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Pineapple Thief videos

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
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Topic: Pineapple Thief videos
Posted By: Jonksson
Subject: Pineapple Thief videos
Date Posted: July 15 2015 at 09:33

Noob here! 2 months ago I heard about a band called Pineapple Thief and I can't believe I've never heard of them. I edited some old movies to their music for fun over the weekend and their music really works well, I can't believe they're not a big band. Started at the beginning with Abducting the Unicorn then Variations on a Dream, lots of good stuff. Has everyone else heard of them, how did I miss them?

Here are the videos if anyone wants to watch:" rel="nofollow - Vapour Trails" rel="nofollow - Private Paradise  

p.s hopefully this is the right place to put this?

Posted By: SquonkHunter
Date Posted: July 17 2015 at 22:49
I've been a fan of theirs for the last couple of years or so. Really like their sound.

"You never had the things you thought you should have had and you'll not get them now..."

Posted By: Gentle Yes
Date Posted: July 26 2015 at 05:04
Something between Pink Floyd and radiohead... can't say I'n a big fan of this kind of music.. but it ain't bad at all . The videos are verry well done too!

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: July 26 2015 at 06:10
Originally posted by Jonksson Jonksson wrote:


Noob here! 2 months ago I heard about a band called Pineapple Thief and I can't believe I've never heard of them. I edited some old movies to their music for fun over the weekend and their music really works well, I can't believe they're not a big band. Started at the beginning with Abducting the Unicorn then Variations on a Dream, lots of good stuff. Has everyone else heard of them, how did I miss them?

Here are the videos if anyone wants to watch:" rel="nofollow - Vapour Trails" rel="nofollow - Private Paradise  

p.s hopefully this is the right place to put this?

Nice vidsSmile
Regarding the part of your post I highlighted: I think Pineapple Thief sounds way too much like Porcupine Tree - I mean even the name sounds oddly similar. They're both abbreviated the same wayTongue
Same droopy and rainy day atmospheres, melancholic lyrics, Gilmour like guitar solos and those oozing synth scapes in the back. Now I adore Porcupine Tree, but if I want something in the same vein I'll pop on the original ie Pink Floyd. 
That being said, I still have a thing for the title track on What We Have Sown (even if it again sounds uncannily like Porcupine TreeTongue).

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Tom Ozric
Date Posted: July 26 2015 at 06:53
I have a few of their albums. I've never picked up on any Floydian vibe to be honest.
Undeniably owes a lot to Radiohead (clever, Alt-Rock with an experimental twist) and Porcupine Tree (the Prog aspects - 'heavier', melancholic, and involved, longer cuts) maybe even a touch of The Verve's Psychy Alt-Pop.
My pick from the 3 I have - Little Man, Tightly Unwound and All The Wars, is Tightly Unwound.
The samples I've heard of Magnolia haven't prompted me to get the vinyl.
Really up-to-date 'modern' X-over.

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