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Agent Fresco Rocks

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Topic: Agent Fresco Rocks
Posted By: Progmountain
Subject: Agent Fresco Rocks
Date Posted: February 01 2016 at 11:39
This Icelandic prog band is f**king amazing, in my opinion. Their new album blew my mind! Such an incredible blend of progressive instrumentation, great melodicism and rock/metal sensibilities. 

Check 'em out, if you haven't yet:

I love it! I am praying for an American tour.

Posted By: backtothegarden
Date Posted: February 03 2016 at 12:45
I second that.  Since I first heard Destrier, I knew this band was right up my alley.

And if you like Agent Fresco, try Port Noir.

Posted By: Progmountain
Date Posted: February 05 2016 at 11:53
Hadn't heard of Port Noir until now. I dig it, for sure! Thanks for the recommendation, man!

They have no bass player, it seems?

Posted By: backtothegarden
Date Posted: February 05 2016 at 14:20
Originally posted by Progmountain Progmountain wrote:

Hadn't heard of Port Noir until now. I dig it, for sure! Thanks for the recommendation, man!

They have no bass player, it seems?

Any time, sir.

I never noticed the no bass player thing with Port Noir until you mentioned it.  Per this video from their first album, it would appear you are right:

What sucks is that they have an EP that's been out since October that can't be legally obtained in the US.  It is available on Spotify, though.  Not as heavy as Puls, but still good.

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 05 2017 at 05:21
great band indeed, they play a one of a kind progressive metal. 

Posted By: Mind_Drive
Date Posted: September 17 2017 at 14:58
I like Agent Fresco but I love Port Noir! 
dont know why these bands arent on PA already. do some prog elitists think they are not prog enough?

Any more recommendations maybe? :)

It's just a ride... <3

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: September 18 2017 at 04:22
^ Or it could just be that the band never was submitted for inclusion?

Every time I see members using the word 'prog elitists' to describe PA collabs I put a penny in my sock. Good thing too as I now own several small countries, a boat and 27 border collies.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Cristi
Date Posted: September 18 2017 at 04:27
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

^ Or it could just be that the band never was submitted for inclusion?

Every time I see members using the word 'prog elitists' to describe PA collabs I put a penny in my sock. Good thing too as I now own several small countries, a boat and 27 border collies.

LOL ('cause captcha hates emoticons)

Posted By: Mind_Drive
Date Posted: September 18 2017 at 23:44
Port Noir was suggested and got rejected. Agent Fresco I dont know but should definately be considered!

I dont want to offend the collabs with the term "elitists" but I do want to say this:
since the definition of prog is imho still a bit subjective, there are desicions made about in/ or exclusion of bands that don't please everybodys taste. I guess that lies in the nature of the evaluation process but I still think that as the genre evolves, the definition should evolve too.

The two aforementioned bands are certainly prog enough to be included on PA (in my book) and I want to remind you of the band Katatonia which was only recently added although it was recommended several times before. 
So maybe its worth the time to submit Agent Fresco and even try Port Noir again, hoping maybe someone finds them proggy enough? I mean it'd be a cool thing for the bands in the first place to get a bit more publicity, would't it?

It's just a ride... <3

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: September 19 2017 at 00:19
I honestly don't know either band but if you feel they deserve to be included then by all means suggest them.

Sure we all got bands we feel should be here and they're not and vice versa but resorting to the elitist tag is just lazy especially seeing as you've been here just as long as I have.
We got folks who insist on Tame Impala's prog credentials/ people who want to throw Björk off the site/ and those who feel Steely Dan are about as prog as Kenny Loggins. Everyone's opinion on what prog is should of course be accepted until we have Mariah Carey included in indo prog.

I want music to make it. I hope today's interesting and innovative bands get a mountain to play on and all the needed advertisement and love they can handle...but that is not PAs job. It can be but it is not its designated task. It is an archive of bands that play prog rock. If the collabs of the day don't hear the prog so be it. There's a lot of progressive stuff out there that I wouldn't call prog anyways but that's for another talk altogether.
Either way being listed on PA should be about as important to a band as the rings of Saturn is to experimental garden work.
Oh and if you genuinely want a band to make it and be successful then for the love of dog don't slap the prog sticker on it!

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Mind_Drive
Date Posted: September 19 2017 at 12:00
Well thanks for your elaborate answer! I think I can agree with everything you said and I might take the time to suggest some bands in the future..

And your last sentence.. LOL  true true..

ah btw: We'll see Agent Fresco opening for Leprous in novemeber!! :D

It's just a ride... <3

Posted By: Squonk19
Date Posted: November 08 2017 at 16:41
I saw them at the Arctangent festival in 2016 and was really impressed. Blown away by the emotion with 'Eyes of a Cloud Catcher' from 'A Long Time Listening' album when they played it on stage. I keep meaning to check them out more - any recommendations to bring me more up to speed?

“Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea.”

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