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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 11 2011 at 02:03

O.K. so I’m loving Guy’s blog! All these things I never knew behind the scenes, at the roots of what reached out of Santa Barbara to become Space Pirate Radio (among other things). So little I had glimpsed behind the veil just listening early Monday mornings, but I always wondered: what kind of person could put on a radio show like this? Now I wish I had made the drive to S.B one of those broadcast nights. The thought crossed my mind many times back then. Sometimes it’s best to just boldly go – no plan in hand.

Funny thing about the cars in Guy’s past: my wife had the VW and I had the Fiero – I still have the Fiero. Why would somebody keep a Fiero? But I digress…

The Man From Uncle connection. The pun-intentionals. Those photos. The mental image of giant crabs crawling down Arlington Tower. Keep it coming!

For nostalgia’s sake here is just a taste of the past

I have set the “Notify me of Replies” checkbox on this post so if anyone thinks this link should come down please reply to this post and down it will come. My intent is not to offend.

Edited by Nada One - March 13 2011 at 19:39
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 06 2011 at 00:39
We must never become "usual", remain unusual like the music, always new and exciting with no apologies Exclamation
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2012 at 11:36
This is my first post. Finally, I found some SPR fans! I too share much of the stories mentioned here, but I won't go into all that now. What I am interested in is how this post started, about the music. As we know, we can't share the actual music, but we can help each other find the artist names and titles so we can buy them. So, I went through all the posts here and made a list of the artists listed in this thread. I then added more that I knew of from my collection and made a master list. I think the list is too big to post here so I made a page here:
Likewise, much of the music from SPR that I know of was not Progressive (?) and does not belong here I guess.
I am a fan of Progressive music and plan to come back here.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2012 at 14:23

Hi Caliman1964!

Thanks for the effort of starting a nice looking web page and listing the artists disclosed so far. If I can assist you in this effort I will.

The "notify" setting on this forum brought me back, I've been absent for a while. I keep up with things in disparate time slices these days, but things are improving. And rumors there are of a legend once thought to be forgotten but now appearing at the fringes of attention in the new media; as if the Black Pearl drifted through a foggy interlude in a modern-day shipping lane.  It’s good to know he is alive and well and has lost none of his potency. Who knows, perhaps the archive effort may one day get a big boost if enough groundwork is prepared ahead of time. And imagine where things could go from there: weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! Music is still being made my friend, and I myself am out of the loop more than I care to be.
I agree with you about the SPR material going beyond what is generally labeled as Progressive. This music style name thing does bring people together online since we can search for the text, but I tend to forget about the labels once a connection is made. To me, that seems to be in true SPR spirit. And to Google a melody as dmastous suggested: I like the idea for different reasons, but it certainly would help if a way existed. Food for thought.

By the way, I like your avatar. Thumbs Up

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2012 at 18:00
Hello Nada One, 
My avatar, yes, the blurry full moon. I think that fits me fine... So, I tried searching SPR out years ago, but not much around back then. But this is good now. I'm glad you like my effort and are willing to help. I checked out Guy's blog and rounded up all the artists he mentioned there from SPR and added them to the list. I also invited Guy into the loop via email, but he can relax and watch if he wants as he's done enough I think. So that page is done for now, I am happy with it. And yes, if I find more fun in this, I may start an original project involving other music from my collection. Maybe a web radio show. It can be easy to do if I keep getting green lights. Yes, there is a lot of great music yet to be shared and more to come. Imagine the possibilities, yes I have. I live on imagination street in a room with a view. I will keep you posted.

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Originally posted by moshkito moshkito wrote:


I do not know if there are copyright issues here and have never checked with a lawyer. In general, where there is no money involved, the majority of cases fall apart in court. In this case it is done out of love and appreciationr4 of music, and I am not sure that Guy wants to be sold, unless he is the doll and gets residuals off it. I actually have no issues with that, except that it would also open up legalistic stuff ... others may want the money! The FCC has not clarified the issues in regards to disk jockeyr4 and their content, as far as I can tell.

For years I have been wondering what the intro was for the Show during the late 70's. I loved it and it always included  Bela Lugosis voice 'Listen to them, children of the night, what music they make.  Does anyone know the group and song that was most commonly used to open the show?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dmastous Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2012 at 21:29
Interesting page Caliman. This is the kind of thing I've been trying to work on for a while now. Years, but more successfully over the last couple of years. I've got a number of SPR shows, and a number of playlists as well. I've entered them into an Excel spreadsheet which I've been hoping to provide on my own (relatively meager) SPR page. It's an old page, and has been online for almost 15 years. I hope to start beefing it up with more information, but I'm not sure what I can post due to copy-write restrictions, and Guy's own issues with posting his show online. So I just enjoy the programs and await some sort of permission from Guy to start expanding. It's his show, and I don't want to tread on his shoes.
Sesss, you'll have to be more specific about the time the song you're looking for was played. Many of the shows I have have Cochin Moon by Haroumi Hosono (pretty much a Yellow Magic Orchesstra precurser really) as it's opening music. Some also have Premonition from Sylvian/Czukay. But those were during the 80s.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 04 2012 at 22:36
I am looking for playlists of the music played on SPR so I/we can buy it. The person that started this thread wanted the shows I guess, I don't. As for web radio, some are legal some are not. Many songs from SPR are on YouTube, some are legal many are not so I have read. Personally I don't like the idea of people ripping off artists work all over the web and advice all to buy music. Beyond that, I would like to see a utopian way we could do away with most copyright laws yet still support the artists and producers in a big way. But that is just a dream. So, thanks to those that have posted the names of artists that were on SPR. If you have more to add, please let us know. Here's what we have so far that I know of:
18 Karat Gold
Al Gromer Khan
Alan Stivell
Amon Düül 1
Amon Düül 2
Andreas Vollenweider
Angelo Badalamente
Art of Noise - Moments in Love
Ash Ra Tempel - Kazoo
Basil Kirchin
Bill Nelson
Blancmange - Game Above My Head (extended)
Brian Eno
Brian Eno & David Byrne
Bryan Ferry
Can - Bel Air
Carlos Alomar
Christopher Franke
Clannad - Newgrange
Cluster (Roedelius & Moebius)
Cocteau Twins
Coil - Nasa Arab ?
Cosmic Jokers
Daevid Allen
Danielle Dax
David Parsons
David Sylvian
David Sylvian & Holger Czukay
Dead Can Dance
Deep Forest - sweet lullaby
Double Fantasy
Dukes of Stratosphear ?
Eberhard Schoener
Edgar Froese
Edward Christmas
Einsturzende Neubauten
Floh de Cologne
Frank Chickens
Frank Perry
Fred Becker
Gina X Performance
Grid - Leave Your Body ?
Guru Guru
Harald Grosskopf
Icehouse ?
Jean-Michel Jarre
Jean-luc Ponty
Jean Michel Jarre
Jon Anderson (from Yes) with Vangelis
Jon Hassell & Brian Eno
Jon Mark
Jonn Serrie
Kate Bush
Killing Joke - Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches the Sea Dub Mix) ?
King Crimson - Sleepless
Klaus Schulze
Krishna Chakravarty
La Dusseldorf
Laurie Anderson
Laurie Z
Mark Shreve
Michael Froom
Michael Hoenig
Michael Shrieve
Michael Stearns
Mouse on Mars
Nina Hagen
Ofra Haza
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark ?
Paul Horn
Peru (aka/originally Nova)
Peter Michael Hamel
Philip Glass & Laurie Anderson - Forgetting ?
Pink Floyd
Popul Vuh
Robert Fripp
Roxy Music - Out of the Blue
SFF (Schicke Führs Fröhling)
Sheila Chandra
Simple Minds - Up On The Catwalk (extended)
Steve Roach
Suzanne Ciani
Sweet Smoke
Sylvan Grey
Talk Talk
Tangerine Dream - Astral Voyager, Green Desert, Atem
Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter ?
The Cure - Fascination Street (extended)
The Edge with Michael Brook
The Goons
The Human League - The Lebanon (extended), Life on Your Own
The League Unlimited Orchestra (The Human League) - Hard Times
The Payolas - Eyes of a Stranger ?
The Psychedelic Furs - The Ghost In You
The Thompson Twins - Doctor! Doctor! (extended)
This Mortal Coil
Thomas Fehlmann
Ultravox - Mr. X, Herr X (German version)
Visage - Fade to Grey ?
Walter Wegmüller
Yello - Of Course I'm Lying ?
Yellow Magic Orchestra
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2012 at 04:26
Hello sesss, welcome, I am new here too. Cool I started listening to SPR in circa 1980 so I am not sure. But;
Tangerine Dream - Movements of a Visionary > I'm pretty sure this was intro bumper music, but it might have been at the end, or both at different years?.. circa 1981-1983?
Tangerine Dream - Phaedra > I know this was ending bumper music at some time past 1980. Circa 1981-1983?
I could be way off about the dates, later not earlier.Confused?
They can both be sampled on YouTube. I hope TD's Movements of a Visionary was it! It's nice to find old lost songs.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2012 at 08:15
Intro songs, also try: Klaus Schulze - floating > again it's on YouTube
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 05 2012 at 08:24
Okay, here we go sesss, this is the one I remember the most that was used for SPR intro in 1980 and beyond: Klaus Schulze - blanche
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Nada One View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2012 at 01:41

Haruomi Hosono & Tadanori Yokoo - Hotel Malabar Upper Floor ...Moving Triangle.
Yes, that's what I remember and "leaked" a few posts ago as "a taste of the past". Thanks dmastous.
Again, it is not my intent to post Guy's material against his will, but I was hoping for a ground-swell of sorts. I too scanned the internet years ago for SPR and found nothing until last year on this forum. Any “Tangerine Tree” effort I can assist with would only involve the music. To find the past music - to google a melody – I am trying out Pandora but it requires more attention than I can give it right now. Paying for the music if and when found, I am all for that.

I also share with some of you the desire to see SPR evolve to another level. Yes, talk is cheap, but communication often begins with talk, cheap easy talk.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2012 at 11:15
Thanks for that Nada One, I will add to my list. FYI: Names of artist and songs are not Guy's material. If we didn't share names of the musical artists we like with each other then where would we be? You can't buy what you don't know about. The main idea of radio is to play music to us so we can buy it. FYI: Guy was notified about my list & was helpful to me. Seems like this thread is conflicted for me now. Seems to me that most are interested in just getting copies of Guy's shows by whatever means. As that is what this thread was started for I have no beef with that, none at all. I guess I should start another thread under the proper area.
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Nada One View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2012 at 13:53
Go for it Caliman.
   I think it's agood idea to start an artist/music thread that will stand on its own and only reference Guy's SPR. For my 2-cents, SPR is still a part of this effort and the magnet that brought us here in the first place, so it can still enlist others and the more input the better since it could branch out beyond the original SPR playlists to include other material. (Witness misterdirk's A music-only thread would serve to expand the search for the music talent displayed via SPR without entangling the effort with what may become of the artistic value of Guy's shows themselves. You could link to it from here and link back as well from your first post in the new thread. I would open one and hand it over to you (I said I would help), but I don't want to interfere with your creative energy. After all you did start a very cool web page. Cudos to dmastous and misterdirk for their  online efforts as well.
So this talk stage is producing collaboration - I'm excited. This is what I hoped to find when I searched for SPR online to begin with. I will participate as my scheduling through this recession permits.
I remember reading once about something I believe Roger Waters said about quad-sound shows being started by Pink Floyd. Sure there were others bantering about the idea back then, but it was the Floyd who were first to get off their lazy butts and actually do something with it. Ditto for Guy's SPR. Ditto for you guys mentioned above.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Caliman1964 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2012 at 16:55
Shocked That's what I thought. I am slow yet fast. Confused There is a 'General Music Discussions' here. I will start a thread there I guess. Thanks for the fish! Tongue
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nada One Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 06 2012 at 19:08
Please pardon my diarrhea of the keyboard.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dmastous Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 07 2012 at 20:37
After posting my initial SPR page, I got a surprising email from Guy Guden thanking me for posting the page. It may have been the first posted on the internet. We exchanged a few emails about the music played on SPR. I offered to put his program online at that time (1999). I would have recorded a program from him, converted to Real Audio, the dominate streaming vehicale at that time, and post it on my page. I would have hosted the show, and playlists. He expressed concern over the idea then disappeared. He was still doing the show on the San Luis Obispo PBS station, but shortly afterwards that was gone, and I don't think the show has been resurrected since.
For myself, I have no problem purchasing the shows, or the music. I would do both and have done both. Will continue to do both if more shows come available, and when I find more music is revealed.
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If one was to play recordings of his show online, then I think there are copyright issues beyond Guy's say, such as permission from the labels/artists/owners and maybe the radio stations. For example, I did TV shows and those belong to the station. I don't see a problem with starting a web radio station that plays music that was played on SPR with newer stuff. At least get a green light from Guy and don't use the SPR name or his, unless he wants that. I found on Google that there is/was a Space Pirate Radio club that plays Prog in Second Life. Coincidence? As for how to do a radio show on the web; I think Radionomy is the best. But if SOPA passes, then I don't know what will happen.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Blobfish Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 24 2012 at 20:54
Cool Prog Blog.

I got SPR on my ship's radio out in the channel off Santa Barbara, CA.
We had the water lit one clear night for a squid catch (our morning tuna bait) under a cool August moon 1974.
Best fishing accompaniment one could ever tune into. 

Even in Alaskan waters I could find his midnight-6 Sunday signal.
Blastin' the connection thu wet tin speakers n' pulling up cages of Eye-Shaken King Crabs-
YEA! This was radio, Daddy-o! 

Even in the gulf stream I'd turn the knob in hopes to find SPR.

Hope Mr. Guy's doin' good.  Sure do miss the catch under the stars.


Blob Von Tuna


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Hi, awesome to discover other SPR lovers here. I'm actually the registrant of "" which I have progressively gradually eventually left less dynamic until I can get it into Men hands and fingers and arms and hands and fingers and arms and hands and fingers some day. It would be a fantasy come real if he is still doing reveals somewhere, or would application using a web page.
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