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David Torn

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Category: Progressive Music Lounges
Forum Name: Prog Bands, Artists and Genres Appreciation
Forum Description: Discuss specific prog bands and their members or a specific sub-genre
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Topic: David Torn
Posted By: Slartibartfast
Subject: David Torn
Date Posted: May 25 2015 at 14:46
I don't think we have a thread yet.  Maybe I screwed up and didn't find it. 

David has put in many appearances as a guest artist.  My first encounter was A Cloud About Mercury.  He has just released a true solo album - Only Sky,  If you don't like ambient, this will not be one for you....

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: gr8dane
Date Posted: May 25 2015 at 19:15
Don't know much about him.
But ,I did see him perform,when I saw Mark Isham in concert.
Nick Karn on bass.Terry Bozzio on drums and Torn on guitar.
Did buy a Torn album after,but didn't hang on to it.
Good guitar player though.

Shake & bake.

Posted By: AreYouHuman
Date Posted: May 25 2015 at 19:42
Originally posted by gr8dane gr8dane wrote:

Don't know much about him.
But ,I did see him perform,when I saw Mark Isham in concert.
Nick Karn on bass.Terry Bozzio on drums and Torn on guitar.
Did buy a Torn album after,but didn't hang on to it.
Good guitar player though.

I saw him on that same Isham tour in 1988 in Grand Rapids, MI.  They did a very limited number of dates on that tour before going overseas, so it was quite a lucky break.  The other band members were Kurt Wortman on percussion and David Goldblatt on keyboards.


Cloud About Mercury (with Isham, Levin and Bruford), Door X and Polytown (with Karn and Bozzio) are all terrific albums.

Caption: We tend to take ourselves a little too seriously.

Silly human race! Yes is for everybody!

Posted By: HackettFan
Date Posted: May 26 2015 at 00:37
I bought a David Torn Album way back in the late 80s. He seemed a little more weighted toward Jazz than Rock. I was excited about it for quite awhile. I never followed up on any additional output, though.

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: May 27 2015 at 15:34
Sounds like everyone encountered A Cloud About Mercury." rel="nofollow - B.L.U.E. Nights , Bruford Levin Upper Extremities
David Bowie - Heathen

I'll drop in some others when they come to mind :)

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: hieronymous
Date Posted: May 27 2015 at 16:04
I loved Cloud About Mercury - I think I picked up Polytown too. Very cool player - from the ambient to the aggressive. Saw him backing up David Sylvian in Tokyo in '87 or '88 - the Japan connection (Sylvian, Karn) is interesting. 

Cloud About Mercury is interesting - forgot that it's on the ECM label. Wikipedia lists the genre as "Jazz" but with Levin & Bruford on it, it seems much more like prog! Ying Yang

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