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Fripp's definitive list of prog. rock bands

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Topic: Fripp's definitive list of prog. rock bands
Posted By: Thessaft
Subject: Fripp's definitive list of prog. rock bands
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 15:59
Hi there,

I heard from a friend once that he read an interview with Robert Fripp where he was quoted giving a definitive list of prog. rock bands. What was strange is that he only named a few bands, and he left out Genesis. I've always wondered why he left it out.

Does anyone know if this is a true story or where I might be able to find the quote?


Posted By: SteveG
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 16:00
^Just jealous I guess. Wink
Welcome to Prog Heaven, btw!

This message was brought to you by a proud supporter of the Deep State.

Posted By: Rednight
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 17:03
Went to a Tower Records in-store appearance in 1979 (including a Frippertronics demonstration) where a fan asked Fripp about U.K., and the man plainly stated that he didn't, as a rule, comment on other groups.

Posted By: Thessaft
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 17:19
Well, there's a good chance he made it up then :)

Posted By: Kati
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 18:00
Originally posted by Thessaft Thessaft wrote:

Hi there,

I heard from a friend once that he read an interview with Robert Fripp where he was quoted giving a definitive list of prog. rock bands. What was strange is that he only named a few bands, and he left out Genesis. I've always wondered why he left it out.

Does anyone know if this is a true story or where I might be able to find the quote?

This might interest you, Thessaft Hug
Guitarist Robert Fripp influenced David Bowie and Peter Gabriel but it's only the latest revival of his band King Crimson that has brought out his happy side Big smile" rel="nofollow -  xxxx

Posted By: Michael678
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 18:05
aaah, another reason to love Bob in my eyes...


Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 18:17
I've read an interview with Fripp where he said that he used to call Hackett regularly back in the Genesis days, so I'm sure he held the band in high regard. 

I found this" rel="nofollow - bit :

When Rick Wright died you felt like another piece of your childhood just flew out of the window, never to return... In the early 70s 'Dark Side of the Moon' was the soundtrack at London's Speakeasy club, where I generally tried to drink myself famous (thank God I didn’t drive in those days) and saw more musos staggering through the haze than any other watering hole. 

 I befriended Pete Banks, John Wetton, Robert Fripp and almost met the brilliant Peter Green who was leaving just as I walked in one dark night...

Posted By: manofmystery
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 18:40
He probably has the same, correct, opinion of Genesis that I do.


Time always wins.

Posted By: The Sloth
Date Posted: April 20 2015 at 19:20
Tragic hipsterism.

Posted By: Thessaft
Date Posted: April 21 2015 at 10:12
Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:" rel="nofollow -  xxxx

That's a really interesting article. I wonder what he means by this:

"I’m a very difficult person to work with, because in King Crimson there was a founding statement to be honoured, going back to ’69."

Like what founding statement?

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: April 21 2015 at 11:27
Originally posted by Thessaft Thessaft wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:" rel="nofollow -  xxxx

That's a really interesting article. I wonder what he means by this:

"I’m a very difficult person to work with, because in King Crimson there was a founding statement to be honoured, going back to ’69."

Like what founding statement?
Prog Mag #32 had a cover piece all about Crimson in the beginning in 69....I'll have to pull it out to see if Fripp mentioned this 'founding statement'. I do recall in a recent interview, perhaps that issue, that he always maintained that the sound and direction of the band was a group effort....yet he was always seen as the 'leader'.

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: April 21 2015 at 14:08
Originally posted by Thessaft Thessaft wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:" rel="nofollow -  xxxx

That's a really interesting article. I wonder what he means by this:

"I’m a very difficult person to work with, because in King Crimson there was a founding statement to be honoured, going back to ’69."

Like what founding statement?
never repeat the same thing
( I guess)

Posted By: Dellinger
Date Posted: April 21 2015 at 21:31
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

Originally posted by Thessaft Thessaft wrote:

Originally posted by Kati Kati wrote:" rel="nofollow -  xxxx

That's a really interesting article. I wonder what he means by this:

"I’m a very difficult person to work with, because in King Crimson there was a founding statement to be honoured, going back to ’69."

Like what founding statement?

Prog Mag #32 had a cover piece all about Crimson in the beginning in 69....I'll have to pull it out to see if Fripp mentioned this 'founding statement'. I do recall in a recent interview, perhaps that issue, that he always maintained that the sound and direction of the band was a group effort....yet he was always seen as the 'leader'.

I'm not so sure he was considered the leader on the first line-up... but once McDonald and Lake decided to leave, yes, he was definitley left as the leader.

Posted By: cstack3
Date Posted: April 21 2015 at 21:36
^I doubt if any musician has been interviewed as much as Bob Fripp!  

I can guess what the "founding statement" was - I think it was likely "King Crimson is a way of doing things."  
He said that in an interview once.  

Bob was then the leader who decided which things needed doing, or something.  He had certain musical principles that he wanted to adhere to - a European, vs. American, approach to rock music (i.e. no blues scales, unlike Cream etc.), high drama, and integration of classical instrumentation via the Mellotron.  

This is his personal email:  fripprobert@******.com 

We chat once in a great while (Christmas etc.)

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: April 22 2015 at 02:21
Giles, Giles & Fripp, King Crimson I-VIII and League of Crafty Guitarists?


Posted By: AreYouHuman
Date Posted: June 03 2015 at 20:26

Don’t forget Sunday All Over the World.

Caption: We tend to take ourselves a little too seriously.

Silly human race! Yes is for everybody!

Posted By: KingCrInuYasha
Date Posted: June 03 2015 at 20:59
Originally posted by Thessaft Thessaft wrote:


That's a really interesting article. I wonder what he means by this:

"I’m a very difficult person to work with, because in King Crimson there was a founding statement to be honoured, going back to ’69."


Well, when the Court lineup collapsed, the newer ones (the Lizard and Islands versions) had Fripp and Peter Sinfiled solely in control of the songwriting process, which, not surprisingly, alienated the other members. The lineups after that still had Fripp in control, but was more willing to let members put their ideas to the table to flesh out the music.

As for Fripp's attitude towards progressive rock as a whole, I kind of liken it to John Lennon's attitude towards some of the Beatles' work - that is, that music was, at best, appropriate for its time, but incompatible for today's music and, at worst, failed experiments and/or junk.

He looks at this world and wants it all... so he strikes, like Thunderball!

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