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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Portuguese-speaking Progressive Bands!Posted By: andreol263
Subject: Portuguese-speaking Progressive Bands!
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 14:16
Hello everyone!!, could the experts in portuguese prog recommend me some bands that are forgotten or underated??
Thanks in Advance
Replies: Posted By: The.Crimson.King
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 14:49
The only prog band I know that sings in Portuguese is Bacamarte, but I doubt they'd be classified as forgotten or underrated
-------------" rel="nofollow - Mutiny in Jonestown : Progressive Rock Since 1987
Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 14:53
Quartetto IIII and Jose Cid. Mellotron-fuelled beauty.
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 15:56
Falae irmão, blza? Rapaz, tem sempre os clássicos setentistas, mas se você não os conhece, vou fazer uma lista.
So, prog in Portuguese is quite rare, as bands usually go for the international market and outright sing in english in order to try and attain a larger following/sales (which is specially true in the prog metal scene). Anyway, here's a rather concise list of bands I can remember from the top of my head:
The classics: Os Mutantes and O Terço (absolutely seminal prog bands that defined BR's prog in general; Os Mutantes have an earlier tropicalista phase, which they tried to replicate after they reformed in the early 2000's, and O Terço has english albums in the 90's)
Apocalypse (earlier material, now they sing in English; never liked them, but they are one of the biggest prog bands from the 90's); Atmosphera (great band; only released a single album under a very small progressive rock label from São Paulo and their album is currently unavailable; great music, an ethereal mix of Camel, Pink Floyd and O Terço; you can try and find them on mercadolivre, but get ready to pay a lot); Bacamarte (Depois do Fim is one of THE VERY BEST prog albums of all time; it's currently 38th in PA top prog albums); Banda do Sol (excellent band from São Paulo; mixes Yes, blues-rock and 70's psychedelia); Barca do Sol (it's a must in multiple levels, it is a Brazilian as it gets; mixes samba, MPB and all kinds of folk musical styles; they actively went searching for folk musical styles in the hinterland and sertão; I can't recommend them enough); Casa das Máquinas (their second album, Lar de Maravilhas, is an absolute must for BR prog rock; get ready to pay a lot in mercadolivre for it, though) Haddad (very eclectic band from my very own city, Vitória; they started as a pop-rock/blues band but eventually became a decend prog band with their album Orion; some years ago I managed to speak with the band's leader, Gustavo, and they'll probably never release anything past Eros & Thanatos, which is a shame, it is their very best album); Módulo 1000 (the very first progressive rock band from Brazil; I don't like them much, but they are an absolutely must if you wish to know BR prog) Moto Perpétuo (classic band, but not as important as Mutantes or Terço; draws MPB from the time as a significant influence); Octohpera (a Gentle Giant clone; good, but nothing special); Poços e Nuvens / Gerson Welang (never liked them as well, but they are a respectable group from Minas); Recordando o Vale das Maçãs ou RMV (their music is currently unavailable, unless you are ready to pay for some outrageous prices in marcadolivre; if you do, RMV 2, from the 90's is much superior to the original, since the original's style is more akin to rock rural than prog); Saecula Saeculorum (the group that came before Sagrado Coração da Terra; IMO, superior to Sagrado in every way possible, even though their only release, the self-titled released by Marcus Viana in his own lable, doesn't sound very good; still, the music in it is an undeniable masterpiece, even if it doesn't sound very good); Sagrado Coração da Terra (Marcus Viana headed this band through 20 years and now they are on a 10+ years hiatus; still, one of the biggest BR prog bands after the 70's; I would avoid their new-age and new-wave albums, though, start with Farol da Liberdade); Spin XXI (a band from Niterói which allegedly goes all the way back to the early 70's; unusual style and energetic music, but nothing special); Som Nosso de Cada Dia (their first album is an all-time classic and masterpiece of Br prog rock; too bad they decided to become a mediocre funk-rock / black music band); Terreno Baldio (the only good Gentle Giant clone that I've ever knew; their debut is a classic and deserving of the masterpiece status, even though it sounds way too much as if it was recorded by an English band; their second album sounds more "Brazilian", but isn't as good); Trem do Futuro (another band I don't find particularly special or even good; even though they are from Ceará, they have more in common with Jethro Tull than with BR prog, and I don't say that in a positive way); Violeta de Outono (the biggest psychedelic prog band after Mutantes; they have been around since the mid 80's, but have only become a well-oiled music machine after the 2000's);
Other noteworthy bands: 14 bis and Secos e Molhados (even though they are not prog rock propper, they qualify as art-rock bands in general; 14 bis I and II and Secos e Molhados first and second albums are also quite special, when accounting for BR prog)
I hope this helped.
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 16:03
Tom Ozric wrote:
Quartetto IIII and Jose Cid. Mellotron-fuelled beauty.
Indeed Their first album was just reissued for the first time ever on vinyl. It's not as good as their last one and very different though, it reminds me of Traffic.
CCVP wrote:
Other noteworthy bands: 14 bis and Secos e Molhados (even
though they are not prog rock propper, they qualify as art-rock bands
in general; 14 bis I and II and Secos e Molhados first and second albums
are also quite special, when accounting for BR prog)
Secos e Molhados were added to the site recently.
Posted By: andreol263
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 16:12
Opa,um amigo brasileiro por aqui! haha
Well, i've discovered some albums from Brazil some time ago,like:
Algaravia - s/t(A Gem!!)
Ave Sangria - s/t(A folk-psychodelic album)
Trem do Futuro - s/t(Which i've found very good!)
and the Obviously Bacamarte-Depois do Fim, the Masterpiece from Brazillian Progressive.
well i've listened to SO many bands from Brazil and SINCERELY, from 10 or 15, only these 4 are really good, the others are pretty normal to me, so now i want some albums from Portugal, which i think that can have a much better collection of forgotten classics :D
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 16:53
Meltdowner wrote:
Tom Ozric wrote:
Quartetto IIII and Jose Cid. Mellotron-fuelled beauty.
Indeed Their first album was just reissued for the first time ever on vinyl. It's not as good as their last one and very different though, it reminds me of Traffic.
CCVP wrote:
Other noteworthy bands: 14 bis and Secos e Molhados (even
though they are not prog rock propper, they qualify as art-rock bands
in general; 14 bis I and II and Secos e Molhados first and second albums
are also quite special, when accounting for BR prog)
Secos e Molhados were added to the site recently.
I know. That doesn't make them progressive. They are equivalent to Queen: excellent pop music that could be considered art-rock, but not progressive rock. Back in the day they didn't even classified themselves as rock, even. They were (and are) a MPB (música popular brasileira) group with rock influences.
What makes me even more impressed is that they are listed as "prog folk", LOL. Like, that doesn't even make any sense!
Posted By: The.Crimson.King
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 16:54
Isn't Tantra another Portuguese band with a couple rated highly 70's prog albums? Been meaning to check them out but haven't gotten there yet.
-------------" rel="nofollow - Mutiny in Jonestown : Progressive Rock Since 1987
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 16:55
andreol263 wrote:
so now i want some albums from Portugal, which i think that can have a much better collection of forgotten classics :D
There aren't many great ones either: José Cid - 10.000 Anos Depois Entre Vénus e Marte, Vida (Sons do Quotidiano) (Space/Symphonic Rock, it reminds of Eloy a bit) Quarteto 1111 - Onde, Quando, Como, Porquê Cantamos Pessoas Vivas (Symphonic Prog and Folk with similarities with Italian Prog. My favourite Portuguese album.) Banda do Casaco - Hoje Há Conquilhas, Amanhã Não Sabemos (The previous three albums are really good too, but this one is the best. Quirky Prog Folk, basically.) Petrus Castrus - Mestre, Ascensão e Queda (The first one is Psych Folk with some Symphonic influences and it has poems from many authors, including one from Brazilian poet Manuel Bandeira. The second one is a truly Symphonic album, a concept album about society, power and its corruptive effects. Another favourite of mine). Tantra - Mistérios e Maravilhas, Holocausto (I don't like them much but many people do. The first one is a mixture of Symphonic and Fusion and the second has some Space Rock influences. Their singer was a huge Peter Gabriel fan, so he was also into costumes and theatrical performances.) Saga - Homo Sapiens (I only discovered it very recently, but it seems like a really good album) Jorge Palma - Com Uma Viagem Na Palma da Mão (Probably not full Prog but it's a great Jazz Rock/Folk album with really good satirical lyrics)
From the 70's, I think that's it
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 17:01
andreol263 wrote:
Opa,um amigo brasileiro por aqui! haha
Well, i've discovered some albums from Brazil some time ago,like:
Algaravia - s/t(A Gem!!)
Ave Sangria - s/t(A folk-psychodelic album)
Trem do Futuro - s/t(Which i've found very good!)
and the Obviously Bacamarte-Depois do Fim, the Masterpiece from Brazillian Progressive.
i've listened to SO many bands from Brazil and SINCERELY, from 10 or
15, only these 4 are really good, the others are pretty normal to me, so
now i want some albums from Portugal, which i think that can have a
much better collection of forgotten classics :D
Rapaz, tem muito BR por aqui. Pena que o Guigo não é mais ativo
como ele era, gente finíssima e sempre disposto a falar de música IRL.
You actually liked Ave Sangria? God, I thought that album was dreadful, LOL. But to each its own, I guess. The bands I suggested have many good albums, and those are only the ones that SING in Portuguese. Many other bands, such as Som Imaginário are instrumental.
Meltdowner wrote:
From the 70's, I think that's it
Has the Portuguese scene gotten any better, though? AFAIK, Portugal and Brasil share the same general aversion towards rock music: most people either don't care about it or thoroughly dislike it. With prog is doubly worse because of all the preconceptions brought by the punk scene.
Posted By: andreol263
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 17:32
Well, it's a shame that a country with a extreme mix of many different cultures and enormous don't have 10 good albums , when Italy it's tiny compared to Brazil but exists a ENORMOUS quantity of good albums,even today are released new prog-albums in Italy that are simply superb and obscured masterpieces waiting to be discovered, well, at least we have Bacamarte
Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 17:44
Hey, Caio, thanks for the 'gente finíssima'!
I add to the list of Brazilian bands/artists some others:
- Quaterna Réquiem
- Semente
- Som Imaginário
- Diapasão
- Marco Antônio Araújo
- Solis
- Index
- Agnus Graal
Generally I don't care too much for Brazilian bands singing in English but I'd like to make an exception for Arion. They're very good indeed.
BTW, Poços & Nuvens come from Rio Grande do Sul and talking about gaúchos, I think the most active tupiniquim member here presently is another chimarrão taker/drinker: GKR (Gustavo). I hope he comes here and adds his opinion too.
------------- Guigo
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 17:54
andreol263 wrote:
Well, it's a shame that a country with a extreme mix of many different cultures and enormous don't have 10 good albums , when Italy it's tiny compared to Brazil but exists a ENORMOUS quantity of good albums,even today are released new prog-albums in Italy that are simply superb and obscured masterpieces waiting to be discovered, well, at least we have Bacamarte
Well, I beg to differ. When I was re-discovering progressive rock existed past the big English bands, some 10-12 years ago, I was also dumbfounded by the Italian bands, but eventually I came to realize they aren't good at all. The whole RPI "genre" consists of symphonic bands with two basic traits: they are heavily influenced by the melodramatic Italian classical music (19th century Romantic and Baroque music, specially, and opera, specially Giuseppe Verdi) and are musically driven by a Hammond organ or similar instrument.
Of course, you have exceptions to one rule, but the exceptions to both rules are EXTREMELY rare (PFM, AREA, Cervello are among those I can recall at the spot), so the whole "genre" becomes extremely tiresome after you listened to the very few albums that are actually unique.
I've seen people say to my face that Italy's prog scene is basically what would happen if ELP and GG had sex at Millan's Scalla, which is both ridiculous and somewhat true at the same time.
But let's focus on the thread's topic before this devolves into a flamewar.
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 17:56
Atkingani wrote:
Hey, Caio, thanks for the 'gente finíssima'!
it's deserved, though. Too bad we couldn't get together any more.
BTW, Poços & Nuvens come from Rio Grande do Sul and talking about gaúchos, I think the most active tupiniquim member here presently is another chimarrão taker/drinker: GKR (Gustavo). I hope he comes here and adds his opinion too.
Whoops, my bad.
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 18:00
CCVP wrote:
Has the Portuguese scene gotten any better, though? AFAIK, Portugal and Brasil share the same general aversion towards rock music: most people either don't care about it or thoroughly dislike it. With prog is doubly worse because of all the preconceptions brought by the punk scene.
There are a some Prog Metal, Post Rock and Space Rock bands and a few interesting Prog Folk ones now, but I wouldn't call it a scene.
andreol263 wrote:
Well, it's a shame that a country with a extreme mix
of many different cultures and enormous don't have 10 good albums ,
when Italy it's tiny compared to Brazil but exists a ENORMOUS quantity
of good albums,even today are released new prog-albums in Italy that are
simply superb and obscured masterpieces waiting to be discovered, well,
at least we have Bacamarte
Spain doesn't have many great Prog albums, considering it's a much bigger country than Portugal. Most Prog albums here were recorded between the end of the dictatorship in '74 and the appearance of Punk, it might be related. Before, better known artists had to record their albums in France (including Petrus Castrus' Mestre) or England so I guess it wasn't easy to record music here.
Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 18:36
Meltdowner wrote:
CCVP wrote:
Has the Portuguese scene gotten any better, though? AFAIK, Portugal and Brasil share the same general aversion towards rock music: most people either don't care about it or thoroughly dislike it. With prog is doubly worse because of all the preconceptions brought by the punk scene.
There are a some Prog Metal, Post Rock and Space Rock bands and a few interesting Prog Folk ones now, but I wouldn't call it a scene.
Meh, the same as here, except without space and folk and with post metal
Meltdowner wrote:
andreol263 wrote:
Well, it's a shame that a country with a extreme mix
of many different cultures and enormous don't have 10 good albums ,
when Italy it's tiny compared to Brazil but exists a ENORMOUS quantity
of good albums,even today are released new prog-albums in Italy that are
simply superb and obscured masterpieces waiting to be discovered, well,
at least we have Bacamarte
Spain doesn't have many great Prog albums, considering it's a much bigger country than Portugal. Most Prog albums here were recorded between the end of the dictatorship in '74 and the appearance of Punk, it might be related. Before, better known artists had to record their albums in France (including Petrus Castrus' Mestre) or England so I guess it wasn't easy to record music here.
Did Franck and Salazar have policies regarding "intruding" cultural influences? That might also explain it.
Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: February 04 2016 at 05:23
These two topics I opened last year feature some great classic and modern prog from Portugal (instant obscurity), mostly sung in Portuguese:
Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: February 04 2016 at 09:24
I never have, given Portugal and Brazil a clear listen in the so called "prog" area. I've heard enough things that some of them are interesting and some better than others, but in reality, most of them were copies of copies of copies, and while I can appreciate being "inspired" by a band or idea, in the end, that is kinda disappointing.
But, yes, there are a lot of nice things out there, and they are worth a listen. Now that there is a serious listing in this thread, I have some homework to do ... o meu deus ... eu nao fallo mais portugues ... nao tenho amigos para beber un poco the vinho!
------------- Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
Posted By: andreol263
Date Posted: February 05 2016 at 13:01
Well, i've listened to Quarteto 1111 album that some of you recommended me and Hoje há conquilhas,amanhã não sabemos, and both are PRETTY good albums,great gems of progressive rock, and for you that recommended me some others albums to listen, i'll listen to all of them, ;)
Posted By: andreol263
Date Posted: February 09 2016 at 20:09
MAA's(Marco Antonio Araujo)Influencias album is a complete masterpiece from my country(Brazil), finally i've found someone who is in the same level of Bacamarte album, i'm going forward all his works right now, and i recommend some of you too!!
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 10 2016 at 04:43
CCVP wrote:
Meh, the same as here, except without space and folk and with post metal
Did Franck and Salazar have policies regarding "intruding" cultural influences? That might also explain it.
I forgot to mention that we have a Psych/Space Rock scene, the Barcelos scene, although not every band is progressive.
Guessing from the albums that were pressed in Portugal, it was mostly the better known English Prog bands that got here. I think another reason why there's not much Prog here, a lot of young people were dragged to the stupid colonial war. The ones that did Prog either fled the country (Petrus Castrus, Jorge Palma) or were older (José Cid, Saga).
Posted By: Meltdowner
Date Posted: February 10 2016 at 04:45
andreol263 wrote:
Well, i've listened to Quarteto 1111 album that some of you recommended me and Hoje há conquilhas,amanhã não sabemos, and both are PRETTY good albums,great gems of progressive rock, and for you that recommended me some others albums to listen, i'll listen to all of them, ;)
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 10 2016 at 06:38
andreol263 wrote:
MAA's(Marco Antonio Araujo)Influencias album is a complete masterpiece from my country(Brazil), finally i've found someone who is in the same level of Bacamarte album, i'm going forward all his works right now, and i recommend some of you too!!
Totally agree with you, Andre! MAA live forever!
Just something about Secos & Molhados: initially I indicate them as crossover, exactly because of the art rock approaches. And yes, they called themselves as a rock group, not MPB. If you watch the João Ricardo videos on youtube, its quite clear his rock influences. But they were, of course, a pop art group.
Its a pity that I take so long to check out this topic. Most bands were already remembered, so my list will be just complementary. But, lets do it! -" rel="nofollow - Quinteto Armorial : not rock, not prog, but a quintessential group to undewrstand the re-thinking of the northeastern (NORDESTINA!) music. From the movement of the late Ariano Suassuna, the creator of Auto da Compadecida. Great medieval sounds in a full northeastern fashion. -" rel="nofollow - Cheiro de Vida: as Guigo said, chimarrão drinkers. Ecletic album, full of... everything. - http://" rel="nofollow - Bixo da Seda : LEGENDARY. The very first of the ROCK GAUCHO bands. I will indicate them to the site very soon. - http://" rel="nofollow - Milton Nascimento : you probably know him already, but... why not? There is a lot of beautiful music he produced. - http://" rel="nofollow - Kaoll : sadly rejected by the Jazz team to be put here in the progarchives, they are a great Jazz Rock-Progressive Rock group, that have worked with the legendary Lanny Gordin. - THE ALLMIGHTY http://" rel="nofollow - SATANIQUE SAMBA TRIO . DONT TRY TO UNDERSTAND, JUST FELL IT. I really wonder how foreigners can understand their sound... but apparently they did, because its one of the recent brazilian bands most well reviwed here. - I couldnt made a post without talk about the comrads: not prog, just folk, the great http://" rel="nofollow - Zeca Afonso . - The soon-to-be-added-on-progarchives, http://" rel="nofollow - PAEBIRU . One day, the gods ask themselves: "what if we took all the nordestinos musicians in a single acid trip inside folk music?" Then, Paebiru was born. - http://" rel="nofollow - Alceu Valença , another "why not?" artist. Mainly his initial career, most ecletic and adventurous in the sound. And because I have a photo with him - The two main avant-gard musicians:" rel="nofollow - Tom Zé and" rel="nofollow - Arrigo Barnabé . Dont forget to check them. - And ANOTHER why not is http://" rel="nofollow - Jorge Mautner . The great composer of Maracatu Atomico. - The great http://" rel="nofollow - Egberto Gismonti , as well.
Oh boy, what a mess of a list. There is absolutely no criteria on what I did above. Any doubts, any more suggestions you can send me a message as well.
Estamos aí pra isso, em bom brasileirês.
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 10 2016 at 06:46
Boy, in this moments the "am I forgeting something?" feeling destroys me!
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: VOTOMS
Date Posted: February 10 2016 at 07:11
Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 10:49
Let's not forget Amelhina, right Gustavo? Not prog but still great
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 12:33
How a canadian knows (and likes) forró!?
Well, we GAUCHOS are quite regionalists. So... this is real music:
And when classical music meets regional music...
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 13:27
Milton Nascimento - Caso Você Queira Saber (bonus song of Nascimento's album MINAS). A true prog song.
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 13:35
^ The back band is still Som Imaginário in 1975? The Milton Nascimento album from 1970, that I know its them have a lot of this kind of sound in it.
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 13:42
Yes. I have a lot of albums by him. With Ze and Pascoal, he's my hero.
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 13:50
Nice! I saw him here in my town this year. He attended a Gal Costa concert (seated right in front of me and my mother, she went crazy) and in the next day he presented in a great park we have here. It was awesome.
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 14:21
Lucky guy
Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 19:17
There is a lot of progressive music in Brasil but only a few of is prog-rock.
Here's Alceu Valença telling about a voyage by train from the capital (Recife) to a small town (Catende).
------------- Guigo
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 20:52
And here the video for the same music, which I never thanked Guigo enough for showing me.
Oh, the musicians are the basically the same of the Paebiru album, Zé Ramalho, Lula Cortês, Zé da Flauta and members of Ave Sangria, including guitarrist Ivinho.
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: kenethlevine
Date Posted: February 11 2016 at 20:52
GKR wrote:
How a canadian knows (and likes) forró!?
Good music is good music
I like your regional country music too, but Amelinha resonates with my Eastern European roots somehow
Posted By: GKR
Date Posted: February 12 2016 at 08:17
Brazil is full of juices, that is certain... another guy I use to listen is Heraldo do Monte. Impressive playing, he has Hermeto Pascoal playing in most of his albums.
------------- - From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Posted By: Son.of.Tiresias
Date Posted: March 12 2016 at 07:40
Bacamarte´s "Depois Do Fim" with beautiful vocals by Jane Dupoc.
Really exist other artists/bands in the same level ? Is there anyone who could really equal to Jane´s vocal abilities, in classical beautiful tone vein ? Honestly ? Please enlighten us, we would really appreciate.
Posted By: Dox
Date Posted: March 16 2016 at 17:20
Stratus Luna.
The boys are beginning.
Posted By: Dox
Date Posted: March 16 2016 at 18:03
Son.of.Tiresias wrote:
Bacamarte´s "Depois Do Fim" with beautiful vocals by Jane Dupoc.
Really exist other artists/bands in the same level ? Is there anyone who could really equal to Jane´s vocal abilities, in classical beautiful tone vein ? Honestly ? Please enlighten us, we would really appreciate.
Various ...
Do you know "Mutantes"?
And "O Terço"? (sounds "Terso")
"1974" is the best, and the last.
Posted By: Son.of.Tiresias
Date Posted: March 17 2016 at 12:15
Oh dear...
Posted By: Dox
Date Posted: March 18 2016 at 15:25
Son.of.Tiresias wrote:
Oh dear...
I didn't answer your question, but I'd mention O Terço to talk about a Jane Duboc's recording with Flavio Venturini's compositions.
Flavio is the Terço's keyboard player, but this recording isn't a prog music ... it's a kind of the tens brazilians folk.
But if you like her voice, it's a sample.
Posted By: Atkingani
Date Posted: March 18 2016 at 16:06
Well, from the past (here 1970 or 1971) you had (have) Mutantes with the sweet Rita Lee.
And recently (2012) Bacamarte again with Jane Duboc now a beautiful grandmother.
------------- Guigo
Posted By: andreol263
Date Posted: March 18 2016 at 19:35
Apocalypse - Perto do Amanhecer is a pretty good album from the 90s.
Trem do Futuro - s/t it's a pretty obscure melodic masterpiece, wonderful.
i don't like the Terço albums so much, it's just regular rock 'n roll..