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BrufordFreak View Drop Down
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    Posted: August 30 2021 at 09:23
Hey, ignoramus that I am, I was just informed that the "100 Most Prolific Reviewers" list is only for collaborators! I had no idea. I've been following several members who have only fairly recently joined PA who are posting some truly remarkable reviews in great quantities (harvested from other websites to which they have no doubt been long-time contributors)--like Jazny "prog_traveller!!" and Psychedelic Paul. I kept wondering when their names were going to start creeping into the lower rungs of the ladder. But, they're not/never have been collaborators, so they can't be on the list!

 This makes me cringe in embarrassment as I happen to qualify as a collaborator after having only spent a few months on the J-R Fuse/Cant team. Still, I was wondering if there wasn't some way that collabs, admins, and honorary reviewers could recognize a serious, legit contributor of quality reviews (like Jazny or Psychedelic Paul and the like) and possibly "vote" or "nominate" these esteemed, upstanding members into the more elevated echelons of PA? (E.g. what does it mean to be a "honorary reviewer" and how does one gain such a title?) Not only would it expand the participation of PA members into the "Forbidden Zones" but it might generate a few more recruitments onto PA teams--where there seems to be a continuous attrition and starvation for new blood.

What do you think? What kind of measures have been tried before (and failed)? 

Granting elevated rights and privileges to PA's long-time and trusted members seems just desserts. I mean: had I never joined a team, my 13 years here and 1500+ reviews might seem to be greatly unappreciated. Yes, I've benefitted from the vast learning I've been able to do through PA--and through some enjoyable "friendships" that I might have been able to forge, but … it's nice to feel valued.

Edited by BrufordFreak - August 30 2021 at 09:25
Drew Fisher
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote lazland Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2021 at 10:01
Originally posted by BrufordFreak BrufordFreak wrote:

Hey, ignoramus that I am, I was just informed that the "100 Most Prolific Reviewers" list is only for collaborators! I had no idea. I've been following several members who have only fairly recently joined PA who are posting some truly remarkable reviews in great quantities (harvested from other websites to which they have no doubt been long-time contributors)--like Jazny "prog_traveller!!" and Psychedelic Paul. I kept wondering when their names were going to start creeping into the lower rungs of the ladder. But, they're not/never have been collaborators, so they can't be on the list!

 This makes me cringe in embarrassment as I happen to qualify as a collaborator after having only spent a few months on the J-R Fuse/Cant team. Still, I was wondering if there wasn't some way that collabs, admins, and honorary reviewers could recognize a serious, legit contributor of quality reviews (like Jazny or Psychedelic Paul and the like) and possibly "vote" or "nominate" these esteemed, upstanding members into the more elevated echelons of PA? (E.g. what does it mean to be a "honorary reviewer" and how does one gain such a title?) Not only would it expand the participation of PA members into the "Forbidden Zones" but it might generate a few more recruitments onto PA teams--where there seems to be a continuous attrition and starvation for new blood.

What do you think? What kind of measures have been tried before (and failed)? 

Granting elevated rights and privileges to PA's long-time and trusted members seems just desserts. I mean: had I never joined a team, my 13 years here and 1500+ reviews might seem to be greatly unappreciated. Yes, I've benefitted from the vast learning I've been able to do through PA--and through some enjoyable "friendships" that I might have been able to forge, but … it's nice to feel valued.

Drew, your reviews are excellent, and there is no doubt you would have gained at least “Prog Reviewer” status.

In addition to the two you mention in your OP, there is also AlainPP who has submitted some fine reviews.

When I joined the site, after 100 reviews I sent a PM to a then admin, who shall remain nameless, asking him what one had to do to gain entry into the hallowed halls of collabs on the site. A short time after, I was “promoted”, and then got onto the Neo Team. I resigned amid a fairly heated debate about the pointlessness of this site’s obsession with sub-genres and also procedures. It did not go down well, to say the least. 

PA is a hierarchical institution. In many ways, it reminds me of the Civil Service of which I so proudly hail. Too many Chiefs, and etc. Some of the finest contributors here are not part of that hierarchy. Charles, Steve G, José, JD, Kees to name but a few. There are more, and apologies if I have not named you.

My own personal view is that if I were the site owner, or admin on behalf of the site owner, I would do away with that hierarchy, excluding a couple or three admins.

I would also then exclude reviews from the site unless the reviewer had passed basic competency tests which would be determined by admin. In other words, a potential contributor to the site would submit a certain amount of reviews to the site admins, and they could determine the potential contributors ability, or otherwise. An end to the free for all. I would also, by the way, get rid of the ridiculously bureaucratic artist submission and sub-genre team structure we have. Taking an age to add something as basic as Mark Kelly’s Marathon, for just one example, is a nonsense, and does the site immeasurable harm.

In other words, I would get the site to move in terms of reviews, interviews, and etc. to something more akin to Progressive Aspect or DPRP, whilst still retaining the essential archival aspect of the site, because the ease in which a visitor can examine an artist’s page and look at trusted reviewers is a fantastic tool.

Just my ten pennorth worth, and I will probably regret getting involved in the debate, as I do with most these days, positive, intelligent, and harm free debate becoming more and more difficult in the present day social media dominated internet. I live in hope though (for a good debate, as opposed to changes to the site as I propose, which is as unlikely as my singing for Steve Hackett when I take my boy to see him in a fortnight, although I am most definitely free!).
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Man With Hat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Man With Hat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 30 2021 at 22:11
You can always voluntary give up your collaborator status if you are too embarrassed by it. 

I believe honorary reviewer is a reviewer who has left the site. 

I don't see any problem with how things are done here. But I guess it could just be me. I also believe you can always suggest people to become reviewers to the admins. I certainly wouldn't make things a popularity contest though. I think the admins are good at promoting people they think are positives for the site as is. 

Edited by Man With Hat - August 30 2021 at 22:12
Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
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Shadowyzard View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Shadowyzard Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 03:16
I prefer to ignore the "titles" unless there appears situations where I have to take them into consideration. Tapfret, Damox and Logan, all the three rarely and only whenever necessary "show" their adminship. (We'll see how TCat will be in time. Tongue) Methinks this is good administration. Special collaborators and the rest... The same! Even in my real jobs, I generally have had the chance to work with quite humble bosses. 

Yet, what BrufordFreak mentions/complains about has a technical aspect. So, his complaint/suggestion should be considered, I think.

Edited by Shadowyzard - August 31 2021 at 03:22
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chopper View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote chopper Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 04:10
To be honest, I haven't looked at that chart much since I disappeared off the bottom many years ago, but I hadn't realised it was collabs only. I must admit I'd be slightly miffed if I was a non-collab writing reviews and I couldn't get on the chart, I don't see why it should be restricted in this way.
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TCat View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Shadowyzard Shadowyzard wrote:

I prefer to ignore the "titles" unless there appears situations where I have to take them into consideration. Tapfret, Damox and Logan, all the three rarely and only whenever necessary "show" their adminship. (We'll see how TCat will be in time. Tongue) Methinks this is good administration. Special collaborators and the rest... The same! Even in my real jobs, I generally have had the chance to work with quite humble bosses. 

Yet, what BrufordFreak mentions/complains about has a technical aspect. So, his complaint/suggestion should be considered, I think.

You know I got my eyes on you.....Wink

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TCat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TCat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 09:31
Back when I first joined the site, one of the first things that was obvious was that you had to be a certain status for your name to show up on the list.  It's not like it's a secret.  if anyone could be on the list then it would be full of "reviewers" that made their reviews as uninformative, useless and as minimal as possible.  I'm not saying that all non-collabs write useless reviews.  There are plenty of them out there that write great reviews.  Both types are noticed, believe me.  It only makes sense that you have to work for it and have a reputation of helping the site grow.  Not only that, anyone is free to query about what they can do to help out.  There are plenty of things that can be done to help the site improve.  As far as I know, all administrators answer their PMs if you want to know what you can do to help build your reputation for improving the site.

Edited by TCat - August 31 2021 at 09:32

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Shadowyzard View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Shadowyzard Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 09:53
Originally posted by TCat TCat wrote:

Originally posted by Shadowyzard Shadowyzard wrote:

I prefer to ignore the "titles" unless there appears situations where I have to take them into consideration. Tapfret, Damox and Logan, all the three rarely and only whenever necessary "show" their adminship. (We'll see how TCat will be in time. Tongue) Methinks this is good administration. Special collaborators and the rest... The same! Even in my real jobs, I generally have had the chance to work with quite humble bosses. 

Yet, what BrufordFreak mentions/complains about has a technical aspect. So, his complaint/suggestion should be considered, I think.

You know I got my eyes on you.....Wink

I was a bit hard on you... (Remember Exises?) But good lord, you weren't a lord then... How could I know???Dead

Seriously though, you have a perfect temperament for adminship methinks. I wish you luck and enough patience in dealing with us, the deviants. Embarrassed

Edited by Shadowyzard - August 31 2021 at 09:54
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I believe a general strike by the non calabs is in order. Anarchy in the UK, or Finland, or where ever!
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 11:49
^^^^^^^^^ Thanks for the honourable mention, Drew. By the way, all of my album reviews were written exclusively for ProgArchives. You won't find them anywhere else. I may even start writing reviews again if I get nominated. Wink

An honourable well-deserved mention too for some of my favourite prog reviewers, including:- Exit the Lemming; Lazland; Logan; Silly Puppy; & TCat, amongst many others. Thumbs Up

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - August 31 2021 at 12:06
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someone_else View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote someone_else Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 31 2021 at 14:25
For me it was obvious from day one that the list of most prolific reviewers was reserved for collabs and Prog Reviewers. I have no problems with this. It would be different if ratings-only were taken into account. And quite a few have gained the status of Prog Reviewer after having written many reviews. If prog_traveller!! would be promoted today - btw, his reviews are pretty good -, he will be on the list at once at about #51.

I think that it is a nice feature of PA that one doesn't need to have four or five stars above his avatar to publish reviews here.
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