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Rocktopus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 04:49
Abus Dangereux looks like something worth checking out.

I got some more suggestions for that ZART list, french invasion:

Abrial Stratageme Group
Chico Magnetic Band
Fille Qui Mousse
Francois Thollot
Horrific Child
Jean-Claude Vannier
Jean-Louis Bucchi
Kha- Ym
Laurent Thibault
Les Chats Renaissance
Manu Lannhuel
Michel Magne
Noco Music
Roland Bocquet
...and Igor Wakhevitch

Some others missing:

Airlord (NZ)
Archimedes Badkar (Sw)Arturo Staltieri (It)Art Fleury (IT)Axis (Greece)
Bauhaus (It)
David Bedford (UK)
Deep Freeze Mice (UK)
Coupla Prog (Ger)
Doubling Riders (IT)
Golem (Ger)
Günter Schickert (Ger)
Herbert F. Bairy (Ger)
Orchestraa Njervudarov (IT)
Osjan (Pol)
Proyecto (Spa)
Skin Alley (UK)
Skywhale (UK)
Stomu Yamashda's East Wind (Ja)
Yugen (IT)
Zartong (Arm)

I couldn't find any of these on it, but I've only seen the version of the list that was posted in the RIO thread sometime in October. (I can probably help some with info etc.. with all these).
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 05:29

Long time no smell fellas. Trust you are all having a fabulous January.

A question:

Are these two cities just down the road from one another ? Or is there something more involved ?

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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 06:18
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

Abus Dangereux looks like something worth checking out.

I got some more suggestions for that ZART list, french invasion:

Abrial Stratageme Group
Chico Magnetic Band
Fille Qui Mousse
Francois Thollot
Horrific Child
Jean-Claude Vannier
Jean-Louis Bucchi
Kha- Ym
Laurent Thibault
Les Chats Renaissance
Manu Lannhuel
Michel Magne
Noco Music
Roland Bocquet
...and Igor Wakhevitch

Some others missing:

Airlord (NZ)
Archimedes Badkar (Sw)Arturo Staltieri (It)Art Fleury (IT)Axis (Greece)
Bauhaus (It)
David Bedford (UK)
Deep Freeze Mice (UK)
Coupla Prog (Ger)
Doubling Riders (IT)
Golem (Ger)
Günter Schickert (Ger)
Herbert F. Bairy (Ger)
Orchestraa Njervudarov (IT)
Osjan (Pol)
Proyecto (Spa)
Skin Alley (UK)
Skywhale (UK)
Stomu Yamashda's East Wind (Ja)
Yugen (IT)
Zartong (Arm)

I couldn't find any of these on it, but I've only seen the version of the list that was posted in the RIO thread sometime in October. (I can probably help some with info etc.. with all these).

From what I find farmilar with this list, I would definitely give a thumbs up to a lot of those bands. I think you will find Golem somewhere around the Krautrock or psych departments (I would be surprise if they were not), and Coupla Prog I think also would fit quite snuggly under Kraut as well. Gunter Schickert could be under Electronics progressive? (not sure).

Chris the Igor Wakhevitch, which I have listen to so far was nice. I need to look into it a little more deeply. But there were some very nice atomspheres to be heard. Just wondering are there connections with Horrific Child? I don't know why I have gotten this feeling.

Once again I'm quite surprised Archimedes Badkar is missing.

Also nice to see someone other listening to the likes of Doubling Riders and Deep Freeze Mice !!!

Could you tell me a little about Kha - Ym, if this is what my memory is tell  me it is  I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 06:30
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Long time no smell fellas. Trust you are all having a fabulous January.

A question:

Are these two cities just down the road from one another ? Or is there something more involved ?

Heya, I really have not idea about the cities (my Japanese geography is not something to be desired); though I know Nagoya is a 'sister city' to Sydney (Australia). Though I'm not to sure what that term is meant to signify.
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Rocktopus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 06:30
I think you will find Golem somewhere around the Krautrock or psych departments (I would be surprise if they were not), and Coupla Prog I think also would fit quite snuggly under Kraut as well. Gunter Schickert could be under Electronics progressive? (not sure).

Except for the french bands & artists being from France, I Wasn't really thinking about where it belonged. You'll find Sand: Golem, but not the band Golem. And I'm quite sure the others are missing as well.
Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 06:33
Originally posted by Rocktopus Rocktopus wrote:

I think you will find Golem somewhere around the Krautrock or psych departments (I would be surprise if they were not), and Coupla Prog I think also would fit quite snuggly under Kraut as well. Gunter Schickert could be under Electronics progressive? (not sure).

Except for the french bands & artists being from France, I Wasn't really thinking about where it belonged. You'll find Sand: Golem, but not the band Golem. And I'm quite sure the others are missing as well.

Ah, no worries, I think with those other ones I get into the the mood for making assumptions that they are already here (a habit I should try and shake off). Though it would be nice to see them on the site. Great list by the way!
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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 06:47

Evenin' Blackie! Reason I asked was I met a girl who fits all my criteria of 'must marry this...and quick' ! I'm thinkin' travellin' to and 'fro to Nagoya for a couple of months at least is gonna cost me a few yen. And maybe my soul.

Trivia alert: Acid Mothers Temple are from Nagoya and one of their side-projects was/were called 'Nishinihon' which means West Japan. The subtle meaning is 'We hate Tokyo'. That's country folk for you...

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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 18 2007 at 07:01

Fantastic list Rockto!

It's funny, the day you posted the Fille Qui Mousse recommendation I bought it second-hand on cd at my local 'cos of your review. Cost less than a pack of low-fat Marlboros too! And yes! It's sublime.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 19 2007 at 05:55
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Evenin' Blackie! Reason I asked was I met a girl who fits all my criteria of 'must marry this...and quick' ! I'm thinkin' travellin' to and 'fro to Nagoya for a couple of months at least is gonna cost me a few yen. And maybe my soul.

Aww... I must wish you all the best with this plight Hug I know all about the distance relationships!

Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

Trivia alert: Acid Mothers Temple are from Nagoya and one of their side-projects was/were called 'Nishinihon' which means West Japan. The subtle meaning is 'We hate Tokyo'. That's country folk for you...

Talking about Acid Mother Temple I found the first two discs of Makoto Kawabata's early works from 1978. Quite interesting drawn out experimentations (not for the light of hearted). He must have only been something like 15 years old when he started doing this sort of thing. I think the disc came from some 10 disc book set which covers all his early works.  
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listennow801 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 19 2007 at 21:02
Hi boys, she's back! Hope that all of you had a nice holiday/New Years!
So, I know this may not be the place, but I just HAD to exclaim. Just became a rater on Gnosis so am listening to lps/cds that have sent me profoundly throughout my life and OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! GANG OF FOUR - ENTERTAINMENT !!! can aaaanything make me feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like this? not much indeed... f*ck f*ck f*ck i love love love it! [breathing hard dancing her arse off, w/attempted air guitar of course..]
Andy Gill [guitarist] - what the f*ck is his particular magic pour moi? it just sends me like..he has this so frigging amazing edge..he plays this strangely wondrous counterpointed syncopation - his sense of rhythm is just so-too perfect..the perfect pause, hesitation & cry the way it creeps in and teases the edge w/ this amazing angular FORCE and the most distinct & eloquent voice just just just so frigging beyond belief..It is Perfectly off, almost jarring, yet, somehow, working so perfectly/cleanly with its own grove-lessss groove that embellishes w/ a richness extraordinaire, so very very sharp adding an untoward depth..O a sensibility of polyrhythmic sound that just makes me cream cream cream!....a rawness so vital i think i'll die i just gasp the oft out of tune/not quite rightness that is clearly so composed and which they make SO utterly spare, like every note is so densely considered and is only plumbed for the utmost eloquence it can render..phenomenally emotive music, reeking of energy & angst. and the kazoo! just delicious luscious sublime beyond belief..[okay, she gets very carried away w/ superlatives we know ;)]
If anyone here digs experimental post-punk O baby baby you just MUST hear this!

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Apsalar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2007 at 04:50
Hey Claire, welcome back Hug good to see you safe and sound. Sound like I will be listening to this 'Gang of Four' sometime soon, with the rave you have given it.

Just finished watching this, amazing concert:

Koenjihyakkei - Live At Star Pine's Cafe DVD

SKU Magaibutsu MGDV 01
Packaged simply but attractively in a regular CD size case, this is a simple but attractive document of the band's show in Kichijoji, Japan on 2/11/02. Nicely shot from a good position by a single camera, this features an 8 piece version of the band, in full Koenji/zeuhl glory; 3 vocalists (2 female, 1 male: Tokyo Nammy, Kubota Aki, Nakajima Yoichi), 2 keyboards (Ogino Kazuo, Oguchi Kenichi), guitar (Harada Jin), bass (Sakamoto Kengo) and drums/vocals by mastermind/leader Yoshihida Tatsuya. A full 90' performance.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2007 at 06:56
Originally posted by listennow801 listennow801 wrote:

Hi boys, she's back! Hope that all of you had a nice holiday/New Years!

So, I know this may not be the place, but I just HAD to exclaim. Just became a rater on Gnosis so am listening to lps/cds that have sent me profoundly throughout my life and OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! GANG OF FOUR - ENTERTAINMENT !!! can aaaanything make me feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like this? not much indeed... f*ck f*ck f*ck i love love love it! [breathing hard dancing her arse off, w/attempted air guitar of course..]

Andy Gill [guitarist] - what the f*ck is his particular magic pour moi? it just sends me like..he has this so frigging amazing edge..he plays this strangely wondrous counterpointed syncopation - his sense of rhythm is just so-too perfect..the perfect pause, hesitation & cry the way it creeps in and teases the edge w/ this amazing angular FORCE and the most distinct & eloquent voice just just just so frigging beyond belief..It is Perfectly off, almost jarring, yet, somehow, working so perfectly/cleanly with its own grove-lessss groove that embellishes w/ a richness extraordinaire, so very very sharp adding an untoward depth..O a sensibility of polyrhythmic sound that just makes me cream cream cream!....a rawness so vital i think i'll die i just gasp the oft out of tune/not quite rightness that is clearly so composed and which they make SO utterly spare, like every note is so densely considered and is only plumbed for the utmost eloquence it can render..phenomenally emotive music, reeking of energy & angst. and the kazoo! just delicious luscious sublime beyond belief..[okay, she gets very carried away w/ superlatives we know ;)]


If anyone here digs experimental post-punk O baby baby you just MUST hear this!

So you were moderately impressed by Gang of Four then? It's amazing how funky a bunch of Marxist theoreticians from Yorkshire could be. Andy Gill had some guitar lessons off british R & B (proper R&B, as played by skinny white blokes from Essex) legend Wilko Johnson of Dr Feelgood fame, who himself had been an acolyte of Johnny Green of the Pirates (Shakin' All Over was their hit). The technique involved playing rhythm and lead simultaneously, a full chord on the downstroke and single notes on the upstroke. Now you know where John Frusciante of the Chili Peppers got his ideas from, among many others (Primus being another example). Those post punk years threw up some remarkable stuff, IMO more genuinely progressive than what passed for prog at that time.
'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
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avestin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2007 at 18:38
I posted this in the RIO Drop In Center thread, but since we discussed Komintern here I thought of mentioning this here as well:

I added three bands to RIO/Avant and thought of letting you know.
These are:
- Yugen
- Komintern
- Orchestra Njervudarov

Info on each:
Yugen (taken from their myspace):
The first album by this Italian/international avant-progressive supergroup, which has been eagerly anticipated. Their stated influences should tell you all you need to know: Satie, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Cage, Reich, Zappa, Henry Cow, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Univers Zero! Very very good stuff for fans of 'rehearsal-intensive, complex avant-progressive rock. "Yugen is a musical project born during autumn of 2004 from an idea by Francesco Zago and Marcello Marinone. Four years after the end of The Night Watch, , Francesco Zago begins thinking about a synthesis between rock (progressive and RIO-style oriented) and chamber music. Thanks to the ideas and fundamental support of Marcello Marinone, the project takes its shape from a few chamber compositions, enriched with electric sounds and a rock rhythm section. The name of the project became Yugen, a japanese word – impossible to translate in its precise meaning – which expresses the aesthetic canon of japanese art, as haiku in poetry or Noh in theatre. Between December of 2004 and January of 2005 the first demo of Yugen was produced. Diego Donadio, formerly drummer of The Night Watch, contributes to the drums arrangements. In February, during an extemporaneous jam session in Tradate, the keyboard player Paolo Botta (Franch TV) and swiss saxophone player Markus Stauss (Spaltklang, Ulterior Lux) joined the group. Then Stephan Brunner, who plays electric bass in Spaltklang, and reed player Peter Schmid (Evan Parker, Vinny Golia) accept to play with Yugen. In the meantime, new compositions come out: Zago writes little acoustic pieces. To satisfy the complexity and richness of the arrangements, other instrumentalist join the band: the percussionist Massimo Mazza, Giuseppe Olivini (OZ, Contrapplugged) plays harpsichord, the classical players Maurizio Fasoli (piano), Elia Mariani (violin) and Marco Sorge (clarinets). Last arrivals, but not less important, the drummer Mattia Signò, Tommaso Leddi (Stormy Six) and U.S. drummer Dave Kerman (Thinking Plague, 5uu’s, Present, Blast, Ahvak….). The recordings began in June of 2005 and they continued until January of 2006. During the following months, Udi Koomran (Avhak, Present, Thinking Plague) worked on mixing and mastering."

Komintern (their bio in PA):
This French band was founded by Francis Lemonnier (sax and vocals) and Serge Catalano (drums and percussions) in May 1970 after they left Red Noise due to musical and political disagreements. The name chosen gives you a clear indication as to their political views. The band released one album called “Le Bal Du Rat Mort” in 1971 and one single “Fou, roi, pantin” and were active until 1975. The musicians that joined them were Michel Musac (guitar), Olivier Zdrzalik (bass, vocals, organ and piano) and Pascal Chassin (guitar). At first they were less focused on composing only music but more on mixing it along with satiric theater – a sort of “cabaret satirique”, in order to express their extreme left views. They used their music to enhance their message, and they did it in a manner that mixed several styles of music that would fit their show and the message to be passed on to the crowd/listeners. They were related to extreme left movements such as the “Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire” and they toured in the summer of 1970 in, among other places, universities and factories that were in strike.

In July 1971 they manage to get into a recording studio of Pathé Marconi with the help and influence of Philippe Constantin et Etienne Rodagil. They are joined by guests musicians such as the Quintette de Cuivres lead by trombonist Raymond Katarzynski, trumpet players Pierre Thibaud et Fred Gérard, Joss Baselli on accordion and vocalist Jeanne de Valène. The producer Philippe Constantin does some editing of their texts and leaves out two texts that were recited without any music and replaces the booklet which featured originally a painting by Diego Ribeira.

Le Bal Du Rat Mort (The Dead Rat’s Ball) is released in December 1971 and 2000 copies are sold. This release did not exhibit the true face of the band, but it did however show their talent as musicians and as composers and ability to combine different influences. This album is a mixture of rock, free-jazz, fusion, folk, oldies tunes, chanson Francaise and a general theatrical and quirky approach to composing. The overall result is a well-done mixture of styles and atmospheres. This may not be groundbreaking but it is different than the average output of French bands at that time and can be seen as avant-garde in their musical approach in this album.

In 1972 Komintern forms “Front de Libération de la Rock-Music” along with
Lard Free, Barricade I and Barricade II, Herbe Rouge, Robert Wood's Tarot and Alpha du Centaure. This movement published a manifest in a journal and their general message was that of anti-bourgeois culture. They tried to spread their word through journals, leaflets, concerts, all arranged by Gilles Yéprémian which was the manager and producer of Lard Free and Komintern. However this movement eventually dissolved.

In 1975 Serge Catalano et Pascal Chassin left Kominern. Catalano is replaced by two drummers: Gilbert Artman de Lard Free and Michel Bourgheix. The group goes on a bit with some shows but eventually breaks up. Catalano continues with his activity in the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire. Francis Lemonnier becomes a music teacher. Richard Aubert would play with Atoll and Kool Gool. Olivier Zdrzalik would play with Malicorne and along with Michel Muzac in the Lapins bleus des îles.

Orchestra Njervudarov (their bio in PA):
Orchestra Njervudarov was an Italian chamber rock/RIO band that released one album called Con le orecchie di Eros in 1979. However, they are rarely mentioned when RIO is discussed or even when one mentions Stormy Six, their fellow countrymen. And yet, this is an accomplished album quite deserving of recognition, especially given its year of release. This album has, as mentioned, a chamber rock/RIO sound as well as some jazz influences in it. There is one track (Rapporto Njervudarov sulla teoria degli opposti estremismi ) which is probably a sort of joke as it is a new wave/disco song and it is totally out of place here. But all the other tracks will reward the RIO/chamber rock and jazz-rock fans. This will be probably impossible to find and it’s a shame. If you do have the chance to listen to this, don’t hesitate. It might not be the best RIO album you’ll hear but it sure is worth your time.

This album was released by EMI and got poor promotion and due to its limited edition got quickly out of stock and so was not known to many people. It has never been reissued on vinyl or CD.

Band members were from Bologna and Marche. The bassist Roberto Costa and guitarist Bruno Mariani have collaborated with Lucio Dalla (singer, songwriter, clarinet and keyboards). Drummer Adriano Pedini still plays jazz and has done many session recordings.

All are recommended, but for those who want something new, Yugen should please your listening "buds".

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2007 at 19:53
Originally posted by Syzygy Syzygy wrote:


So you were moderately impressed by Gang of Four then? It's amazing how funky a bunch of Marxist theoreticians from Yorkshire could be. Andy Gill had some guitar lessons off british R & B (proper R&B, as played by skinny white blokes from Essex) legend Wilko Johnson of Dr Feelgood fame, who himself had been an acolyte of Johnny Green of the Pirates (Shakin' All Over was their hit). The technique involved playing rhythm and lead simultaneously, a full chord on the downstroke and single notes on the upstroke. Now you know where John Frusciante of the Chili Peppers got his ideas from, among many others (Primus being another example). Those post punk years threw up some remarkable stuff, IMO more genuinely progressive than what passed for prog at that time.
lol! yesssss indeed! I can't even count how many times I saw them live in the early '80s [it's great - I still have such vivid memories and can see...], but I hadn't listened for quite some time..yet it STILL moves me beyond compare...
Thanks for the info Chris! Very interesting indeed.. And I have to say, I DO agree [re: those years..ah, those infinite glory years..]..!

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Yukorin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 20:59

Nice 'fro
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 21:05
Couple of samples from Koenji Hyakkei and Bondage Fruit here:
Also, do yourself a favour and listen to Terry Riley and John Cale's 'Church of Anthrax' which is featured here. Came with the most tripped-out film I have ever seen to boot !
[edit] My mistake. The tripped-out film was Tony and Beverly Conrad's 'Straight and Narrow' and the music was 'Ides of March' from the same album. Stunning collaboration !

Edited by Yukorin - January 31 2007 at 21:14
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 21:27
Bit of spiel on ol' Tony. Got a couple of 7" singles with his work with Faust knockin' around. Wonderin' if they ever saw a reissue
The pioneering American experimental filmmaker and musician Tony Conrad (1940–) headlines Avanto 2006. In the late 60s and early 70s Conrad made short films that are considered classic works of abstract film art. The Flicker (1966), a hypnotic masterpiece of structuralist cinema, consists of nothing but black and white film frames, while his “subjective colour film” Straight & Narrow (1970) is composed of only vertical and horizontal geometrical lines. The feature film Coming Attractions (1970), jointly directed by Conrad with his wife Beverly, takes place in a world of transvestites and transsexuals ­– “underground superstars”. Before starting to make his own films, Conrad collaborated with various filmmakers as a musician. He was in charge of the soundtrack to Flaming Creatures (1964, dir. Jack Smith), one of the most legendary underground films ever made. Conrad is still actively working with moving images, now using digital video.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 22:17
Yu, do you have any opinions of the Collaboration Conrad did with Faust? I'm thinking something very minimal. It has been sitting in my local store for sometime now, but I have not know whether it was any good.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 22:37
'Outside The Dream Syndicate' ? Buy it BV ! Stunning record. Every bit as good as your favourite Faust masterpieces !
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 31 2007 at 23:13
Originally posted by Yukorin Yukorin wrote:

'Outside The Dream Syndicate' ? Buy it BV ! Stunning record. Every bit as good as your favourite Faust masterpieces !
Yep that would be it, looks like I will have to buy it next time I'm out. Thanks for the tip off Smile
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