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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: Argentinian Prog Appreciation ThreadPosted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Subject: Argentinian Prog Appreciation Thread
Date Posted: January 01 2016 at 18:47
I never really see much discussion on Argentinian prog on this site and I'd really like to change that. So I'm creating this thread with the hopes of getting more discourse going about one of the Americas' premiere prog countries. Feel free to discuss favourite artists, albums, songs, etc and to share recommendations, reviews and recent purchases.
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Replies: Posted By: TheLionOfPrague
Date Posted: January 01 2016 at 19:45
Both "La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros" albums are pretty good. Also I listened to "Anabelas" by Bubu thanks to PA and it's really great. I'd recommend Serú Giran but it's not really prog.
------------- I shook my head and smiled a whisper knowing all about the place
Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: January 01 2016 at 20:13
That Bubu one is great, I'm a Factor Burzaco fan as well, particularly the third one, bizarre quixotic twitchy. Cucamonga's debut is very good, quirky edgy fun avant. The other band I like is Karenautas who are a Chamber Rock band in the vein of Julverne & Aranis.
------------- Ian
Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on
Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: January 01 2016 at 20:35
Some bands from Argentina I've gotten into...
Arco Iris
Ave Rock
La Maquina De Hacer Pajaros
Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 01:28
------------- Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.
Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 01:47
------------- Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.
Posted By: martinprog77
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 01:57
------------- Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.
Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 07:19
^ I have Pequeno Desenlace Polifonico on order and expect it any day.
Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 08:18
Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 08:19
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 08:27
Great songs, these. I actually just listened to both Crucis albums for the first time a couple of days ago and absolutely fell in love with their debut, oddly enough. Usually people are quick to praise "Les Delirios Del Mariscal" but I thought the first album was much more succinct and energetic from first listen.
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: TeleStrat
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 09:45
^ Both albums are great and while I favor the debut, I need to get into the second release a little more.
The main site rates the debut at 3.71 stars and Los Delirios at 4.11 stars.
Posted By: Sagichim
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 09:58
^ Both albums are equally great I think but quite different, the second is much more loose and jammy and the first is more song based, so it depends on your mood at the moment.
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 13:07
Magnum Vaeltaja wrote:
Great songs, these. I actually just listened to both Crucis albums for the first time a couple of days ago and absolutely fell in love with their debut, oddly enough. Usually people are quick to praise "Les Delirios Del Mariscal" but I thought the first album was much more succinct and energetic from first listen.
I rate them both at 4 stars but I also prefer the debut. It's interesting because when I read my descriptions of both albums i'd normally go for the style of the second one but not in this case.
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: Mellotron Storm
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 13:54
Magnum Vaeltaja wrote:
I never really see much discussion on Argentinian prog on this site and I'd really like to change that. So I'm creating this thread with the hopes of getting more discourse going about one of the Americas' premiere prog countries. Feel free to discuss favourite artists, albums, songs, etc and to share recommendations, reviews and recent purchases.
I get warm and fuzzy thinking about the time I spent searching for Prog from South America. Man I discovered so much amazing music from Argentina, Brazil, Chile etc.
Some of my early favs from Argentina were BAUER and FRAKTAL both somewhat RADIOHEAD-like but so enjoyable.
INVISIBLE and EL RELOJ(love their second album) are both very talented bands.
If your into Neo-Prog then RAEL is the ticket.
PABLO is beautiful and pastoral and quite GENESIS-like.
Lastly i'd mention HONDURAS LIBREGRUPO who i'm such a big fan of, they are here under Psychedelic and are really interesting and innovattive.
------------- "The wind is slowly tearing her apart"
Posted By: LearsFool
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 14:06
An obscure Argentine favourite of mine is Las Orejas Y La Lengua, some very chill avant prog with fusion, post rock, and ambient influences. Try their second album, Error.
Posted By: zravkapt
Date Posted: January 03 2016 at 14:22
These guys asked me to review their album a few months ago:
------------- Magma America Great Make Again
Posted By: Olape
Date Posted: January 04 2016 at 09:59
Good thread! InChilewe appreciate very much the Argentine rock.
I'm more into the seventies stuff, especially Invisible, Pescado Rabioso, Crucis, La Máquina de hacer pájaros, Aquelarre, Banana, Color Humano, MIA, El Reloj, Vox Dei...
From the contemporary prog, I listen most to bands like Nexus, Amagrama, Bauer, Contraluz (prog folk), Under Linden, Atempo.
Escribe texto o la dirección de un sitio web, o bien," rel="nofollow -
Here you find some useful information about argentinian music:" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: January 11 2016 at 18:54
A great Argentinian album that I haven't been able to get enough of lately: the wonderful "Sudamerica o el Regresso a la Aurora" by Arco Iris, a fantastic jazzy prog double concept album with an eclectic mix of sounds and styles.
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: Duke of Rother
Date Posted: January 21 2016 at 15:25
Surprised no mention of Poseidotica.
Instrumental progressive rock - I have enjoyed both of their last 2 albums.
Posted By: O666
Date Posted: January 25 2016 at 08:46
Fobos - Exodo, Tiempo Y Espacio is great album.
Posted By: someone_else
Date Posted: January 25 2016 at 09:00
Alejandro Matos: Freak and La Potestad are both great.
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 09:17
LearsFool wrote:
An obscure Argentine favourite of mine is Las Orejas Y La Lengua, some very chill avant prog with fusion, post rock, and ambient influences. Try their second album, Error.
I just got around to checking these guys out and I've got to say, Veronica G is a pretty good track. Do you know anywhere where I could find the whole album to listen to online?
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: bbaabs
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 11:40
I have many of these ( 70s ) lps mentioned on orig. vinyl.
The trouble with South American vinyl is that it is very difficult to get decent copy.
I know a Chilean-born Canadian who goes to the homeland regularly and he always takes at least a suitcase of records. He says the reason the vinyl is beat (at least in Chile) is that there is much passing-along/ borrowing of lps going on. They make much physical use of their vinyl.
Not to do with this thread, but I would recommend to instrumental keys lovers, the various cds by Chilean, Jaime Rosas. The early ones like Virgo are more symphonic-orchestral-sound keys ,whereas the newer one, Flashback is heavier on the Hammond.
During the Argentinian economic collapse of two (three?) decades past, folk were desperate and $200-300 rarity records were going dead cheap.
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 14:02
Rare & EXPENSIVE stuff from 1976. Excellent
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 14:40
hellogoodbye wrote:
Rare & EXPENSIVE stuff from 1976. Excellent
Ah yes, Sintesis. I've listened to their album a couple of times online and enjoyed it quite a bit. Some pretty good fusion work on this album. Interestingly enough, it features Sergio Polizzi, the violinist from Bubu. But would I ever pay 250 euros for less than 30 minutes of music? No way!
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 15:00
No way for me too
Posted By: Nidmantis
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 16:48
I used to dislike what we argentineans call national rock. I barely liked some classic rock or metal bands such as La Renga or Divididos. When I discovered Crucis though, I couldn't believe so much skill and taste could come from my country. In all honesty I find Crucis' albums to be far superior to anything Gentle Giant, Van Der Graaf, Asia, or Camel put out. Not because they're argentinean I couldn't care less about nationality, their music is just astonishing.
It's good to see there's a growing Prog scene in Argentina nowadays too.
Posted By: Atavachron
Date Posted: February 14 2016 at 19:10
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 16 2016 at 15:05
^ I've heard Pinta Tu Aldea by Alas and Aquelarre's self-titled album but can't say I recognize any of the others and I'm quite intrigued. Could you give us their titles/describe their styles?
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: Babstronic
Date Posted: February 16 2016 at 15:34
Dias is completely crazy heavy rock.
Pablo Entrador is absolute prog masterpiece. You really don't know this one?
Pacheo is prog instrumental. Very good. I have a trade copy.
Spinetta Jade I think you know. Spinetta is one of my fav vocalists. What I love about all these Argentine vocalists is ...NO f**kING MELODRAMATICS.
Sui Generis - also classic. The one pictured s their best.
Lebon - that's his most progressive lp.
Montesano "homenaji" - its been a while, can't recall.
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: February 16 2016 at 16:18
Thank you very much, those all sound like the kinds of music I'd like. I definitely have some new listening to do on the weekend!
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: marcobrusa
Date Posted: February 18 2016 at 12:01
Why not add Almendra and Pescado Rabioso (both with L. A. Spinetta) to the "prog related" category? I'm pretty sure many people would like these bands!
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: February 18 2016 at 13:04
Yes.Why not ?
Posted By: Nidmantis
Date Posted: February 23 2016 at 00:21
Pescado has already been discussed and not accepted
Posted By: DandelionTMV
Date Posted: March 03 2016 at 13:02
Hey, I didn't expect to find a thread about Argentine prog here :)
Pez is probably one of the best, but not all of their albums are prog influenced since they change their style a lot, the fusion era (Folklore/ Convivencia Sagrada) and their 2007 and 2011 albums are their most progressive as far as I remember (Los Orfebres and Volviendo A Las Cavernas)
They have played with with some of the bands mentioned above, and had some of their members as guests on live shows
All their albums are free to download from their site
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: March 19 2016 at 17:13
Does anybody know anywhere where I'd be able to find 70's Argentine prog releases at reasonable prices? It seems that a lot of albums I'm looking for (mostly those by Arco Iris) are either unavailable or at exorbitant prices (>$50 for a CD) on amazon.
Are there any online sources that specialize in this area of music?
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: March 19 2016 at 17:50
Try this
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: March 19 2016 at 19:12
hellogoodbye wrote:
Try this
Cool, this site looks great. Would you recommend them and is the service good/reliable?
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: hellogoodbye
Date Posted: March 20 2016 at 03:06
Absolutely ! Greg Walker is a nice guy and the service is excellent. You have to write to him to ask for your orders and give your address. That's all ...
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: April 07 2016 at 19:06
What delightful news:
Argentinian prog legend Bubu, of Anabelas fame, is back!
From facebook:" rel="nofollow -
Composer Daniel Andreoli has seemingly assembled a group of some of the finest young Argentine musicians to create some new prog music in the vein of the band's original 70's output. Daniel Andreoli, who composed all of the music on Anabelas, is assuming the same role, as well as playing bass. He is joined by four new musicians:
Guitar: Federico Silva
Violin: Alvar Llusa Damiani
Tenor Saxophone: Juan Ignacio Varela
Drums: Julian Bachmanovsky
Under this new lineup, Bubu is set to release a new EP, Resplandor, later this year, which will feature the quintet above as well as guest musicians Anibal Dominguez (flute) and Pablo Murgier (keyboards). So far all that has been posted as far as music is a short teaser of the band rehearsing material that will presumably be included on the new EP.
Anyone interested in following what I believe to be the best darn thing that's happened to this whole genre since the original Bubu album came out should check out the group's facebook and soundcloud pages.
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents
Posted By: Magnum Vaeltaja
Date Posted: July 24 2017 at 18:15
Came across this on facebook a few weeks ago:
Though it was very cool to see what local listeners thought of these bands back when they were in their prime. Apparently Crucis stole the show that year, probably riding off of the success of their 1976 album Los Delirios Del Mariscal - best band, best live act, best guitarist, best bassist, second best drummer, and third best keyboardist.
------------- when i was a kid a doller was worth ten dollers - now a doller couldnt even buy you fifty cents