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penguindf12 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Who’re you voting for?
    Posted: September 26 2004 at 21:18

Here's a standard voting poll. I expect 100% on Kerry.

If you vote for Nader, shame! Shame! Do you really expect him to win? You'll just be wasting your vote and giving Kerry one less vote and Bush one more.

I may be too young to vote, but I can still complain! Although I should be able to vote. If Bush is reelected and the draft restarted, I'll be old enough by the end of his term. I do NOT want to go to Iraq! here!

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Bryan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 26 2004 at 22:08

I don't live in the states, and I'm not old enough to vote, but if I did I would vote for Nader, and this is simply because neither of the other two candidates are worth it.  People don't vote for Nader because they expect him to win, they do so because if he gets enough votes he gets more funding, and could eventually be able to run against the big guys.  Plus it's a matter of principle.  I'd sooner shoot myself in the foot than vote for Bush, just because I agree with pretty much nothing he's done since he's been the president, but I think the fact that Kerry is going to lose to Bush alone shows that he shouldn't be the president.  If he couldn't beat a guy who has constantly been under fire from the American public for the majority of his time in office and was prime to be destroyed in this election, do you really want him running the country?  If it were Howard Dean running for the democrats, he'd have my vote in a second.  I just refuse to give my vote to a man who's platform for being elected seems to pretty much be "I have three purple hearts".

Just my opinion though.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 27 2004 at 07:55

We are about to have an election here in Australia..and i geuss its the same in the United States as it is here.......



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Dan Bobrowski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 27 2004 at 11:52
I can't see Kerry's ineptitude beating the Bush in November, but I think Nader needs to be supported simply for the hope of creating a viable future third party candidate. I've been trying to battle against the "there's nothing we can do" philosophy that seems to have invaded the mind set of so many people. Isn't Kerry's wife in the top ten billionaires club? Don't fool yourself that he gives a rat's f**k about the blue collar guy. VOTE NADER.
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asuma View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2004 at 19:00
i don't live in the states, but if i did i would vote for nader, yes it's true he won't win, but kerry is no real difference between bush, they are both pro-war, pro-corporate, anti-choice dill holes (or something to that effect). and that is this little communists opinion.
*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*
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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 28 2004 at 20:31

Originally posted by asuma asuma wrote:

i don't live in the states, but if i did i would vote for nader, yes it's true he won't win, but kerry is no real difference between bush, they are both pro-war, pro-corporate, anti-choice dill holes (or something to that effect). and that is this little communists opinion.

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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 14:05

If you dont know the difference between Democrats and Republicans you wouldnt deserve The Vote!

Its easy for me:

Democrat=social conscience=British Labour Party

Republican=F**** You if you are not wealthy=British Tory Party.

As an atheist I find it interesting how many Christians vote Republican or Tory.

In the bible it says "The meek shall inherit the Earth" and "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter God's kingdom"

These things should not be negotiable for practising Christians.Go figure!

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 14:14

Democrat=elitist socialist who will tell me what is good for me as they obviously know better than I. It means ridiculous tax rates to support a bunch of programs I do not agree with or care about quite frankly.

Republicans=less government. Less tax rates and let us take care of ourselves..not big brother!!!

I have NEVER accepted a government handout and NEVER will!

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Garion81 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 14:33

Politics? Relegion?  Let me jump right on in....


First of all Republicans and Democrats or any other political party in the world has one goal get power/ keep power. Once in office for the most part they vote or legislate or judge by the polls. Unless someone or some orginisation should give them lots of money to get elected then that agenda is now on top. I would never identify with anyone of them except maybe the libratarians who's goal is to eliminate as much government as possible. 

As for the bible quotes:

"The meek will inherit the earth" is quoted out of a serman Jesus gave to his followers corncerning their behaviour and about WHEN God's kindgdom comes to earth.

"It is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven."  You need to finsih the thought

The disciples asked "Who then can be saved?"

Jesus replied "With man it is not possible but with God all things are possible."

I don't wish to debate those further just wanted to point out the whole thoughts behind them. The fundamentilist Christians and Catholics  usually side with the Republicans because they have been, up to this point, anti-abortion.





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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 14:51
Originally posted by Garion81 Garion81 wrote:

Politics? Relegion?  Let me jump right on in....


First of all Republicans and Democrats or any other political party in the world has one goal get power/ keep power. Once in office for the most part they vote or legislate or judge by the polls. Unless someone or some orginisation should give them lots of money to get elected then that agenda is now on top. I would never identify with anyone of them except maybe the libratarians who's goal is to eliminate as much government as possible. 

As for the bible quotes:

"The meek will inherit the earth" is quoted out of a serman Jesus gave to his followers corncerning their behaviour and about WHEN God's kindgdom comes to earth.

"It is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven."  You need to finsih the thought

The disciples asked "Who then can be saved?"

Jesus replied "With man it is not possible but with God all things are possible."

I don't wish to debate those further just wanted to point out the whole thoughts behind them. The fundamentilist Christians and Catholics  usually side with the Republicans because they have been, up to this point, anti-abortion.





how incredibly narrow viewed you are Mr Penguin..I think it might be a little broader than just abortion...normally I would now go into a tirade about lack of moral clarity in the dems but I am too politically correct to behave so.

About the power statement....sadly I cannot prove you wrong there although I would like to think one of my heroes...Mr Ronald Reagan...was above ambition and just wanted to do what he thought was the right thing

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Garion81 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 16:30

Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:


how incredibly narrow viewed you are Mr Penguin..I think it might be a little broader than just abortion...normally I would now go into a tirade about lack of moral clarity in the dems but I am too politically correct to behave so.

About the power statement....sadly I cannot prove you wrong there although I would like to think one of my heroes...Mr Ronald Reagan...was above ambition and just wanted to do what he thought was the right thing

Well I am not Mr. Penguin I am just Garion or Brian if you will. 

 Narrow minded in the sense of brevity but I do believe that abortion is how the affiliation started historicaly.  The Republicans do tend to stand on the moral clause but I think that is dangerous for any politicain to say we stand for values because if they slip and fall it damages the whole party.  Before you argue that point does not to some degree Bill Clinton's lack of judgement and morals have an affect on how you view the Democratic party in general?  Can there not be Chriastians or moralists in the Democratic party?

I think the issue we need to think of is that politicans cannot enforce moral values on the rest of society.  Jesus was right when he said we have to change within ourselves.  That kind of change causes other change including social.  I understand your point and I am sorry to seem so cinical but it is how I feel.


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Reed Lover View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 16:58
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Democrat=elitist socialist who will tell me what is good for me as they obviously know better than I. It means ridiculous tax rates to support a bunch of programs I do not agree with or care about quite frankly.

Republicans=less government. Less tax rates and let us take care of ourselves..not big brother!!!

I have NEVER accepted a government handout and NEVER will!

And you think everyone should follow your line do you?

These programs you talk about, are they social welfare programs?

You think that these are intrinsically wrong because they dont encourage the less well-off, ie the poor and starving, to stand on their own two feet.You should be ashamed of yourself.

You support a party that believes that the only minority it should help out is the Billionaires. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You support a party who would have you rot in hell if the gay vote didnt count.You should be ashamed of yourself.

The Democrats might have Multimillionaires in its ranks but at least they profess some kind of social conscience.This is called "having your heart in the right place" which whilst it has come to mean something negative ie "you f***ed up, but YHIITRP" means you started off with good intentions. The only good intentions the Republicans have is to make the "very,very,rich" infinitely richer and to inveigle people like you, the reasonably well off,to vote for them.They do this by creating snobbery. They do this by turning the least well off, the underprivaleged, into demons;criminals who will steal your hard earned possesions,or mug you in the street. Of course, this person will be black.Naturally all blacks are drug addicts, so dont deserve help.You vote for the Republicans and they will protect you!

Capitalism relies on there being very rich people and very poor people, but this doesn't mean it is right.A system based on fear and loathing can never be right.

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James Lee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 17:02

It's all a big show, isn't it?

I was caught up in the campaign hysteria for the same reason as many people: Bush really should be voted out. Let's forget about the fact that he was not elected by the majority, even by the votes that were actually made and counted. Forget about the fact that prior to becoming President he was distinguished mainly by his criminal behavior and smug sense of entitlement. Forget about the fact that his political appointees are, without exception, inadequate for their positions and chosen to fulfil political favors and support his ideology. Forget about the fact that he probably can neither spell nor say the word "ideology". The plain truth is: he should be voted out for exploiting the national sorrow and enflaming our sense of revenge to the point where we allowed him to launch an attack against a nation without having any real evidence that they were directly involved with 9/11...and even now that the real facts of the matter are available, he continues to send Americans to die without the slightest admission of fault or regret.

Kerry: probably the only real choice, which is has been stated, he is almost as deeply enmeshed in the Standard Operating Procedure of US government (and business) as Bush; his main attraction is that he isn't Bush, which I suppose is enough for most people. He's smarter that GWB, and more stable morally and emotionally...but compared to a rude, spoiled thug, it's all relative- you could also say he has more personality than Al Gore, or more fidelity than Clinton...

Nader. Why do people look at elections like it's a horse race? As if voting for the man with a better chance of winning is more worthwhile than voting for reason and hope...if by some longshot Nader takes enough votes away from Kerry to cost him the election, then Kerry doesn't deserve to win. If the Democrats' best choice for president can't generate enough interest and respect to defeat Bush (whom much of the country wants out to begin with, regardless of the alternative) then the Dems aren't doing enough. Or maybe they don't really want to win. I hear snide dismissal of Nader all over, and yet there's enough concern about his support to think that his likely single-digit percentage of votes will keep Kerry from defeating our least popular president since Nixon.

"A lack of moral clarity"...please elaborate. I want to hear how a rude, spoiled borderline-moron has an admirable moral compass. Pehaps you can also explain why such a moral man is willing to murder our nation's young men and women on the basis of proven distortions of the truth and outright lies. I'd also like to hear how a specific concept of morality has direct bearing on a nation comprised of a multitude of cultural outlooks and spiritual orientations. And when you are finished, explain how the "let us take care of ourselves" ideal reconciles with the attitude that government should have the power to legislate what we can and cannot do with our own bodies...based on an archaic puritan mode of thinking that should have died out long before it became twisted into the current hypocritical perversion that is the religious right (who has done so much damage to common views on religion that even decent religious people suffer from the resulting predjudice). I can understand how you might come to feel that Mr. Bush is superior to you, but what makes you think that the rest of us can't find a better alternative?

In the end, we'll get the president we deserve. Whoever it is. People will continue to suffer and wrongs will go unpunished, rich kids will get exemptions from fighting wars that  they profess to believe in...and then go on to ride their family's influence through ivy-league universities. The interests of multinational business will still make the decisions that really matter in closed conferences while we're watching reality TV. No matter who we choose, we lose. The next four years are going to be dark times no matter who is at the helm.

I shouldn't even be talking about this- I should be DOING something. I don't have a lot of answers, and I can't even claim complete certainty about the answers I do have. I've done a bit of issue-related activism- it's easier to get behind specifics than people, although the usual personality traps come into play even there. What more can an outcast idealistic sad little patriot do? I could never be president. I don't even think I could hold a position in local government once the background checks came in... But I would be ecstatic to be able to work for a candidacy that inspired people, rather than simply provided a less disgraceful alternative. So my stance remains the way it was months ago: Nader, or maybe not at all. Hopeless hope is better than immoral moralizing.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 17:18

The only way to become President is to play the game.It is too idealistic (even for me) to believe that you cant be enmeshed in the procedure of govenment to be an effective leader and legislator. You gotta be in the system to fight it.


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Garion81 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 17:28
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

The only way to become President is to play the game.It is too idealistic (even for me) to believe that you cant be enmeshed in the procedure of govenment to be an effective leader and legislator. You gotta be in the system to fight it.



That is like Lawyers who are idealistic in the begining, in the end they are broken down and chewed up by the machine.  Government by it's very nature must grow to surrive. No one has had the answer in history to stop it. American "democracy" consists of two parties and 500 elected Federal officals. The rest are appointed or hired.  How I ask can you affect change in that kind of system?  I really would like to hope for a change but I am really afraid that after a year of John Kerry we will be hoping for Bush again (at least we know his evil) and we cannot get Arnnie in the White House.     Anyway hopefully before election day I can shrug off this dispair and find something to hope for.

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 18:35

REED LOVER:You support a party who would have you rot in hell if the gay vote didnt count.You should be ashamed of yourself

Dick Cheney has a daughter who is gay and he hasn't condemned her to hell. I could fall in line with most of the other gay people and vote democratic but I have to weigh my gay needs to all the other issues at hand. I think I would be MORE selfish if I said to hell with everything else... I want gay marriage...sorry...I am not going to do that

Fine...let us tax all the rich until they are middle class. Then tell me, where is the incentive to succeed? Don't give some mamby pamby philosophical B.S either. Quite simply it is Money. It always comes down to money.

The socialistic(or should I say communistic-My god Stalin and Lenin won after all in Europe) veiwpoints tell me this Reed Lover: Let us All punish success and reward failure...sorry but that is retarded logic

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Dan Bobrowski View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 18:42

Kerry is not THE answer. Personally, I see Kerry as serving the purpose of the "Oh Well, we tried,but ...... Hillary in '08!"

Seriously, is Kerry the BEST they could do? Not by a long shot. Career politicians are as effective as Steve Martin's "optigrab" (how's that for obscure?), six years of service and we're all crosseyed. Dipsticks all, fishing in the pork barrell. Term Limits and close the PAC funds.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 18:53
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

REED LOVER:You support a party who would have you rot in hell if the gay vote didnt count.You should be ashamed of yourself

Dick Cheney has a daughter who is gay and he hasn't condemned her to hell. I could fall in line with most of the other gay people and vote democratic but I have to weigh my gay needs to all the other issues at hand. I think I would be MORE selfish if I said to hell with everything else... I want gay marriage...sorry...I am not going to do that

Fine...let us tax all the rich until they are middle class. Then tell me, where is the incentive to succeed? Don't give some mamby pamby philosophical B.S either. Quite simply it is Money. It always comes down to money.

The socialistic(or should I say communistic-My god Stalin and Lenin won after all in Europe) veiwpoints tell me this Reed Lover: Let us All punish success and reward failure...sorry but that is retarded logic

Like a Jew voting Adolf Hitler or a turkey voting for Christmas.

You sell your soul for a few tax breaks and presume everyone will applaud.Dont you see it is not about success it is about privelage! Where is the success of being born into money-it is a roll of genetic dice not something you can decide to do! They've brainwashed you into accepting crumbs from the table. Come on tell me.How much better off a year are you under the Republicans than the Democrats? I dare you to astound us with this fiscal saving from heaven.

When the gas chambers open will you be able to claim you are one of the elite? I doubt it somehow. How many private clubs could you get into? ( if you wanted to that is) How many black balls before you got the message?

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 19:05 convinced me... I am going to quit my job claim myself as heterosexually challenged and recieve government hand outs like money, free housing, food stamps and sponge on the hard working tax payers instead

Reed...I don't want suffering(well maybe a little-because I must confess my heart is Black) and I see the social "conciousness"/concerns you have and can even empathise a bit...unfortunately life has taught me reality is harsh and those idealistic viewpoints are simply unreachable.Example:

Do you REAlly think the cancer society is out for our own good? Not me..if a cure was developed there goes their pot of gold. They will never  develope a cure because where's the money in that....

I could go on but I think you get my point. I have to take care of myself 1st because society isn't going to. My interests rest in me and my hell with the rest of the world

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: September 29 2004 at 19:18
Originally posted by Reed Lover
<P>[/QUOTE Reed Lover

[/QUOTE wrote:

Like a Jew voting Adolf Hitler or a turkey voting for Christmas.

You sell your soul for a few tax breaks and presume everyone will applaud.Dont you see it is not about success it is about privelage! Where is the success of being born into money-it is a roll of genetic dice not something you can decide to do! They've brainwashed you into accepting crumbs from the table. Come on tell me.How much better off a year are you under the Republicans than the Democrats? I dare you to astound us with this fiscal saving from heaven.

When the gas chambers open will you be able to claim you are one of the elite? I doubt it somehow. How many private clubs could you get into? ( if you wanted to that is) How many black balls before you got the message?

Like a Jew voting Adolf Hitler or a turkey voting for Christmas.

You sell your soul for a few tax breaks and presume everyone will applaud.Dont you see it is not about success it is about privelage! Where is the success of being born into money-it is a roll of genetic dice not something you can decide to do! They've brainwashed you into accepting crumbs from the table. Come on tell me.How much better off a year are you under the Republicans than the Democrats? I dare you to astound us with this fiscal saving from heaven.

When the gas chambers open will you be able to claim you are one of the elite? I doubt it somehow. How many private clubs could you get into? ( if you wanted to that is) How many black balls before you got the message?


Umm are you saying the Rebpuclicans are equal to Nazis? Wow.


Reed, I respect you but you are not close. Further more your view would be considered extreme to the left in this country.  Americans for the most part are wary of government. Policemen don't belong in our homes or in our wallets you might say.  Socialism has been attempted and overwhelmingly thrown off in this country just as communism has pretty much died around the world. Democrats will never try that again if they hope to stay together as a party.  America's support of Ronald Reagan made sure of that.  Yes, there is need for social programs but not to the extent it is in England or other countries like that. America still believes that people can help themselves among themselves without involving the government.  That is where churches come in and the good people who attend them and believe in the thought that we must help our fellow man. There are other people who don't attend church and they believe the same thing. I am not talking about the religious right which is a political organization and is on the far right. You will find most Americans to be in the middle a little right or left but not too far apart.  


Republicans may not want gay marriages but I can't see them getting a constitutional amendment to get gays thrown in hell!  That is our last saving grace is the Constitution and at the least the willingness of those in power to bow to it's finality. As long as they do that we are OK.  When they start tampering with the bill of rights whether through gun control, free speach, freedom of religion or search and seizure we are in trouble. We stop being a society where we do have choices.

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