction?  Considering how many threads include what Forum Members are listening to ( Gentle Giant, Bon Jovi or Miles Davis ), What Are You Watching? etc. etc.  Seems to me, I see a lot of individuality on this board.  And a sharing of ideas and opinions that appear, on occasion, to not exactly mirror your own.
I find it disheartening to have to say to an Administrator, "let's keep it civil and constructive and friendly, please."  And if, on occasion, one loses perspective... at least try and not lose your sense of humour.  Smile
 I was being no less friendly to you personally than your posts in this thread were to the "PA" members in general ("re-Tardis"... how dumb do you think we are?);


  Well the word choice "dumb" was yours; but I'll be diplomatic and say "uninformed."  FYI, the reference to Doctor Wu-hu and the re-Tardis is from a long running bit on SPACE PIRATE RADIO and familiar only to listeners (as we have discussed in previous posts on freeform radio). It is a parody, with a Celestial Time Lord, rather Goonish in humour. almost as rude as Cook & Moore. and I say (humbly) funny.  I am slightly offended that you in your wisdom would consider this an insult to PA members, of which I have the highest respect for, and not be just a catchphrase to any members of the Fan Base who might be reading this.  Big smile
So that answer to "how dumb do you think we are?" might better be applied in the singular, personal possessive. 
"uninformed" is no less insulting, "re-Tardis" is a pun on retard no matter how you explain its origins, citing Peter Cook et al is not a mitigation of the offence that pun carries. Lack of knowledge of your radio programme content is not a measure of how uninformed (or retarded) we are on all matters regarding Progressive Rock... or humour, or anything else. The point of satire and parody is to be critical of the thing being satirised by the humorous use exaggeration and distorted caricature often through the use of caustic wit and sarcasm. Unfortunately this example was based upon a misunderstanding of the purpose of this thread and therefore is a misrepresentation of the arguments therein (i.e., it was a straw man fallacy).

Since we have a member with the screen-name of "dr wu23" who" rel="nofollow - has posted in this thread then it was not unfair for me to see your attempt at humour as a veiled insult not just to Doug but to all, especially when taken in the context of your earlier posts and the "Cliff-notes" quip. As you have now explained that no offence was intended then I can curtail my umbrage at the perceived insult. I may still fail to find it funny, but then I am British so what's new there?

If my lack of wisdom of (and apparent disinterest in) your radio programme's content slightly offends you then there is precious little I can do about that. Sorry.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 07:04
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

[QUOTE=Guy Guden]

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 
Now, now you don't have to be insulting.  Pedro has admitted he listened to my show for 7 years.  I shouldn't be blamed for my listeners; no more than you should be blamed for your readers.  Smile
No insult intended, just an observation - You present the same opinion as Pedro in the same vocabulary and do it in a not dissimilar condescending and patronising tone, the only slight difference is the quality of sarcasm involved. The 'Cliff notes' quip is a perfect example of that.
You haven't grasped that the reverse might be the case?  You can criticize me however much it pleases you, but bury the Pedro comparisons.  Have you forgotten that the major reason for joining PA was to dispel the 'misinformation' that was written here by my former friend and drama class member.  Initially, if you can recall, I was rather perversely pleased that many people here liked to call Pedro out on his "opinions in the abstract."  This confirmed my conflicting opinions.  Now before Pedro goes into seizure reading this, let me say he was a good friend in the early '70s and a (discreetly saying) major irritant by that decade's end. 
If I wrote a thesis like you do Dean, point by point contradicting what's been written here, my dance card would be full till June.  I didn't want to spend the time in wasted confrontation mode.  But if I am forced to defend my work in experimental radio from 1968 (my first radio gig) through the creation of SPACE PIRATE RADIO in 1973, actively till 2003, I will.
I'm an old man and forgiveness is in my soul.  Please don't make me reconsider my position. Wink
I have been hopefully positive in contributing my experiences in the trenches of this marvelous art form.  It
has been marvelous, far more marvelous then these energy consuming defenses.  In all my years in radio, I made so many friends and shared some incredible moments.  Why do some of you cats want to turn this wonderful thing into a bad rerun of "Cross Fire?"
As Burt Lancaster says in the film LOCAL HERO, "We can do wonderful things here!"  Smile
Point well made and duly taken to heart, I hereby apologise unreservedly. I haven't been privy to all your corrections of his misinformation, nor have I ever intended any criticism of what you do outside this thread, but to presume you guilty by association is unforgivableEmbarrassed


Posted By: lazland
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 09:57
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Atavachron Atavachron wrote:

In my case it would be "Once an assh*le, always an assh*le".  

I'm always an arsehole.

At least you spell it correctly

Enhance your life. Get down to

Now also broadcasting on Every Saturday, 4.00 p.m. UK time!

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 19 2016 at 21:37
Okay now, so what was the problem with XTC?  SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
Actually I found it slightly ironic that in today's post was a Burning Shed package with an XTC English Settlement t-shirt I ordered for my wife.
Anybody listen to the Peter Blegvad/Andy Partridge cd "Gonwards?"  I found it delightfully eccentric and have always been fond of both artists.  I am also a fan of Blegvad's old comic LEVIATHAN and recommend the hardbound collection for those who might enjoy the surrealism and off center, but very smart approach.

Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 04:26
Never really like the voice of Partridge. He sings much better at home, especially on the first four album of the fuzzy Warbles compilations.

Afficher limage dorigine

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 06:26
Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Okay now, so what was the problem with XTC?  SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
Nothing. They were a great band and they have a lot of fans here. 

Initially unable to take Andy Partridge's overly affected vocal delivery on White Music I've 'followed' XTC since the release of Go2 were he'd started to calm-down a bit, (he improved considerably with each album as he became more comfortable with his own voice - Steven Wilson had a similar problem on the early Porcupine Tree albums), though what hooked me was the bonus EP of dub versions (Go+) that came with the original British release of the (vinyl) album. Andy's first solo album (Take Away) released two years later was more dub versions of XTC songs from their first three studio albums - these were collected together on CD as "Explode Together: The Dub Experiments 78-80" but sadly that is out of print and not one of the albums Andy has released on his Ape label through Burning Shed. While I have liked every album XTC have released since Go2, personally I think they suffer a little from inconsistency but over the years have released some cracking albums (English Settlement, The Big Express and Skylarking) so I can forgive them for that. Their lighter excursions into Psychedelic Pop under the pseudonym The Dukes of Stratosphere (25 O'Clock and Psonic Psunspot) are well worth a listen (reissued on Ape).

What XTC did well was make some craftily clever Pop. In this respect I think they have no equal (Elvis Costello could do it, but he seemed to forget how). This is grown-up pop for adults - witty, cynical and biting at times, its precision and adroitness rivals the Beatles lyrically, musically, harmonically and vocally. While it wears its Psychedelic Pop heart on its sleeve (" rel="nofollow - pun intended ), hints at Art Rock (but not as much as you'd think) and occasionally has some skilful Baroque Pop arrangements (notably from Todd Rundgren on Skylarking - 1000 Umbrellas is a particularly sumptuous example), it's a million miles away from Progressive Rock. If I were forced to describe it in Prog terms I'd say it's like Canterbury stripped of its Jazz and Avant Garde excesses, but all that really says is it's unashamedly English Home Counties Pop-Rock (just swap Kent for Wiltshire).

The problem is not with XTC or their music. The problem is the" rel="nofollow - Prog Related category here at Prog Archives since that is the only valid category under which they could possibly be added to the Archive (database). Since you are new to the Archive side of the site that is incredibly difficult to explain (though I have made an attempt in the parallel "" rel="nofollow - Should XTC be considered Prog Related? " thread if you care to follow the paper-trail). 

What people have difficulty with is the addition criteria (listed as 7 points in the" rel="nofollow - Prog Related definition ) and the very specific" rel="nofollow - suggestion/nomination/acceptance policy for Prog Related . Yup - dems da rools, goddammit, - so let's clear the air about these so-called rules by first stating what they are not: They do not determine what is Prog or what is related to Prog; They do not grant a free-pass to any artist who meets some or all of the criteria; They are not intended to allow the addition of every band or artist that people think is related to Progressive Rock; They are not there to allow anyone to add their favourite non-Prog band; They are not there to permit the addition of progressive (adj.) artists that don't fit into other Prog (n.) sub-genres; They are not a qualitative measure; They do not restrict the artistic creativity of the artists in any way; They are not there to pigeon-hole an artist or band; They are not a musicological categorisation; They are not associative ("IF X THEN Y" aka "Related-to-Prog-Related"); and most of all, They are [deliberately] not democratic (but not undemocratic either). 

Simply put - the intentional purpose of the policy is to limit the number of bands and artists added to this category under the strict control of the Admin team. This is not part of some old never-ending Inclusive/Exclusive argument bollocks, nor is it (as some of the more cynical pundits will state) a ploy to draw people into the site (the category would be far more open if that were true). 

We have 180 artists listed in the Prog Related category out of a total of (to date) 9,557 bands and artists in the entire Archive - that is less than 2% - and we get more discussion over this category (and its cousin Proto-Prog) than the 19 "Prog sub-genre" categories added together. For such a high-maintenance category there has to be more in it that just the appeasement of those who shout the loudest. As I have said many times before - we could add hundreds more non-Prog bands into Prog Related, if we add every artist that had a progressive (adj.) approach that would run to thousands, and that makes no sense for a site that is dedicated to being an online Progressive Rock resource. 

This does not mean that we will never add a band into Prog Related, but it means that when we do it will be an exceptional case. And that requires that the people suggesting and promoting the addition make an equally exceptional case for their addition that can be clearly stated in a manner that convinces not just a few people here, but is so water-tight that it cannot be shot down in flames by an uppity arsehole playing devil's advocate.

Now, back to XTC. As you hopefully can tell, I do not believe that a good enough case has been made for them even though I am a fan who is very familiar with their work and their history. But I am neither arguing for nor against their addition, up until paragraph three of this post I have just been pointing out weaknesses in people's arguments that would prevent their addition so they can build a better mousetrap argument. As well as myself there are" rel="nofollow - 104 other Special Collaborators  who are empowered to take a Prog Related suggestion to the Admin Team for their consideration, all anyone needs to do is convince one of us that the case is strong enough.

PS: XTC were painfully loud when I saw them back in 1979 where, if I recall correctly, they were supported by Random Hold - a band that featured David Rhodes (who would later join Peter Gabriel's band) and Bill MacCormick of Quiet Sun, Matching Mole and 801 - if you missed Random Hold in the 80s then lend them an ear (" rel="nofollow - ) - interestingly (to me at least) Burning Shed sells David Rhodes solo albums (but unfortunately no Random Hold ones).

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Actually I found it slightly ironic that in today's post was a Burning Shed package with an XTC English Settlement t-shirt I ordered for my wife.
(that's coincidental, not ironic Tongue). The" rel="nofollow - post-punk / alternative store section of Burning Shed also has some other equally excellent 1980's post-punk albums - Mrs Fripp (see my Avatar), Peter Murphy and The Comsat Angels appeal to me there...


Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 07:30
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

PS: XTC were painfully loud when I saw them back in 1979 where, if I recall correctly, they were supported by Random Hold - a band that featured David Rhodes (who would later join Peter Gabriel's band) and Bill MacCormick of Quiet Sun, Matching Mole and 801

I was going to say you do recall correctly as I saw Random Hold, but then I remembered it was supporting Gabriel and not XTC (as I got tickets for XTC but to my eternally regret I couldn't go at the time).

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 07:51
Originally posted by chopper chopper wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

PS: XTC were painfully loud when I saw them back in 1979 where, if I recall correctly, they were supported by Random Hold - a band that featured David Rhodes (who would later join Peter Gabriel's band) and Bill MacCormick of Quiet Sun, Matching Mole and 801

I was going to say you do recall correctly as I saw Random Hold, but then I remembered it was supporting Gabriel and not XTC (as I got tickets for XTC but to my eternally regret I couldn't go at the time).
I also saw Random Hold supporting Gabriel at least twice so I had my doubts too. I've since trawled the interwebs and can confirm that they supported XTC at" rel="nofollow - Leicester Poly on 29th November 1979 . Approve


Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 10:22
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

What is of note here is this is a figurative use whereas "moving forward" and "proceeding step-by-step" are both literal. Because it is figurative it means that the music produced does not have to literally progress.

Nice .. this is good ... very good!

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Interesting discussion going on here.
I just find XTC to be more "progressive" than most of the metal bands included on PA.
I suspect the reason why XTC haven't been added to Prog Metal is because most metal bands included on the PA are more metal than XTC. 

Now, I'm thinking I need a drink! But, this is funny. I've never thought of "metal" ... that way, and the only album I ever thought was "meta;" was that Lou Reed big finger album.

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 10:53
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guy Guden Guy Guden wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

[QUOTE=Guy Guden]

Cliff notes? Hmmm, the same vocabulary Pedro uses... how sweet. 
Now, now you don't have to be insulting.  Pedro has admitted he listened to my show for 7 years.  I shouldn't be blamed for my listeners; no more than you should be blamed for your readers.  Smile
No insult intended, just an observation - You present the same opinion as Pedro in the same vocabulary and do it in a not dissimilar condescending and patronising tone, the only slight difference is the quality of sarcasm involved. The 'Cliff notes' quip is a perfect example of that.

Weird ... now we get comments because of education and schooling! Not about the music or the art itself!

The comments are not intended to be condescending, or patronizing, but an invitation to listen to things a bit more, and find out about other musics ... or a show like Guy's or any of our comments, would be totally worthless. It all becomes ... I like it therefore it's good, and the rest is not up to snuff. I (STILL) do not like Gentle Giant, but I will never EVER, not appreciate the amazing and incredible musicianship in them, and what they did with it! 

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 11:07
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Weird ... now we get comments because of education and schooling! Not about the music or the art itself!

The comments are not intended to be condescending, or patronizing, but an invitation to listen to things a bit more, and find out about other musics ... or a show like Guy's or any of our comments, would be totally worthless.
I have made my peace with Guy over this so as far as I am concerned the matter is closed.

However, I will say that if you do not intend to be condescending then resist the temptation to talk down to us in this way. Seriously, it is patronising. Who are you to say that people here do not listen to things a bit more, (than what?!?), and who are you to say they do not find out about other music? 

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 It all becomes ... I like it therefore it's good, and the rest is not up to snuff. I (STILL) do not like Gentle Giant, but I will never EVER, not appreciate the amazing and incredible musicianship in them, and what they did with it! 
Relevancy? Nothing here is about good or bad music, or whether you like something or not. If you think that is how this site and its members operate then you will never understand anything here. Stern Smile


Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 11:52
I think they should be here but so many have said nay, that I really don't give a crap anymore.  Having said that. I am reading Complicated Game.  It's a great read and I highly recommend it

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 12:08
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I think they should be here but so many have said nay, that I really don't give a crap anymore.  Having said that. I am reading Complicated Game.  It's a great read and I highly recommend it
Thanks for mentioning that book...did not know about it......I'll be ordering it for sure.
Oh....and I  agree about the inclusion here at PA.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 12:19
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 It all becomes ... I like it therefore it's good, and the rest is not up to snuff. I (STILL) do not like Gentle Giant, but I will never EVER, not appreciate the amazing and incredible musicianship in them, and what they did with it! 
Relevancy? Nothing here is about good or bad music, or whether you like something or not. If you think that is how this site and its members operate then you will never understand anything here. Stern Smile

This is absolutely correct.  As a former genre teamer I can assure you we do not base our votes on whether we like the music.  Not at all.  I voted Yes on stuff I thought sucked.  I voted No on some stuff I really loved.  It boils down to trying one's best to decide whether the music fits the genre definition collaboratively arrived at by multiple members, past and present.  The definitions are broad in most cases and occasionally can be revised.

I can't really speak much about the PR and PP categories as I have little experience in those areas but I can tell you that in most if not all genre categories, members go out of their way to be inclusive and if involved in a very difficult eval, to error on the side of the band. 

Sorry, I guess that wasn't much help about XTC, but I want to make sure you don't have the impression we simply "vote for the bands we like".  That's false. 

Posted By: Guy Guden
Date Posted: April 20 2016 at 21:27
Well, Dean thank you for that complete explanation on how you have this feature of PA set up.  When I came here, I was only aware of the boards for discussion, news and opinion.  I was not aware of PA being a tool in this way.  I think I will probably still be more likely to read, digest, comment and share in the areas I feel most comfortable.  It sounds like you all have put a lot of work into this operation and at my age, I know I wouldn't have the energy.  I'm jealous of your stamina.
Personally, I wasn't a fan of early XTC.  The Dukes of Stratosphere, however continue to delight and they have provided wonderful moments on so many SPACE PIRATE RADIO shows, especially mixed with the original artists they so lovingly parody.  NONSUCH was my personal favourite XTC album.  Songs like "Wrapped in Grey," "War Dance" and "The Smartest Monkeys" seemed to pop up on air at the most appropriate times.  Prior to that, 2 or 3 songs from THE BIG EXPRESS got the most airplay.
I too saw Random Hold open for Peter Gabriel in Santa Barbara at the Arlington Theatre.  Random Hold got airplay, more often on the non SPR shows I did on other nights.
Thank you again for the information.

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: April 21 2016 at 11:48
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 It all becomes ... I like it therefore it's good, and the rest is not up to snuff. I (STILL) do not like Gentle Giant, but I will never EVER, not appreciate the amazing and incredible musicianship in them, and what they did with it! 
Relevancy? Nothing here is about good or bad music, or whether you like something or not. If you think that is how this site and its members operate then you will never understand anything here. Stern Smile

This is absolutely correct.  As a former genre teamer I can assure you we do not base our votes on whether we like the music.  Not at all.  I voted Yes on stuff I thought sucked.  I voted No on some stuff I really loved.  It boils down to trying one's best to decide whether the music fits the genre definition collaboratively arrived at by multiple members, past and present.  The definitions are broad in most cases and occasionally can be revised.

Finn ... my example is exactly what you said ... and I meant! Sorry for the misinterpretation. 

I do believe, that PA's ideas and thoughts on choices are fairly good, and I'm OK with it ... even if one or two probably should be there, and we ALL, have a small list in our hands. What I find strange is some folks thinking that I am against that process, which would make the example I put out ... weird!


Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 21 2016 at 12:11
Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:

 It all becomes ... I like it therefore it's good, and the rest is not up to snuff. I (STILL) do not like Gentle Giant, but I will never EVER, not appreciate the amazing and incredible musicianship in them, and what they did with it! 
Relevancy? Nothing here is about good or bad music, or whether you like something or not. If you think that is how this site and its members operate then you will never understand anything here. Stern Smile

This is absolutely correct.  As a former genre teamer I can assure you we do not base our votes on whether we like the music.  Not at all.  I voted Yes on stuff I thought sucked.  I voted No on some stuff I really loved.  It boils down to trying one's best to decide whether the music fits the genre definition collaboratively arrived at by multiple members, past and present.  The definitions are broad in most cases and occasionally can be revised.

Finn ... my example is exactly what you said ... and I meant! Sorry for the misinterpretation. 

I do believe, that PA's ideas and thoughts on choices are fairly good, and I'm OK with it ... even if one or two probably should be there, and we ALL, have a small list in our hands. What I find strange is some folks thinking that I am against that process, which would make the example I put out ... weird!

Ah, no. What we are getting at is not that YOU don't do this, it's your insinuation and/or presumption that people here don't.


Posted By: stegor
Date Posted: April 22 2016 at 20:30
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I think they should be here but so many have said nay, that I really don't give a crap anymore.  Having said that. I am reading Complicated Game.  It's a great read and I highly recommend it
Thanks for mentioning that book...did not know about it......I'll be ordering it for sure.
Oh....and I  agree about the inclusion here at PA.

I'm on the last few pages myself. Excellent read. Song Stories was more complete but this one goes into such great depth about just a select few songs. Andy's way of describing the creative process is riveting. This could be Volume 1 of several hundred and I'd read them all.

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: April 23 2016 at 03:02
So, at the risk of being on topic, are XTC to be included on PA?

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: April 23 2016 at 03:14
Originally posted by uduwudu uduwudu wrote:

So, at the risk of being on topic, are XTC to be included on PA?

They haven't been suggested for prog related (as far as I know), which would be their only real shot. For that to happen a special collaborator needs to suggest them for inclusion to the admin team. The admin team will then listen intently to the music and subsequently decide whether or not XTC should be here.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 23 2016 at 03:47
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by uduwudu uduwudu wrote:

So, at the risk of being on topic, are XTC to be included on PA?

They haven't been suggested for prog related (as far as I know), which would be their only real shot. For that to happen a special collaborator needs to suggest them for inclusion to the admin team. The admin team will then listen intently to the music and subsequently decide whether or not XTC should be here.

I've yet to see compelling case made that would convince an SC to suggest them.

Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I think they should be here but so many have said nay, that I really don't give a crap anymore.  ::snip::
 :: snip::
Oh....and I  agree about the inclusion here at PA.
It doesn't matter how many people think they should or should not be here, additions are not by a poll or popular-vote and PR suggestions to the Admin are not by majority-vote. It is only when the Admins evaluate a PR suggestion from an SC that a vote is taken, and since there are 4 Admins who would vote on PR additions then a 3 yes votes are required... So basically you need to convince 4 people (1 SC and 3 Admins) that XTC should be here, and that requires presenting a case for why they should be here that goes way beyond "I think they should be here" and "Well, Talking Heads are here...".


Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: April 23 2016 at 03:50
^ Or an SC can spontaneously decide to submit an artist for ProgRelated evaluation.   But that hasn't occurred since the Carter administration.

"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."   -- John F. Kennedy

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: April 26 2016 at 19:35

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 27 2016 at 00:44
Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Bollocks. Stern Smile

I've gone to extraordinary lengths to explain everything here and all you've got is a snarky one-word response that is not only wrong, it's unhelpful and frankly, disappointing. If it is that difficult to present a good case for XTCs inclusion here then there is little hope for them. 

Metallicaca lost the popular vote here and if we took a poll today I'm fairly confident they'd lose it again. They are here because three people made a convincing case for their addition. It wasn't easy: the initial discussions ran for 14 pages, an SC proposed them to the Admin Team but the site-owner vetoed the addition (as is his right ). Then followed further threads and discussions that pushed the total page count to over 50 (which at 20 posts per page is over 1,000 posts) that lasted over a year. They were proposed again, the Admin Team voted in favour and they convinced the site-owner. Metallicaca were added, the site didn't implode, the world didn't end and sales of ice-skates in Hell didn't suddenly pick up, moreover no one tried to shoehorn in Megadeth or Slayer on the back of them.  


Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: April 27 2016 at 03:03

The History of Rock 'n' Roll Wink

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: April 27 2016 at 05:31
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by uduwudu uduwudu wrote:

So, at the risk of being on topic, are XTC to be included on PA?

They haven't been suggested for prog related (as far as I know), which would be their only real shot. For that to happen a special collaborator needs to suggest them for inclusion to the admin team. The admin team will then listen intently to the music and subsequently decide whether or not XTC should be here.

I've yet to see compelling case made that would convince an SC to suggest them.

Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I think they should be here but so many have said nay, that I really don't give a crap anymore.  ::snip::
 :: snip::
Oh....and I  agree about the inclusion here at PA.
It doesn't matter how many people think they should or should not be here, additions are not by a poll or popular-vote and PR suggestions to the Admin are not by majority-vote. It is only when the Admins evaluate a PR suggestion from an SC that a vote is taken, and since there are 4 Admins who would vote on PR additions then a 3 yes votes are required... So basically you need to convince 4 people (1 SC and 3 Admins) that XTC should be here, and that requires presenting a case for why they should be here that goes way beyond "I think they should be here" and "Well, Talking Heads are here...".

Oh, thanks. It's no bother really if XTC are here or not (I can always hoof off to the All Music Guide). But the compelling case would be interesting. Prog bands like ELP and XTC... now we are getting slightly bizarre... ;) Heh, it'd be amusing if the Dukes Of Stratophear were included but not XTC.  Wink

Posted By: miamiscot
Date Posted: April 28 2016 at 19:41
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by miamiscot miamiscot wrote:

Bollocks. Stern Smile

I've gone to extraordinary lengths to explain everything here and all you've got is a snarky one-word response that is not only wrong, it's unhelpful and frankly, disappointing. If it is that difficult to present a good case for XTCs inclusion here then there is little hope for them. 

I didn't mean that in a snarky fashion. Far from it, actually. Politics is the art of pulling people, persuading people, convincing people that your point of view is correct or prudent. Politics exists everywhere there are people. Just a fact. Not a condemnation.
And yes, you have been VERY courteous and informative about the process. I'm sure you tire of explaining things to people like me so I appreciate your patience and apologize for the one word comment. I thought it summed things up nicely.

Posted By: stegor
Date Posted: May 01 2016 at 20:08
Interesting side note - in the book "Complicated Game", when the author/interviewer tells Andy Partridge that the guitar solo on "2 Rainbeau Melt" (Fuzzy Warbles Vol. 7) reminds him of Robert Fripp, he admits he has maybe heard half a dozen songs with Robert Fripp on them. He doesn't own a King Crimson album or any album with Fripp on it. He didn't know that Fripp played on Bowie's Heroes or Scary Monsters. He does love the solo on 21st Century Schizoid Man though.

On the other hand, one of his biggest influences was Be-Bop Deluxe.

Just some interesting facts that may or may not influence one's opinion as to whether they are Prog or not.

Personally, the last time this was discussed I was all in for their inclusion. Now I say no way. I don't want all my favorites to be considered Prog! I would feel so one-dimensional!

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: May 03 2016 at 10:57
^ It surprises me a little that Partridge doesn't own any KC or any album with Fripp......I would think he would be an audiophile and into a lot of Brit music styles (apparently influenced by Bill Nelson and Be Bop) based on his great songwriting and his apparent knowledge of pop styles.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

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