Lemmings can't be scary for me, because back in early 90's, when I was discovering magical world of DOS games on dad's 486 (with I suppose 40Mhz and 16MB ?), one of games I adored the most was Lemmings.
Suicidal creatures they look like, but wikipedia says different thing, as you probably know. But myth is strong thing. For example in Czech, there is a saying "I don't think about it, I know it." Well, he has to think about it to know it, he can't be sure if he doesn't think about it. In fact, correct translation is more like "I don't think it, I know it"
but lemmings will always fall off the cliffs in minds of people. I had once guinea pig, but it died. I was sad.
I saw Epignosis defense in Indukti thread and I read all posts here, because it concerns me as well. I gave this abomination (my point of view) 2 stars, he gave 1 and gave also hell better explanation. And then defended himself (maybe not, but for sure had about 20 posts here). And Micky was there. He's legend ?